Every day the kitchen demands new recipes to keep them busy, we give them utility or simply try new trends when we talk about cooking, that is why every day we are presented with new cooking challenges, new techniques, new procedures, new ingredients, to such point that we substitute one for another; but always keeping in mind that it is what we want in our recipes.
In this case, I will introduce you to coconut flour, which is being news for many; and this new product has been obtaining successes because it does not contain gluten (small proteins that exist in cereal flours) and it is something that can be taken into account because there are many who are allergic or do not tolerate gluten.
Coconut is a tropical, exotic fruit used in all kinds of recipes, in salty foods and in sweet foods. Because of its delicious smell and rich flavor, many add this new food to certain recipes. The moment you uncover the wrapper where the coconut flour comes, you feel how that smell permeates the place where you open it and even makes you travel to the rich beaches of the Caribbean Sea. This perhaps is what catches the consumer.
Although it is popular, it remains unknown to many. The moment you use it for the first time you will notice that it has nothing to do with the cereal flour that we have been introduced to every day and accustomed to using. We are going to see what uses we can give to coconut flour knowing little by little its ingredients, benefits among other important things.
Coconut milk, coconut water, coconut butter and coconut oil are very beneficial and provide nutrients and energy to our body, but it is coconut flour that is used the most when it comes to recipes.
More information related to this topic Coco: Contraindications, Benefits and how to take it
What is coconut flour?
Coconut is the main ingredient to make coconut flour. Coconut meat is used, it must be natural and fresh , it is pressed to obtain coconut milk and finally the oil is extracted.
Next, the completely dry meat is grated until the final result is obtained; which is a fine texture similar to cereal flours. It has a coconut flavor and smell, as well as a natural and light sweetness, which will not harm your recipes, but will make your delicacies a healthy and important ingredient.
Coconut flour is a food that nourishes 100% since it has 50% dietary fiber, proteins and minerals and the most important thing is that it has a very low content of carbohydrates and starches, the fat it generates is totally healthy. Rich flavor, rich smell and very nutritious.
To be exact and l 14% is the exact content of carbohydrates which are from coconut oil found in coconut flour. These carbohydrates are easily digestible, there are even vegetables that contain higher carbohydrates than those contained in coconut flour.
This coconut flour can and is used by those who have already discovered it as a substitute for wheat flour and other grain-based flours for baked recipes and other culinary products, those who have ventured have obtained many benefits not only in flavor and texture but in nutritional contributions.
If you are a person intolerant to glutinous proteins then you cannot consume wheat, barley or rye, because this could make your intestine more permeable and therefore the partially digested proteins will enter your bloodstream and sensitize the immune system promoting inflammation.
Get more information about Gluten: Contraindications, Benefits, Daily Dose and Uses
That is why the most recommended without a doubt is to consume coconut flour, it does not contain gluten as we have already mentioned, even if you do not have a gluten-free diet, it also serves you, because it offers the benefits that we will mention below.
What are the benefits of cooking with coconut flour?
- Rich in proteins, minerals, fat and fiber, this is how it becomes satiating flour. You can get 5 grams of protein in two tablespoons of coconut flour. The fat present in coconut flour will activate your metabolism so that you do not store fat and burn calories, that is why it is a healthy fat.
- It is not as allergenic as almond flours. In general, when you want a gluten-free and grain-free flour, use almond flour. However, this flour in some cases causes allergies, so it is not recommended to use it regularly.
- It is rich in minerals such as manganese. This mineral acts as a nutrient in your bone health, nervous system and in the thyroid glands. Giving you energy and strength.
- Contains a high amount of lauric acid. Lauric acid is a saturated fat that acts as a stimulant to activate your immune system and thyroid glands.
- Contains a rich flavor. Its coconut smell is very mild due to the whole process it goes through to be coconut flour, and this is what those who do not like coconut like. It will like you
- You use a small amount. Although coconut flour is expensive, it yields more and stretches more easily, when you buy it you will notice the difference compared to other flours since you will use less than the other flours and the result will be more feasible to benefit other possible recipes.
