Lymphatic Drainage Of The Abdomen: Contraindications, Disadvantages, Benefits And How To Do It

Nowadays the fastest alternative that women take to get rid of that accumulated fat in the abdominal area is liposuction, however there is a non-invasive method that will solve that excess fat in the same way but without pain; giving you other benefits such as eliminating stress and promoting blood circulation.

This method I’m talking about is abdominal lymphatic drainage; a very effective way to drain fat and excess fluid that makes you look bloated ; without painful postoperative effects and with quick results.

If you want to know everything about abdominal lymphatic drainage; then you have to continue reading so that you know what it is, its technique, its function, benefits and much more.

What is lymphatic drainage of the abdomen?

It involves massages in the abdomen area and also, if the patient wishes, on the legs, in order to eliminate and reduce cellulite and accumulated fat; It fights abdominal flaccidity and reduces fluids and adipose tissue that is generally found in the abdominal wall.

For the legs, better look at our article on Lymphatic Drainage in the Legs: Contraindications, Risks, Benefits and how to do it .

This abdominal lymphatic drainage massage also eliminates toxins and increases the body’s immune response, as well as providing well-being and relaxation. It acts on the lymphatic system, which does not work like the circulation of the blood that is pumped by the heartbeat, but acts through muscular contractions and respiration ; so the abdominal lymphatic drainage helps the lymph circulate to the lymph nodes and then be eliminated through urine or sweat.

Learn more about this topic by visiting the following articles:

How is abdominal lymphatic drainage performed?

This is done manually, with the help of a lymph node expert or by yourself but with prior preparation and knowledge of this abdominal lymphatic drainage massage.

It is based on massaging abdominal areas that are bulky and inflamed, either due to fluid retention or accumulated fat. This massage from the dermis reaches the lymphatic system that is responsible for cleaning and purifying, eliminating waste and excess fluid.

By activating the lymphatic circulatory system, it nourishes the tissues, drains and the effects could be immediate depending on the patient, it could take up to ten sessions of one hour each to notice the changes and improvements.

Whether performed by the therapist or by herself, the movements of the abdominal lymphatic drainage massage must be light, smooth, and precise; gently pressing the area to be treated in order to stimulate the lymph nodes responsible for eliminating excess fluids and fats, as well as salts and toxins.

Anatomy of a lymphatic drainage in the abdomen

The lymph nodes of the stomach are divided into three groups: lesser curvature; greater curvature and collectors of the gastric foundations.

  • Those with a lesser curvature are distinguished into the cardiac lymph nodes and the right and left celiac gastric nodes; found in the left artery to the celiac region.
  • Those with greater curvature are found around the right gastroepiploic artery and gastroduodenal artery and reach the celiac region.
  • The gastric fundus collectors: they are located in the hilum of the spleen by the gastrosplenic ligament and are drained in the left renal root ganglia.

In addition, in the anatomy of abdominal lymphatic drainage, it is important to know all the lymph nodes for this technique to be more effective.

  • Lymph nodes of the duodenum : These are drained by the retropancreatic nodes and then pass to the nodes in front of the aorta.
  • Lymph nodes of the liver that are divided into superficial collectors and deep collectors
  • Lymph nodes of the Main Biliary tract and go to the celiac, retropancreatic and root nodes.
  • Lymph nodes of the pancreas : they are divided into four groups (the upper ones in the splenic artery and go to the celiac region, the lower ones that drain to the mesenteric nodes, the splenic ones that are located in the tail of the pancreas up to the hilum of the spleen and the pancreatoduodenal and go to the celiac and superior mesenteric nodes.
  • Spleen lymph nodes: they are collected by the splenic nodes and from there they are drained by the superior pancreatic nodes.
  • Lymph nodes of the small intestine : they go to the central nodes of the root of the mesentery and are known as jejunoileal current; while the terminal ileal current drains and passes to the ileocolic nodes.
  • Lymph nodes of the Large intestine : Lymphatic currents go from right to left and pass through the right colic nodes and paracolic nodes.
  • Kidney lymph nodes: it is made up of three collecting routes, the previous ones that go to the precavo lymph node and then to the lateral aortic node and to the left through the intermediate node and the lateral aortic node. The middle pathway is between the arteries and veins that go to the lateral aortic ganglia and finally the posterior pathway located in retropyelic and retroarterial, they go to the right towards the precavo ganglia.

