Diaper Rash: Causes, Treatments, Prevention and Remedies

Dermatitis is the type of inflammation or reaction in the skin caused by different factors , internal or external. In the case of diaper rash, it is this same type of condition, but developed in the diaper area, that is, in the crotch, genital area and buttocks of the baby.

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Is it known by other names?

Diaper rash is commonly known under this same name, it does not tend to vary by area, but in more informal speech it can also be called: diaper rash.

Causes and consequences of diaper rash

Diaper rash can be caused by a number of different factors , however this condition is considered a common problem in babies who are between four months of age. Until you fifteen months.

Dermatitis can be a more recurrent problem even when the baby begins to eat solid foods , since the wastes that they begin to excrete are different and this can influence the baby’s skin.

Another type of dermatitis is that caused by an infection of the fungus known as candida , this type of infection is recurrent in slightly older children. Candida thrives best in hot, humid places, such as inside the diaper.

The most common causes of dermatitis are:

  • The baby’s diaper is not kept clean and dry
  • The baby is taking antibiotics (or the mother is breastfeeding)
  • Your child’s stools contain acids, this is more common with diarrhea
  • Contact with ammonia, this can be produced by bacteria that act in the decomposition of urine
  • Reaction to soap or another product when washing the diaper (in case it is made of cloth)

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Signs and symptoms of diaper rash

Diaper rash can be clearly noticed as it causes considerable irritation to the skin. In the same way, dermatitis presents the following signs and symptoms in the baby:

  • Red rash, irritation or outbreaks, these may become larger in relation to worsening infection
  • Flake detachment in the baby’s penis or vagina area
  • Sores, blisters, or pus-filled pimples may develop in the affected area
  • Red spots all over the affected skin
  • If the baby is not so small, it may tend to scratch when the diaper is removed
  • Diaper rash does not spread beyond the diaper area.

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Pharmacological treatments

Diaper rash can be treated simply by keeping your baby’s skin clean and free of moisture . This simple fact will help prevent the condition from developing again. The longer you can keep the baby without a diaper, the better so as not to cause new irritation.

Similarly, there are creams, ointments, and lotions sold in pharmacies that are excellent for eliminating infection, relieving swelling and redness, and caring for the baby’s skin.

The medicines that are most widely used in the case of this disease are nystatin, clotrimazole, kentaconazole and miconazole, these can completely eliminate the infection, since they prevent the development of the fungus, disappearing it permanently

When it comes to a case of severe dermatitis , you can resort to a cream treatment with steroids , this can be hydrocortisone. This type of medication can usually be purchased without a prescription, but it is always better to consult with your trusted doctor before applying any exogenous substance on your body or that of your baby.

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How to prevent diaper rash?

If cloth diapers are used , dermatitis can be prevented by:

  • Avoid wearing plastic or rubber garments over the diaper, they do not allow air to circulate through the area. Wear clothes made of a material that allows the baby’s skin to breathe.
  • Avoid using products like fabric softeners , the chemicals in these can worsen irritation.
  • When you wash cloth diapers, be sure to rinse them well and not leave any soap residue on the cloth . Apply this if your baby has dermatitis or has had it before.

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On the other hand, if you use disposable diapers , you can take into account the following tips to prevent and avoid diaper rash, see them below:

  • Change the baby’s diaper more frequently , do not let so much urine accumulate in the diaper and in case he has defecated you should do it immediately.
  • Use water and soft cloth towels , preferably cotton, to wash the diaper area. This should be done at every diaper change. Do not rub or rub the area roughly, you must treat this area delicately. You can choose to use a spray bottle, spray bottle, or spray bottle to apply water to the baby.
  • Let the diaper area air dry or you can do it manually by patting the skin gently.
  • Do not adjust your baby’s diaper too tightly , this prevents the flow of air in the area and friction on the legs or waist can cause irritation.
  • Use diapers whose absorbent quality is very good , so you can be guaranteed that the baby’s skin will stay dry and thus reduce the probability of developing an infection.
  • When you go to change your baby’s diaper, wash your hands beforehand .
  • Use a cream that an expert recommends.
  • Use a cream against diaper rash, ask for a recommendation so that you get the best one. In case you don’t know which one to use, those made from zinc oxide or petroleum jelly are very good at removing moisture from the baby’s skin and also keeping it completely clean and dry for a long time.
  • Do not use wet towels that contain alcohol or fragrance, these can further irritate the baby’s skin.
  • Do not use talcum powder , it can also affect your baby’s lungs.