Look here Coconut Oil: Contraindications, Utilities and Benefits
- Coconut flour does not contain grains. Therefore, by using it you will not worry about contracting a problem from cereals. And no need to soak before use
- It does not have enzyme inhibitors. Nuts and seeds generally contain enzyme inhibitors when raw, and if eaten in large quantities without soaking, the digestive system becomes paralyzed due to stress.
Who can eat coconut flour products?
Each organism acts in its own unique way and different from other organisms, for this reason it is not possible to take the same pattern for all. Some characteristics should be taken into account before consuming coconut flour, although coconut flour is tolerant to some people.
- If you want to make dough with coconut flour, it is best to use eggs. The eggs contribute to a fixed structure and bind each particle of coconut flour together. they also serve as a substitute for flax or chia seed. The egg It is recommended for dough with coconut flour.
- High fiber content. People who suffer from colitis or Crohn’s disease, have to keep in mind the amount of fiber they can consume, since two tablespoons of coconut flour contain 6 grams of fiber. This could increase some problems in the digestive system; such as colon inflation.
How to cook with coconut flour?
There is a big difference between cooking with coconut flour and cooking with cereal flour, it is fun, pleasant and satisfying to experiment in the kitchen, adding or substituting new ingredients to your recipes. This will give you triumphs, but you can also win big disasters.
See our article on Coconut Water: Contraindications, Benefits and Properties
The best of all is to try this new technique that will make you an expert in terms of absorption capacity, texture and what kind of flavor this rich coconut flour provides. If you dared to make a recipe with this exquisite coconut flour and noticed that the degree of absorption is not normal, calm down here I will teach you some techniques so that you know it a little more.
To thicken
Coconut flour can be used to thicken when cooking recipes such as: stews, sauces or soups, in addition to them you can use it to make fruit and protein smoothies.
For this reason, it should be considered to use a small amount compared to the amount used with other flours. A 1kilo of coconut flour yields and is enough to be recipes than the usual flour. You can start by using it in simple cakes, pancakes or coconut muffins, they allow more amount of juice in each preparation
Substituent for other flours
As I have already told you, it contains a high fiber content which allows the coconut flour to be a little more absorbent and acts as a sponge. Therefore, it is possible to substitute especially wheat flour and other flours with coconut flour.
If you decide to make a favorite recipe with this coconut flour, you must consider its greater degree of absorption, which is why you cannot use the same amount of coconut flour. For this reason, you must substitute a portion of coconut flour, which would be 50gr for 4 portions of wheat flour that in total would be 200gr.
More eggs in the coconut flour
Because it does not contain gluten, coconut flour is not elastic. Therefore, instead of gluten you can use more eggs, this will make the dough come together and form a single homogeneous body. In consideration add 1 egg per 35 grams of coconut flour, as well as you can add a touch of rice or corn flour to make it come together more quickly.
Don’t forget to also read Eggs: 9 Reasons to include this Superfood in your diet !!!
Contraindications and dangers of coconut flour
Although coconut flour has many advantages, it is necessary that you know the consequences generated in your body if you maintain a prolonged consumption of this food.
There are people who can manifest bloating due to the consumption of coconut flour because, due to its high fiber content, it represents the ideal sustenance for the bacteria that make up the intestinal flora, both those that favor it and those that harm it.
When the good bacteria in our body are fed in excess, they can cause alterations in the digestive system which can have negative repercussions of great magnitude on the immune system.
Taking into account that fiber is the main component of coconut flour, there is a risk of suffering irritation in the intestine, so those who have some type of stomach susceptibility should avoid consuming this food in excess.
Coconut flour should not be considered a whole food since this is a derivative that is generated from the remains of coconut milk production which does not represent a negative point but it is necessary to take this into account so as not to have a wrong perception of this food and misuse.
