Depression is a disturbance of a mental nature that is essentially distinguished by the continued presence of a general state of decay, despondency, despair and apathy. Depression is one of the most frequent pathologies that our modern society shows, where low spirits and perennial feelings of melancholy and sadness are common. These mood disorders are directly connected to various behavioral disturbances and a large number of recurring negative thoughts.
It is important to emphasize that all human beings can experience episodes of discouragement, sadness or decay, since this is part of our nature. Having different types of emotions is a healthy and normal process. Only if our episodes of discouragement or sadness last for approximately six months, could we consider that we are probably suffering from something much more complex than the normal emotion of sadness . If so, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in the field, to receive the respective diagnosis and thus determine if we have depression and receive in time all the help we need to overcome this difficult condition.
It must be taken into account that depression is a multifactorial condition, its presence depends on many factors of a varied nature, including hereditary factors, organic factors and factors related to our environment are points to analyze to discover the origin of depression. Depression has become a scourge worldwide and does not discriminate based on age, sex, or socio-economic or socio-cultural background. Anyone can suffer from depressionand therefore it is very important to activate the necessary prevention mechanisms and create effective awareness campaigns in this regard so that we all have adequate education on the subject. If you want to know more about this fundamental topic related to our mental health, we invite you to read this article carefully. We hope it is of great interest and usefulness to you.
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Causes and effects of depression
As we know, there are many elements that intervene in the fact that a certain person can become depressed or not. Among these elements we can find elements of a hereditary nature and elements related to brain chemistry.
It is likely that if one or more people in your family have suffered from depression, you too may suffer from it for a primarily genetic reason.
It can also happen that the production of neurotransmitters or substances that your brain generates to maintain your mental and physical state in optimal conditions suffers an imbalance, and this causes a purely chemical depression in you.
Another possible cause of depression has to do with sunlight and seasonal changes. If you have very little sun exposure, you can also feel depressed, this is because sunlight contains vitamin D , and this vitamin is a very important and necessary raw material for the production of fundamental neurotransmitters. For this reason, it is very common that in the winter months there is a very marked decrease in our mood and we can feel more down and melancholic than usual.
Also a person with a perennial negative attitude towards life, a person full of complaints, or someone who is very irritable can be one step away from suffering from depression. Since the excess of continuous negative thoughts can condition our brain and drag us into a serious depression.
If you suffer from a disease such as tuberculosis, cancer or Parkinson’s, it is also possible that you can develop depression. Similarly, hormonal imbalances can be the direct cause of depressive disorders.
Living painful events such as the loss and subsequent absence of a loved one, going through a divorce, being unemployed, or being subjected to long and intense periods of stress, can generate the depressive condition.
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Effects edit
Depression can trigger various negative effects for both our mind and our body, some of them can be really devastating.
On a mental level, the person with depression manifests a total reluctance and a deep disinterest towards the activities inherent in daily life. Simple things like eating, washing, and doing normal daily tasks become very difficult for the depressed person to do, even in severe cases preventing them from getting out of bed.
On a sexual level, the depressed person has their libido or sexual desire drastically reduced. Also the ability to connect with the environment where the ability to establish social interactions lives becomes impossible.
At the body level, a depressed person may feel very fatigued and lack energy, and may feel pain or heaviness in various areas of the body.
At the level of sleep, a depressed person may either sleep too many hours without actually experiencing a truly restful sleep, or it may be too difficult for them to fall asleep and, in turn, develop a serious insomnia disorder.
A depressed person will have imbalances in their immune system, a fact that can generate various health complications.
Those who suffer from depression may have an alteration in their appetite. Some may feel the urge to binge eat, which can lead to weight gain. And others, conversely, may suffer from loss of appetite, this can trigger stomach problems and malnutrition.
The cardiovascular system of a person with depression can also be seriously affected, due to the close relationship between stress and depression. The chemical substances that generate stress dramatically increase the heart rate and constrict the blood vessels, this can transform in the future into serious heart disease.
We can firmly conclude that depression is a medical condition that can be very serious and harmful to human beings on all levels. This condition can radically reduce our quality of life.
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Who is at risk for depression?
Millions of people in the world are diagnosed with depression each year. Although anyone can develop depression, it is important to note that there are some risk elements that can increase the chances of suffering from this disorder.
Women are more likely to be depressed than men. This is due to the fact that they have a menstrual cycle where different hormonal activity intervenes that directly affects the mood, a prolonged hormonal imbalance could lead a woman to a possible depressive state.
