Flow After Menopause: Causes, Treatments And Symptoms

The flow after menopause is not usually a topic of conversation for many women, for the simple fact of entering a process where many things change. In addition to the culmination of the menstruation cycles, the changes may be too strong and noticeable for many women, but for others the opposite.

In menopause, symptoms usually appear after 45 years of age and culminate at approximately 52 years , depending on the age where menstrual development began and the family medical history of other menopausal processes in the nucleus that surrounds it also influences , since normally the ages of menopause are similar.

Is it normal to have flows after menopause?

In the process of menopause, women stop producing estrogen, this generates many changes that occur in the body. One of the main changes affects the vagina, since its walls narrow and there is a decrease in lubrication in that area and causing vaginal dryness.

This makes the vaginal area less protected and weaker, due to the lack of moisture in the area and the blood vessels atrophy easily, causing inflammation and a little pain and in many cases a burning sensation.

This condition is known as vaginal atrophy , because the walls of the vagina degenerate in the menopausal process, gradually the tissues that make up the vaginal area and the cells present are slowly expelled, causing discharge after menopause. .

Therefore, this flow after menopause is completely normal since throughout this menopause process vaginal atrophy occurs and it is through this flow produced, then the remains that remain in the body are excreted.

Check out our article on  Menopause: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

How is the flow after menopause?

Normally, the discharge after menopause is brown because it is the residues of the atrophies, caused by the narrowing of the vagina and the consistency of this brown discharge is due to accumulated blood and dead tissues.

Usually, this brown discharge after menopause can come on suddenly and show up within the one (1) year period after the onset of menopause. Depending on each woman, whose characteristics are unique and unrepeatable in the body, it can occur only a few times or it can last longer.

You must understand and take into account, is that after the onset of menopause the brown vaginal discharge cannot last more than a year and two months. In the same way, it is very important to consult with your gynecologist to continue the presence of this brown discharge, even; after several years have passed after menopause.

For this reason, gynecological control is essential to monitor the changes that occur during and after menopause, since these controls can prevent diseases that can be cured in time.

Is brown vaginal discharge after menopause a risk cause?

It is not risky if the discharge is due to menopause. Since it is part of the postmenopausal system, it is a way of draining bleeding dammed by previous cycles (called bad type blood) and by transformations in the vagina that occur naturally.

However, you should pay attention to brown vaginal discharge because this type of discharge is not only due to menopause, there are other causes to consider for which this brown discharge originates, even if you are going through menopause. That is why it is important to go to the doctor for control.

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Normally, the brown discharge is caused by the expulsion of blood and waste that was stored in the vagina. Its brown color is characteristic of the old blood that was stored in this part of the body.

As long as this flow appears only in menopause, no inconvenience occurs, since it is a natural biological process that can last from 12 to 14 months, after the last menstruation that started menopause.

Now, if the menopause has arrived or you passed it a long time ago and you begin to present stains with this flow, you should go to the doctor because it would no longer be a normal condition of the body and this could be a symptom of more serious diseases.

Other diseases such as leukemia, sexually transmitted diseases, vaginal herpes, ovarian cancer, pregnancy, stress, leukemia, and other kinds of infections. All of this can be accompanied by bad odor, cramps, and decay.

It is best to go to a medical consultation when we notice the presence of this brown discharge, even at the beginning of menopause, since you could merit a treatment with hormones such as estrogens.

Remember that prevention is always better, not only can it be a symptom of a disease if it occurs before or a long time after menopause, it can also be a clear sign of an internal rupture of the uterus.

Other causes linked to brown vaginal discharge

It is not to shock or worry, but it is best to be careful with all the changes that occur after menopause, so that after a while it is not harmful to health. So let’s look at the diseases that are also linked to brown vaginal discharge.

Infections or herpes in the vagina

For these cases where you are suffering from an infection or herpes in the vagina, generally these types of problems are accompanied by brown secretions, a product of the infectious process and herpes present in the vagina which affect the blood vessels.

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And as this type of disease does not manifest itself all at once, but through an incubation process and when the brown discharge appears products of small residues accumulated in the vagina. It can be distinguished with the flow after menopause is that it is accompanied by fever, muscle aches, weakness, itching and burning.

Development of a type of cancer in the womb

It is one of the cases in which women are more alarmed by a vaginal discharge and it is considered out of the ordinary. Since there are many cases that brown vaginal discharge coincide with symptoms of this disease, because the cancer can be in the uterus or cancer in the ovaries and its early diagnosis is essential for any woman.

Statistics indicate that this type of cancer can appear from the age of 60 after menopause, but every day these rates are decreasing and occurring in younger women, likewise, there are more cases of early detection of this disease Therefore, the most advisable thing is to carry out a gynecological check-up.

