Lemon Thyme: Contraindications, Toxicity, Benefits And Uses

Aromatic herbs are characterized by being plants that are easily cultivated and are used mostly in culinary recipes due to their great aroma that they can add to food.

In this case, we will talk about lemon thyme, then you will be able to see all the details regarding this herb.

If you are curious, we leave you more articles about thyme:

What is lemon thyme?

Lemon thyme is a species of thyme , which is an aromatic herb that can be found wild or can be easily grown in our home gardens . This lemon thyme differs from normal thyme due to certain characteristics, such as its slightly more citrus smell and its color, which has yellow tones and does not present pink or white flowers like common thyme.

Origin of lemon thyme

This plant originated or was discovered for the first time in the territory that faces the western Mediterranean. For this reason, when it comes to food with a Mediterranean flavor, it can refer to this flavor that the spices of this area give it.

Lemon thyme, specifically, was cultivated in Europe , although it is not certain which country gave it origin or – better said – saw its origin, since there are more than 30 species that we can get from this plant, and only in the Iberian Peninsula . we can get 28 of them.

History of lemon thyme

Since its inception, this plant was used for its great aromatic potential . We can get that in history thyme has been seen as a product used by the Greeks in their religious rituals, where thyme incenses were used and baths were also made with this herb.

In this way, the use of thyme expanded and it was also used as a purifier of spaces , as offerings at wakes and as a symbol of greatness for warriors, the potential of its great smell always prevailing.

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Lemon thyme characteristics

Thyme is an herb, so it does not grow more than 30 cm in length . Its leaves are oval and elongated, with slightly yellow edges, its smell is more citric than normal thyme and it does not have flowers like this.

This plant can be easily obtained growing in the meadows, and due to its commercial and culinary use, we can get it to grow it in pots or gardens.

Scientific name of lemon thyme

All the species of thyme is denominated under the same scientific name, which is: Thymus vulgaris. That is to say, this name is the one that refers to this lemongrass and the other variations or species that can be obtained, since they are all part of the same type of plant and what varies are certain characteristics that man has dedicated himself to detailing well. whether for medicinal or culinary purposes.

Common name of lemon thyme

The common name of lemon thyme is this , but we can also achieve that thyme can be called by other names depending on the area where it is obtained, because in each place it is attributed a colloquial name, in this way thyme can be called : Common or vulgar thyme, Senserina Thymus, Tremoncillo or Carrasquilla.

Chemical composition of lemon thyme

Being an essential herb, thyme contains a high concentration of essential oil, which has quite considerable active principles, which are what provide the medicinal properties to this plant.

These active principles are : Thymol and carvacrol in a higher proportion, and in a lesser proportion linalol, anethole and borneol. The other components that we find in lemon thyme are: flavonoids, organic acids, amino acids, vitamin C and minerals such as iron, aluminum, calcium and magnesium.

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What type of plant is lemon thyme?

Lemon thyme is an herb that belongs to the family of plants known as “labiaceae” , whose scientific name is Lamiaceae. This type of plant or family of plants is the same to which plants such as rosemary, mint, lavender and oregano also belong. Whose main characteristics are its smell and its essential oils.

Benefits and properties of lemon thyme

One of the most notable properties of lemon thyme is its smell , this is due to the concentration of thymol and carvacrol in its essential oil, since they are the compounds with the highest proportion and therefore those that give it this characteristic smell.

As well, these compounds are also those that provide antibiotic properties to the plant, they also make it a great expectorant and an analgesic plant.

For this reason, thyme, in addition to being a plant used to enhance culinary flavors , has also been used since ancient times to cure respiratory problems, colds and viral diseases.

Another very good property of lemon thyme is that it is a great antiseptic so it can be used for aesthetic purposes both on the skin and on the hair.

It is good for hair, how to use it?

The properties of thyme help to benefit certain aspects of our hair health, that is, thanks to lemon thyme we can achieve effects such as:

  • Increase hair growth
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Make it look brighter
  • Eliminate dandruff
  • Strengthen hair
  • Decreases hair loss
  • Removes grease or excess oil from hair
  • Avoid baldness

So, if we want to take advantage of the power of this herb, we just have to apply an infusion of lemon thyme on the scalp and massage , leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse. If you do this treatment at least once a week you will notice the changes in your hair.

