Grapefruit Seeds: Contraindications, Benefits And Uses

Grapefruit seeds are a popularly used natural remedy for diseases including psoriasis or eczema. The extract is commercialized.

It is very difficult to obtain the extract from grapefruit seeds. A series of chemicals and heat treatments are used to release the extract in a safer way that is suitable for domestic use. Below is an explanation of everything convenient to its uses, benefits and its different components that are presented in grapefruit seeds.

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What are grapefruit seeds?

Grapefruit seeds are a safe-to-use antimicrobial that is rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids. The extract can be obtained through the membrane and the grapefruit seeds, this is sold in a liquid form which is the most common, as well as capsules can be made.

Origin of grapefruit seeds

Although the origin of the grapefruit is not very clear, several scientists affirm that it may be a cross between the sweet orange tree and the grapefruit in the 1700s in Barbados, it is thought that it was some Barbados who managed to cross them, although it was until 1823 that it began make references to it. Currently, these seeds are cultivated for their commercialization in different varieties of the fruit . Florida was the first or to develop an industrial production. Other grapefruit producing countries are California, Brazil and Israel.

History of grapefruit seeds

The nuclear physicist, Dr.Harich, immigrated to the United States in 1957. Being a hobby gardener, he was able to observe that the grapefruit seeds remained intact without decomposing, contrary to what happened with other biological waste, provoking his curiosity.

Getting the Gainesville University Laboratory to collaborate with him, he extracted the grapefruit seeds, verifying the activity of the microorganisms causing the alteration in the decomposition, they were also able to observe its effect on the preservation of some foods since they contained rare but curious properties of germicides.

Since then, grapefruit seeds have been applied to health uses.

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Grapefruit seeds characteristics

Grapefruit contains more than 90 white seeds that can measure 1.25 cm in length. It is from an evergreen tree . It has very little branches but its crown is round and leafy. It reaches 6 meters in height. Its leaves contain a green color and are very simple and oval.

They are rich in vitamin B1 and vitamin E, the extract has the characteristic of being a medicinal product since it is considered anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidepressant, and more.

Scientific name of grapefruit seeds

Citrus Paradisi, from the Greek citrus = lemon and paradisi = paradise . It is considered the most vigorous tree among citrus fruits and is considered productive and ornamental.

Chemical composition of grapefruit seeds

Limonene, linalo, citrale and pinenen are some of the substances that we can find in grapefruit, they are stimulators and activators of circulation just like the thalamus, thus stimulating a feeling of happiness and well-being.

It contains an important chemical element which turns the seeds into a totally natural antisepticide an alternative to disinfect.

Active ingredient of grapefruit seeds

The fruit part contains the main active ingredients in grapefruit seeds, since they are rich in vitamins such as B1, C and E.

It contains bioflavonoids which, due to their antioxidant properties, protect the body and heal the ills of atherosclerosis as well as cancer and cardiovascular problems.

Recommended dose of grapefruit seeds

The recommended dose to ingest grapefruit seeds is in water or juice of 10 to 15 drops 3 times a day, doing this every day gives us bioflavonoids an equivalent of 67.5mg of vitamin C.

It is a great remedy for throat infections so it is recommended to gargle with them. The amount that is recommended to children between 5 to 10 drops a day.

Look here Grapefruit essential oil

Growing grapefruit seeds

It resists the cold much more than other citrus fruits as it is a tropical tree, but not temperatures below 3 ° C or snow. Light is important for seed growth. It is very important that it is planted under abundant sunlight most of the year, although it needs occasional shade from time to time but without being exposed to very strong winds as they would ruin fruit production.

They grow faster in soils with a sandy texture without the presence of saline conditions. In warmer times, you should have frequent watering.

In areas where there is more humidity, the grapefruits will be flattened and in dry areas, round fruits will be obtained.

Its production is recommended during the summer as they ripen faster.

Uses and benefits of grapefruit seeds

  • It helps the absorption of iron and synthesizes collagen.
  • Increases circulation in the blood.
  • Raise your defenses.
  • Avoid wound infection.
  • Lowers cholesterol naturally.
  • Boost your mood.
  • Natural remedy against poor digestion, abdominal pain, etc.
  • Protects the intestinal flora.
  • Natural remedy against fungi and bacteria.
  • Recovers against flu and colds.
  • Against aging.