Blood clotting

Clotting in the blood or leukemia, is a type of cancer that attacks the blood system, it is also part of the affections of the immune and lymphatic system of the human body, in general this pathology is quite common in children.

For this reason, it is not uncommon for it to be generated in the process after menopause, but it is associated with cases of leukemia that generates this irregular spotting of brown vaginal discharge , for this reason it is said that the discharge after menopause cannot be years later.

The causes of the appearance of leukemia are still not very well defined, however, there are factors such as heredity and immunodeficiencies , which is why the reason for occurring in menopause cannot be determined exactly.

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To prevent the appearance of this disease in menopause, a good diet is recommended along with the intake of vitamin complexes that help strengthen the body’s immune system, since quite strong and drastic biological changes occur at this stage of the female body.

The symptoms of leukemia in menopause can be somewhat confusing, but if you present discharge or spotting with a brown color, night sweats, fever, fatigue, weakness and weight loss ; You must immediately attend a medical consultation to order the examinations corresponding to the case.

The ruling out of leukemia includes a culture or extraction of the medullary fluid, because the disease begins in the bone marrow, weakening the blood cells vital to the body.

Product of sexually transmitted diseases

This type of light brown bleeding in the form of discharge or usual spots, can also be the product of the manifestation of some sexually transmitted disease that develops after menopause and also a warning sign for other women who present these diseases such as Gonorrhea, which if not fought, can be risky for health.

In general, sexually transmitted diseases can appear in the menopause in the same way that it does before it, however, in recent years a somewhat accelerated increase in these diseases has been observed in women of menopausal ages.

This could be verified through studies, obtaining as a conclusion the neglect on the part of women in not using condoms for the sole fact that they no longer have risks of becoming pregnant, thus having a more liberal sexual life.

Some postmenopausal women are not as aware of protection against sexually transmitted diseases, not knowing that they may be more prone to suffer from them because they have much drier vaginal tissue.

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Because of accumulated stress

Today we see how stress triggers reactions in the body in an unfavorable way, and menopause does not escape this, since this stage generates greater stress , the stress levels that women develop during that stage have been scientifically studied of their life.

Since there is a hormonal alteration and consequently, it is possible that vaginal discharge occurs with greater reason according to the changes produced in the body during and after menopause.

Because of a pregnancy

For many women it sounds crazy to think that the constant brown discharge after menopause is due to pregnancy, but it is not; vaginal discharge can lead to pregnancy after menopause in the climacteric climax, which is where pregnancy can occur because the woman is no longer taking care of herself.

This same brown discharge is normal for pregnancies in women of reproductive age, since the first months of gestation generally occur, this discharge in light brown bleeding is due to pregnancy, which involves changes in the body and the alteration of hormonal values .

This flow usually appears in the first three months of a woman’s pregnancy, it occurs as an elimination of accumulated blood in the uterus, but it is a very benign symptom that there is no reason to worry.

The expulsion of this flow is due to small bleeding that comes from minimal detachments that occur when the embryo implants in the endometrium and the uterine wall, this being a normal biological process.

As a consequence, the body evacuates the retained blood to clean the endometrium . It is precisely this blood that causes the brown discharge. Although the word detachment may sound terrifying, the specialist will be in charge of determining this.

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In the first trimester of pregnancy you should not worry about the appearance of this flow, however, if you are already in the second trimester of pregnancy there is a reason to worry since it can be a sign of a spontaneous abortion.

Remember that this fluid is essential for the formation of a transparent mucosa plug after the expulsion of said blood, this plug is extremely important to protect the fetus from possible infections throughout the pregnancy until its expulsion, minutes before the birth of the baby. neonate.

Should you see a doctor when you have discharge after menopause?

Although many women do not consider that vaginal discharge after menopause is a reason to go to the doctor, because they do not present any symptoms or simply consider that it is not the time to go for different reasons.

Either because internally they are not aware of having passed the moment of menopause or simply because menopause for many women is a difficult subject to deal with, because they are affected by considering themselves less sexually active or by the results that this visit to the doctor can bring.

Normally, for these types of problems it is important to identify the possible causes of brown vaginal discharge , routine gynecological examinations are performed and the uterus cells are sampled to rule out cervical cancer , this type of test is painless and easy to perform, in addition , they help the doctor to analyze if the causes of this flow are normal due to menopause.

But the important thing is to leave those fears behind and trust too much that everything is fine. Although the discharge after menopause is only normal 1 year after passing the common symptoms of menopause. But definitely, it is best to consult the doctor.

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What treatments are applied for discharge after menopause?

As this condition is mainly due to vaginal atrophy as a consequence of menopause, its treatment is based on reducing the effects that occur when the walls of the vagina thicken and narrow.

For this reason, treatments to prevent blood from pooling in the vagina and because of dryness it is less likely to be weak and suffer internal damage that causes this kind of light brown bleeding after menopause. Which, after ruling out other serious causes such as cancer, the most appropriate treatment is applied to completely eliminate the staining.