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Pathophysiology of diaper rash

Diaper rash, pathophysiologically, occurs because a substance passes through the skin layer . This condition begins to manifest itself 48 to 72 hours after absorption of the substance. However, this cycle varies depending on certain factors such as the time of exposure to the substance that caused the allergy or if it is the first time that you have contact with something of this type.

The pathophysiological cycle in which dermatitis develops is generally divided into two parts:

  • Afferent phase: it is when the body, or the skin in this case, becomes sensitized to the presence of the allergen.
  • Efferent phase: also known as the response phase, it is when the reaction to the substance that entered the body begins to develop. If you have had previous contact with this substance, the response may be faster or immediate.

Diaper dermatitis and homeopathy

Homeopathy is a highly recommended remedy to alleviate the condition caused by diaper rash in babies, since their skin is very delicate and fragile, so another type of treatment can be very strong for this.

Thus, to relieve diaper rash, it is convenient to apply two portions of Medorrhinum 15 CH to the baby’s skin, with a three-day interval between each application. This method can be implemented more easily if we choose to dissolve it in the baby’s water. This same procedure has to be administered together with a local treatment for the results to be more rigorous and effective.

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Nursing care for diaper rash

The best we can do to avoid diaper rash is to prevent the development of conditions where it develops easily , that is why we must use disposable diapers that are highly absorbent, preferably gel, and of course change them frequently. In this way we will be providing the baby’s skin with better perspiration, as well as keeping it dry and avoiding the development of infections due to prolonged contact with urine or feces.

If it is a case of mild dermatitis, you can maintain the hygiene of the area very carefully, wash your baby with warm water and use a soap for delicate skin . Every time you change your baby’s diaper, use a diaper rash cream, this will serve as a barrier and prevent contact with water.

In case the dermatitis is severe , you can choose to implement a cream with anti-inflammatories, in case of fungi you have to apply in that case a treatment that helps to eliminate it, which you should consult with your trusted pediatrician.

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When is diaper rash mild, moderate, or severe

Diaper rash can increase in intensity, like any other infection, so it can be mild, moderate or severe.

Mild dermatitis will be one where there is only a small irritation in the diaper area, it can only be in the crotch and can be caused by the rubbing of the diaper.

It can be considered as moderate dermatitis when the appearance of sores and ulcers of a larger size is noticed on the baby’s skin.

And finally, severe dermatitis is one where there is already an infection caused by the candida fungus, which causes more severe and more marked symptoms, which have to be treated with special medications for this problem.

Is olive oil good for diaper rash?

Babies’ skin is very delicate, this can be seen with the naked eye, for this reason it must be taken care of very carefully. One of the natural remedies traditionally applied to care for the skin of babies is olive oil .

According to a considerable number of studies, olive oil is a product that contains a large amount of mineral salts , fatty acids and vitamins D, A and E, which greatly benefits the skin in general, that is, not only that of the babies.

As well, the properties of olive oil make this product can function as an excellent moisturizer and moisturizer for the skin, this oil can provide the skin with properties that improve elasticity and keep it healthy.

The vitamins contained in olive oil, especially the extra virgin , prevent irritation in pediatric cases , improve healing and prevent flaking of the affected area. So we can conclude that olive oil is a good alternative to treat diaper rash.