Since coconut flour does not have a lot of nutrients, it should not be ingested in its entirety as a substitute for other flours that provide a greater amount of nutritional elements.
In this sense, coconut flour does not generate satiety either, since since it is mostly fiber it will only give the stomach a feeling of fullness, its effects on stabilizing blood sugar and insulin being brief, which can reach at most an average period of time . hour.
This causes that shortly after having ingested the coconut flour the feeling of hunger manifests itself again.
In the case of people who have herpes or shingles and who are receiving treatment with lysine, the consumption of coconut flour is not recommended since it contains arginine which, in large quantities, conflicts with lysine, causing the symptoms of these pathologies manifest with greater intensity.
What is the texture that I get with coconut flour?
You may come to believe that coconut flour is very soft, however, it has a tendency to feel lumpy, although if you want to have a fine and homogeneous texture you will have to mix all the ingredients used for the recipe with coconut flour very well.
You can obtain a dense and dry consistency, but it can also be solved at the time of preparation by adding, for example, more eggs as indicated above. The dough will have different textures depending on the preparation you give it , you can add crushed fruits or vegetables, compotes or puree, thus increasing the humidity of the dough.
If you want it soft you can add yogurt, crème fraîche or cream, and allocate your dough for cakes, waffles or brownies, that to start, then you can use it for muffins, cookies and biscuits, in short, many recipes that I will talk about in another article and that you cannot miss.
What proportions to use of coconut flour?
When we want to replace wheat flour with coconut flour, we make the mistake of using the same amount thinking that we will have the same result, but we are really wrong.
For this reason, it is important to take into account the amounts to be used to obtain the best results, since when substituting coconut flour for other types of flour such as wheat, there are variants that we must consider.
One of them is that coconut flour is a flour rich in fiber and a good receptor of liquids , for which its absorption capacity is enormously evident compared to other kinds of flours.
We must be careful when using it and take these simple tips, since there is no exact formula to supply coconut flour in a recipe where wheat flour is used.
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It should be used in smaller quantities due to its high absorption power , it yields more than imagined in certain cases it is only necessary to use a quarter or a third of the proportions used in a recipe where we want to replace wheat flour.
Also, being a flour where it needs a lot of liquid to take shape, this flour works very well with liquid and to give it elasticity, eggs are an excellent option since it forms an easier to handle texture due to the fact that less lumps are formed and compact more. In general, the number of eggs and water is increased as the case may be.
It should be considered that the greater amount of coconut flour that we use, the greater the liquid to be supplied to the dough or recipe. Approximately 10 to 12 eggs and 480 ml to 500 ml of water or other liquid that the recipe calls for would be used for every 200 grams of coconut flour.
It should be noted that to enjoy the rich flavors that coconut flour gives you, it is necessary to dare to experiment with the recipes, although sometimes they seem disproportionate with respect to the quantities or other ingredients, but it is necessary to take them literally to know the benefits of coconut flour and its limitations, its behavior towards other ingredients and its texture. In order to guarantee the success of obtaining the best results.
After letting ourselves be guided by these recipes and seeing the excellent results that coconut flour provides, it is time to experiment further and let our creativity run and the exquisite and enveloping flavor of coconut flour to work.
If you liked what you read, we also recommend How to make a DELICIOUS Coconut Milk (Step by Step)
It is necessary to limit whether instead of using coconut flour as a main ingredient to make breads, cakes or different doughs, we use coconut flour as a complement to flavor other foods, giving it new texture when covered with this flour, either to fry or sauté some food or simply serve to cover any surface.
For these cases it is important to note that similar proportions can be used such as wheat flour, maintaining practically the same amounts but taking into account that where it is going to be used is food or dry surfaces.
Coconut flour and its differences with the others, such as Almond flour and Rice flour.
Among the differences that we can mention of coconut flour with respect to almond and rice flour are
Almond flour
This flour also provides a special flavor in all the preparations where it is used and although it is very rich in protein and contains a high percentage of fiber, it is not recommended for a strict diet due to the fact that almond flour has a high caloric content. .
