Natural Treatments for Premenstrual Syndrome

Feeling a headache is very common due to multiple factors, but if we add to it, cramps, back pain, swollen breasts, constipation or diarrhea, bad mood, anger or sadness, confusion of feelings and problems sleeping ; and not satisfied with that; lasting three to five days, usually before your period comes down; really only women are capable of understanding this, although men too because if they run into a woman these days, they will wish they had never been born.

These symptoms are known as premenstrual syndrome; Physical and mental changes occur in women when their menstruation date approaches and they improve or disappear just on the first day of bleeding. Not all suffer from the aforementioned symptoms, but 40% do and it is more common in those who are already over 30 years of age, and in adolescence.

For more information you should read this article about Premenstrual syndrome, an annoying feminine disease

Since 1931, thanks to Dr. Frank Robert, this medical syndrome has been known, and its causes vary from: hormonal changes; food, and daily stress. The imbalance of estrogen and progesterone cause greater retention of water and sodium, in addition to this they cause serotonin deficiency and with it all the symptoms described above.

The good news is that there are natural methods to alleviate these symptoms a bit , so that during these days you can be as happy as in the rest of the month; start with a diet that favors the relief of premenstrual syndrome, and continues with some herbs that could make you feel good these days that you want to be closed with yourself so as not to claim victims.

Recommended foods for premenstrual syndrome

Food is very important because your physical and mental health depends on it, not only to avoid all premenstrual symptoms but also to favor other aspects such as mood, and the energy with which you face your day to day. And each natural food provides you with the vitamins, proteins and minerals you need .

Dairy products, some fruits, oily fish, and nuts are among the foods that will help relieve PMS symptoms.

  • Milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in calcium and will reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome because they contain tryptophan, this amino acid that will help you with the elevation of the serotonin level and will make you have a calm state, and will give you a better mood . 3 servings are enough about a thousand milligrams of calcium that these products will provide you.
  • Nuts will also help you with mood and other symptoms because they contain magnesium that relaxes the nervous system and is also anti-inflammatory. The almond will relieve headaches and fluid retention in the body; you could consume 20 almonds daily one week before the arrival of your menstruation.
  • Oily fish: omega 3 fatty acid reduces symptoms and is present in oily fish (sardines, tuna, and salmon) that you can include in your diet days before the arrival of your menstrual period.
  • Fruits like banana and pineapple: banana is rich in B vitamins ; They help reduce fluid retention, inflammation, breast and belly discomfort, and have a relaxing effect because it also contains tryptophan. Pineapple on the other hand; contains manganese, which fights sea mood, cramps and inflammation of the sinuses.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, sweets, and foods rich in sodium such as cold cuts for example.

Do not hesitate to visit the following article Vitamins and minerals for hair

Herbal remedies against PMS

Another option to combat those annoying symptoms that keep you away from your family and friends because you are intolerable in those days, and they do not know the cause; you should consume or prepare herbal teas that we describe below.

Arbre Cast Or chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus)

This is a plant that is found on the banks of rivers, in countries of Central Europe and America and is good medicine for women especially.

It reduces the production of prolactin , the hormone that causes inflammation of the breasts, in addition, this plant also improves anxiety , bad mood and headaches . You can eat the flowers and leaves directly, otherwise you could prepare an infusion every night from the three days before your period until the day it comes down.

Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis)

This plant is found in North America, its seeds are cold pressed to obtain the oil that has medicinal properties that benefit the pain and symptoms of PMS.

This oil is rich in omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids , regulates hormonal imbalance, relieves pain caused by inflammation of the breasts , and also helps to improve mood, thus preventing your bad mood from dominating you.

More information on evening primrose oil.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Peppermint is a plant from Europe, Asia and the US mainly, and unlike the previous ones, with this you can treat stomach discomfort caused by premenstrual syndrome, and headaches ; In addition, menthol can be applied to the temple and neck to relax a little, and if your belly hurts you can apply it there warm and you will see how it reduces pain and discomfort.

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)

Black cohosh is an ideal herb to combat these PMS symptoms ; It contains triterpenic glycosides and flavonoids that will make you feel relieved these premenstrual days , and it is also used in the symptoms of menopause. You get it in powdered extract and you can take 250 grams daily.

Dong quai or Chinese angelica (Angelica sinensis)

This plant is from China , it contains vitamin B12 , yeast, spirulina, which have anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects . They know her as female ginseng; and it also helps if one of the symptoms is constipation because it is also a mild laxative.

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

This plant blooms in the month of John the Baptist and that is why it bears that name, it is widely used for physical exhaustion and for sleeping, but also for mood swings. It contains hypericin, and hyperforin, also flavonoids, quercetin and kaempferol that are allies to alleviate the symptoms of PMS such as hormonal imbalance, emotional imbalance and fatigue.

Natural treatments with minerals and vitamins for premenstrual syndrome

Calcium supplements

The calcium supplement is important in this premenstrual stage, since calcium regulation is altered with secondary hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D insufficiency that causes several annoying symptoms, but if you ingest about 1200 milligrams of calcium, preferably it is a supplement with vitamin D; You will see how these symptoms will be greatly reduced because calcium regulates the hormones dependent on progesterone and estrogens.

If you want more information about calcium:

Magnesium supplements

Like calcium, this mineral can promote hormonal balance; it also relaxes and you can take it in tablets, one tablet at each meal that adds up to 300 grams daily.

Don’t miss our article on magnesium: Essential mineral for health .

Vitamin E

Vitamin E reduces the pain caused by inflammation in the breasts, regulates hormonal changes, reduces prolactin levels, which if found in large quantities will cause symptoms of PMS . To avoid them you must take a daily dose of 200 mg if it is in tablet; You can also use the oil to massage yourself and at the same time it will be absorbed by the pores and will benefit you doubly.

Acupuncture to fix PMS

Acupuncture is the control of the irregular movement of the QI (energy, or fluid inside the body) that tends to get out of control in the days before menstruation; This alternative must be constant as one who prefers to exercise; It does not treat all the symptoms, but it does relax you and give you a positive feeling of well-being that will help you cope with other symptoms that acupuncture cannot alleviate.

Other natural treatments

Vitamin E, magnesium and omega 3 are important sources of nutrients that will help you to alleviate these symptoms ; They were previously mentioned as supplements and in tablets but you can also find them in food.

  • You get magnesium in: wheat, oat and rice bran, a cup contains approximately 350 milligrams of magnesium. Also in coriander, chives and spearmint , every hundred grams provides you with more than 500 milligrams of magnesium and sunflower seeds that in addition to magnesium also provide you with vitamin E; For every one hundred grams of sunflower seeds it gives you 380 mg. magnesium.
  • You find vitamin E in: red chili powder, special to season your meals, each tablespoon gives you 2.1 milligrams of vitamin E; in pine nuts you also get 9.3 milligrams in a 100 gram serving, basil, peanuts and spinach are sources of vitamin E as well.
  • Rich sources of omega 3 are found in: Chia seeds , about 17.5 grams per 100 grams, you also get it in mackerel, it is a type of blue fish that contains 5.1 grams per 100 grams and finally in the seeds of flax or linseed that gives you 38.3 grams of omega 3.

If you liked this article, do not hesitate to read Everything you need to know about the menstrual cycle

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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