From Bodycarre we are going to see two pregnancies of two friends, from two different perspectives and countries, one from Latin America and the other from Spain. I hope you like it and see if you are able to find those little differences.
At 23 weeks pregnant, the baby is already training his breathing for when he is out of the womb! The alveoli are less pressured and the hormone responsible for the baby’s first breaths outside the uterus is pulmonary surfactant. Another organ that comes into play is the pancreas, which since it produces insulin and also began the movements of the baby’s eyes. It is a kind of rapid movement like the movement that occurs when we are dreaming. The progress of fetal development each week is more than evident.
By 23 weeks of pregnancy, the baby may feel all of the mother’s movements, including hearing and identifying the sound of Mom’s voice. It’s a great time to start talking to your baby, put on some quiet music, and even begin to identify the sound of Daddy’s voice . Over time he will begin to show signs that he recognizes the tone of voice he is hearing and will move in his belly to show it.
At 23 weeks pregnant, the baby’s skin begins to be wrinkled and reddish in color, due to the large number of blood vessels clearly visible through the baby’s sensitive and almost transparent skin. His little eyes have already formed, but they don’t open. They start to move constantly.
At 23 weeks it can measure about 28 centimeters and weigh around 500 grams. These measures will change every week more and more, because now the main focus will be growth and weight gain until birth. Another important milestone for this week is the functioning of your pancreas, which will be able to produce the necessary insulin for your body.
The internal sensations of the mother in the 23rd week of pregnancy
With each passing day the mother feels more complete and full, the skin of the pregnant woman has a tendency to be more and more beautiful, because the hormones leave it full of life and shine. It is not uncommon to hear that your hair is shinier, smoother and silkier. Have you heard of the black line? Perhaps you already have it, it is that dark line that appears vertically in the center of the belly and its common name is “linea alba”. Do you know why this happens? It is the result of the separation of the muscles of the belly. Now that you are 23 weeks pregnant, your baby needs more space to better accommodate itself.
It can also happen that more pigmentation appears in some areas of the body such as armpits, groin, back and, what women fear most, the face! The black line has a tendency to gradually disappear after birth, but what scares future mothers are the spots on the face. Now there are very effective treatments, you just have to find a reliable dermatologist to receive it.
Another common occurrence that occurs in this gestational stage is the dreaded stretch marks, which are accompanied by unexplained itching, usually in the areas of the breasts, stomach, back and buttocks. Use moisturizing creams, oils, and lotions to reduce the chances of developing stretch marks and lessen symptoms.
Sensations and external factors in the 23rd week of pregnancy
Your body has been changing and acquiring new curves every week. When sleeping, walking and doing routine activities you will see that now there is some difficulty due to the weight of the belly, which is already difficult. Back pain and lack of balance are common at this stage, and even if pregnancy is not a sign of inability to perform any activity, ask for help if you feel difficulty. Many women sin by the pride of not asking for help to carry out all their functions normally, so let yourself be loved!
At 23 weeks pregnant, your baby is getting ready for her big debut, she’s already hearing what’s happening in the outside world. We know that you are also preparing. Just remember: it is essential that you have your baby’s room painted and stocked with diapers; Not only that, there are also some less fun things to keep in mind (financial matters). The 23rd week of pregnancy is a good time to call your health insurance company, to see what it covers now, and to decide what adjustments you will need to make for the baby. Consider writing a will if you don’t have one, or updating your current will. And how is the baby’s savings account doing? Surely you wonder: “What savings account?” Now is a good time to start having a savings plan or savings account. Even that you can make small deposits will help you, once the time factor and the value of money have been considered in your options, the sooner you start saving so that worrying about money does not take away moments of tranquility in the medium and long term . According to a major study, it found that children who have their own savings account have a high probability of going to college, and another study conducted allowed the average cost of raising a baby to age 18 to be estimated at more than € 226,000. Surprising found that children who have their own savings account have a high probability of going to university, and another study carried out allowed an estimate of the average cost of raising a baby to age 18 at more than € 226,000. Surprising found that children who have their own savings account have a high probability of going to university, and another study carried out allowed an estimate of the average cost of raising a baby to age 18 at more than € 226,000. Surprising
How big is the baby at 23 weeks pregnant?