Almond flour is one of the most common substitutes for gluten-free flours, but it should be consumed with care and without excess since it can cause allergic reactions or intolerance in some people due to being extracted from a dried fruit. For this reason , almond flour is considered more allergic than coconut flour.
Coconut flour has greater cooking stability since its fats are saturated, only 12% and do not present much variation when it comes to cooking and almond flour contains a high value in polyunsaturated fat (dietary fat can help to lower LDL “bad” cholesterol) which causes instability undergoing high temperatures.
We suggest reading this article about Almonds: Contraindications, Allergies, Benefits, Recipes and Varieties
There are many benefits that almond flour also provides, especially in the cases of people with celiac disease (reaction of the immune system against gluten and causes affections to the small intestine) this condition is of care and food is essential for people with this type of condition because it does not contain gluten.
As what we care about is health, the new challenges in the kitchen and the new flavors that we can dislike, we cannot fail to mention all the privileges that almond flour brings you.
The main benefits of almond flour
- Provides all the necessary percentage of Vitamin E in the daily intake of each individual. Being this a high contribution of Vitamin E that in other foods is difficult to obtain, approximately ninety almonds make up a single cup of almond flour, and when consuming this dried fruit it contributes a high nutritional value. It is an ideal complement for recipe preparations that need to be baked.
- The almond is an alloy to maintain good heart health since it helps to lower cholesterol levels, the almond is a natural antioxidant that acts in the bloodstream and helps the proper functioning of the blood vessels preventing possible coronary diseases. Stimulating to maintain stable blood pressure levels.
- It is an important inhibitor in the production of cancer cells in the body, especially acting more to prevent certain cancers.
Through a research study carried out by the University of California, they advise that the consumption of almonds can reduce the risk of colon cancer, according to the investigations that demonstrated the reduction of the association of abnormal glands that can later become cancer cells they are concentrated in the cortex of the colon and part of the rectum.
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As well as other research shows that the consumption of almonds is an excellent food to fight and reduce cancer cells.
- It is an ally for people with diabetic diseases , its power to act to lower blood sugar levels after each meal is surprising because it considerably reduces glucose and insulin levels in the blood, it also stimulates antioxidants (a molecule that contributes health benefits, able to prevent the oxidation of other healthy molecules).
Based on research published in the Journal of Nutrition (a scientific journal created exclusively for nutrition research publications) in 2006. They showed that by studying a group of healthy people and feeding them foods based on almonds, potatoes, rice or bread.
The results of this research were remarkable in the people who contributed a portion of almonds in their diet, their blood sugar levels after each meal reduced the rates of increase in the amount of sugar in the blood reflected in the glycemia postprandial.
- It favors having a molded figure, helping to reduce measurements . Like all food, its regular consumption and in regular proportions allows it to act on the metabolism and activate fats for good for digestion and activation of the digestive system. Almonds taken with a good diet low in calories and carbohydrates is an ally food to deduct weight and measurements.
- It provides high levels of energy that the body demands. This dry fruit rich in vitamins and nutrients allows to have the high limits of energy in the organism.
Almonds are rich in Riboflavin (Vitamin B2 and together with other types of B vitamins, they develop in the body the release of energy from proteins, it is a substance that does not accumulate in the body and therefore must be supplied in the body. organism day by day) such is the importance of consuming foods rich in Riboflavin and such is the case of taking the almonds option and including almond flour in recipes.
Check in this article Group B Vitamins: RISKS and SECRETS of the 8 Different types that exist
Rice flour
Rice, a known cereal in young cultures and a staple food in many parts of the world, is one of the main crops produced worldwide and is the second most consumed cereal. It is an essential food to obtain a balanced and healthy diet.
