Normocytic Anemia: Risks, Causes, Treatments, And Diagnoses

Normocytic anemia is a health condition that is mainly characterized by the absence of red blood cells in the body, although their appearance and size are normal, the amount is less than necessary. This condition is generally associated with chronic kidney disease, bone marrow disease, or profuse bleeding.

There are not always symptoms that indicate the suffering of this disease since it is characterized by being asymptomatic in some people while in others the symptoms are present and they can feel tired or fatigue easily, shortness of breath, pale skin and / or worsening of heart conditions. There are other symptoms that can alert the presence of normocytic anemia: nail weakness, pale lips or ulcers in the mouth, decreased appetite, low temperatures on the skin of the hands and feet, chest pains and even loss of concentration.

If you want more information see these articles: Do you have weak or brittle nails? You know what to do?

How can it be diagnosed?

In the presence of symptoms and a complete medical history and physical examination, the specialist will order blood tests and studies of both bone marrow and peripheral blood.

Medical treatments

The treatment of normocytic anemia will depend on the cause : if it is due to iron deficiency as a consequence of an internal ulcer, it will be necessary to attend to the ulcer and if it is a nutritional deficiency, the diet will have to be changed .

In mild cases supplements can work as a treatment, in more severe situations blood transfusions may be necessary. This type of anemia can be generated by the consumption of some medications, so it will also be necessary to evaluate this possibility.

Causes and consequences of suffering from it

There are two causes for which you can suffer from normocytic anemia: the congenital one that is a problem that comes from birth or the acquired one that is the product of an infection Congenital normocytic anemia is caused by the breakdown of red blood cells .

Sickle cell disease is a congenital disorder of the red blood cells. Having a chronic or long-term illness can be one of the most common triggers for acquired normocytic anemia. Among the chronic diseases that can cause normocytic anemia are: thyroiditis, cancer, kidney disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Similarly, and although it is not given regularly, there are drugs capable of producing normocytic anemia.

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How does it affect children, youth and adults?

It is a type of anemia that occurs very frequently in the elderly, more than in younger populations. In fact, 8 out of 10 elderly people suffer from normochromic normocytic anemia.

Effects and consequences during pregnancy

The future pregnant woman must undergo tests before conceiving to rule out the possibility of suffering from normocytic anemia, and if she is already in the pregnancy period, it will be necessary to receive treatment to ensure that the fetus’ demand for red blood cells is satisfied.

Normochromic normocytic anemia

It is a type of anemia in which although the values ​​of red blood cells and their shape are normal, the amount of hemoglobin is low . It usually occurs after acute hemorrhages, in aplastic and myelopathic anemia, hemolytic anemia, endocrine anemias, nephrogenic anemias and anemia of chronic diseases (either of infectious origin, related to some type of cancer or systemic).


Symptoms tend to appear over time. Because it is a form of anemia, you can feel weak and dizzy periodically. With blood flow failing, you can look very pale and feel tired most of the time.

Additional symptoms include:

  • Weakness
  • Irregular or rapid heartbeat
  • Chest pains
  • Headache
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pale lips
  • Brittle nails
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Pale eyelids
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty breathing after exercise
  • Pallor
  • Concentration problems
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Cold skin

Causes and consequences of suffering from it

When normochromic normocytic anemia occurs, the patient is usually also suffering from a chronic disease that is the origin of a deficient production of hemoglobin.

It can also occur due to autoimmune disorders, cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, chronic kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, or long-term infections.

It is necessary to investigate through blood tests and other methods the involvement of anemia and the presence of other ailments. There is commonly no need for an iron supplement and it may not even be suitable.

The application of chemotherapy and radiotherapy can exacerbate normochromic normocytic anemia.

How is it treated?

Because there are several different reasons why you could be a victim of this condition, the ways to treat it are just as different. Here are the types of treatment that work best for each cause.


If you have normochromic normocytic anemia due to an underlying disease, that condition should be treated first. If your anemia is very prominent, your doctor may order you to have erythropoietin (EPO) injected regularly. This will encourage your bone marrow to generate extra blood cells that will allow your body to get more oxygen and reduce your weakness, nausea, and drowsiness while you are dealing with the other condition.


A very popular and supposedly effective home remedy in the treatment of normochromic normocytic anemia is to take 2 teaspoons of honey along with a ripe banana twice a day . Honey is a very effective product in normochromic normocytic treatment because it raises the level of hemoglobin found in the blood. It also has an abundance of copper, iron, and manganese that add to red blood cell production and also help promote healthier bone marrow production.

Another mixture that has been proven to work is the combination of tomato juice and apple juice.


If you have a mild case of this type of anemia, you may be able to raise your red blood count by adding iron supplements to your daily regimen, and you may also need folate and / or vitamin B-12 . There are some people who are unable to process vitamin B-12 no matter how much they take. Check with your doctor if this is the case in your situation.

How do you live with Normocytic Normochromic?


Try to get the youngsters to drink iron-fortified milk. This locks out cow’s milk , especially if your child drinks a lot of milk. Give iron and vitamin supplements as directed by your doctor.

Get your teens checked regularly as they have regular growth spurts. Young women who start menstruating will lose a lot of iron when they have their periods. If they tend to be anemic, check with your doctor regarding iron supplements for them as well.


Although many women can develop normochromic normocytic anemia while they are pregnant, it may not continue after delivery. During your pregnancy , you should follow your doctor’s orders to reduce the risk of a premature baby or a low-birth-weight baby.


Review your diet regularly to make sure you are getting enough iron and vitamins on a regular basis. Don’t wait until it’s too late to contact your doctor. If you have a history of anemia, try increasing your iron intake; If you start to feel tired most of the time, check with your doctor. Sometimes anemia is linked to other, more serious conditions.

Your doctor can prescribe erythropoietin (EPO) which will stimulate your bone marrow so that you can make extra red blood cells. This would be useful if your anemia is due to kidney problems, cancer, or due to the treatments you are receiving for them. If your anemia is getting out of control, you may need a blood transfusion.

How is it during pregnancy?

The WHO considers anemia in pregnancy when Hb values ​​lower than 11 g / dL and the hematocrit lower than 33% are presented. Although the most common anemias in pregnant women are those related to iron and folate deficiency, the existence of normochromic normocytic anemia is possible, although it is rare. In these cases it is necessary to evaluate the cause and treat it accordingly.

We recommend that you read the Complete Step-by-Step Pregnancy Guide

Recommendations for a balanced diet

As for other types of anemia, and on the basis that infections, chronic diseases or inflammations underlie this type of anemia, the patient suffering from normochromic normocytic anemia must be especially careful with diet. The guidance of a nutritionist who works together with the GP could be of great help in this matter.

For more information, see our article on: Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Side Effects, Benefits and Types

Articles on other types of anemia

We leave you a list with the articles of the other types of anemia that we have created, to make it easier to find information:

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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