Local steroid hormone to counteract vaginal atrophy

This type of treatment is indicated to be applied when normal or moderate vaginal atrophy but causes a vaginal discharge, it is indicated either in creams, capsules or ovules to stimulate the tissues and cells in the intermediate zone of the vagina and also helps to balance the pH . This type of well-applied treatment offers quick results and does not produce secondary reactions.

Steroid hormone therapy to treat this pathology is performed with female hormones, such as estrogens, and can be performed in different ways and with different methods.

These methods range from topical creams applied directly to the vagina or with vaginal ring implants. The doctor will be in charge of prescribing the doses and duration of the treatment, if we talk about creams or direct topical applications.

There is another method to treat this condition and it is through a vaginal estrogen tablet, these are applied directly to the vagina with an applicator. These tablets are generally used daily in the first weeks of treatment and their frequency decreases at the end of the treatment.

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The vaginal ring on the other hand, can be considered as a systematic and steroidal method at the same time, the doctor is commissioned to insert the ring into the vagina. It has a soft and flexible characteristic and should be replaced every three months.

Systematic steroid hormones

Indicated to treat severe vaginal atrophy. This type of treatment is more aggressive and can produce other reactions that accelerate or increase strokes, but they are not recommended for people who have breast tumors in their medical history, because these estrogens can stimulate cancer cells.

This type of treatment is indicated for vaginal dryness associated with menopause, such as medium and severe hot flashes, the doctor can prescribe everything from pills with estrogens to patches that contain a greater hormonal release of said hormone.

For these cases, because they are much more extreme, medications with dual hormones are prescribed, that is, oral estrogens and progesterone; to increase the chemical production of these in the body.

These methods are also applied to all those people who had an extraction of the uterus, since the production of these hormones decreases greatly in the body.

Vaginal moisturizers

This type of treatment applied for very mild vaginal atrophies, since through moisturizers and also the use of lubricants helps this condition, it also helps to counteract the pain caused by the condition of the vagina and reduce pain when having sexual intercourse. .

Vaginal moisturizers are not the same lubricants, the two are generally confused. Moisturizers are used regardless of whether or not there is vaginal penetrative sex.

The main difference is that vaginal moisturizers manage to lower and neutralize the pH of the vagina, that is, it controls the acidity level of this medium, preventing the formation and growth of bacteria.

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How to relieve the symptoms of vaginal atrophies?

Vaginal atrophy inevitably comes along with menopause and of course with age, it is a condition that all women present and cannot escape from it. In some women these changes are faster and pass without feeling discomfort or symptoms, but for others it is more difficult, due to the symptoms presented and the problems that this condition brings.

To counteract the symptoms that vaginal atrophies bring since there is no way to avoid it, but through daily practices that help prevent the symptoms and causes that produce it at a certain age as a result of menopause.

  • Staying sexually active: generally, many women during the menopause process do not have a sexual appetite due to pain that can occur during intercourse. That is why to alleviate the pain caused by vaginal atrophies it is recommended to maintain a sexually active life, since lubrication is stimulated, blood fluids increase and tissues maintain elasticity.
  • A good diet: through food we can help the body with antioxidants that are good for keeping tissues hydrated. Likewise, through a good diet obesity levels are fought since this condition is not a good indicator for vaginal moisture.
  • Exercise: staying physically active through light to moderate exercises helps blood circulation in women and reduces the symptoms of vaginal atrophies.
  • Avoid smoking: it is scientifically proven that tobacco consumption acts on female sex hormones, reducing them and directly affecting the vaginal system.

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In addition to these vaginal atrophies that are the cause of brown vaginal discharge after menopause, which is not much cause for uneasiness, but if it is necessary to carry out medical control throughout this process and a sign of concern if these symptoms of mild bleeding appear , from unexplained blood or brown vaginal discharge years after menopause.

It should be noted that in the same way as brown discharge secretions occur after menopause due to vaginal atrophies, other symptoms may also occur, such as observing another type of discharge that in the same way can occur after menopause, as is yellow vaginal discharge.

Yellow vaginal discharge after menopause

Another type of discharge after menopause is yellowish vaginal discharge, this type of discharge is due to a type of infection that is not very common after menopause, because the vagina after starting menopause progressively reduces vaginal discharge, Likewise, this whole process also reduces the generation of hormones.

For this reason, although it is not very usual due to the lack of vaginal discharge and the production of hormones, this condition can affect many women after menopause, since they have yellowish vaginal discharge.

Yellowish vaginal discharge is not a cause that occurs only after menopause, it is a problem that makes many women uncomfortable in their daily lives, but in this case for women after menopause this type of infection is not very normal. causing that nasty yellow vaginal discharge.