In addition there are many more nodes such as:

  • Lymph nodes of the ureter.
  • Lymph nodes of the Bladder
  • Lymph Nodes of the Male Urethra
  • Lymph nodes of the female urethra.
  • Scrotum lymph nodes.
  • Lymph nodes of the Testis
  • Lymph nodes of the Ductus Deferens.
  • Lymph nodes of the seminal vesicle
  • Lymph nodes of the Ejaculatory Ducts
  • Lymph nodes of the Penis
  • Lymph nodes of the Prostate.
  • Lymph nodes of the Vagina.
  • Lymph nodes of the vulva
  • Lymph nodes of the Uterine Tube
  • Lymph nodes of the uterus
  • Lymph nodes of the ovary

It is important to know that if you have swollen femoral or inguinal lymph nodes it is due to an infection in the leg, foot or genitals that could worsen if abdominal lymphatic drainage is done because the infection would spread.

Function of lymphatic drainage in the abdomen

The functions of the abdomen lymphatic drainage are divided drainage effects ; since they cause the exit of the liquid that is in the existing space between the cells of a tissue, and are conducted by its vessels towards the lymph nodes. It also has neurovegetative effects, sedative and relaxing effects.

Abdominal lymphatic drainage has effects on the smooth and striated muscles , it also acts on the intestinal wall making it favorable to combat constipation and tones the walls of the arteries, enhancing the movement of the lymphatic vessels.

It also has immune effects because it enhances the immune system by draining tissues and improving defensive cells.

Before an operation and after it brings you multiple benefits. It improves healing and postoperative recovery is much faster.

The abdominal lymphatic drainage works by eliminating excess fluids, waste and toxins in addition to fats, through precise movements that lead the lymph to travel through a series of nodules that will drain it , also this transport of the lymph ensures that the nutrients and proteins are metabolized by cells. Relieves bloating and reduces abdominal pain.

Lymphatic drainage technique for the abdomen

Musculature is used to pump the lymphatic system; by means of muscular contractions the liquid moves towards the ganglia; The drainage massage contributes to these movements that, through expiration and deep inspiration techniques, the abdominal contraction cause the elimination of fluid or lymph.

Abdominal lymphatic drainage can be done with a basic order:

  1. Initial strokes, relaxing strokes that touch from the left to the right side of the patient’s waist, one hand makes circular strokes on the cardiac solar plexus area; and the other hand will make relaxing friction rubbing gently on the area.
  2. Descending colon : Here the movement begins with a slight pressure on the left colic area, decompressing towards the pubis and alternating one hand and then the other; it should follow the inner line of the iliac crest.
  3. Colon Triangle: an imaginary triangle is drawn in the abdomen that represents the different segments of the colon (ascending, transverse and descending) within the triangle the hands must rub gently dragging the skin and following the direction of intestinal transit
  4. Circles in the descending, ascending and transverse colon : in each segment of the colon you must make three points to work with circles, and the direction must follow the path of the stool.
  5. Touch of seven : once you work the colon segments, use your thumbs to circle from the umbilical line to the inguinal nodes.
  6. Emptying of the abdominal nodes : with circles made with the fingertips, gently press and move the movements towards the inguinal nodes.
  7. Final breath: While the patient inspires, you must place your hands on the ribs and press at the moment of inspiration, travel the thumbs along the costal arch and end at the iliac crest and inguinal ligaments.

Once the abdomen lymphatic drainage technique has been performed, you will enter a state of relaxation that will help you to achieve optimal results in the following sessions.