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Area affected with diaper rash

As its name suggests, diaper rash is an irritating condition that occurs in the area where the diaper is located . Diaper rash causes inflammation and irritation under the diaper, that is, in the crotch, buttocks and genital area. This problem can occur in both babies and the elderly, but it is more common for its development to be seen more on the skin of children.

What to do when it is seborrheic?

Seborrheic dermatitis is considered a temporary condition that develops in babies up to their 10th week of life, so it usually does not require the application of an alternative medication.

However, if the condition lasts beyond the 10th week of life, the problem is diagnosed as atopic dermatitis , which requires special treatment prescribed by a specialist in the matter.

In the case of this problem, it is appropriate to use a shampoo with a neutral pH, preferably hypoallergenic, which avoids irritation and does not contain dyes. In addition, we can remove the scabs easily with the use of a cotton ball with oil and in case of a more severe condition, a topical product that contains corticosteroids can be used to eliminate the problem.

In the same way, the symptoms of this infection can be improved by following the advice that we indicate below:

  • Daily cleaning with neutral pH products.
  • Wear clothing that is 100% cotton.
  • Clean clothes with white soap.
  • Avoid using products with alcohol and fragrances.

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Does diaper rash affect the elderly?

Due to urinary incontinence or paralysis, adults may require the use of diapers, which leaves them exposed to diaper rash .

In the chaos of adults, dermatitis is related to a series of factors that irritate the skin and produce alterations in its surface, in the same way as it happens with the skin of babies, however, that of these is more delicate so the problem may be greater compared to that of adults.

Is it a type of fungus? Is it related to candida?

If the diaper rash lasts for more than three days, even after proceeding with the pertinent treatments to cure it, it may be a case of infection by a fungus called candida .

In this type of cases, dermatitis can develop in a more severe way, since it is an infection, it also requires the application of medications that eliminate the infection.

Diaper rash and teething

Dermatitis is a problem that can be increased when the baby is teething , since at this time the stool can be very liquid, not very homogeneous and may also contain mucus, which is conducive to developing an infection in the diaper area.

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Atopic diaper dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a problem that develops on the skin and can be prolonged , which is why it is considered chronic. This consists of a series of reddish rashes on the skin and it can also cause peeling in several areas.

This type of dermatitis is caused by a skin reaction similar to that of an allergy . This reaction can cause swelling and redness of the affected area continuously. A person with atopic dermatitis is more sensitive at the skin level, since the problem causes some proteins to be decreased.

Home remedies for diaper rash

One of the best methods to keep the diaper area healthy and avoid, or cure, dermatitis is to wash the area with warm water and keep the baby free of the diaper for as long as possible , in this way the skin can perspire better.

The warm water makes the blood circulation in the affected area noticeably improve , which is of great help if your baby’s problem is caused by an infection.

So, let your baby be a few minutes without a diaper daily and give him a warm bath, and with this you can imminently prevent diaper rash, you will also provide care for his skin in general.

General recommendations against diaper rash

To avoid diaper rash, the following tips are generally recommended :

  • Change your baby’s diaper whenever it is very wet , do not let the urine accumulate excessively and of course much less the stool, since in this way you can cause an allergic reaction or worse: an infection.
  • Use mild , hypoallergenic, pH neutral and fragrance-free soaps to wash your baby’s skin.
  • Dry your baby’s skin very well , do not rub too hard. It is recommended that you let it air dry.
  • Use a cream against dermatitis every time you change the diaper, this serves as a barrier so that the skin does not make contact with your baby’s waste.
  • Do not use creams or ointments that contain cortisone without first consulting with your trusted pediatrician.
  • If irritation is present, it is recommended that you leave the baby without a diaper for a couple of hours a day , in this way you will prevent it from getting worse.

If you follow these simple tips and you cannot get a good result, it is best that you seek professional help from your trusted pediatrician to indicate a more appropriate alternative to your baby’s situation.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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