Those with a strong family history of mental disorders such as anxiety and extreme melancholy are at much higher risk of depression than other people.
People who are very lonely, hermits or who live alone in very isolated places and therefore experience a considerable lack of social interaction for a long time can also be very prone to suffering from this condition.
Those who do not sleep the recommended number of hours, have poor sleep or suffer from insomnia may be one step away from suffering from depression.
Those who suffered neglect or physical, psychological or sexual abuse or abuse in their infancy or childhood are very easy targets for depression and other mental disturbances.
Those who consume excessively alcohol or other substances that affect the nervous system may be very close to being severely depressed.
Those who consume certain drugs with a very strong chemical composition, due to possible side effects may also be at risk of suffering from depression.
Diagnosis and clinical picture
To reach the diagnosis of depression, like any other disease, it is necessary to follow a series of steps, including collecting, ordering and analyzing information about the patient. First, you must know in detail the signs or symptoms that the person who probably has depression presents.
Only a psychiatrist is properly authorized to assert that a person has depression . For someone to be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be sufficiently palpable and it must be shown that they are hindering the normal development of the patient’s life.
If a person has constant thoughts regarding his own death and total decay, he should immediately seek medical help for emergency treatment. What we must know is that through appropriate treatments, depressive symptoms will disappear one by one and the person will be able to progressively recover their normal and healthy mental state.
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The clinical picture that we can observe in depression is the following:
- Melancholy or deep sadness.
- Conflict or inability to recreate and enjoy circumstances that previously generated contentment.
- Guilty feeling.
- I despise yourself.
- Permanent irritation.
- Worry.
- Loss of concentration.
- Low intellectual performance.
- Impossibility of facing and solving habitual difficulties.
- Feeling of inferiority.
- Excessive uncertainty.
- Obsessive ideas.
- Sick leave.
- Terrible grades.
- Suicidal attempts.
- Motor slowness.
- Insomnia
- Low energy
- Little or no sexual desire
- Vertigo and migraines.
Signs and symptoms of depression
The central symptoms of depression are extreme sadness, impaired ability to indulge in things you enjoyed, and a palpable reduction in energy that restricts all activity. since the affected person lives with a sensation of chronic fatigue.
In general, we can point out some signs of depression:
- Existential emptiness
- Total disinterest in their favorite hobbies
- Increased or decreased appetite
- Excess hours of sleep or lack of them.
- General exhaustion.
- Perennial feeling of hopelessness.
- Fixed suicidal ideas (in very serious cases).
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Physical and psychological
Among the physical symptoms of depression we find: chronic pain in various areas of the body, headaches, muscle ailments, stomach problems, insomnia, excessive drowsiness, alterations in appetite (increase or decrease in appetite), severe pain in the chest, dizziness, dizziness or lightheadedness
Among the psychological symptoms of depression we find: a feeling of perennial sadness and no desire to consolidate personal goals, untimely crying, a feeling of fear and self-loathing.
Medical treatments for depression
There are a variety of treatments that fight depression, some of them have shown their effectiveness, including:
Medical treatments with the use of drugs are those that use the so-called antidepressant drugs , the most modern are those that increase the amount of neurotransmitters in our brain, especially they increase the amount of serotonin, known as the neurotransmitter substance of happiness.
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Cognitive-behavioral treatments are psychological treatments focused on breaking down irrational beliefs or thoughts that are possible causes of the depressive state. When we succeed in exchanging fatalistic and erroneous beliefs for realistic ones, all signs of depression gradually begin to dissipate.
Therapies related to effective problem solving have also shown their effectiveness in the treatment of depression: in this therapy, patients are given tools that allow them to solve problems on their own . This therapy teaches us that every problem is a stimulating and positive challenge, and not an insurmountable negative situation.
Psychotherapy in turn has proven to be a valuable weapon when it comes to combating depression, it can treat problems related to unresolved grief, relationship problems, work or family problems that are causing depression. Solving the underlying problem also solves the depressive episode.
Phases of depression
Depression consists of several phases or stages, they are:
1. Situation or generating event.
There is always an event of a negative nature that generates the depressive episode, progressively after it the affected person usually feels very susceptible, with a feeling of helplessness and sadness.
2. Development of deviations at the cognitive level.
The generative event induces the affected person to begin to manifest negative changes in their cognitive system. His ideas about the world and about himself, begin to be more negative with the passage of time.