It is a cereal rich in energy, strengthens the immune system, provides the body with plant-based protein , helps keep the digestive system active and is a low-fat cereal. It is a source of magnesium, calcium and iron. It is gluten free and low sodium
It also contains vitamins where vitamin B prevails (they intervene in energy metabolism, since it helps to obtain energy from food) and vitamin D (this vitamin remains in the body and accumulates in fatty tissues, as well as allows absorb calcium)
When talking about rice we must take into account the different types of rice since there is a wide variety: white rice, brown rice, parboiled rice, long grain rice, wild rice, sweet rice or others. The types of rice vary according to their classification given their shape, color, texture, aroma and the way it is processed.
The flour of this cereal is obtained thanks to the rice milling process and varies according to the type of grinding , whether you can find fine, medium rice flour or coarse ground flour. Although the most recommended is the fine rice flour type and it can easily be mixed with other types of flour, either coconut or almond flour to give it greater nutritional value.
Rice flour is more common to find and is more affordable compared to other types of flour such as almond flour or coconut flour, because rice flour in many parts of the world are industrially processed. It is worth mentioning that rice is also widely used in the cosmetics industry as it is an ally for the skin.
Check our article on Rice Oil: Contraindications, Properties and Benefits
Rice flour is used as a by-product in the field of food production, every day rice flour is gaining more popularity thanks to its characteristics. Its properties allow it to act as a stabilizer, as a thickening product that does not vary the flavors and its easy adherence to other foods such as sauces, compotes and meat preparations.
Its ability to be a food that does not contain gluten positions it as a safe option for infant feeding, since in many cases it is doubted if the child presents sensitivity to foods with gluten, this flour is easier to find than other types of flour They share this benefit that they are gluten free.
Why use rice flour. It is healthy?
Of course it is a healthy flour, not as full of nutrients as other coconut or almond flours but more manageable and versatile, since its texture and power to combine with other ingredients makes it special.
It can be used in a myriad of recipes where it is sought to have its privileges for both sweet and savory cuisine in the preparation of cookies, breads, doughs and even cakes and sauces due to its thickening power, in batters, or for its power to flour some proteins or vegetables giving it a quite crunchy appearance and providing nutrients to your body.
When saying fried foods our mind considers them harmful to our health but from time to time we can give ourselves those tastes, which makes rice flour an excellent ally since this flour is one of those that consumes the least amount of oil because it is lighter and healthy
In the same way, it is less prone to absorb amounts of acrylamide (it is the excessive cooking of foods composed of starch or those derived from cereals, producing a potentially carcinogenic compound) It arises when food is cooked or fried at higher temperatures At 100 degrees, when these temperatures are exceeded, a reaction called “Maillard Reaction” is generated, which shows the toasted or golden color that the food takes.
Read the article we have on ALL Types of Rice: Benefits and properties of each one
In such a way, because it is a flour that is less impregnated with oil, it is ideal to include it in our diets to reduce measures. The possibilities of using this rice flour to prepare different recipes are endless ; dough to make crepes, base to prepare countless croquettes and baked patties.
Likewise, rice flour is more used than thought in Asian countries where it plays an important role in their traditional gastronomy, an example of fact is that rice flour is essential in their famous spring rolls, where the properties are reflected of this flour that allows us to dislike a thin, crunchy and most delicious layer for nothing greasy.
Other of the benefits of rice is that we can get it as a whole grain type, this rice is rich in fiber and therefore we can also obtain its derivative such as brown rice flour, this benefits the cholesterol values in the blood due to its healthy, soluble fiber and is a metabolism activator.
Consequently, it produces a faster and lighter digestion, as it is an alkaline food, it helps to have less acidity when ingested.
It should be noted for being a high absorbent of fats in the cosmetic industries, they do not waste their kind benefits, it is used for facial treatments to eliminate excess oil on the skin of the skin and combat unpleasant acne. From rice you can get a fine powder that is added to creams and makeup made for skin care.
As it is the most widely cultivated rice in Asian countries, let’s think about the benefits it offers and the enviable ones (porcelain skin) that can be observed in a large number of Asian women.
