Hazelnuts: Contraindications, Benefits And Nutritional Information

I want to introduce you to hazelnuts, a dried fruit that you may have already eaten as a snack, or have eaten it in some chocolate , these divine pieces have a crunchy and sweet flavor, they are really small but great in nutrients and very beneficial for You, they are round in shape, their shell is brown, inside it is cream, a yellowish white; You can eat it raw, or toasted, sweet or salty, you can also prepare them in oils or milk, the latter can be obtained in the market already ready, also there you will find different presentations of this fruit, such as with shell or without it, peeled, ground, whole or in pieces, as it suits your needs.

You may wonder what needs we mean, we mention that these little hazelnuts are great in nutrients that can benefit you in many things for your health, for example, if you want to lose weight a little to have a dream figure, although later it will seem contrary to you. the amounts of calories they provide; However, in this article we will provide you with the necessary information for you to use hazelnuts in your diet to lose weight , and not only for that, but also for cholesterol and triglycerides, if you are pregnant, you will be interested in knowing what they favor you , even after childbirth and during lactation.

If you are diabetic, this is the perfect fruit for you, or if you suffer from constipation, or otherwise it also serves for diarrhea and flatulence, and not satisfied with that, its oil is the best for your skin and for your hair , everything We will teach you about this and many other benefits in this article, intended for you to learn about hazelnuts from their origin, their properties and the benefit that you can get from these delicious nuts, but we will also provide you with information on the possible allergic reactions that they may cause. to certain people.

Hazelnuts overview

Hazelnuts, a popular dried fruit that is grown mostly in Turkey and Spain, in mid-August and early September, but for the month of December is when they are most requested by candy companies, and by people who for those end of year dates want to make recipes with this fruit, from cakes, nougat, chocolates among others.

If you buy them months before you should avoid getting wet as much as possible, I suggest that you use containers that close hermetically, it is more advisable that you leave them in their shells, so that they are kept longer in a cool and dry place, but peeled. in refrigeration they will last from four months to a year if you freeze them.

These will not take up much space in your fridge, since each one measures approximately two centimeters, they come from trees that can measure two to five meters in height. They have so much to offer for their consumer, from proteins, unsaturated fats, carbohydrates, vitamins E and B , that is, folates and pantothenic acid, and biotin, calories and other nutrients that you will see in a table later.

If you want to see which nutrients and vitamins are the most important for our body, do not hesitate to visit The Top 10 Vitamins and Minerals: Do we need supplements for our health?

Its origin

By the year 499, or the 5th century, the Greeks colonized Turkey and the hazelnut tree was found there, then they transferred it to Spain and today these two countries are major importers and exporters of hazelnuts. In the 19th century, various varieties began to be cultivated, apart from Turkey and Spain, Italy and the United States are also one of the main producers of this dried fruit, and its export is destined for France, Austria; Denmark, Switzerland and Germany primarily.

Does it receive other names?

Yes, it has other names by which they are known, because there are several varieties as I mentioned, they are classified according to size, hardness of the shell, and shape, in Spain they are called those of Reus: Negret, Gironell, Pauetet , Morell and Culplá , while in North America there are three subdivided species: Corylus, Cornuta and Califórnica, they are also called Filbert hazelnut, and those of the Turkish hazelnut are called Constantinople.

Countries with the highest consumption

In general, the countries that have the greatest domain of productivity of this fruit are those that consume them the most, these are Turkey and Spain , consumed naturally, or acquired in the market in their different presentations.

How many hazelnuts can I eat per day?

Because of its flavor, you will want to lie down, watch a good movie and eat hazelnuts while you rest and enjoy, without limit, but do you know when to stop? Twenty grams of hazelnuts gives you almost 130 calories, which will be enough if you are going to eat the rest of the day dishes with higher calorie content.

On the other hand, by eating the twenty grams of hazelnuts you will be obtaining other nutrients and fibers that will help you with digestion, with intestinal transit, and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, manganese that together with vitamin E work perfectly as antioxidants They will give you energy that your body needs whether you are in physical activity or at home doing chores.

In conclusion, you should not stop when consuming them, but rather, look for all the ways in which you can eat them and balance them with other foods, not only eat them naturally, you can cook them, use them in salads, accompany them with yogurt, even make sauces, and also prepare a rich vegetable milk, which you will find out about its benefits later.