From the distorted processing of information, the person begins to manifest the typical symptoms, with a low level of positive affect and a high negative affect, some of them being a sad mood and a decreased ability to feel pleasure. mental and physical retardation and search for isolation.
3. Anhedonia
The affected person feels an inability to feel satisfaction and pleasure with those activities that previously pleased him. And therefore it tends to isolate itself from all kinds of social activities, thus producing a kind of vital inhibition.
4. Emergence of supportive problems.
The series of symptoms that a depressed person presents can gradually lead to the emergence of difficult situations in the life of the affected person, a fact that can nourish or worsen the depressive state. This is the case of that depressed person who initially has the support of their loved ones, but as their symptoms worsen, this affects these people who previously supported them, thus causing a withdrawal and reinforcing the depressed person’s sense of isolation. This type of situation feeds or maintains the depressive state.
How to prevent depression?
- Try to stay enthusiastic: People who despite having and facing various problems in their lives, try to keep their enthusiasm high and try to achieve the long-awaited happiness are more likely to achieve a certain degree of satisfaction throughout their life cycle.
- Reduce your visits to Facebook : According to recent studies, spending too much time on this social network can be very harmful, since this can lead people to compare their life with the lives of others, and feel feelings of frustration or inferiority .
- Feed your body in a healthy way : Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables is the best thing you can do for your mental health. Since these vitamins and minerals help the brain to stay healthy.
- Do exercises: Exercises and sports activities in the open air help us to secrete endorphins, the greater the amount of endorphins, the greater the amount of well-being and joy we will feel.
- Say no to stress : Excessive stress and for a long time can cause a series of problems to our health, among these serious problems we find depression. So you must prevent or avoid very stressful situations in your life.
- Take care of your physical appearance: Paying attention and care to our physical appearance helps us feel better about ourselves, a fact that leads us to strengthen our self-esteem and remove the gray clouds of depression.
- Enjoy nature : It is proven that spending time in contact with nature makes us feel better, breathing fresh air and getting away from city noise and pollution, can significantly improve our mood.
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Can you lead a normal life?
It is possible to live with depression, you can learn to cope with it, and you can imagine that we are facing a challenge that we must overcome. It is well known that having depression is not something easy, and that its symptoms are often difficult to transcend, however it is advisable to lead a life as normal as possible, accompanied by the support of our family members and faithfully follow the pharmacological or psychological treatments that are appropriate for our particular case.
What happens in the body during depression?
When a person has depression, they usually suffer some changes or alterations in their body. One of the most important things that happens in the body when you have depression is the reduction of the hippocampus . Prolonged depression can significantly decrease measurements of the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain responsible for the emotional and memory area.
If a person has suffered multiple depressive episodes, the hippocampus fundamental part of the brain will shrink, thus causing general deterioration of brain function and therefore of the body.
Types of depression
There are several types of depression, including the following:
Major depression
Major depression is also called severe depression, and it is one where the person feels depressed all day and every day, without any indication of improvement, also has slowness at the motor level and may have ideas about suicide.
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This type of depression is less aggressive than major depression. The person who suffers from it feels depressed for most of the day, almost every day for about 2 years. In this type of depression, low self-esteem is often a predominant symptom.
Manic depression
This type of depression brings together two pathologies in one: depression and mania, therefore the affected person has characteristics of both. Sudden mood swings are frequent here, one goes from euphoria to sadness, and from sadness to euphoria with great ease.
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Seasonal depression
This depression is temporary and occurs in a specific season of the year (usually winter. It shares the common symptoms of depression in general such as discouragement, dejection, sadness, and irritability.
Psychotic depression
This type of depression, like the maniac, also combines two pathologies in one, in this case depression and psychosis. In addition to the usual symptoms of depression, in this the affected person presents delusions and hallucinations.
Prepartum and postpartum depression
They are two types of depressions linked to women and their process of pregnancy and subsequent delivery.
It is one that occurs at the same time as the woman’s pregnancy . The future mother feels sad and dejected during the time of pregnancy.
It is one that occurs shortly after delivery has occurred, usually occurs between three and six months after the birth of the baby. And it is a very common women’s disorder today.
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Symptoms and signs
The symptoms of postpartum depression are the same as typical symptoms of depression: sadness or melancholy, apathy, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, irritation , social isolation, and continuous crying for no apparent reason.
Postpartum depression is characterized by being very common among women. Up to 80 percent of new mothers have it.