For more information on this topic, we invite you to read  65 Causes of Hair Loss for men and women

How does it help against diabetes?

Lemon thyme has thousands of beneficial health properties, but as for any that serves to benefit the state of a diabetes patient, we must note that this herb has no effect on the problem of insulin or the regulation of sugar in the blood. Therefore, lemon thyme cannot be used as a treatment against diabetes, even as a preventive treatment.

Does lemon thyme help you lose weight?

Yes, thyme is used to lose weight , since in its composition it has properties that help make the work of weight loss easier and faster. Although, thyme will not eliminate the kilos we need in a period overnight, but it can promote and stimulate the body to make this more bearable.

The properties that make lemon thyme so beneficial for weight loss are as follows:

  • Prevents fluid retention and the accumulation of toxins, because it enhances the function of the kidneys.
  • Avoid digestive problems and increase intestinal flow.
  • Has a purifying effect
  • Deflates the abdominal area
  • Avoid diseases that are related to obesity, such as hypothyroidism and hypercholesterolemia.

So, it is most recommended that you add lemon thyme to your daily routine, along with your diet and exercises, so that you can achieve the body you want in less time.

Pregnancy and lemon thyme, benefits and effects that it causes?

There are plants and foods that we cannot use while we are pregnant , and in that case, lemon thyme is one of them, since it has very strong properties that also stimulate activity in the uterus and thus can cause a miscarriage.

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How does it help during labor?

There are midwives or midwives who recommend the consumption of a tea that facilitates dilation during labor and lemon thyme tea is one of these recommended teas. However, there is no theoretical or scientific support to prove this, that is, to certify it.

However, there are women who say that it did work for them , while there are others who are on the opposite side, therefore, its use will depend entirely on what you and your doctor consider.

During breastfeeding, what happens?

If consumed in moderation, lemon thyme may not cause any harm in lactation or in terms of milk or nutrition of the baby, as it is an herb that on a small scale does not have great toxicity.

For its part, the oil of this plant is not recommended in any way , as it can cause irritation problems and unfavorable reactions.

Is lemon thyme good for babies and children?

Lemon thyme is good for children in a specific treatment, which is: as an expectorant and cure for the common cold, since it is a natural means that helps clear the airways simply by inhaling the vapor that the herb gives off.

Also, if lemon thyme is used as a condiment in food, it is not a problem for children either . However, we must consider that it is not a food, treatment or condiment that should be excessively provided in babies, since they have a more sensitive organism.

Lemon thyme for diabetes, is it good? Why?

Lemon thyme is not a recommended herb for people with diabetes , since it does not have any beneficial properties in this disease. Lemon thyme cannot regulate glucose level or stimulate insulin production, so it has no function in the case of diabetes.

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Lemon thyme to abort, why? How?

Lemon thyme can cause the uterus to begin to have involuntary contractions , due to the increase in the level of oxytocin in the body, which is the hormone that operates during childbirth, but when this begins to propitiate before the due time of gestation. , we can have a miscarriage.

Although, there are those who affirm that this is a fact , but there is no scientifically verified information that proves that this tea leads to this effect. Similarly, there are those who use it faithfully trusting in this function, as well as it is used during childbirth to stimulate dilation.

Lemon thyme cosmetic uses

Although lemon thyme is an herb that is used mostly for its medicinal or culinary power, its properties can also be used for cosmetic purposes.

Lemon thyme can help provide the following benefits:

  • Hydrate
  • Preserves moisture and elasticity
  • It is antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal, therefore it eliminates topical infections
  • Regenerates the skin
  • Avoid aging
  • Improves elasticity and tones the skin

In this way, we can use lemon thyme as a treatment to avoid the effects that aging causes both on our skin and on our hair.

Medicinal uses of lemon thyme

Lemon thyme has many medicinal uses due to its great medicinal properties which are the following:

  • It is a powerful carminative. This helps to eliminate gases.
  • It is healing. In this way, we can use lemon thyme to treat skin problems, such as minor wounds and reduce the mark of scars.
  • It is a powerful emmenagogue . That is, it helps to relieve the symptoms that menstruation brings (premenstrual syndrome), relieves pain and inflammation of the belly.
  • It has expectorant properties. So it is used in treatment to cure coughs, bronchitis and colds where the presence of a lot of phlegm and nasal congestion predominates.
  • Improves the circulatory system. Since, it increases blood flow, improves circulation and benefits cardiovascular health.