Best Organic Hazelnuts to Buy

Within the extensive market that exists, nowadays any supermarket has this dried fruit, but if we want the best we must try to reach the producer, the most advisable thing is to use the internet to get the best product and Amazon is becoming a standard where producers they can sell directly to the final consumer without the need for intermediaries that make what we consume more expensive and lower the quality of what we consume. Here is a list of the most recommended hazelnuts for consumption:

  • Raw Organic Hazelnuts – 1kg
  • Organic peeled hazelnuts (walnut) | 250g | Markal
  • Daylesford Organic Hazelnut 125g (Pack of 6)

Properties and benefits of hazelnuts

Properties and benefits of hazelnuts

Among its properties you will find unsaturated fats, carbohydrates and proteins, also iron , potassium, and other minerals , several vitamins such as A, B and E, all this is intended to treat many diseases in your body, prevent them and also to beautify you more than you already are.

Its vitamins, mainly E, will favor your skin , the fiber content will treat problems in your intestine, minerals such as calcium will prevent you from bone complications, and fats, even if you think that consuming fat is harmful to health, these They are not, because they are unsaturated fatty acids that is to say that they will not adhere to the arteries but will circulate through your body.

That is why they are good for fighting high cholesterol, which is called bad cholesterol, and it will raise good cholesterol. All its nutrients will help you in so many health irregularities, from stress, cardiovascular problems, anemia, and for diarrhea, or constipation, to lose weight and for cosmetic use.

Widely used in weight loss diets

If you think you have a few extra kilos, and you want to lose them without starving, because you want to avoid all the foods that provide you with more calories than you need, and many more carbohydrates than you require, then hazelnuts are the best choice, because if you start a strict diet you will feel without desire, and exhausted, on the other hand, with this dried fruit you will receive strength and energy.

For every one hundred grams, you receive an approximate of 630 calories, which will allow you to comply with the diet that you have proposed if you consume it in moderate portions, and its fiber content will help you purify your body, eliminating substances that will make it easier for you to lose weight On the other hand, antioxidants also facilitate your digestion.

Remember that to lose weight you should not stop eating, but eat well and balanced, although this fruit will help you lose weight in a natural and healthy way, you should not consume it in excess, I recommend 10 grams a day, to look and feel good.

Good for cholesterol and triglycerides

The lipids or monounsaturated fats regulate the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, hypercholesterolemia is the level of high bad cholesterol, and the components of hazelnuts replace this cholesterol with a good one, as well as its fiber eliminates toxic substances from the body.

They allow the concentration of good cholesterol to increase in the blood, thus reducing the chances of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, in this case, if what you are looking for is to reduce the level of triglycerides and cholesterol then I recommend that you consume between twenty and thirty grams per day

They can be consumed during pregnancy

They can be consumed during pregnancy

If you are not interested in losing weight, and not in improving your cholesterol, but you are pregnant, then you should know that hazelnuts provide the best benefits for you and your baby. Instead of taking so many pills to ensure that your baby is healthy, such as iron and folic acid that is responsible for preventing malformations in the fetus, and iron to treat anemia.

This fruit prevents iron deficiency (participates in the formation of red blood cells) that increases with pregnancy, apart from stimulating the immune system, increasing the growth of bifidobacteria and lymphocytes. You may be concerned that you do not know the amount of hazelnuts you should eat because it is a natural product and does not mark the milligrams or grams they contain as in the pill box, do not worry anymore, we will give you that information immediately: For every one hundred grams of nuts you will be entering your body approximately seven milligrams of iron, we advise you to eat citrus fruits that will facilitate the absorption of iron.


When you finally have your baby in your arms after so much waiting, the least you think is that you should follow a diet, but this diet is not to maintain your figure, you need it because you must give your body as many calories as you can, in fact you should eat about six times a day, include in your diet foods that help you heal, regain energy and avoid anemia, after having lost so much blood, you will also want a food that helps you with the production of breast milk because your baby will absorb everything you eat from you.

About five hundred calories a day are required for your body to function perfectly and return to its natural state, as it was before you got pregnant. Hazelnuts have all this, B vitamins, arginine, which is an amino acid that will help you heal, iron to recover from all that blood loss, and the best thing is that you can consume them without limits because they have the calories you need some 628 for every hundred grams.

Of course, without limits, we wanted to say comparing it with the one that wants to reduce and with the one that wants to stabilize its cholesterol, because do not forget that a maximum of 20 to 30 grams per day can be eaten. So be very careful! Balance your diet so that you feel good and can receive enough nutrients to share them with your baby, who will also benefit from hazelnuts through you, as we explain below:


With breastfeeding, everything that you eat your baby will absorb it in each feeding, you must opt ​​for hazelnuts that as you already know are nutritious, their intake will contribute to the reinforcement of the immune system and will favor your postpartum recovery while you feed happily to your baby.

Iron, vegetable proteins, unsaturated fatty acids , vitamin E, folic acid will strengthen your baby’s immune system through the breast milk that you provide him. You will need energy, you may feel exhausted for the first few days, and hazelnuts have an energy charge that will make you feel great about the challenges of being a breastfeeding mother, and that you may not sleep soundly for some time.

