Currently, krill oil is the food supplement of the moment , the one that is in fashion. Although most do not know it very well and have many questions on the subject, such as: what is it, how is it taken, what is its origin, the properties and nutritional content of this oil. But then, in this article, we are going to answer these questions, as well as the relevance of including Omega3 fatty acids in our daily diet, krill oil being very rich in these acids. Likewise, we will explain the health benefits and the recommended dose, among other relevant data.
In the first place, we are going to define what are Omega3 fatty acids, these are polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary nutrients for our body and organism, because they cannot be synthesized by themselves, in such a way that it is essential to consume them by means of certain foods.
In nature, the food that contains the greatest quantity of this nutrient is krill, this is an animal, a small crustacean, which lives in the cold waters of Antarctica, considered the purest ocean on earth, and its food is the phytoplankton , this is a seaweed.
What is krill oil?
This krill oil contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega3 EPA and DHA , which are the structural elements of our brain, skin, cerebral cortex, retina, sperm and testes. Krill oil is considered a substance of natural origin rich in various nutrients that provide excellent benefits to our health, such as omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9, antioxidants, vitamins A and E, as well as multiple types of flavonoids; This is one of the few foods that contains so many nutrients .
Also, these fatty acids that krill oil contains are easier to absorb by our body cells. In addition to this, its consumption (since it has Omega 3 EPA and DHA) helps reduce the risk of suffering from coronary diseases, thanks to the fact that it reduces the high level of triglycerides and cholesterol . Therefore, it is an excellent food to include in the diet of those who suffer or have suffered from heart problems.
Check in this article Omega-3, 6 and 9 Fatty Acids to improve Health
Origin of krill oil
Krill oil is extracted from a small animal, a crustacean that looks like shrimp, this animal is the first in the food chain. Its favorite food is algae, called phytoplankton and zooplankton from there it takes its nutrients. In addition, this food is the primary food for other animals such as: mantas, whales and whale sharks. The krill has its habitat along the seas of Antarctica, in the deepest and total darkness, they are the purest waters in the whole world. It encompasses the islands of Russia, Japan, Vancouver, Ukraine, Taiwan, and South Korea, where krill is considered a traditional dish with a variety of recipes that include it.
Likewise, krill is the first animal and living being that generates Omega 3, and as it is the lowest in the food chain, its nutrients and oil are of higher purity, because it does not contain toxins, heavy metals or those types of substances that they stick to the skin and fat of other fish in the sea. Also, apart within its oil we find Omega 6 fatty acids, phospholipids and astaxanthin.
Krill oil history
In the Asian continent since long before the 19th century, krill has been appreciated as an excellent food source, they call it okiami. They have known its properties since time immemorial, before in the West they knew of its existence. Similarly, it has been used in various health practices, such as acupuncture and natto. Krill oil is extracted from the tiny crustacean and has multiple health benefits.
Today, krill oil has increased in popularity thanks to its content in large amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which provide benefits to our entire body and organism, including the immune system, circulation, lipid profile, it also reduces existing inflammation. Krill oil is marketed as a nutritional supplement, in the form of pearls that contains all its nutrients and benefits.
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Krill oil characteristics
Krill oil contains a large amount of nutrients, as mentioned before, omega 3 oil DHA – EPA and the antioxidant astaxanthin that helps against oxidative stress, for eyes, skin and cell regeneration. Next, we are going to explain the characteristics of krill oil in detail.
Krill oil contains a large number of antioxidants of natural origin, they are those that help neutralize the effects of free radicals, those that damage cellular tissues, the so-called oxidative stress, additionally it benefits in a host of serious problems of the Health. Its powerful content of these antioxidants provides the same oil with remarkable stability .
Vitamin A and Vitamin E
Among its nutrients are vitamins A and E in small amounts, but they are also beneficial for health.
This is one of the antioxidants that krill oil contains, astaxanthin from the beta-carotene family, is a caratenoid, and this is the one that can be found in fruits and vegetables, since they are what give it its yellow colors , reds and oranges. Likewise, it provides protection to the plants that contain it, against the UV rays of the sun. In addition, krill food, phytoplankton, is rich in astaxanthin, giving the crustacean that red-orange color. It is important to mention that astaxanthin in krill oil has EPA and DHA molecules, allowing our body to absorb and metabolize it in its entirety, taking advantage of all its properties and benefits, as well as protecting and stimulating the brain.