Look here Differences between White and Whole Rice from a Nutritionist
Coconut flour
There are many foods that we can make with coconut flour, due to its high nutritional and dietary indices. In addition to the fact that this product has a slight sweet taste and there are many baked recipes that we can make with this flour.
We only have to bear in mind that this flour is not handled like other traditional flours such as wheat flour since it has a high absorption power and because it does not contain gluten it is not elastic.
A specialist in the field of natural products such as Jenny McGruther has commented that for every 3 or 4 cups of wheat flour flour that we are used to using in different recipes, only 1 cup of coconut flour is needed. that is yielding and absorbent of liquids.
In the same way, it mentions that for 1 cup that is used of coconut flour, 1 cup of liquid should be added to the recipes, as well as the amount of 6 eggs to be able to compact it.
Tips to take into account
To preserve almond or rice flour in a safe way (food or product that does not cause harm or is harmful to humans) our best ally in this case the refrigerator.
See our article on How to Correctly Use Coconut Oil on Face and Body
We must keep the product in a covered way that does not absorb the odors from the refrigerator or freezer since these rice or almond flours are delicate and easily become rancid (alteration of their taste and smell) due to the growth of natural bacteria at ambient temperatures and they are exposed to lakes times.
These are flours that yield a lot, so it is advisable once opened to store them in the refrigerator.
If it is difficult for you to master or take the point to the flour mixtures that do not have gluten and therefore tend to compact less, we recommend adding fruit puree or squash, these help to give more mobility and firmness to the mixtures. Giving the sensation that you are using butter and facilitating having a homogeneous mixture and sufficient humidity.
Can you substitute almond flour for coconut flour?
I can tell you that these two flours are similar in many respects since they both do not contain gluten but that does not mean that they behave the same with certain foods and I could not give you a specific way of how to use them.
The most viable recommendation in this case is to keep in mind the ratio of 1: 3 where it means if we use (120 grams) of almond flour we must replace it with a third of coconut flour that is (40 grams).
On the other hand, and no less important for a good texture, the flour must take into account the humidity that it must present to obtain the best results and our preparation is a success, so leave the same liquid measurements that the subtraction presents and only triple the number of eggs and check their texture.
For this, it is necessary to unite the ingredients evenly and leave the liquids to act for a few minutes due to their absorption power and if necessary, increase the amount of liquid little by little with very minimal measures and if otherwise it is very watery add little flour. coconut. Remember that coconut flour quickly adsorbs liquids.
Do not get carried away by the concept that you have of the normal doughs of wheat flours that have elasticity due to their gluten content, as a recommendation, try first working with established lines and then learn with the substitutions.
Don’t forget to also read Coconut Sugar: the best of all sugars!
How to preserve coconut flour after opening?
Coconut flour is treated differently from rice and almond flours, because it adsorbs humidity to a great extent and when it is kept in the refrigerator it attracts moisture from the east, for this reason it is necessary to make an effort to close the flour as well as possible. coconut and store it in a cool environment.
Its conservation ensures the quality of the flour when making our recipes.
Try not to store them for long periods of time.
Where do we get the coconut flour?
It is usual that this type of flour is not easily available in all supermarkets or health food stores, for this reason the most recommended to get them and save us both time and money is to resort to buying them through online stores.
In this simple way you can enjoy this nutritious product and be able to buy other special and unusual ingredients in the same place.
How is coconut flour made?
The coconut is the base of the coconut flour extracted from the pulp of this, after removing all its milk. A smooth, gluten-free flour is obtained that is valuable because it contains protein. You can also choose to do it at home … read carefully and do not miss any details.
First of all you should keep in mind that coconut flour is based on coconut meat (white crust attached to the coconut shell) they must be ripe and fresh coconuts. Then it goes through a pressing process to extract the coconut milk and obtain its natural oil.
It is there when, after having the coconut meat completely dry, it is grated in the finest way to obtain the coconut flour.
