Leukorrhea: Treatments, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Types

Leucorrhoea is the name that is usually given to the white discharge that a woman expels through her vagina, this fluid is characterized by being transparent almost whitish, its texture is sticky and does not emit any odor, this can be pathological or physiological , it will be differentiated according to its characteristics.

This fluid is produced as a normal secretion from the vagina and cervix, the increase in this may be due to changes in the woman’s body or sensations that she is experiencing, such as sexual arousal, changes in the hormonal cycle, stress and including pregnancy.

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What do we call leucorrhea?

It is called leucorrhoea to a vaginal discharge that the woman expels during certain periods, being much more common during the gestational period and in her fertile period, that is, when she is ovulating. This vaginal discharge is characterized by being a bit sticky and somewhat thick, it is produced by the different hormonal changes it experiences.

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Characteristics of leucorrhea

Leucorrhea is characterized by being an almost transparent whitish fluid, with a viscous consistency and by not having any type of odor. When the woman is pregnant this is one of the most noticeable symptoms because its quantity is increased due to hormonal changes. Also if the woman goes through an infectious picture or sexually transmitted disease, her appearance will change significantly.

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Causes and symptoms of leucorrhea

Leucorrhea is a method that the body has to show that changes are taking place in the body, this condition could last a few weeks, and even a few months. This must be treated accordingly so that other problems are not generated and everything turns out to be much more serious.

Some of the most common symptoms that are usually manifested when you have this condition are the following: white vaginal discharge, this in itself is what we call leucorrhea and can be accompanied by other symptoms. During the development period, which is known as puberty, the young woman experiences a period of change from childhood to adulthood, she may present a thick, slightly viscous vaginal discharge with a foul odor.

Other symptoms that accompany leucorrhea are: lethargy, presence of pain in the lumbar area, calves and hips, black spots under the eyes, tenderness and heaviness in the abdominal area, problems in the digestive system, weakness and apathy throughout the body. , itchy genitals, stains in underwear, constipation, frequent headaches, poor genital hygiene, anemia, diseases such as menorrhagia and diabetes, intestinal worms, masturbation and irritability.

The use of contraceptive pills, disorders in the thyroid gland, the implantation of IUD devices, cervical polyps, are also causes of leucorrhea.

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The expulsion of vaginal discharge in women is completely normal, as long as it has certain characteristics, such as almost transparent whitish color, sticky texture, moderate amount and does not have any type of odor. It is a cause for concern and alert when the expelled discharge is so abundant that it dirties the underwear, if you have discomfort at the time of sexual practice and if you have itching in the vaginal area.

Leucorrhea can occur at any stage of the woman’s life, whether or not she is pregnant, as it can occur during ovulation, with a vaginal infection or with an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease); likewise, before the first menstruation, the existence of uterine cancer, due to an excess of ovarian hormones, or on the contrary, their insufficiency, and chronic infections in the cervix.

Some of the most common causes of leukorrhea are trichomonas vaginalis and candida albicans infections. In the first case, we speak of an infection that lodges in the entire lining of the vaginal membrane and the cervix, the leucorrhoea that occurs in this situation is characterized by being very abundant, persistent and causing inflammation in the area. In the second case, excessive itching occurs throughout the vaginal area and the discharge that occurs is white and very thick.

All women must expel vaginal fluids, since they are the body’s natural sweating reaction, which are the product of the union of vaginal mucus and lubrication. The content of this fluid ranges from carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, to the acids produced by good bacteria such as lactobacilli.

In pregnant women, leucorrhea begins immediately after the implantation of a fertilized ovum and is expelled before the regular period arrives (which should not arrive because the woman has been fertilized) and as the gestational period progresses it is done each time more abundant.

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How can leucorrhea be detected?

Leucorrhoea is very easy to detect, as the woman expels it frequently. Newborn girls expel it in the first days due to the hormones they still have from the mother. Adolescent girls can expel it a few days before their first menstruation, while a fertile woman expels it during her ovulation days.

Also, leukorrhea can occur when the woman has a vaginal infection or a sexually transmitted disease.

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Consequences and risks of leucorrhea

Leucorrhea only has consequences and risks when its appearance breaks the normal patterns, that is, it presents a different color, another texture and emits a foul odor, because if so, it must be treated immediately to prevent much more diseases from being generated. serious.

A poorly treated or neglected leucorrhoea can cause serious problems in the female reproductive system, leading to infertility.

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Diagnosis of leucorrhea

Leucorrhoea is a reaction method that a woman’s body has to notify that there is a general toxic disorder in her genitals and that it must be treated, since an untreated or poorly controlled leucorrhea can cause other damages such as the affection of the female reproductive system .

