Ginger Tea: Contraindications, Side Effects, Properties And Uses

Mainly, ginger is a plant whose roots are the most appreciated part , since they are a stem that is used for the preparation of different natural remedies, cosmetic treatments and is even used in different culinary recipes.

The ginger root is called a rhizome, it has a very strong biting flavor and also has a mild aroma. This is quite fibrous and dry in texture, it is used mostly in Asian cuisine, but we can get it all over the world in totally different uses.

What is ginger tea?

Ginger tea is a ginger- based drink , in which the ginger root, that is, the rhizome, is used to prepare an infusion. This drink has different medicinal and beneficial purposes for the human body, many times it is used exclusively for this reason, although there are those who also simply enjoy drinking this tea.

Ginger tea is good for relieving discomfort from cold , stuffy nose, cough, and phlegm. It also helps improve circulation, burn body fat, and control metabolism. In itself, this tea has powerful benefits and it is worth learning more about its properties.

Origin of ginger tea

The origin of ginger dates back many years , it is said that it has been used since the times of the Roman Empire. Although we really should look for a relationship between the beginning of the tea tradition and the discovery of ginger to be able to find the exact moment when ginger began to be used in this style of drink.

The fact is that it is a plant native to China, just like tea, but it also has a certain history in India. Currently, the main ginger producer is Jamaica , although we can get it on all continents.

Check out our article on  Ginger: Contraindications, side effects and slimming and anti-inflammatory properties

History of ginger tea

The tradition of drinking tea or serving tea to guests as a welcome token comes from Asian culture , and ginger was also discovered on this continent. Therefore, we can assume or infer that one of the first cups of ginger tea that was implemented would have to have been in this area.

In the same way, after the discovery of ginger, its power was so admirable that it began to be used throughout the European continent, since with it they could heal and alleviate different ailments. In addition, it should be noted that the most appropriate way to absorb the properties of this plant is through an infusion , as this reduces its spicy flavor and extracts its benefits.

Ginger tea characteristics

Ginger tea is a drink with a very peculiar taste, a bit sour and spicy, for this normally another ingredient such as lemon and honey is used, which results in a very powerful drink to treat coughs and colds. However, ginger tea as such has its peculiarities , it can help us treat more problems in the body.

Ginger tea scientific name

Ginger can be known by several names, one of them is kion, but its scientific name is only one, which is: Zingiber officinale . This belongs to the family of Zingiberaceae plants and its name was given by William Roscoe in 1807.

Chemical composition of ginger tea

Ginger itself is a product rich in different substances. It contains a large amount of fibers, amino acids among which leucine and valine stand out (these provide healing power), it also contains arginine which helps to strengthen the immune system. Another compound found in this root is ginreol, which is the substance that gives it its particular spicy flavor, this compound acts like capsaicin in chili peppers.

Acids are also present in ginger, one of the most notable is ascorbic, which acts as a powerful antioxidant, we also get linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid, which are an important part of the acids belonging to Omega 3.

With regard to vitamins , we get vitamin B and C, and minerals such as phosphorus and calcium.

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Recommended dose of ginger tea

Despite being a very beneficial drink, prolonged use of ginger tea is not recommended, as this could cause various side effects and negative reactions. As well, the recommendation is not to exceed more than two cups of tea a day and not drink it for more than a week.

It is best to use this tea only when its medicinal treatment is required . In case you want to drink normally, it is recommended that it be done with other herbs or sweeteners.

Active ingredients of ginger tea

The active principles that are obtained in ginger tea are those that come from the substances that this rhizome contains. All the chemical compounds it contains are those that provide the beneficial properties of the drink.

So well, we can get substances such as leucine and valine , these are responsible for the healing properties of this drink. In addition to this, there is also arginine and ginreol, from this derives the flavor and the power to strengthen the immune system.

Antioxidants are also present in this drink, they are attributed its regenerative and anti-aging power. And finally, there are the fatty acids belonging to omega 3, minerals and vitamins.

Ginger tea benefits and properties

Ginger tea has many benefits, as it is a drink based on an ingredient extremely rich in medicinal properties and beneficial for our body.

Ginger tea can act as an antioxidant , anti-inflammatory, it can also increase blood circulation, control metabolism, promote weight loss, relieve menstrual pain, improve digestion, treat respiratory diseases, cure colds, nasal congestion and cough.