It is a type of infection as we said before, it is very common and affects women of reproductive age, since it is generally accompanied before the menstrual cycle. This is a yeast infection as it is commonly known and causes yellowish vaginal discharge . These yeasts are generally lodged in the intestine and on the skin.

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And pregnant and diabetic women are more likely to develop this type of infection. That is why women who are in the menopausal stage are diabetic or develop this condition after menopause and often have this type of yeast infection.

How is the yellowish discharge

This type of discharge, as its name indicates, is yellowish in color with a strong smell characteristic of being fetid or fishy, ​​in addition the presence of this vaginal discharge causes burning when urinating and causes pain when having sexual intercourse. It is important that it is not a contagious type of infection.

In addition, women after menopause can have a stronger and more constant type of yellowish discharge because their means of drainage are only vaginal discharge, so it is essential to fight this condition quickly so that it does not become a severe type of infection and not be repetitive.

In general, it is a much thicker, lumpy discharge with spots or betas of blood which indicates that there is an inflammation in the vagina or vaginitis, a bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection.

If the discharge has a cheesy appearance, it is because there is a presence of yeast infection or yeast infection in the vagina. Yellow discharge can also be a sign of a gonorrhea or trichomaniasis infection. If the flow presents abundant blood it is because there is presence of a cervical cancer, in this case it is necessary to act quickly.

Yellow discharge and estrogen

Vaginal flows are due to the action of estrogen (it is the female steroid hormone), which is responsible for stimulating the generation of secretions in the cervix and then passing to the area that covers the vagina, such as the walls of this.

Normally, the healthy vaginal discharge is little and of a transparent white aspect , in addition this discharge is the one that has the vagina lubricated, it is odorless and does not cause any discomfort in the vagina, and because of the menopause the abundance of this discharge is noticeably reduced upon entering menopause.

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By highlighting this aspect of the function of estrogen and as is the presence of a normal flow, you can notice the differences with other classes of vaginal fluids, since the bad smell of this can be noticed and they are considered abnormal flows due to their consistency and being more viscous or thick than normal, other types of color either leaning to be yellow, gray or light green.

In these cases it is notable that there are problems in vaginal discharge such as yellowish vaginal discharge or brown vaginal discharge; this shows a presence of problems and more in cases after menopause when the normal flow decreases considerably.

Types of flows according to their appearance and secretion

Through vaginal secretions, a lot of information can be obtained regarding the conditions of the vagina, since they are indicative of abnormalities and something that is not right. Therefore, they are alarms that the body provides to provide health care, to the types of flow according to the characteristics they present and an indication of the reasons why it is affected.

  • Strong smelling secretions are usually compared to the characteristic odor of fish, yellowish, gray or white in color. This type of discharge, the peculiar signs of this change in vaginal discharge, is due to an abundant growth of bacteria present in the vagina.
  • If the vaginal discharge present is a type of discharge where its consistency is thicker than normal and in the form of a whitish and yellowish lump; then there could be an infection problem caused by
  • If a kind of small bubbles is observed in the vaginal discharge and it has other aspects such as the greenish-yellow color; then it could be in the presence of a type of parasite, which is an infection that is contracted through sexually transmitted diseases . The result of a green or yellow discharge can be symptoms of gonorrhea.

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  • And if the discharge is accompanied by blood or light brown debris away from the menstrual cycle, it may be a sign of a type of cancer in the womb. In this case it is necessary to be attentive to the constancy in this type of flow.

How is the treatment for yellowish vaginal discharge?

Depending on the type of treatment for this condition, it should be based on the cause that originates it and more in women after menopause, remember that it is not a common flow at this stage. That is why gynecological examinations are necessary to identify it through a sample of the discharge and in this way, to be able to attack the unpleasant yellowish vaginal discharge.

In addition, for this type of problem it is not recommended to use or apply intimate soap solutions or other types of products designed for vaginal areas to the vagina as it can considerably increase irritation; Similarly, it is extremely important to maintain medical control and monitor blood sugar levels, even if you are not developing diabetes.

The menopause from its symptoms to the last stage, after not perceiving the characteristic menopausal changes, should be given equal attention since it can start other problems in the health of women.

Finally, brown discharge or brown vaginal discharge in menopause is completely normal as long as it occurs in the first year after menopause has started; since later it can be a symptom of some serious illness.

The best thing is to know our body and recognize the abnormal symptoms that it may present at some point in our lives, for this we must also go hand in hand with our trusted gynecologist and comply with routine annual examinations and controls.

Enter and read this important article  Yellow discharge during pregnancy: Causes, Consequences, Symptoms and Cases

Remember that health is the most important thing , by staying healthy we can enjoy the little ones in life, no matter how old we are. Nor should you forget that self-medication is not the best option when what happens in our body is unknown.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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