17 Weeks of Pregnancy – Complete Gestation Step By Step

From Body carre we are going to see two pregnancies of two friends, from two different perspectives and countries, one from Latin America and the other from Spain. I hope you like it and see if you are able to find those little differences.

The baby at 17 weeks of gestation can measure 13 cm and weigh about 140 grams. A giant compared to the two cells that gave rise to the baby. Now begins the production of vernix, a type of natural and white cream that protects the skin from amniotic fluid. Vernix also helps the baby pass through the birth canal. Your baby starts to get chubbier , because now the training slows down and the weight gain is more intense. The development of the fetus is in full swing!

The accumulation of fat in the body is an important milestone this week, since it is through fat that the baby will be able to maintain body heat. Your lungs are already formed and you already have the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles, but they still cannot function normally because they lack the alveoli. Their first teeth begin to emerge in the jawbone and this week calcium is more necessary for the best development of the baby, calcium at this stage will be used to strengthen bones and teeth. The baby in this stage moves without stopping, but not always the mother can feel it, especially if it is the first pregnancy. But soon you will feel butterflies flapping its wings inside your belly, and this is the first sign of many kicks and adventures that it will do inside you.

The internal sensations of the mother in the 17th week of pregnancy

Take advantage of this very good phase in a woman’s life, now without feeling nauseous and absurdly high hormones. The belly already gives signals and you can make the preferential queues. While all pregnant women have this right, many are afraid to exercise it. For the mother, at this stage of development, some of the baby’s movements may be more evident, but this is relative, it will depend on its position in the uterus. If you need to have an amniocentesis, this phase is ideal. This test detects the presence of the chromosome responsible for malformations , such as Down syndrome, for example.

Mom, you can feel pelvic pain, which intensifies if you walk. In this stage where the uterus is expanding, the ligaments are opening for the passage and housing of the uterus. As I have said on another occasion, the interior of the body is restructuring and this can bring some discomfort due to fetal development during the advanced 17 weeks of gestation. Some mothers may feel toothache, or bleeding gums , it is very normal since the circulation of blood in the blood vessels becomes very intense. Ideally, find a dentist and follow their instructions.

A very common symptom at this stage is heartburn, a problem that since the time of our grandparents is connected with the belief of the amount of hair the baby will have, but this is only a belief, no connection has been found. Heat waves are common throughout the day and this sensation occurs due to increased progesterone in the body.

Sensations and external factors in the 17th week of pregnancy

Perhaps this is one of the most comfortable stages of pregnancy, because nausea has given way, excessive sleep is no longer a big problem, you feel more willing, more beautiful and special. Take your time to take care of your skin and hair and look for a recommended exercise for pregnancy, which in addition to helping you prepare for childbirth, will be good for your physical and mental health and will help you avoid uncontrolled weight gain.

It is a crucial moment to make decisions. Now that you are 17 weeks pregnant, start making serious plans, it is the stage where you will probably find out the sex of the baby (you should be able to do it soon!) You should be thinking about what kind of delivery you would like to take. As you start to make these decisions, your pregnancy will feel even more real, this will generate multiple emotions, although you will probably feel a little anxious as well. After all, you are in week 17 of your pregnancy; which is almost half way there and there is so much to do, all of this can be quite overwhelming. What is our best advice? Do not try to do everything on your own, ask your partner or close relatives for help. But if you fail to do some things, in the end you will surely discover that it was not as important as you thought.

How big is the baby at 17 weeks?

Your baby at week 17 of pregnancy is the size of a pomegranate. Your 17-week fetus is about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces.

17 weeks pregnant, how many months?

At 17 weeks pregnant, you are three months and three weeks pregnant. At the end of the week, you will officially be four months pregnant. Surprising!

Symptoms of pregnancy at week 17

When you are 17 weeks pregnant, the symptoms are mainly due to the accelerated growth of your baby. This is what you will probably feel this week:

  • Increased body fluids. Vaginal discharge, sweat, mucus, and other fluids are at their peak, due to increased blood flow.
  • Strange dreams. Did you dream that you gave birth to a squirrel? Married to your boss? You may have strange dreams, mainly due to your hormones, but it could also be the result of your nerves and anxiety about everything related to the baby in the following weeks.
  • Itching in breasts and belly. As your baby grows, the skin is stretching and getting thinner, which can make it more sensitive. Resist the urge to scratch your belly and breasts, try to find a skin cream specially developed for these pregnancy symptoms, to relieve the itchiness.
  • You will start to gain more weight. You may have gained around 5-10 pounds so far. It is normal to gain about 1 to 2 pounds per week in the second trimester, so don’t worry. Only sudden or excessive weight gain is alarming, as this could be a sign of a problem. If this is your case, you need to speak with your Obstetrician.
  • Striations . As you are gaining a few pounds and your uterus continues to expand, we hate to tell you this but, you may notice some stretch marks, we regret to tell you that this is a symptom that is often unavoidable, although its appearance is not a rule (especially if you are 17 weeks pregnant with Twins). Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and use a good quality moisturizer to try to combat stretch marks.

Development of pregnancy at week 17

Your baby is working to get stronger, and in parallel your 17 weeks pregnant body is working on growing about one to two more pounds per week (the weight gain should be about the same if you are 17 weeks pregnant with twins). Make sure to document your growing 17 week pregnant belly by taking lots of photos. One day you will look back and remember this changing stage of your pregnancy. You will surely like to have a memory to share with your baby when he or she is a boy or a girl.

Ultrasound at the 17th week of pregnancy

Your baby’s gummy cartilage is now turning into bone and the baby is already growing some meat on its bones, it even already has some fat. Your 17-week-old fetus is growing a stronger and thicker umbilical cord.

You can have a 17 weeks pregnant ultrasound if you have opted to have a cordocentesis. In this procedure, the umbilical cord blood is tested for signs of chromosomal abnormalities. The doctor will use an ultrasound to find where the cord meets the placenta, which is where it needs to remove blood. This diagnostic test is usually done after 17 weeks. It can be used if the results of the amniocentesis are inconclusive and both you and your partner want a more definitive answer about the baby’s health.

Considerations regarding pregnancy at week 17

  • It’s a turning point: Can you see the sex of your baby yet?
  • Look for ideas that inspire you to decorate your baby’s room.
  • It is time to plan your maternity leave.
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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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