What Is Implantation? Differences Between Bleeding, Menstruation And Implantation

After receiving many questions, I decided to publish more details about the implantation of the ovum in the mother’s womb . So let’s go!

Do you know what the nesting or implantation of the ovum is?

Nidation or implantation is when the zygote or ovum fertilized by the sperm reaches the uterus and fixes there, multiplying its cells.

Now, there is a huge difference between implantation and implantation bleeding. You know why? Because implantation occurs in all pregnancies , without exception, and the bleeding it causes is not always seen by all women. The implantation bleeding is due to the fact that the embryo has to be deeply fixed to the endometrium, tightly enough, so that there is no risk of abortion due to detachment, for this, it practically “burrows” in the endometrium.

So if you went through the fertile period and are waiting for a sign to know if you are pregnant, do not get excited, after all, it is not always possible that you will see implantation bleeding . I had visible implantation bleeding and even thought it was the beginning of my period.

What is implantation bleeding like?

What is implantation bleeding like

It is like brown mucus , sometimes it can even be like pink bleeding, or a trickle of fresh blood and often, just like it happened to me, it can be mistaken for the arrival of menstruation.

But how do you know if it is menstruation or implantation bleeding? Simple, menstruation only increases in volume, and implantation for generally the same day or at most two days later , and comes with a minimal amount, of which only serves to dirty the panties or that are not even seen on paper when cleanse you.

If the bleeding stops, it is best that you take a pregnancy test , at my house, this is what I did. I was planning on getting intravaginal Utrogestan so it’s better safe than sorry, right?

Recurring questions from readers!

To help the reader even more, I put down the most recurring questions that are similar and always appear in the comments. If you are still in doubt, then the space for open questions here in the comments of the article can help you a lot as well.

Is implantation bleeding required to appear?

No, implantation bleeding does not usually occur for all women ; in fact, the vast majority of women have no apparent implantation bleeding, so they can only realize that the implantation took place and are actually pregnant after a delay in menstruation.

In some cases it may appear only as a stain on the panties or toilet paper, but implantation bleeding can also occur for 3 to 5 days.

What are the symptoms of implantation?

Symptoms of implantation may be just a few subtle pangs of pain , such as mild menstrual cramps. Sometimes there may also be cramps where the baby is fixed, other times the implantation symptoms can increase the temperature, the woman begins to feel warmer, since with the fixation of the embryo, the progesterone secreted by the corpus luteum (read al respect here ) is greater.

But the woman does not always have implantation symptoms , she only becomes aware of the pregnancy if the menstruation does not arrive or if there is weak bleeding.

The differentiation: menstruation or implantation?

This is one of the most common questions, how do you know if it is menstruation or implantation? It is not always easy to distinguish but it is not an impossible mission.

Some women may have periods with very little bleeding due to the use of contraceptives , or even an unusual cycle, and in these cases it is best to go for a blood test or a pharmacy test. I always recommend taking the HCG test or analysis after 5 to 7 days of seeing the bleeding.

How long does it take from sex to implantation?

The appearance of the implantation can be very similar to the appearance of menstruation, it can be a pink water or a sticky brown substance.

Usually, implantation bleeding is not bright red and in large amounts like menstruation, there are even cases of implantation bleeding in which the blood is a bright red color, but if it is, and lasts for several days, then yes it is menstruation. Implantation can occur between 7 and 15 days after sexual intercourse and is not always perceived.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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