And thus take advantage of all the benefits it provides us. Due to its high fiber content, being gluten-free and enjoying its healthy fats.
Do not miss this article Dietary Fiber: Risks, benefits, types and how to consume it
We present these simple ingredients to make coconut flour:
- 1 fresh coconut (large).
- 1 liter of water (4 cups)
Remove the coating from the coconut.
Wash and dry the with a kitchen towel. Look for the holes or black dots located at one of the ends of the coconut and with a fine point instrument (corkscrew, a metal rod or a knife with a fine point) and proceed to open a hole in the soft part of one of the holes or points black, usually one is always going to be softer than the others.
You must be resting on a non-slippery surface when drilling the hole.
After the hole is made, carefully turn it over a narrow circular surface (it could be a glass) to remove the liquid that contains the fresh coconut.
Let it drain for 2 or 3 minutes.
Coconut water is very nutritious, high in electrolytes. You can put it to cool and get a refreshing drink or if you don’t like it, throw it away.
Proceed to open the coconut. Cover the coconut with a large kitchen towel or place it in a sturdy plastic bag and hit hard with a hammer or wooden rolling pin so that the coconut breaks apart.
Make sure to do this on a stable, hard surface. Avoid doing it on top of ceramics or on your kitchen counter. Since the coconut is very resistant and you must apply force.
Try as much as possible that the coconut is split in two, in half, if not, try to split it so that you can comfortably remove the coconut pulp.
After splitting it, remove the pulp from the coconut. Carefully use a knife to press between the coconut shell and the white flesh of the coconut.
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For greater ease, make V cuts between the shell and the pulp, so that it peels off faster and is easier to remove from the shell by means of pieces.
You can also use a spoon or knife to loosen the coconut pulp.
After removing all the pulp from the hard shell of the coconut, peel the thin brown coating that is attached to the coconut pulp with a peeling knife or potato peeler.
Add the liquid.
Proceed to cut the coconut so that there are small pieces to then put in the blender or food processor (It must be a large food processor due to the water content to be added).
Previously boil 1 liter of water (4 cups). After being at its boiling point, turn off the kitchen, let the water rest for a few minutes. Then carefully pour it into the blender and cover. It is important that this water covers the coconut.
The function of hot water is that the coconut absorbs more hot water and therefore its absorption process is faster than using water at room temperature or totally cold.
If you wish, you can use a liter of cold water or room temperature, but first you must soak the coconut for 2 hours so that the coconut slowly absorbs the water.
Proceed to liquefy the coconut pulp together with the water added previously. Use the maximum speed of the blender to obtain a fine texture. Blend it for about 3 to 5 minutes. Blend it again if required to achieve a fine texture.
Keep in mind that it may happen that it is not completely thin but the important thing is that everything is homogeneous and without large pieces of coconut.
We suggest reading this article about Coconut Oil for Skin and Hair in Cosmetics
Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, so that it cools down a bit. 5 to 3 minutes or until cool to the touch.
The important thing about letting it rest for the necessary time is that you can handle it without risk of burning yourself since the next step is to sift it. If you used cold water, no problem, proceed to sift it at once.
Strain the mixture to separate the coconut milk that was obtained by blending and separate the pulp from the coconut. Use a fine strainer and an ovenproof dish or large bowl under the strainer to just get the milk. If necessary, repeat the action again to avoid that part of the coconut pulp has been passed.
The coconut pulp obtained is used to make coconut flour. And you can save the milk obtained for other preparations or drink it fresh.
Dehydrate the coconut pulp.
Set the oven to heat to approximately 77 degrees C (Celsius) or 170 degrees F (Fahrenheit) and then find a baking sheet and cover with parchment paper.
According to your oven, verify the appropriate temperature since the objective is that the temperature of the oven is not too high since it seeks to dehydrate the coconut pulp, and it is only obtained at low temperatures. Be careful not to burn it or overcook it.
Do not spray the baking sheet with cooking spray as it has to be completely dry.