Can a diabetic eat hazelnuts?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes, hazelnuts are a good ally for people who have diabetes, because they help you reduce and stabilize sugar levels, due to their low glycemic index, that is, they slowly release sugar in blood, we recommend that you consume them on an empty stomach and enjoy their flavor and other additional benefits for your health.

Recommended for constipation

If you have constipation, that is, if you notice a reduction in the number of stools, and their hardening, you go to the bathroom about three times a week only, then you should eat hazelnuts, as you already know they are rich in fibers and these facilitate the transit of food through the intestinal tract.

They help against flatulence

against flatulence

When something causes you gas, or flatulence, it is somewhat uncomfortable if you are in a meeting with friends, or at your work surrounded by people, although it can be beneficial because they will never know who was the culprit if you do it with discretion, however to avoid blaming to some innocent it is better that you eat hazelnuts.

These will help you reduce flatulence, which is nothing more than intestinal fermentation, caused by constipation, heavy meals, milk for intolerant people, irritable bowel, lack of intestinal flora, even nervousness can cause you gas.

To help a little, we suggest you remove those foods that provoke the gases, and in place of cow’s milk , consume milk hazelnut , beware that sometimes the cure can be worse than the disease, because if you already consume fiber too much hazelnuts will only make your flatulence worse.

Experts recommend them for diarrhea

Diarrhea is a topic that no woman likes to discuss even with her best friend, although it is something that can happen to anyone, this is not a disease, however suffering from it can cause you to death, if you do not control it in time and most importantly you must stay hydrated.

You wonder: if hazelnuts are for constipation, can’t they be used for diarrhea? The answer is that nuts are contraindicated if you have diarrhea, but hazelnut plant milk will provide you with the nutrients that you are discarding due to frequent bowel movements, you need to replenish them and also hydrate yourself, for this reason the experts recommend the consumption of plant-based milk. hazelnut to replenish and fill you with energy.

Contraindications of hazelnut consumption

The consumption of hazelnuts is contraindicated if you are allergic, if you suffer from obesity, and if you consume them in excess, they can cause you an overdose of fiber, which will ferment the intestinal tract and cause severe pain due to gas.

Do hazelnuts cause allergies? Why?

Hazelnut contains an allergen, called Cor a 1, which with cross-reactivity, that is, the reaction between an antigen and an antibody generated by the body to face another antigen causes the allergic reaction , just like the transfer proteins of lipids explain your joy.


If when eating hazelnuts or any other dried fruit you start sneezing, tearing, your face turns red, you feel hives, or worse you suffer from anaphylactic shock, then you are having an allergic reaction, if so, you should completely exclude consumption from your diet. hazelnuts and usually other nuts.

We recommend that you wear a bracelet that indicates to others that you are allergic, consult your doctor immediately, if it is the first time that they cause you happiness, it may be another food that contributed to the triggering of joy, he will determine if injecting you adrenaline, or any antiallergic but it will surely leave you a few hours under observation.

In conclusion, good or bad?

It can be concluded then that they are good, like any other food as long as it is consumed in moderation and not in excess, include them in your daily diet, in salads, raw, cooked, in yogurts or as you like best, the important thing is that you remember all their Benefits; from the reduction of cholesterol, its antioxidants protect you from cellular aging, favor your digestion, fatty acids such as omega 3 and 6 are the most important since our body does not produce them naturally and must be incorporated through of what you eat, the fibers and vitamin E among other things will lead you to eat a handful of hazelnuts daily.

Commercial uses of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts increase in demand at the end of the year, this is because they are fundamental ingredients in nougats, chocolates , cakes, among others, but in the rest of the year hazelnuts are marketed for the manufacture of oils and vegetable milk, because they have many benefits and these are highly sought after in the market.

Hazelnut oil

Hazelnut oil

This vegetable oil is obtained from the flower of the hazelnut tree, and contains special vitamins to favor your skin, it is not greasy, which makes it ideal to protect you from the effects of the sun, wrinkles, flaccidity, even acne, generating a good natural alternative to intensify your beauty.


It serves as a toner, lubricant, regenerates damaged skin, tightens pores and improves scars. And if you have chapped lips, a little hazelnut oil will improve them. By consuming it, it will stimulate your circulatory system, although you must be careful, since not all oils are to be ingested.

Check out our article on hazelnut oil and its health properties.


Due to its vitamins A and E, and minerals such as magnesium and potassium, and its high percentage of palmitoleic acid, it gives tone and softness to your skin, it is absorbed quickly, it reaffirms you while you massage your body easily thanks to the oil you will obtain excellent results .


Its moisturizing and protective properties will help you regulate the sebaceous glands, which will improve your damaged and dry hair.