All these properties are thanks to the fact that it is a drink rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, amino acids and more substances that act to provide these beneficial and healing effects in the body. In the same way, it must be borne in mind that the drink cannot be used so constantly, as we can experience side effects and adverse reactions.

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It is good for hair, how is it used?

Ginger has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which is why it can be a great ally to treat hair problems such as dandruff and scalp irritation. Also, this tea can be used to nourish hair and make it grow stronger, healthier and shinier. Ginger tea can help us increase hair growth and strengthen the hair fiber.

To use it, you just have to apply this drink directly on clean hair and let it act, then you should rinse with cold water. Perform the treatment once a week and you can absorb the great properties of ginger. If you wish, you can even add other ingredients to the mixture, as well as olive oil, almond oil, lemon or the ingredient of your choice.

It is used for bad breath

Ginger tea is a drink with antiseptic, antibacterial, astringent and anticoagulant properties. This is why ginger tea can completely eliminate odor-causing bacteria, which also prevents problems such as cavities, gingivitis and other oral conditions caused by bacteria.

We can prevent infections thanks to this tea , as well as we favor our digestive processes and improve our internal health. You should only have a cup of ginger tea or use it as a mouthwash, this will help keep your mouth free of bacteria. Likewise, it should be noted that you should not neglect the other oral hygiene processes.

Is ginger tea used to lose weight?

Ginger tea acts as a supplement in our diet , since it favors weight loss because it acts in different ways that favor our body. Although, we cannot expect a drink to do all the work, so we clarify that it is only a complement to our routine.

There is no miracle method that allows us to avoid exercise and diet in order to lose weight. But, we can make work easier when we use methods that favor this work.

Ginger tea is one of these drinks that can help us lose weight, completely. This drink can help us lose weight for the following reasons :

  • Improves digestion. It enhances the work of the intestines and we can process food more effectively and efficiently, thus being able to eliminate everything in a faster way.
  • Increase fat burning. This is because it increases the rate of metabolism and acts as a thermogenic.
  • Produces a satiety effect. It can reduce appetite and calm the anxiety that makes us want to eat at all times.
  • It is an antioxidant. This drink helps us eliminate toxins and thus we can have a healthier body free of inflammations.

Enter and read this important article  Antioxidants: Natural, Artificial, Benefits and Characteristics

For people with diabetes

Ginger tea is not a favorable drink for cases of diabetes , since it can react negatively when it is in contact with the medications that have to be used when suffering from this disease. Due to the anticoagulant effect of this root, its use is not recommended in diabetics, as it can lead to bleeding and different negative reactions.

Pregnancy and ginger tea

In pregnancy, the consumption of ginger tea is also not recommended . Well, although this is a very beneficial drink that can help us with nausea, dizziness, pain and inflammation. Its power can be very counterproductive to the growth and development of the baby, which is why ginger tea should not be ingested in any way.

Instead, consult your doctor first and look for other alternatives that can help you treat the ailments you experience during the pregnancy months.

Read the article we have for a  Complete Step-by-Step Pregnancy Guide

During lactation it is safe to use

During lactation , the use of ginger tea cannot be used, since this can affect the quality of breast milk and also its production, which in the end also affects the feeding of the nursing baby.

Instead of ginger tea, it is best to consume some other more flattering drink and in case of looking for a medicinal treatment, it is best to consult with your doctor to know what measures are the most conducive to use during this stage.

Is ginger tea good for babies?

When it comes to providing a medicinal drink for babies, very few come to mind. Well, providing such powerful herbs, roots or fruit teas can cause serious damage to the digestive system and even the mouth, throat and skin in general.

Therefore, it is not recommended to give ginger tea to a baby , it should be noted that ginger is spicy and strong in taste, and this could irritate the baby’s mouth, as well as his stomach and intestines. As a result, we can also get allergic reactions and other negative symptoms to develop, since the body of babies and children is still very sensitive to face the effect of this and other medicinal drinks.

Esoteric uses of ginger tea

Ginger tea, due to its multiple medicinal benefits, can be considered a magical plant . Well, it is believed that it can cure anything. Although, with the advances of the studies, we know what are the specific things in which this drink can act, but in ancient times its power was more revered and it was really considered that it was something miraculous.

However, if we talk about esotericism , we cannot get ginger as part of many rituals. Perhaps today we can achieve certain rituals or rather “cabal” regarding luck, to attract good energy, prosperity, love and money where ginger may be part of the ritual.