When there is an abnormal accumulation of toxin in the body, the organism itself looks for a way to make it visible, and even more so if it is faced with the situation that the kidneys, intestines and skin have complications to expel toxins, which is why it appears foul and thick vaginal discharge.

If the leucorrhoea that the woman has is chronic, it will manifest in a different way, since the discharge will be much more white, yellow or gray and may have an additional substance such as pus.

The diagnosis of leukorrhea can be made through a history and a careful physical examination.

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Leukorrhea pathophysiology

Leucorrhea as such is not a disease that has much relevance, but in the same way it must be treated to reduce the annoying and excessive presence of vaginal discharge, which may be due to a natural reaction that the body uses as a defense method against possible infections

It usually appears during pregnancy as a result of the hormonal change experienced by the woman and the increase in blood pressure in the vaginal area.

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Is leucorrhea contagious or not?

Normal leucorrhea is not contagious, as it is a normal fluid that all women expel. Now, in the event that the woman suffers from an infection or a sexually transmitted disease, it can be highly contagious, since these fluids can infect other women if the bacteria are in the environment.

If an infected woman sits on a toilet and subsequently a healthy woman sits, the latter is at high risk of infection.

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Is leucorrhoea a symptom of pregnancy? Why?

Leucorrhea is one of the main symptoms of pregnancy, as it is a consequence of the hormonal changes experienced by women during the gestational period. Fluid expulsion increases significantly due to increased estrogen production and blood pressure in the vaginal area.

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Is leucorrhoea considered a venereal disease? Why?

More than a venereal disease, it is a consequence or symptomatology of it, since if a woman suffers from a sexually transmitted disease, the body looks for a way to notify it and does so through the expulsion of vaginal fluids. If the expelled leucorrhoea has a characteristic coloration and a foul odor, the chances of a disease are quite high.

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ICD10 code of leucorrhea?

Leucorrhea is not a disease as such, so it does not merit a cure in itself. Leucorrhea is only a symptom that something is happening in the woman’s body, be it pregnancy, ovulation, the proximity of the first menstruation, the presence of infections and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

The cure for leucorrhea will depend on the characteristics it possesses. If it is a natural fluid, it is eradicated naturally, since its increase can only be due to a natural cleaning that is being done of the uterine tract and vagina; while if it has a different appearance, it can be treated with oral antibiotics, globules and vaginal creams.

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Types of leucorrhoea and their pathologies

There are two types of leucorrhoea, one pathological and the other physiological. Physiological leucorrhea has to do with the normal and corresponding change that each woman experiences during her development period, therefore it is very common for it to appear before the first menstruation in almost adolescent girls, although it can sometimes be expelled by newborn girls because maternal hormones such as estrogen are found in them. The presence of this fluid could last between 1 or 2 months.

Another reason for the appearance of physiological leucorrhea is that the woman is ovulating (fertile period) or that her egg has been fertilized and she is pregnant. It can also appear as a product of sexual arousal and helps lubricate the area so that intercourse is not painful.

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However, with regard to pathological leucorrhea, it can be the product of poor nutrition and health problems in general. Likewise, if a dysfunction occurs in the genital tract, leucorrhea will be present. In some cases, this condition can be due to various psychological factors, congestion or inflammation of the normal vaginal discharge, etc.

Some women experience leucorrhea after giving birth, this is usually accompanied by a bad smell and back pain, in this case you should consult a specialist, since it could be an infection in the uterus. It is important that in any case, leucorrhoea is treated accordingly in order to stop it in time and not become a fatal problem.

According to Chinese medicine, some causes that could generate physiological leucorrhea are: poor diet, emotional tension, chronic diseases, weakness, excessive physical exertion, pathogenic factors.

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During pregnancy, how does it affect?

Leucorrhea is considered one of the main symptoms that women present during pregnancy, this occurs due to the increase in the production of hormones, one of the most significant being estrogen. It is also due to an increase in blood fluctuation throughout the vaginal area. Leucorrhea in this period could be considered to be very normal and is a mixture of various uterine secretions, dead skin cells and bacterial flora, resulting in these fluids.

Leucorrhea does not always require treatment, as it is not serious as long as it maintains its normal appearance without any odor, the only thing that it can generate is only discomfort in the woman and to reduce this, you can use panty liners (without perfume ), routine change of the underwear, avoid wearing tight clothing and try to keep the vagina dry as long as possible.