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For cough and asthma, how is it used?

Because lemon thyme has an expectorant power, it is widely used to cure cough and asthma problems , both in children and adults. To take advantage of this property we only have to consume a tea loaded with lemon thyme or also inhale the vapor of an infusion of this herb. For greater effect we can add other beneficial herbs such as mint or spearmint.

It is good for allergies, how is it ingested?

Lemon thyme, thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic power, can help reduce topical allergy problems , that is, those allergic reactions that develop on the skin.

To treat these types of problems we should only apply lemon thyme compresses on the affected area to reduce inflammation, pain, itching and also avoid infections.

Does it work for blood pressure?

Yes, lemon thyme contributes to the health of our cardiovascular system , since it can increase blood flow or regulate it if necessary. In this way, we avoid problems of clogged arteries or obstructions in these pathways.

Gastronomic uses of lemon thyme

The lemon thyme is an aromatic herb , ie has a great smell, beyond its flavor, it is used for seasoning and flavoring foods, especially pasta, meat and poultry. There are thousands of recipes in which we can get the use of lemon thyme as a condiment, but in reality it can be used as we wish whenever we want to increase the flavor of a meal.

Lemon thyme against cancer, is it good?

Thanks to several studies carried out, it has been seen that the use of lemon thyme contributes to the reduction and elimination of cancer cells. The studies carried out have focused on breast cancer , where quite positive effects have been achieved. But, they have also spread to other types of cancer such as lungs, ovaries and throat, and an improvement has also been noted in terms of the healing process.

Although, we are not talking about the cure for cancer itself, but the fact of getting the healing process to be improved and / or enhanced is a great benefit to be able to win the battle against this disease.

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Lemon thyme, does it have an expiration date?

No, like all acancerromatic herbs, when stored dry and in a suitable environment, it can last in good condition for a long time, perhaps up to more than a year. Well, it is not a food that is going to rot or ferment.

What is indicated quite regularly is that these types of plants over time lose their aroma and their potential , that is, their properties. Therefore, it is recommended that they be used as fresh as possible, but if we talk about expiration or expiration, there is no date that indicates such a thing.

Lemon thyme contraindications

When lemon thyme is consumed in excessive amounts or in a very constant way, it can cause damage and negative effects on our body, since we oversaturate the body of its essential oils and chemical substances.

The side effects that we can suffer are : constipation, miscarriages, digestive problems, bleeding, hypersensitivity and irritation in the digestive system.

Lemon thyme toxicity

The amount of thyme recommended for consumption is a maximum of 4 grams per day , in this measure there is no high or dangerous degree of toxicity. But, when this measure is exceeded, we can suffer serious symptoms from poisoning. In this way, we can experience headache, stomach pain, nausea, and dizziness.

Advantages and disadvantages of taking lemon thyme

The advantages of consuming or using lemon thyme would be that we have an extremely beneficial herb that can be used both in the kitchen, to prepare remedies and also for cosmetic use.

And in each of these areas, lemon thyme can do a great job and fulfill its function, even providing additional benefits. Culinary it will be a great spice and will add a good flavor to our food.

Medicinally, it can help us improve cardiovascular health, reduce body fat, cure coughs , clear the airways and reduce inflammation. And finally, aesthetically it will improve the condition of the skin, thus avoiding aging problems such as wrinkles, dryness and flaccidity.

On the other hand, the disadvantages would come from its bad consumption , since when we do it excessively we can suffer damage to the body, stomach pain and problems, bleeding and even cause an abortion.

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Lemon thyme nutritional information

Thyme is a very nutritious herb, that is, it contains good nutritional values, from proteins, carbohydrates to vitamins and minerals. So, in every 100 grams of lemon thyme we can get: 100 calories, 20 grams of carbohydrates, only 1.6 grams of fat, 14 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein.

Also, the vitamins and minerals that this herb contains are: potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B, C and A.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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