But, properly speaking of ginger tea, we must say that it is limited in its medicinal and certainly cosmetic use.

Look here Types of Tea: Properties, Benefits and Side Effects

Ginger tea as a mosquito repellent

Ginger can help us treat skin problems when used in different recipes for home treatments. But, as a natural repellent it has very little effect, as we cannot scare away a mosquito just by using ginger tea. It is best to opt for another more effective insecticide or to look for other natural alternatives in case you are looking for a less toxic measure to repel mosquitoes and other insects.

Ginger tea against cancer, is it good?

Ginger cannot cure cancer , as it is an extremely complicated disease that science is still studying and looking for more effective ways. But, thanks to the medicinal properties of this drink we can keep our body healthy and in good condition, which is beneficial to prevent the development of different diseases.

Thanks to its stimulating and antioxidant power , as well as its properties that help improve digestion, regulate the menstrual period and relieve the pain that this causes, it is believed that ginger tea acts as a great treatment to prevent colon cancer and also cervical cancer.

How is ginger tea used for massages?

Ginger tea is a very enriching drink, since its medicinal and beneficial properties can be used in a great way if ingested. But, if we talk about a massage, it sounds strange to use ginger tea as an element during this process.

What we could use would be ginger as part of a remedy made up of other ingredients, perhaps olive oil or almonds. In this way, we would have a more consistent and complete preparation, which would also give us more results and would also be easier to apply and facilitate massage.

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Aromatherapy and ginger tea

The aroma of ginger tea is not used in aromatherapy treatments , although it can help in other processes such as remedies to decongest the nasal passages and it can also be a good expectorant as a drink. But, certainly as an aromatherapy ingredient ginger tea is not used, in any case perhaps we can get the use of ginger oil, for its part the tea could only complement the therapy as a pre or post drink, which helps to finish to reduce inflammation and relax the body.

Does ginger tea expire?

No, ginger tea – like other types of tea – does not have an expiration date , as these are made with herbs that cannot be fermented or damaged. In the same way, when we consume the tea, it is best to make it fresh, that is, fresh, because it is at this time when its properties are most powerful. When we drink a tea that has been prepared for some time, it can decrease or lose its properties.

Ginger tea as an aphrodisiac

Ginger tea is known for its many medicinal properties , but this drink also works as an aphrodisiac. This tea can enhance desire and excitement, as its aphrodisiac power is directly related to one of its benefits: increased blood circulation.

Increased sexual desire is largely influenced by blood flow, since in this process blood flow to the pelvic area is increased and ginger tea is a drink that favors this aspect.

Therefore, especially in cultures where tea is a tradition, such as Asia, the use of ginger tea is widely used to stimulate the sexual desire of the couple.

Ginger tea cosmetic uses

Ginger tea due to its antioxidants, vitamins and minerals can be a great ally for many cosmetic treatments . This tea can help us in both skin and hair care, we can get treatments where we use the tea directly or we can also get different beneficial effects on our physical condition just by drinking this tea.

Thanks to ginger tea we can detoxify, promote skin rejuvenation, improve hair health , enhance hair growth and eliminate irritation and inflammation problems.

The most conducive thing to using ginger tea as a cosmetic treatment is that we use it together with other ingredients that complement the mixture. The most used ingredients are: coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, different essential oils, cinnamon and other herbs or spices.

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Medicinal properties of ginger tea

As we have already been talking about, ginger tea is widely recognized due to its healing power , as it contains many very good properties to cure various conditions of the human body.

In fact, the use of ginger tea is recommended only to treat specific conditions and not as a daily drink – as well as coffee could be – since ginger in the long run can cause certain irritation problems. or allergic reactions.

But well, when used in the correct way we can attack diseases and health problems such as the following:

For coughs and the common cold

Ginger is ideal for treating cough and cold problems, since its properties help to take care of the throat, it can relieve irritation, as well as itching, it helps us eliminate phlegm, that is, it acts as an expectorant and in case infection, it can also fight it as it has antibiotic properties.

The most common use to attend this type of case is ginger tea along with lemon and honey . In this way we will treat congestion, phlegm, cough and we will be able to eliminate the cold thanks to the fact that we will repower our immune system.

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For blood pressure and cholesterol

Ginger tea has anticoagulant properties, that is, it helps increase blood flow. This effect also helps to reduce cholesterol levels, as we increase metabolism and thus the burning of fat.