Some ways to reduce leucorrhea is to make dietary modifications, such as: avoiding a non-vegetarian diet, that is, reducing the consumption of eggs, fish, meats, etc., as well as increasing the intake of water and the consumption of milk , vegetables and green foods in abundance.

Leucorrhea vs Chlamydia

Leucorrhea is a consequence of an infection, disease, or hormonal change in the woman’s body; While chlamydia is a disease as such and must be treated immediately so that the problem does not worsen, in fact, leucorrhea could be considered a consequence of chlamydia.

Cancer and leucorrhea, what happens? Are they related?

As mentioned above, leucorrhea is a mechanism that the body has to notify that something strange is happening in it, so if the woman begins to suffer from cancer, such as the one that develops in the cervix, Leucorrhoea will notify you through its appearance, so if it is related to cancer.

Although a poorly treated leucorrhoea could also cause cancer, even more so if it is the product of a sexually transmitted disease that was not treated properly.

How does leucorrhoea affect babies and girls? Why?

Leucorrhoea can affect newborn babies, especially girls, since they are expelled through the vagina during their first days of life and this is due to the fact that hormones acquired by part are still present in their body of the mother during the gestational period.

Leukorrhea during and after sexual intercourse

Leucorrhea is a vaginal discharge that can appear before intercourse as a product of sexual arousal and is what will make the woman lubricated and have no pain at the time of sexual intercourse, it is what will function as a lubricant during intercourse. After intercourse, the woman may continue to expel some clear or whitish discharge, as the body is cleaning the area.

Although it will also make an appearance if the woman was infected with a sexually transmitted disease and sends a fin signal through the expelled discharge.

Can men get leucorrhea? How?

Men do not get leucorrhea properly, they get the disease or infection that caused said leucorrhea, which can be due to bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, gonorrhea, HPV, etc. For this reason, men, like women, should try to use condoms at the time of sexual intercourse to avoid all these inconveniences.

Menopause and Leucorrhea

In the case of older women who have already gone through the menopause period, they could have a little leucorrhea and this could be caused by various reasons such as gonorrhea (STD), a disease that not only causes the expulsion of excessive vaginal discharge , it also has a painful urination.

It could also occur in this period of women as a result of the involuntary displacement of the uterus, which attracts and encourages the growth of many bacteria in the genital region.

At the beginning of menopause, vaginal fluids may begin to decrease.

How to prevent leucorrhea?

Leucorrhea is a natural process in a woman’s body, so it cannot be completely prevented, however the discomfort it causes can be controlled and reduced by maintaining good hygiene on the genitals, the use of panty liners (without perfume), avoid using public toilets in which you can contract a myriad of diseases.

It is also very helpful to maintain a good diet rich in nutrients and minerals, so that the body assimilates everything it needs and is in optimal conditions, in this way the defenses are also strengthened and the woman will be less likely to contract infections with ease . Likewise, the use of a condom is recommended when having sexual intercourse to avoid it.

Treatments and home remedies for leukorrhea

There are some home remedies and treatments that help to disappear or control leucorrhea, some of them are the following:

  • Soak a teaspoon of coriander seeds overnight in a glass of water and take it daily for a week.
  • Mix the Indian gooseberry with a little sugar; preferably they are the same amounts.
  • Rice water can also help fight leucorrhea, you just have to mix a little sugar to feel a more pleasant taste.
  • The leaves of the rosewood tree are also a great help in reducing this problem.
  • The consumption of banana with butter for breakfast or lunch helps to treat leucorrhea, to this you can add 5 drops of sandalwood oil.
  • A paste made from mango pulp can be applied to the vaginal area.
  • Drink fenugreek water. Only 3 teaspoons of its seeds should be boiled in water.
  • Walnut leaves also help to refresh the vaginal area, a few leaves should be boiled in a liter of water.
  • Increase your intake of cranberry juice.
  • The use of herbal decoctions such as oak bark, yarrow and lavender.
  • A mixture of turmeric and garlic, since they have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and fungicidal properties.
  • Lemonade (water and lemon) as a vaginal wash can also help relax the mucous membranes of the uterus and vagina.

Diet also has a significant influence on leucorrhea, so it is recommended to always eat a healthy and balanced diet. Daily yogurt consumption is recommended, at least once a day, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. It is important that women consume foods rich in protein, fiber, carbohydrates, among other nutrients.

While the woman has leucorrhea, it is recommended that they reduce their consumption of all types of meats, if possible eliminate it until the problem no longer exists. It is a good option to consume nuts, whole grains and drink enough fluids throughout the day. Avoid processed, fatty, oily, spicy, caffeinated, etc. foods at all costs.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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