What equipment is used for lymphatic drainage in the abdomen?

It is best when a therapist uses their hands because it relaxes you more in addition to fulfilling the function of the abdominal lymphatic drainage. Nevertheless; There is a therapy that also performs abdominal lymphatic drainage in an assisted way but with a machine; it is known as pressotherapy.

It is a scientific and novel technique of aesthetic medicine; drains and minimizes venous and lymphatic edema; exerting pressure on the affected area through a specialized equipment of compressed air that reabsorbs the edema through rhythmic massage and pressure.

Benefits of lymphatic drainage in the abdomen

The benefits of abdominal lymphatic drainage are many, and the main ones are that it favors peristalsis or movement of the large intestine, which in turn favors constipation and flatulence.

In addition, although it does not act by itself against obesity, it benefits the body a lot in terms of the elimination of fat and cellulite, it serves to lose weight and purify the body, it does not leave you sagging but rather repairs the elastic fibers of the tissue, which also favors wrinkles.

In case of liposuction or any other surgery, abdominal lymphatic drainage will accelerate the elastic consistency of the tissue, eliminate edema and inflammation, helping you to recover more quickly.

We also invite you to visit the following article How to strengthen the Immune System: Tips and Food

Recommended for weight loss

Abdominal lymphatic drainage is recommended to lose weight; not by itself, you must add a healthy diet and exercise; However, this massage that is performed with slow, rhythmic and repetitive movements stimulates the circulation of the lymphatic channels, thus favoring the expulsion of accumulated fats and liquids, detoxifying and deflating the voluptuous areas of the abdominal area.

It may take ten or less sessions for you to notice the changes, but from the first session you will feel better and with a positive attitude so that you can lose weight happily.

Indications for lymphatic drainage in the abdomen

It is indicated for people with sedentary life to activate circulation; and for those that have been operated ; women with mild pregnancy complications , and those with fluid retention . For people with accumulated fat in the abdominal area and waist , people with flaccidity, and cellulite ; for those who want to lose weight, and for those who want to improve intestinal transit .

Lymphatic drainage in the abdomen: Before and After

Before the abdominal lymphatic drainage, you will have poor circulation in the lymphatic circulatory system, so you will have retained fluid, fat and toxins that are not expelled and generate an increase in body mass in the area, making you look fat and swollen.

If you are recently operated, you will look more inflamed and you will need to drain drug residues and anesthesia in addition to wanting the healing to be fast.

After the abdominal lymphatic drainage you will be relaxed the first day since the session is carried out in a calm environment and with soft music so that it is reassuring; sometimes flavoring is used.

However, the results of this technique could be noticed from the second session, your condition will improve, the areas will reduce inflammation and pain will be reduced, throughout the treatment you will completely eliminate the lymph and the results will be merely satisfactory.

What happens after liposuction?

Depending on the size of the treated area, recovery could take weeks to months.

The discomforts are strong in the first week but after two weeks almost everything returns to normal, you should use a girdle the first week as well as analgesics to relieve pain, you will drain anesthetic solution through the incisions, it is a totally normal drainage, you will have inflammation and bruises.

Postoperative Effects

It is advisable to start abdominal lymphatic drainage two weeks before liposuction as a preoperative technique.

The postoperative effects of post-liposuction lymphatic drainage will be more effective if performed preoperatively and then the day after the containment girdle has been placed, because the first sessions can be performed without removing the girdle so as not to mobilize the skin excessively; and from the fifth day it can be done directly on the skin.

It will be achieved with the postoperative abdominal lymphatic drainage: accelerate the reabsorption of the edema, eliminate the remnants of anesthesia, serum and medication; promote the regeneration of damaged lymphatic vessels , accelerate tissue recovery and improve skin sensitivity.

What if it is done after pregnancy?

As a treatment after pregnancy, it is quite effective in draining the fluids that remain after delivery in that area, and reduce flaccidity and regenerate lymphatic vessels damaged during the delivery process.