You are 23 weeks pregnant, and the baby is as big as a grapefruit. The average 23-week fetus measures 11.4 inches from head to toe and weighs 1.1 pounds. Yes, your baby is almost a foot long already, and is finally capable of being weighed in pounds. Your baby is not only getting bigger, he or she is getting even cuter and more baby-like in appearance.
23 weeks pregnant, how many months is it?
23 weeks pregnant is five months. Can you believe that both you and the 23-week-old are starting at month six?
Symptoms of pregnancy at week 23
You are past the unpleasant first trimester nausea and finally saying goodbye to fatigue, now you are dealing with the discomfort of some symptoms that week 23 of pregnancy brings. These symptoms can include:
- Swollen ankles and feet Some inflammations are considered totally normal. Try to put your feet up as long as possible, try to take regular walks and drink plenty of water. Call your doctor if you have extreme or sudden swelling, this can be a sign of a dangerous pregnancy complication called preeclampsia.
- Contractions It is a totally strange feeling the first time you notice that your belly is very tight! Your muscles are flexing, basically to prepare for the wonderful stretch for the woman during labor. So as long as they go quickly, they are only part of the course of your pregnancy. Drink lots of water and change positions frequently to stay comfortable.
- Back pains. Sorry, lingering back pain continues as your growing baby begins to bend her spine and stress shifts to her back muscles. Back pain is especially common in women who are 23 weeks pregnant with twins. Pain, on the other hand, could be a cause for concern, so tell your obstetrician if you have severe pain in your back.
- Inflammation and bleeding in the gums. You probably didn’t expect the pregnancy to affect your mouth. Pregnancy hormones increase blood flow, making your gums more prone to swelling and bleeding. If your mouth feels more sensitive than usual, switch to a toothbrush with soft bristles and continue flossing with TLC. Continue with your normal dental exam routine, visit the dentist at least every six months. In fact, your dentist may want to do extra checkups while you’re pregnant, but you should avoid x-rays, which are generally not recommended for pregnant women.
Development of pregnancy at week 23
Your normal 23 weeks pregnant belly measures about 8.5 to 10 inches from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus. (That’s the height of the bottom.) By 23 weeks pregnant, you’ve probably gained about 12 to 15 pounds. And if you’re 23 weeks pregnant with twins, you must have gained at least 23 pounds so far. By gaining the recommended amount of weight for a twin pregnancy, your risk of preterm labor decreases.
At 23 weeks pregnant, the movement of the baby will probably make you feel calmer, as it is always a great relief to know that the baby is there moving. If you pay attention, you will know the 23 week routine of the fetus: your baby is less active when he is sleeping and a kung fu master when he is awake. Some parents even swear that their newborns maintained similar routines after birth as they did in the womb. So if your baby is a true kicker at night, consider this a warning.
It is recommended that you read about it: Braxton Hicks Contractions
Ultrasound of pregnancy at week 23
Wondering what you would see on a 23 weeks pregnant ultrasound? Well, the baby is forming little nipples (yes, really!) At this stage. Your 23 week old baby’s cute face is already fully formed, he or she just needs a little extra fat to complete. Baby enjoys hearing your voice and heartbeat, and may even hear some loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking.
Enjoy some time away from ultrasounds, pricks, and peeing in a cup. You’re seeing your OB only once a month at the moment so you can’t have a doctor’s appointment or a 23 week pregnancy ultrasound and it can be done with your genetic testing.
In the third trimester, you will be more busy with appointments, you will see your doctor every two weeks. And you may not feel as energetic as you do now. Use this time to get some necessary things.
Considerations regarding pregnancy at week 23
- Verify that your life insurance is in order.
- It is time to choose the best decoration for your baby’s room.
- Update the will according to your wishes.
Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.