Causes and consequences
Postpartum depression is caused by a series of mainly hormonal and emotional factors. If you had an anxiety attack before giving birth, this can make you feel depressed after giving birth.
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During breastfeeding
As the breastfeeding process unfolds, you may also feel depressed. Breastfeeding is often accompanied by discomforts such as breast pain , tiredness and fatigue, and these can undoubtedly cause the mother’s mood to decline, and she may feel depressed.
For postpartum depression, the best treatment is psychological therapy, since if the mother is breastfeeding it is not recommended that she take drugs that could affect the baby’s health. Therefore, individual and family psychological therapy is the most indicated for this type of depression.
Aggressive depression
It is a depression where irritability manifests itself in a very marked way, and this is due to important imbalances at the neuronal level. In this type of depression there is an obvious inability to interact in a normal and healthy way with other people.
People with this type of disorder can attack themselves, others or can destroy material objects.
Among the most frequent symptoms we find: Anger, excess energy, constant violent thoughts, palpitations, increased heart rate.
One of the significant characteristics of people affected by this disease is their inability to feel satisfaction. Since they cannot feel good about anything then, they begin to generate conflicts around them.
One of the main causes is the imbalances at the biological level that brain chemistry may have (low levels of serotonin). Another possible cause is that this depression has a hereditary nature. A person who was raised in a violent home is also very prone to this depression, so domestic violence is one of the causes of it.
The consequences of this type of depression can be very dire for those who suffer from it and also for their loved ones, since excess anger can lead them to commit excessive acts of violence towards others and also towards themselves
Recommended treatments for this type of depression include psychotherapy and medication together. In these cases, fluoxetine is often prescribed.
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Anxious reactive
Reactive depression consists of an adaptive disturbance that alters the mood. It usually happens after a stressful event.
Some of the main symptoms that we observe in reactive and anxious depression are:
Paralysis, inability to perceive emotions, disconnection, nightmares, ailments or physical discomfort, lack of energy, alteration of eating and sleeping patterns.
It is characterized by being a very peculiar disorder since it has very specific symptoms, usually it usually disappears after six months after the stressful event has occurred.
The fundamental cause of this type of depression has to do with the way of being of the affected person, how they react to problems and different circumstances in life.
In general, this type of depression can be effectively treated with cognitive behavioral therapy and pharmacological medication is not necessary, except in exceptional cases.
Atypical depression is a kind of depressive disorder, which shares many symptoms present in severe depression, but together with these it has its own particular symptoms also called atypical. It is diagnosed infrequently.
The signs of atypical depression are quite peculiar and diverse, among them we find: excessive drowsiness, exaggerated sensitivity, reactivity, unbridled hunger, laziness and perennial fatigue, anxiety pictures.
It is characterized by manifesting a group of signs that reflect being atypical or uncommon with respect to other types of depression.
The main causes of this disorder respond to elements of a chemical, genetic or hereditary nature.
Like all types of depression, atypical depression can trigger negative consequences for those who suffer from it, it can generate overweight, anxiety, family, emotional and work problems. It can also generate suicidal ideas.
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For this type of depression, psychological treatment is also recommended, especially cognitive behavioral therapy that will help patients to make a total change of thoughts, a fact that will help them gradually recover their quality of life.
Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder where the affected person oscillates between two states: depression and euphoria.
In this type of depression there are the same symptoms of a common depression, only the characteristic symptoms of mania are added, among them:
- Excessive feeling of euphoric animation.
- Nervousness or disturbance.
- Constant movements, restlessness.
Manic depression is characterized by being also known as bipolar disorder or bipolarity, this condition generates dramatic changes from sadness to joy, and from joy to sadness.
Its main causes are hereditary and organic. This disease can be transmitted from generation to generation or it can be due to defects in brain structure and function.
The most serious consequence that this disorder can trigger is suicide, which can occur in the depressive phase of it, which usually occurs with great intensity. Also people afflicted by this disease tend to be addicted to alcohol or other substances.
Bipolar disorder is incurable, but with treatment you can live better and control your symptoms. Psychotherapy is recommended, and in this type of depression, medication is also usually recommended, in addition to shock therapy or electrical therapy.
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Cardiorespiratory depression consists of depression of the respiratory center and the heart center.
- Fall
- Trouble breathing.
- Bewilderment and drowsiness
- Rapid cardiac repetition
- Elevated respiratory repetition
- Itch,
- Blue lips and limbs.
It is characterized by generally manifesting in microsurgical patients.