Flavonoid Novel
This is a flavonoid recently discovered by scientists, they have called it novel because it is still without a name , which can be found in some plants and is considered a powerful antioxidant, the novelty is that for the first time a flavonoid of this type is extracted of an animal . However, its properties and benefits have not been fully discovered, they only know the antioxidant power that krill oil possesses.
Regarding this we recommend you read Antioxidants: Natural, Artificial, Benefits and Characteristics
Added value of Krill Oil
Among the value-added nutrients in krill oil, there are DHA and EPA molecules linked to phospholipids with a highly bioavailable structural chemistry, this means that the body absorbs them completely and, therefore, uses them in the best way.
Omega 3
Omega 3 fatty acids are important for health, and their quality is valued and recognized every day. This is because they are considered essential components for cell membranes and for the development of the central nervous system. These fatty acids help regulate blood pressure, blood clotting and reduce inflammation. Its molecules, EPA, maintain the balance of the immune system, and DHA is vital for proper brain function.
Likewise, it helps the balance between Omega 3 and Omega 6, because our body needs it in even amounts, however, our diets include omega 6 in excess, which we find in vegetable oils, cereals, eggs and poultry corral. All this has resulted in a discrepancy between the fatty acids needed by the body and organism.
Both omega 3 and omega 6 are essential for our body, in the inflammatory and immune process. In other words, omega 6 accelerates the course of the inflammatory response required for an infection, and omega 3 allows the body to return to normal . All this has caused that, due to the excess intake of omega 6, the risks of suffering diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, among others that are related to inflammation; are more likely and are increasing every day.
Therefore, krill oil, thanks to its high content of both fatty acids, and in greater quantity omega 3, allows to restore this balance in the body, due to the adequate proportion of both fatty acids, which are released in form of phospholipids throughout our body. So krill oil is an excellent option to include in our daily diet.
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Phospholipids are fats, which have been called gatekeepers, because they are the ones that form a microscopic layer helping our cells to externally filter those toxins that accumulate in the body, which are the cause of stimulating the appearance of diseases. So all cells in our body need phospholipids. They are also a protection against what is called oxidative stress, which emerges when free radicals enter with harmful molecules through the cell wall.
Importance of nutrients in krill oil
As we have mentioned before, krill oil contains DHA and EPA in omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for the good health of our body. Additionally, scientists have discovered through their studies and research that it improves and promotes cardiovascular health, strengthens the immune system, and optimizes moods. This is thanks to its high content of three powerful and vital nutrients, such as: Omega 3 fatty acids, phospholipids and antioxidants. Separately they provide properties and benefits, and the three together intensify the benefits and advantages.
Krill oil scientific name
The scientific name for krill oil is Euphausia superba .
Krill oil chemical composition
The chemical composition of krill oil is substantial, because it contains in addition to omega 3 fatty acids, it contains omega 6 and omega 9, with a high amount of antioxidants (including astaxanthin), and vitamin A and vitamin E. Thank you a, which contains three types of phospholipids (phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine ), it is more potent than commercial fish oil . Also, this contributes to the absorption and assimilation of all these nutrients and vitamins, accelerating positive actions. Additionally, it contains minerals such as magnesium, potassium, zinc, fluorine and phosphorus.
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How is krill oil extracted?
Over many years it had not been possible to extract krill oil with all its nutrients, but today, scientists have achieved it through a cold extraction process, with which the properties and benefits are assured. bioactive of all molecules, keeping it intact without exposing it to air or heat.
In order to extract its oil, the krill is captured at a certain time of day, in the last two months of the summer season, this is because phytoplankton, its favorite food, is in the perfect freezing point to take advantage of its nutrients. Where, the fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients have their high power, it is frozen at very low temperatures immediately after its collection, it is not exposed again to air or heat because these nutrients are lost, keeping ultra frozen until the moment of the extraction process of its oil. It is a procedure that maintains the purity of its properties.
Ways to consume Krill oil
- The animal, the pure krill : it is safe to consume it naturally, thanks to the fact that its fishing is carried out in a sustainable way without causing damage to the ecosystem. In addition, it is possible to find and buy it in local markets. Likewise, as it is an exclusive animal of Antarctica, it is not contaminated with metals, which are those that affect fish.