If you want more information about the health of your hair visit this article that could interest you Complete Guide on Hair

Hazelnut milk

You can make this hazelnut drink easily, you must grind and dissolve the fruits in water, then strain it and that’s it, you can also buy it ready, ask for it as hazelnut vegetable milk, it will provide you with all the benefits that you have found in this article but faster because your body absorbs it better and more easily, it is important that you do not give it to children under three years of age, the low sodium content helps you if you must control salt, it has more calories than milk of beef, and less amount of calcium so you should take calcium with another supplement, it is rich in flavor, refreshing and energetic.

If you want more information, don’t miss our articles on hazelnut milk, change to a healthier life.


The use of hazelnut milk is similar to that of cow’s milk, you can take it with vanilla or chocolate, to give it flavor, in smoothies with fruits , with cereals, or natural, cold or hot.

Differences between hazelnuts and almonds

Almonds for their size are used to give them as souvenirs in baptisms, communions and sometimes weddings, it is similar to hazelnut because it is also a dried fruit, from which an oil with many benefits is obtained, they are really very similar in terms of their properties and its difference lies in its shape and size rather than in its flavor and nutrients, although it is ranked first because it has a slightly higher percentage than hazelnut in fiber, vitamins and fat.

Which is better?

Both are very good because their similarity in nutrients gives almost the same benefits as hazelnuts, almonds contain three grams of fiber for every thirty grams more than these, but it does not make it better than hazelnuts, it could be said that they are tied, it remains in your criteria to judge which is best for you.

How to use hazelnuts in the kitchen

hazelnuts in the kitchen

There are different ways to eat hazelnuts, incorporating them into your cooking recipes is an excellent idea. In sweet or savory, in cakes or salads.

How are they eaten?

You can eat them natural, dry, toasted without the shell, or as an aperitif, in cereals or with yogurts, in pastry and confectionery products, in a myriad of ways you can ingest them and exploit their delicious flavor.

How to roast hazelnuts?

When roasting the hazelnuts you will intensify their flavor, perhaps they taste nutty, you must remove the hard shell and place them on a heat-resistant tray, to put them in the oven and eliminate their little humidity, 180 ° C for ten minutes or until they turn more brunettes. You will have them ready to prepare nutella or for another use, either salty or sweet.

Caramelize hazelnuts

If you decide to use hazelnuts in sweet, then caramelizing them is an excellent and delicious alternative, you must have two hundred grams of sugar, a tablespoon of water for the syrup, two hundred grams of peeled and raw hazelnuts because you will proceed to fry them, then drain the oil, in a pot you place in sugar with a little water, stir until the syrup is golden brown, make the hazelnuts, caramelize them if you have chopsticks, prick them and place them on a tray until cool, and share with the family, do not eat them by yourself because they have a high caloric level.

Nutritional information per 100 g of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts: nutrients
NutrientFor every 100g
Water5.31 g
Protein14.95 g
Lipids60.75 g
Ash2.29 g
Carbohydrates16.7 g
Hazelnuts: Carbohydrates
NutrientFor every 100g
Fiber9.7 g
Sugars4.34 g
Hazelnuts: Minerals
NutrientFor every 100g
Calcium114 mg
Iron4.7 mg
Magnesium163 mg
Match290 mg
Potassium680 mg
Sodium0 mg
Zinc2.45 mg
Copper1,725 ​​mg
Manganese6,175 mg
Selenium0.0024 mg
Hazelnuts: Vitamins
VitaminFor every 100g
Vitamin C6.3 mg
Vitamin B10.643 mg
Vitamin B20.113 mg
Vitamin B31.8 mg
Vitamin B50.918 mg
Vitamin B60.563 mg
B12 vitamin0 mg
Vitamin B90.113mg
Vitamin B745.6 mg
Vitamin E15.03mg
Vitamin D0 mg
Vitamin K0.0142mg
Hazelnuts: Carotenoid Antioxidants
NutrientFor every 100g
Alpha Carotene3 μg
Beta Carotene11 μg
Beta Cryptoxanthin0 μg
Lycopene0 μg
Lutein and Zeaxanthin92 μg
Hazelnuts: Fatty acids
NutrientFor every 100g
Saturated fatty acids4,464 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids45,652 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids7.92 g

Glycemic index of this food

Knowing the glycemic index will help you avoid foods that are not healthy, it is not the same low in fat as low glycemic index . The speed of carbohydrates to break down into glucose and pass into the blood, on the scale of (0 to 100) zero to one hundred, those that break down the slowest have a low glycemic index and those that are faster to break down are of a high glycemic index, that is, more than 50, moderate if it is 35 to 50 and low if it is 0 to 35. Hazelnuts have a glycemic index of 15.

Learn more about the nuts by visiting the following arti ass the best types of Nuts for our Health

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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