It usually occurs in surgical or operative complications. As a possible consequence of this prolonged condition we find the death of the patient.
Maintain cardiorespiratory function at normal levels. Maintain blood pressure through the use of medications and use of anticonvulsants. Provide adequate oxygenation and ventilation.
Depression is that intrinsic depression that arises without the intervention of any external factor that causes depression in the affected person.
This type of depression is often said to occur just because, without the need for the person to have a problem that triggers it.
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This type of depression has quite particular symptoms such as: Feeling of emptiness or disconnection, difficulty and slowness in thinking, panic attacks or anxiety, motor slowness, isolation and suicidal ideas.
Congenital depression is characterized as a permanent period of deep and intense grief.
The only cause of congenital depression is the imbalance of brain chemistry, and the decrease in the production of essential neurotransmitters for the optimal state of the human being.
The consequences of depression are usually negative in nature, the most negative of all is that which involves a suicide attempt or the consummation of it.
Because it comes from a brain chemical imbalance, the ideal treatment for congenital depression is pharmacological, necessarily accompanied by appropriate psychological treatment.
Severe chronic
Chronic depression is a depression of strong intensity and long duration.
The most frequent signs of chronic depression are sudden mood swings, prolonged states of despair, crying spells, apathy, discouragement and low self-esteem.
It is characterized by presenting almost the same symptoms that are manifested in severe depression.
Its main cause is biological defects. People who suffer from it have defects or abnormalities in the brain structure. It can also be caused by faults in brain chemistry or hormonal problems.
The consequences of this type of depression can lead to alcoholism, self-mutilation, problems of a work, family and economic nature.
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This depression is usually treated both by taking medications and by psychological therapies.
Infant, Youth and Senile
- Childhood depression: consists of an emotional disorder with permanent symptoms of sadness.
- Youth depression: represents a behavioral and emotional disorder that is very common today.
- Senile depression: It is the depression that arises at the same time as the biological aging of the human being.
- Constant discouragement.
- Disinterest in activities that were previously enjoyed.
- Chronic fatigue or tiredness.
- Difficult to focus.
These depressive disorders are characterized by creating in the individual a feeling of helplessness, fragility and worthlessness within society.
The causes of childhood depression are mainly abandonment, separation from one of the parents or abuse within the home. The consequences of this depression in childhood are poor school performance, learning difficulties and social isolation of the affected child. Depression in young people usually occurs because the boy or girl does not feel loved by their family as well as the environment around them.
The causes of youth depression are mainly problems with parents, excess stress or bullying episodes. The main consequences of youth depression are self-harm and suicide.
The causes of senile depression are mainly causes linked to the natural aging process and the degeneration of brain function. The main consequence of senile depression is that it can lead to so-called senile dementia.
Bullying or bullying has become a worldwide scourge, recent research shows alarming figures. This type of situation present in educational centers pushes the victim towards serious episodes of depression, which have unfortunately culminated in suicide. There are many cases that have had tragic outcomes.
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All these depressions can be treated with drug treatments and psychological treatments. The evaluation of a psychiatrist will determine the dose and the appropriate medication in each case according to the condition and age of the patient and, in turn, will evaluate which psychological treatment is the most appropriate.
Depression at work or workplace depression manifests itself as a perennial feeling of sadness and apathy directly related to work or working conditions.
Here we are going to mention just some of the symptoms, by means of which we will identify a workplace depression:
- Permanent sadness
- Episodes of anxiety
- Lack of motivation
- Irascibility
- Failure to work.
This depression is characterized as a disorder that originates and develops specifically in the workplace.
- The main causes of workplace depression are:
- Significant and stressful event for the affected person.
- Very complex work task.
- Stressful work environment.
- Problems with colleagues or superiors.
The main consequence of this depression is the resignation or dismissal of the employee affected by job depression.
This type of depression is usually resolved with psychological treatment, either through individual sessions with the affected person or group sessions aimed at improving the work environment.
Psychotic depression is a major depression accompanied by delusions and hallucinations.
This depression has the same characteristics of major depression, and features of a psychotic range are added, among them we have:
- Frequent mood disturbances.
- Pictures of anxiety.
- Slowness of thoughts
- Abnormal behaviors
- Delusions
This type of depression is characterized by presenting elements typical of psychosis, in addition to manifesting the classic symptoms present in major depression.
Those who have a family history related to depression, psychosis or another mental disorder where hallucinations or delusions arise are the most likely to suffer from this disorder.