Grapefruit seeds a natural antibiotic

The seeds have a very powerful microbial activity as well as a bactericide. Protects against various single-celled parasites. It is used to regenerate the intestinal flora, helping to balance it, which reduces the bacteria that cause inflammation and gas in the digestive system.

It is recommended for irritable bowel.

Grapefruit seeds and pregnancy

In very high doses it is not considerable or appropriate to consume during pregnancy since it is toxic to human skin, but during pregnancy in recommended doses they help the risks of the cervix.

It also increases the immune system protecting the mother and the baby from bacteria.

See our article on  How to strengthen the Immune System: Tips and Food

Grapefruit seeds against cancer, how does it help?

These seeds can prevent the growth of cancer cells since it contains a higher level of antioxidants due to limonoids, it helps breast, lung, stomach, colon cancer, etc.

According to a researcher at the University of Texas KK Mandadi, together with colleagues they made an attempt to isolate the limonoids from red grapefruit and discovered that it contains organic compounds that exist in other citrus fruits. These studies were published in “Zeitschrtift fur Naturforschung”

The seeds were found to have very serious effects if linked with other medications, so it is advisable to see your doctor before consuming them.

Cosmetic uses of grapefruit seeds

The use in cosmetology is important since it is shown to have preservatives helping to eradicate skin problems, pore impurities, rashes, acne, irritations, etc.

Grapefruit seeds can be found in detergents, gel and bath water as personal hygiene products. It acts on infections caused in the foot, armpits or genitals due to sweat , also in oral hygiene, scalp, etc.

Medicinal uses of grapefruit seeds


The extract of grapefruit seeds contains different antioxidants helping to maintain the digestive system but has as a contraindication that it interferes with metabolism.

It is effective in calming ulcers that occur in the stomach through cox-1 and 2 enzymes, improving blood flow thanks to the combination with gastric acid. It helps to balance the intestinal flora, in people who have consumed antibiotics there is a high probability that they suffer from diarrhea, constipation or gas.


Being a very powerful antioxidant, it helps prevent Alzheimer’s and aging by containing huge amounts of vitamin C and flavonoids.

Much more on this topic with  Vitamin C: Discover everything it does for you !!!


It has an effect on the heart thanks to the flavonoids contained in the seeds, they enhance circulation. Indicated to lower blood cholesterol that accumulates in the arteries. They inhibit platelets to reduce the risk of a heart attack or thrombosis.

Gastritis and ulcers

The stomach organ is always affected by germs, grapefruit seeds control these bacteria, especially Helicobacter, which is difficult to attack since it resists acids, causing problems in the intestinal flora or worse, causing cancer in the stomach.

It has been detected that grapefruit seeds can recognize harmful and healthy bacteria, by recognizing healthy bacteria it helps it to grow and these act in the proper functioning of digestion.

Fungi Disorders

Grapefruit seeds help fungal diseases such as diarrhea, gas, allergies, asthma, fibrosis, etc. Although it is in the investigation phase, some cases have been shown in which there has been improvement by the seeds.

Parasite Disorders

Toxins cause numerous diseases through parasites . These destroy red blood cells allowing the growth of worms first and then protrusion. Taking grapefruit seeds helps fight parasites by raising our immune system because it contains antimicrobial properties and carries out functions such as keeping the intestines free of diseases.

Allergy Disorders

ESP prevents excess production of abnormal macromolecules that cause rhinitis, fever, dermatitis, fever, etc. This happens because it strengthens the immune system to fulfill its cleansing function.

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It is used for candidiasis

The pathogenic fungus known as candidiasis, candida albicans, is an infectious disease that occurs both on the skin and on the mucous membranes, in women, candidiasis can occur in the vaginal area, this can cause great burning, itching, thick discharge and White color. Grapefruit seeds are an excellent antibioticto attack these ills, so it is advisable to take on an empty stomach only if irritation appears in the stomach. It is recommended to have a strict, purifying and limited diet for at least a week before starting to take grapefruit seeds and in case of vaginal problems to wash with boiled water. Regarding chronic infections, a diet low in sugar and cleansing is recommended for at least a week before starting to take grapefruit seeds, of course always accompanied by probiotics.