- In capsules: it is the most commercial and popular way of consuming krill oil, in this presentation the oil is more concentrated, therefore, it is more usable and the results are obtained faster. The most advisable thing is to consume two capsules a day, however, each container has the indications for daily consumption.
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Recommended dosage of krill oil
In the case of capsules, the most recommended by experts is to take 1 to 3 capsules daily ingested with food, in such a way that the stomach is not empty, avoiding sensations and discomfort in the stomach after taking them.
Likewise, in the first two months from the moment we begin to ingest it, until day 60 it is recommended to take 2 to 3 capsules a day, and then reduce the dose of krill oil to 1 capsule per day.
In the pearl or capsule containers you will find the correct indications for the adequate intake, everything will depend on the type of container that we acquire where they also attach other types of information to learn about the benefits of krill oil. In the market, when they are called pearls people can get a little confused and feel strange, therefore we recommend calling them capsules . Because, in this way, it is easier to expose the correct way to take them. Generally speaking, it is very easy to follow the instructions that we have presented to do it correctly. However, they are a reference and the most recommended is to read the indications that the container of krill oil that has been purchased contains.
Krill oil uses and benefits
There are multiple benefits of consuming krill oil in our diet, among which we can mention: it controls cholesterol, levels blood sugar levels, favors the vascular and nervous system, memory, concentration and learning. . In addition, it helps fight attention deficit disorder (ADHD ), fights depression, reduces hyperactivity, strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, relieves menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), reduces signs of aging, among many more benefits. We will explain some of them in detail below.
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What are the benefits for the skin?
The consumption of krill oil for the skin is highly recommended, because it has aesthetic properties to show a younger face, as well as to rejuvenate the skin by reducing wrinkles, among other typical problems. It is very important to include krill oil in the daily diet, since it is a very healthy and nutritious food.
Also, due to its high antioxidant content, it is an excellent ally that provides our skin with a layer of protection against the sun’s ultraviolet rays , the most powerful being the so-called astaxanthin antioxidant, which has been mentioned previously. In general, krill oil reduces and eliminates traces of skin aging, protects against UV rays and inflammations, notably benefiting the skin.
It is good for slimming krill oil
Obesity and excess weight is a global health problem, which affects millions of people in the world every day in countries such as the United States, Russia, Europe and China. Where, out of every three people, two of them suffer from obesity or overweight, it is a very serious problem.
Additionally, this increases the risks of suffering from diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and heart problems. The most recommended for this is to eat a balanced diet and a routine of exercises or physical activity to maintain an ideal and healthy weight.
For this there are many supplements that are of great help, and in the most recent studies of the benefits of krill oil there is the possibility of affecting the intestinal microflora to increase metabolism, however, they are not specific and proven studies in humans, they are requires more study time .
It has many properties for the hair
It is one of the great benefits of krill oil, it is good for fortifying the hair and preventing hair loss, giving it shine and vitality, with this oil we will be able to keep the hair clean, healthy and strong due to the DHA and EPA that provide the nutrients to each follicle. This is thanks to omega 3 fatty acids, which help eliminate brittle hair, dandruff and itchiness, hair loss, and poor blood circulation from the scalp.
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Krill oil uses for cellulite
It is recommended that, to reduce and eliminate cellulite, it is necessary that you include krill oil in your diet, to burn the accumulated fat in the areas most prone to cellulite, on the thighs and abdomen. You can add it to fruits, lean meats, vegetable salads and those foods where this oil serves as a dressing, the whole body will benefit from its vitamins and antioxidants.
Krill oil and pregnant women
The use of krill oil is recommended during pregnancy, because it helps prevent premature labor and contributes to the optimal weight of the baby at birth . Likewise, it favors the brain development of the fetus, providing long-term benefits in the development of their intelligence and the growth of the child. Therefore, it protects them during and after pregnancy.
Can it be used while breastfeeding? Why?
Based on scientific studies done on krill oil, the risks or benefits during breastfeeding are not known. But, it is best to avoid taking krill oil without the authorization or supervision of a trusted doctor.
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Can children and krill oil take it?
Studies have shown that omega 3 is essential for the development of the eyes and brain of children, in addition, the results have shown that children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) respond very well and improve with the intake of these fatty acids.
As explained above, the imbalance in the diets of omega 3 and omega 9 fatty acids in the daily diet that includes processed foods and junk food, accumulates as you age, causing various complications and health diseases.