In this way, ginger tea can be used eventually to keep these levels under control, but it cannot be used in case of taking medications for tension, since contact with ginger compounds can lead to unfavorable and negative reactions, as well as bleeding and other more serious problems.

For the respiratory tract

Ginger tea is a great mix to fight diseases that affect the respiratory tract, as well as bronchitis. This drink acts as an expectorant, helps the phlegm to be expelled, takes care of the health of the throat and vocal cords and eliminates the bacteria that could be causing this type of respiratory infections.

For allergies and insomnia

Tea is a great drink to try before bed , as most of these are beneficial for relaxing the body and being able to fall asleep peacefully. Ginger tea is one of these, but it should be clarified that this is not because ginger is a sedative or produces drowsiness, but that the tea acts in so many points in an effective way that it is impossible not to achieve a state of calm and perfect relaxation for sleeping.

Ginger tea improves our digestion , reduces inflammation and increases blood flow, these three effects are key to feeling comfortable with our body and being able to sleep soundly and without problems, we just have to have a cup of tea before going to bed and clever.

For its part, regarding allergies, ginger tea helps us to relieve the cold and thanks to its antioxidant power we can eliminate toxins from the body, this can be conducive to avoiding allergies of a certain type. But, if we talk about immediate allergic reactions , ginger tea will not be able to help us alleviate the problem effectively.

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Culinary uses of ginger tea

Ginger tea itself is a culinary preparation , it is consumed just like that, or other herbs, spices and sweeteners can also be added. For its part, ginger as such can be used in different recipes and culinary preparations, we must mention the famous gingerbread cookies and the thousands of dishes that we can get in Asian cuisine where ginger is used cannot be overlooked. to add spice to food.

Ginger tea toxicity level

Ginger tea in its correct dose is not toxic , but when we overdo it we can suffer from side effects and allergic reactions. In that case we can experience headache, heartburn, gastritis, dizziness, skin reactions and more.

But, in itself, to reach that point of toxicity you have to consume an exaggerated and really excessive amount of this drink, since being an infusion the toxicity that can be achieved is even less than that found in the ginger rhizome itself. .

Ginger tea contraindications

Ginger tea has few contraindications , but very specific:

  • Do not use its use in people with kidney deficiencies or problems, as it could cause greater damage
  • Do not use when you suffer from diabetes or consume any medication for blood pressure, as the reaction with the medications could cause serious damage to the body
  • Do not use in pregnancy, or breastfeeding or give the tea to children or babies.

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Home remedies with ginger tea

The ginger tea home remedies could be endless , as the combinations are really varied and we can attack thousands of health problems if we combine ginger with other herbs or ingredients.

But well, the most used ginger tea remedies are:

  • Ginger, honey and lemon tea . This is an efficient and effective remedy for treating cold, cough, and respiratory conditions.
  • Ginger and cinnamon tea. Perfect for relieving menstrual cramps, regulating the period and controlling the effects produced in this cycle. It can also help improve circulation, lower cholesterol, and lose weight.

Advantages and disadvantages of consuming ginger tea

We get many benefits in drinking ginger tea. We can help our body lose weight more effectively, increase blood flow, avoid changes in cholesterol level, control our menstrual period, relieve pain caused by it, reduce inflammation, control appetite and anxiety, and many others. positive effects that this drink has.

For its part, the disadvantages are not many , only that we cannot use this tea as a lifelong treatment, as we would be causing damage to our body, which can trigger a series of negative effects and reactions.

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Ginger tea datasheet

The technical specifications of ginger are as follows:

  • Common name: ginger
  • Scientific name: Zingiber officinale
  • Shelf life: it is recommended to use in the 12 next to its collection
  • Storage: keep in a dry, cool place, do not expose to direct sunlight
  • Plant type: herbaceous perennial
  • Smell: spicy, a little spicy
  • Brown color

Nutritional value of ginger tea

In ginger tea we can get the nutrients of ginger, but in a reduced measure, since it is an infusion. Similarly, to get an idea of ​​what this drink contains, we leave you the nutritional value of ginger itself.

So well, in every 100 grams of ginger, we can get:

  • 347 calories.
  • 6 grams of fat.
  • 2 grams of saturated fat.
  • 33 mg of sodium.
  • 71 g of carbohydrates.
  • 13 gr of fiber.
  • 9 gr of protein.
  • 116 mg of calcium.
  • 12 mg of iron.
  • Vitamin A and C.

Ginger Resources

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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