Help for otitis

The place where fungi and bacteria are most concentrated is in the ears, they reproduce faster since it is a dark and humid place. When we get the bite we get by using our fingers or pointed things to calm the itch but what it does is increase the infection. Grapefruit seeds are perfect to fight infection, it is safer and does not produce side effects. You can get a few drops and combine it with olive oil and pour into the ear, little by little it will reduce the infection. Unfortunately, children are more prone to getting otitis, and since the use of grapefruit seeds is not recommended in children, very low doses can only be administered in this case, always consulting a doctor.

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Serves for sinusitis

Sinusitis is a disease in the nasal area that appears for weeks or months, leaving the nose completely congested and causes headaches, eyes and in some cases teeth, it is irritating and painful. Grapefruit seed extract is totally potent and helps fight nasal infections .

Being made from grapefruit pulp, it is a natural antibiotic. It is considered effective in curing sinusitis, obtaining long-lasting results due to its high content of vitamin C, it fights nasal infections and relieves congestion.

To lose weight

Grapefruit has great benefits for weight loss, reduces cellulite, detoxifies the body. Homemade stimulant to treat even diabetes . It promises to lose between 4 to 5 kilos in 12 days.

Low satiety,  containing few calories is considered good fiber and antioxidant . 91 obese North Americans were part of a study in which they were separated into four groups in the way they were to take grapefruit seeds, capsules, extract, juice, and half the fruit. After 12 weeks, those who consumed half the fruit before meals had lost weight faster than the others.

But you have to consume it with caution since it is known to be an inhibitor of the intestinal system taking care of absorbing some medications, so it is important to consult your doctor.

For mastitis

These seeds contain citricide that is used to combat mastitis both orally or by applying it directly to the nipples, if the last use is preferred it is recommended to dilute it in water (5 to 15 drops in 30ml) and apply it with a swab, cotton and cover it with care if it is orally a pill 3 times a day.

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Agricultural use of grapefruit seeds

When extracting the oil from the seeds, it is used to condition the soil or for livestock feed.

Before giving it to cattle, it must be detoxified to be consumed.

Grapefruit seeds in gastronomy

The oil is bitter and very dark, but when it goes through the bleaching and refining process, it turns pale yellow, similar to olive oil, so much so that it can be used in the same way. It is an unsaturated fat and its production has been increasing since 1960.

Contraindications and risks of grapefruit seeds

This extract can be contraindicated for the body since it absorbs drugs, which reduces their effectiveness , not only of drugs but also of drugs such as antibiotics, quinidine (Against malaria) or itraconazole. It contains fexofenadine which is a sedative for allergies caused by the seasons as it is an antihistamine. But there are exceptions for being used for irregular heartbeats, it can have side effects on the circulation which can sometimes be serious. That is why it is always recommended to speak with the treating doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of using grapefruit seeds


  • It is an antioxidant.
  • Protects the heart system.
  • Eliminates cancer cells by almost 70%.
  • Recommended for weight loss.
  • Medicinal for fungal infections.


  • Absorb medications.
  • Do not take in cases of hypertension, cholesterol.
  • If you are undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
  • It cannot be taken together with anxiolytics, sedatives or antidepressants.

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Nutritional information for grapefruit seeds

  • Calories 41 Kcal / 100
  • Proteins 0.6 gr / 100 gr
  • Fat 0.1 gr / 100 gr
  • Carbohydrate 7.4 gr / 100 gr
  • Glycemic Index GI (CG) 30 (2.2u)

Note: All these values ​​are based on 100gr

Grapefruit seeds technical sheet

  • Common Name:  Green Tangerine
  • Botanical family: Rutaceae
  • Botanical name:  Citrus reticulata
  • Biochemical composition:  Limonene, gamma-Terpinene, alpha- & beta-Pinene, Terpinolene, Paracimene
  • Extraction:  Cold crust pressing
  • Origin:  Brazil
  • Part of the plant used:  Bark
  • Precautions:  It cannot be exposed to the sun, possible irritations. Avoid contact with eyes, out of reach of children.
  • Conservation:  Keep in shadows away from the sun’s rays
  • Possible allergens:  Lemons, these are natural supplements of the same oil.
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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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