Therefore, krill oil capsules are an excellent ally for parents to be able to include them in their children’s diet because they can be ingested and swallowed more easily and quickly, this is due to their small size, smaller than that of those of fish oil.
However, if the child suffers from allergies to fish and shellfish, it is not advisable to ingest krill or fish oil . For this case, other sources of these omega 3 fatty acids are recommended, such as linseed oil or seaweed oil, they are the most appropriate in this case.
For children, the recommended dose of krill oil is:
- 1 to 5 years of age: 500 mg per day.
- 5 to 10 years of age: 1,000 mg per day.
- 10 years and over: 1,000 to 1,500 mg per day.
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Krill oil causes allergies? Why?
According to testimonies, due to the anti-inflammatory properties that krill oil has, it is possible to reduce mucus, red eyes and other allergenic ailments such as pollen to which we are exposed daily and that cause allergies. However, no serious scientific studies have been conducted in the area. More study and research is needed to affirm these testimonials.
However, the right way to know specifically about these benefits is to test yourself and experience them , so that we can fully assure you in our allergy suffering. Similarly, others say that it helps prevent dyspnea and asthma attacks, but we reiterate, these effects have not been scientifically proven.
Krill oil and fertility
Recent studies on the benefits of krill oil have extended them to this area. For women with difficulties to stay healthy, krill oil can be a great ally in this regard, because it improves fertility problems. This is due to the fact that the consumption of krill oil improves the motility and concentration of sperm. This type of treatment of natural origin is an inexpensive option to consider initially, since medical fertility treatments have very high costs.
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Krill oil vs fish oil
Both oils have excellent benefits, but krill oil outperforms fish oil, then we are going to explain why you prefer one over the other.
According to recently purchased studies, krill oil is 48 times more powerful than fish oil , due to its high content of nutrients, fatty acids, antioxidants, among other pure components that are fully usable with the correct extraction of this oil.
For one thing, fish oil contains free radicals, which accelerate the oxidation process quickly. And the consumption of these components results in the high need of our body for antioxidants rises and fish oil does not have a sufficient amount to satisfy this lack. On the other hand, krill oil is rich in antioxidants, is better preserved and prevents oxidation, thanks to the fact that it does not contain free radicals, such as mercury.
On the other hand, fish oil is excessively loaded with heavy metals, such as mercury, this is thanks to the pollution of the ecosystem. In this aspect, krill oil shines, because krill is extracted from the icy waters of Antarctica, where there is no contamination with this type of metals, guaranteeing the purity and quality of what your body consumes.
On the planet, krill is considered the largest biomass that exists, in such a way that the extraction of its oil is a sustainable procedure , which does not carry out any type of alteration to the environment or put the existence of krill at risk, turning it into the most sustainable and marketable oil than fish oil. Another advantage of krill oil compared to fish oil is that it contains phospholipids, the ideal form of omega-3 for our body to absorb and assimilate, thus maximizing its benefits for us.
Krill oil and diabetes how does it benefit?
People who have diabetes and those prone to inheritance benefit a lot from krill oil, because it will help control blood sugar. It has a preventive action for those who suffer from this pathology. The important thing is to keep a regular medical check-up, a balanced diet and exercise constantly.
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Krill oil and cancer help? How?
Scientific studies on the benefits and properties of krill oil have yielded positive results in the prevention of skin cancer, this is thanks to the fact that it contains astaxanthin. Therefore, the consumption of krill oil is recommended, however, it is important to note that it is only an extra supplement, it is not a 100% health protection against the risks of cancer.
Krill oil and its medicinal properties
There are multiple medicinal properties that krill oil offers for our body, below, we explain some properties in detail.
Krill oil and hypertension
Thanks to krill oil, people suffering from high blood pressure can keep their pressure under control, the important thing is to consume it regularly in the daily diet.
Is it good for multiple sclerosis? why?
Multiple sclerosis is a serious degenerative disease, due to the slow deterioration of the nerves in the brain and the spinal column. This is caused by the damage to the myelin sheaths (demyelination). This pathology is present because the immune system detects the pods as harmful intruders that need to be eliminated.
But in general terms, it is possible that krill oil is good for multiple sclerosis, due to its anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular properties, however, there have been no concrete studies that affirm or refute this claim.
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For anxiety, how is it used?