This type of depression can have dire consequences, one of which is that the possibility of suicide is accelerated due to the presence of multiple delusions and hallucinations.
In this type of depression, pharmacological treatments are used mainly, specifically antipsychotics are prescribed to the affected person to control hallucinatory and delusional pictures. And medications of an antidepressant nature are also prescribed to lessen the severe symptoms of major depression.
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Silent depression, also called masked depression, is a type of silent depression that can be very harmful to health.
Silent depression essentially has a set of physical symptoms such as migraines, dizziness or fainting, stomach problems, rapid heart rate among others.
It is characterized by being a silent problem and at the same time very dangerous for today’s society, because people who suffer from it sometimes do not even imagine that they have it.
Among the main causes we find causes of a hereditary nature and environmental factors.
The main consequence of this type of depression is the aggressive deterioration of the physical state of those who suffer from it, never finding a cure for their multiple ailments.
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Suicidal depression is one where constant ideas of suicide predominate, accompanied by multiple suicide attempts.
Among the main symptoms of suicidal depression, we find:
- Recurrent manifestation of suicidal thoughts or pretenses.
- Discouragement.
- Anguish
- Isolation
- Taste for ghoulish themes.
- Desires to have weapons.
- Feigned serenity.
Suicidal depression is characterized by being clearly self-destructive. In them the affected person is always devising ways to harm himself.
This depression can be caused or derived from other mental disorders such as bipolarity, and schizophrenia. They are also causing it, serious problems of a sentimental and financial nature.
In general, people with suicidal depression do not usually seek any kind of help. In these cases, the most used treatment is the drug, and it is gradually accompanied by psychological treatment.
Depression of a man and a woman, what is it like?
Depression in men is not as common as it is in women, however if a man gets depressed he runs more risks than women, since they have a higher suicide rate compared to women. In general, the man does not usually seek help if he is depressed and masks his situation. Many times their depression is manifested through anger.
Depression in women is quite frequent, it is said that this occurs due to hormonal factors present in the menstrual cycle of women. Menstruation, pregnancy, menopause are factors that affect the alteration of the woman’s mood and can lead to depression.
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Stress and depression
The close relationship between stress and depression is known worldwide, since the former seems to be one of the main triggers for the latter. A state of continuous stress can alter the chemistry of our brain, thus achieving a decrease in the neurotransmitters we need to have a full and healthy mind.
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Anxiety and depression
Anxiety and depression are closely linked, and present very similar symptoms. Generally, when someone has depression, they also have generalized anxiety or so-called panic attacks. Anxiety refers to the fear of living and depression refers to the sadness of living. Both are very detrimental mental disorders to our health that can have devastating effects on our lives.
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Depression in people with diabetes
Recent scientific studies affirm that People with diabetes have a certain risk of developing depressive episodes. The stress and discomfort caused by this disease can degenerate into a state of general discouragement and sadness that can turn into depression.
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What happens after an abortion?
After an abortion occurs, a series of physical and psychological manifestations are generated in the woman, which will depend on the nature of each woman. They can usually feel pain, feelings of loss or grief, guilt, deep sadness and emptiness.
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Menopause and depression
Menopause represents the end of a woman’s reproductive life and with it comes a series of physical and hormonal changes that directly affect her psyche. From the age of 50, a woman can potentially be at risk for depression.
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Can it be genetic or hereditary? Why?
Studies carried out at prestigious UK universities revealed that depression is partly genetic in origin. People whose parents or siblings have had depression are more likely to develop it. So depression can definitely have a hereditary and generational origin.
Natural Treatments for Depression
The natural treatment par excellence for depression is the well-known St. John’s wort, this herb has proven its effectiveness in cases of mild to moderate depression, it is a natural product that does not cause addiction that can help you get through that emotional bump.
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- Valerian and chamomile produce a sedative effect that can help defuse episodes of distress or anxiety that occur in depressed people.
- It is also very important to have a good diet to avoid depression. Eating foods rich in vitamins C and D and minerals such as iron and magnesium will help keep your nervous system in optimal condition.
- Exercise , is a wonderful way to generate endorphins and this can help us feellot easier, so it is highly recommended to exercise daily to balance our mind and body.
- Exposure to sunlight : This is a natural solution to depression that is effective and accessible to everyone. Exposing yourself to the sun daily in moderation can do wonders for your mood and bring you a general state of well-being.
- Receive massages: It is an excellent way to relax and reduce the stress that is the great cause of depression.
Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.