However, it would be a good decision if they are carried out during pregnancy, although it sounds dangerous, it is not, because this drainage is given with great care, as gently as possible to relax the pregnant woman’s body and mind . At the same time, retained fluids and swelling are drained, and it strengthens the immune system by eliminating toxins and reactivating blood and lymphatic circulation.

What is lymphatic drainage of the abdomen with the Vodder method?

The Vodder abdomen lymphatic drainage method bears that name thanks to the marriage of Emil and Estrid Vodder who delved into the massage especially to manually drain the lymph nodes and activate the lymphatic circulation.

It consists of gentle, circular manual pressure that restores the water balance in the body, contributes to the improvement of the circulation of the lymphatic system to reduce edema through lymphatic drainage.

Lymphatic drainage of the stomach netter, what is it?

The lymphatic drainage of the stomach Netter is known by that name thanks to the anatomist Frank H. Netter; who is the author of the atlas of human anatomy and made it possible to study all the lymph nodes found in the abdomen to be able to perform massages with precision and without errors.

How is an abdominal lymphatic self drainage performed?

It is possible to perform an abdominal lymphatic drainage having previous knowledge of where to direct the movements and how to perform the massage ; however for best results it is better to leave it in the hands of a specialist.

But if you decide to do it yourself at home, keep these recommendations in mind:

Put on comfortable clothes, if you are only going to treat the abdominal area, cover your breasts with a top, stand in front of the mirror to guide yourself while you perform the self-massage of lymphatic drainage abdomen.

You can set the mood with instrumental music and pleasant aromas for you; And also have a preferably reducing body cream on hand.

You then continue by placing cream on your abdomen and doing circular massages with the palm of your hand. When spreading the cream, place your knuckles on the abdomen and continue with circular massages without pressing hard; and continues to the sides to activate blood circulation and accelerate intestinal transit.

Ten minutes later the areas will turn reddish; but that means it is working; Of course, if you are not hurting, remember that they are gentle massages.

Place your hands on the sides and slide them towards the navel, do it for four minutes; and then do a circular massage in the navel area for a minute.

Slide your hands gently towards the pelvic area and pump lightly for three minutes. Repeat the massages again to complete a 60-minute session.

Lymphatic drainage of the supramesocolic abdomen, what is it?

It is an abdominal lymphatic drainage that is performed at the level of the transverse colon , in the supramesocolic region that is mainly contained by the liver, the gallbladder and the stomach . This supramesocolic cavity is divided into a space known as the right and left subphrenic recess and the falciform ligament.

Its drainage is important since in this region the diffusion of infectious processes occupies the fluid provided by the peritoneal tissue and is helpful in terms of advanced metastases in the abdominal region or in advanced liver lesions such as cirrhosis, the elimination of ascites fluid. improves the patient’s condition

Contraindications and side effects of lymphatic drainage of the abdomen

Abdominal lymphatic drainage is contraindicated in people who have abdominal pain of unknown origin, also in people with inflammations or digestive infections.

  • Contraindicated for people with genitourinary infections and with alterations in the inguinal nodes.
  • Contraindicated for people with heart attacks, hypotension and hyperthyroidism.
  • Also to people with open wounds and pregnant women whose pregnancy is high risk.

There are no proven side effects of abdominal lymphatic drainage but it is best to avoid it if you suffer from any of the aforementioned contraindications.

Advantages and disadvantages of lymphatic drainage in the abdomen

The advantages of abdominal lymphatic drainage are:

  • Shape the figure
  • Eliminates fluids and toxins
  • Eliminate cellulite
  • It’s relaxing
  • Eliminate layers of fat
  • Eliminate sagging
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces pain.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • Drainage is not applied in people with infections so as not to favor their spread.
  • It does not apply to people with heart failure because when the heart is limited in its ability to drive blood by draining an edema, the lymph goes to the bloodstream and there is a risk of loading the heart and could collapse.
  • It is very difficult to perform an abdominal lymphatic drainage.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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