Scientific studies have shown the positive effects of omega 3 fatty acids with EPA and DHA when it comes to neurotransmission in the human brain. Because the impact is effective against anxiety and moods, humor. It is advisable to ingest krill oil to improve the effects of anxiety.
How does it help uric acid and cholesterol?
Krill oil has been shown in the results of studies to contain powerful positive effects for the control of high levels of cholesterol in the blood. That is, it lowers the level of LDL cholesterol and raises HDL. Likewise, it helps to reduce triglyceride levels in the blood; in general, it has many benefits on cardiovascular diseases.
Anti-inflammatory property
Thanks to the nutrients and vitamins that krill oil contains, it helps reduce internal and external inflammations . So, its positive effects on joint inflammations make it an ally for people suffering from diseases such as arthritis, gout and rheumatism. Likewise, it relieves the pain caused by the crises of these diseases.
Likewise, the results of the various studies in groups of people who consumed krill oil daily in their diet, showed a considerable decrease in inflammation and painful conditions. People progressively improve with the intake of it, and also the nutrients and vitamins are absorbed and assimilated quickly in the body.
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Provides energy
Yes, krill oil provides energy to people who consume it, especially those who constantly feel tired from day to day. In the same way, those people who exercise constantly, allowing to accelerate the cellular and muscular recovery process. For these reasons, krill oil is a supplement that will benefit and provide energy to our body.
Digestive system
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, krill oil is an ally to relieve and improve the discomfort of the gastrointestinal system. Eliminates indigestion, helps against hemorrhoids and all those stomach pains, improving the health of the system .
Protect our immune system
Because krill oil contains antioxidants (astaxanthin), it helps eliminate oxidative stress, providing countless benefits to cellular health, eyesight, skin, among others. Which considerably improves and strengthens the body’s defenses, neutralizing the free radicals present in it. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the risks of developing serious diseases and increase the prevention of contracting some type of infection in the body.
Helps balance a woman’s hormones during menstruation
Krill oil helps maintain hormonal balance in women suffering from strong physical and mental premenstrual symptoms. Thanks to the omega 3 fatty acid, these discomforts, such as cramps, heavy flows, as well as unforeseen cycles are reduced. These acids and antioxidants help reduce these menstrual ailments.
Excellent for memory
Research results have proven that the antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids contained in krill oil help stimulate nerves by ensuring blood flow to the capillaries of the human brain. It is an excellent ally and a supplement to boost the brain to eliminate the symptoms of early aging. In the same way, it helps improve memory, concentration and the skills to retain information. The consumption of krill oil is highly recommended to improve and strengthen memory and brain skills.
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Helps detoxify the body
The liver, one of the most important and essential organs of our body, benefits from the properties of krill oil, because the liver is the detoxification organ, its protection is vital. So, the krill oil consumed daily in our diet ensures the proper functioning of the liver, keeping the blood constantly clean .
Krill oil is good for your eyesight
Yes, krill oil is good for your eyesight, according to the results of their scientific research, the omega 3 present in its chemical composition prevents ocular degeneration, maintaining healthy eyesight. In addition, the consumption of krill oil is highly recommended in adults and the elderly who over the years lose their sight and suffer from vision problems.
Krill oil contraindications and risks
According to research and its results, krill oil is totally safe for most people to consume, in the same way as the elderly, it is very important to respect the correct doses in the recommended time. Although, it is possible that it generates side effects similar to those of fish oil, such as nausea, diarrhea, bad breath, fish taste, heartburn, among others.
Also, you should consult with your doctor and take it under your prescription, people who are allergic to shellfish and fish, mainly shrimp, its consumption is not recommended. It can potentially cause swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, hives, difficulty breathing, when these symptoms appear it is an allergic reaction to its components, it is necessary to go to a medical center immediately.
However, since allergies to shellfish are caused by the proteins present in them, but krill oil, thanks to its purity, does not contain them, for this reason the chances of krill oil causing allergies are minimal . However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before ingesting it and to follow his indications.
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Krill oil toxicity
Thanks to the purity of krill, the oil extracted from it does not contain heavy metals, such as mercury, which are dangerous for human consumption. This is because the food of krill, phytoplankton, is at the bottom of the food chain, therefore, these minerals do not affect or contaminate it. So, krill oil is currently the purest and most natural option for consumption in our daily diet.
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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.