To cover the baking sheet, do not use aluminum foil as we will work to dehydrate the coconut and the metallic foil can interfere with the flavor of the coconut pulp.
Place the coconut pulp obtained from the straining process and distribute it on the baking sheet previously covered with waxed paper so that it is evenly shaped and its cooking is equal.
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You can use the help of a fork to spread the coconut pulp and thus achieve a thin and even layer.
Take the time and bake the coconut pulp for approximately 45 minutes. This pulp should be dry to the touch.
Let it cool for just a few minutes so that you can touch it carefully without risking burning yourself, to check if it is completely dry. If so, the coconut pulp is ready. And if the opposite happens, you must put it back in the oven to finish drying. Just for a few minutes.
You should not trust that cooking is at low temperatures, you must be attentive throughout the baking process since from one moment to another it can go from toasting or burning if you are not under constant supervision.
Grind to get the flour.
Place the already dehydrated coconut pulp in the blender or food processor.
It is important that the electrical appliance to be used is completely dry. Obtaining a good coconut flour depends on this. You cannot place any other type of ingredient. Not a drop of water should be added when blending.
For 1 or 2 minutes, blend the coconut pulp so that it is well ground. If necessary, repeat the action several times until a uniformly ground product is obtained.
To ensure a uniform texture, use a dry spatula to stir the coconut pulp that is lodged on the walls and bottom of the blender or food processor. Be careful to put the spatula in only when the electrical appliance is off, uncover, remove and cover again and turn on again.
Proceed to empty it and place it in a large bowl. Let it sit for a few minutes to stabilize at room temperature and then store it in an airtight bag to prevent moisture from accumulating.
We have an ideal article for you in Cosmetic Uses of Coconut Oil
You can use it immediately for your recipes, since this fresh flour has all its flavor intact or it is not stored in the airtight bag and in a cool place. Its durability time can be up to one year.
To take into account
If you don’t have a lot of time, you can save time by using coconut flakes or whole unsweetened coconut chunks. To avoid doing all the initial procedures.
Implements to use
- Corkscrew, a metal rod, a knife with a fine point.
- Wooden roller or hammer.
- Large kitchen towel.
- Strong plastic bag.
- Metal spoon and peeling knife.
- Large blender or food processor.
- Large refractory or bowl.
- Baking sheet.
- Waxed paper.
- Spatula.
- Hermetic bag.
Rich and easy recipe to make with coconut flour
A by-product of coconut is coconut flour. This flour is very nutritious and can be used in countless recipes … coconut is a tropical fruit and its great benefits are becoming increasingly known.
From this fruit you can obtain coconut water, coconut pulp, coconut milk, coconut oil, all these derivatives of coconut are essential for the production of other products, all of which are rich in medicinal and nutritional properties.
It should be noted that not only its fruit is valuable but its outer and inner shell as it is used for its strong and elastic natural fiber that is used to make ropes, mattress fillings, rugs and even pots or a great variety of utensils. for the home among others.
Check in this article Coconut oil for teeth: Benefits and how to use it CORRECTLY
Coconut flour balls
Makes approximately 15 people
- 200 grams of flour
- 50 grams of coconut flour
- 80 grams of sugar
- 70 grams of butter
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
- Grated coconut and coconut flour
Cooking time: Approximately 15 minutes
- In a bowl add all the butter and sugar, beat until creamy.
- Add the eggs and directly into the mixture, sift the flours with the baking powder. Then beat until a uniform dough is formed.
- We remove the mixer
- With the dough formed we take small portions to make the coconut balls, approximately the size of a walnut.
- In a container we combine the grated coconut and the flour
- Then we pass the balls through that mixture.
- We place them on a baking sheet covered with waxed paper.
- With the oven preheated to a temperature of 180 ºC, we proceed to put our tray of coconut balls, approximately for 15 minutes. We take out of the oven when they are golden
- Let them cool and they are ready to taste this rich and easy recipe.
Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.