Premenstrual Syndrome: Problems, Treatments And Symptoms

For 3 or more days in each month, all women go through that emotional whirlwind that implies the arrival of menstruation, it is possible that previous days you feel joy, then any gesture makes you cry or show anger, all this corresponds to premenstrual syndrome that does not it is more than a hormonal change due to a biological process. There are women who somatize premenstrual syndrome, that is, they may feel severe pain in the belly, back or legs, they cannot always manifest the same symptoms, nor are they the same symptoms in all women, that will depend on the physical conditions of each of them.

Premenstrual syndrome is an alteration that occurs just before your period or period arrives, the most common problems during these days are nervousness, you feel that everything scares you, even a very small noise, anxiety , irritability and mood swings , scientifically speaking PMS is because during those days our body has an excess secretion of estrogen and conversely lower levels of progesterone, is where the hormonal imbalance arises commonly suffer women to the least once every month .

What to do if I think I have PMS?

The first thing you should take into consideration is to go to your trusted gynecologist, you must be completely sincere and precise when raising what you feel days before and after the menstrual cycle, if the doctor decides to indicate any treatment you should inquire, since there are hormonal therapies that cause side effects. All women of sexual reproductive age have gone through those days of the month when we don’t feel like doing more than resting and eating chocolate , and why chocolate? This in an excellent antidepressant increases the levels of the hormones responsible for providing our body with relaxation and sleep.

Causes, symptoms and treatment

It is very important to know how your body works, that is where the possibility of being able to cope with these dreaded days when our body is in constant hormonal changes lies. During premenstrual syndrome, most women may suffer from fluid retention, irritability, nervous tension, palpitations, alteration in the pulse, these changes are somatized in three-quarters of women who suffer from this menstrual alteration.


Each organism can present different ways of reacting, currently there are investigations that yield conclusive results on the symptoms suffered by a woman with premenstrual syndrome, below we indicate the most common:


This occurs in 1 in 3 or 4 women with premenstrual syndrome, it is related to that scandalous increase that estrogen has on those days, which causes you to feel frustration and crying before any daily situation that generates stress or pressure.


It is usually associated with increased appetite, palpitations and general fatigue, that is, you feel that you are bored everywhere. It is very common to associate headaches with drops in blood sugar levels, which in turn causes the need to eat some food as quickly as possible, during the menstrual cycle there is an extra expenditure of insulin which has a lot of Related to the sudden drop in blood glucose, that is the explanation why during some day of your period you have felt like faint and nauseous.

If you want more information about headaches


Surely you have noticed that before having your period you gain a little weight, that is due to a notable fluid retention that manifests itself with symptoms such as swelling of the ankles, breasts and in some cases in the face area. Experts argue that this is due to the alteration of a hormone called aldosterone, which is responsible for the production of fluid located on the outside of cells.

To avoid fluid retention we recommend these juices that will help you with its diuretic effect


Premenstrual syndrome is not an easy condition to cure , on the contrary, it requires first of all the willingness you have to accept those changes produced during those days of the month before the period arrives, your doctor will be your best ally , he will tell you that You must do to improve this condition that will be serious if you conceive it as something fatal, you must consider it as something temporary that will improve according to your mood.

I know it is a pitched battle because when a person does not feel well it takes a lot of effort to change that state of mind, it is difficult but not impossible, if you are one of those who believes that only by using some treatment you will be able to feel better on those days you are in the obligation After seeking the guidance of specialists, you should not self-medicate, resorting to natural medicine is also a wonderful option since it does not cause side effects.

Main manifestations of this problem

During those days it is very common for you to feel severe pain or cramps in the abdominal area, which can prevent you from carrying out daily activities, putting an intimate garment in the breast area is also a bit unpleasant since the nipple area becomes very sensitive during your period, you probably cannot tolerate music or televisions with a high volume, as well as you can hardly tolerate other people who have a high tone of voice, in other words irritability takes over your body, it depends on You try not to lose control

Does PMS affect the irritable bowel?

At present it can be verified thanks to the large number of studies carried out on this case that if the colon is affected during the menstrual period since women during these days are inflamed in the belly area, that is why they feel more pressure in the colon, and if it is irritable due to multiple causes, then more painful sensations will appear that cause the woman more irritability.

When does it start and how long does it usually last?

The menstrual cycle of a woman with regular periods is 28 days, premenstrual syndrome in most sexually active women can begin to be felt on day 14 and then on day 28 of the cycle, at the time the bleeding appears many of the annoyances disappear, it is important that you understand that each organism has a different capacity to respond to biological processes.

Emotional and physical effects during adolescence

From the moment a girl reaches the stage of development she can start to suffer from PMS, it is more common than you think since during this stage of the life cycle most girls do not produce the necessary amounts of hormones which is a triggering factor in the lack of control of all hormones, that is why young women develop acne pictures that in turn generate low self-esteem as well as, they do not grow at the same rate as others their age, then we can infer that this syndrome has a lot to do with the psycho-emotional development of young adolescent girls.

If you suffer from acne, here are some secrets to eliminate it.

Medicines and medical treatments for this condition

At present, the advancement of medical science has made it possible to determine that you can change your routine so as not to suffer from premenstrual syndrome, there are hormonal therapies, natural medicine and the most recent discovery of dieting , in a study carried out in women who presented alterations menstrual, it was found that the consumption of processed carbohydrates influences on a large scale with the sufferings or somatizations of this syndrome.

Hormonal treatment

When your doctor indicates this type of treatment, you should also take into consideration making drastic changes in your lifestyle, you should do some daily physical activity, eat healthy and avoid caffeine, to try to alleviate the effects of this symptom in most of In cases, drugs that contain progesterones or estrogens are indicated according to the needs of your body, as well as the inclusion of magnesium is recommended, since it is proven that the absence of this in the body increases the ability we have to bear some pain.

In a study conducted on women with PMS, it was found that the prescription of magnesium reduced nervousness and pain in the breasts, the foods that you can eat to provide your body with magnesium are whole grains, molasses, seaweed, fruits and nuts , legumes and green leafy vegetables . It is also important to consume group B vitamins, since these are necessary when excessive amounts of blood are lost during the period; as well as they are essential for the formation of new red blood cells and the prevention of anemia. Vitamin C also improves menstrual cycle problems, Like menorrhagia, it stimulates the absorption of iron and thus prevents anemia, which is one of the man

Discover everything that vitamin C does for you.

Natural and homemade treatments to alleviate some symptoms

It is important that before seeking to improve your health through drugs you try to try some natural options that can help you without generating great economic expenses, hydrotherapy for example, can be of great help in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, this consists of taking baths immersion in hot or cold water according to your taste, what you are looking for with this healthy option is to try to relax completely and thus be able to feel in harmony with your body and mind especially on those days when everything seems more complicated than it really is.

In the same way, you can do sitz baths in the comfort of your home, they consist of placing the vaginal area on a tub or bathtub with warm water, this water can be flavored with rosemary that in addition to having a pleasant aroma allows the genital area to be clean of any infection. You can also take into consideration the application in the lower part of the belly warm water compresses, these will help reduce inflammation and generate relaxation. Use them at night before going to sleep.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy has the function of fully knowing the patient, how he thinks, how he reacts, somatizes, and develops before what ails him, that is why if you take this option as a way to solve your menstrual situation it is necessary that you attend a Certified homeopathic doctor, they will tell you which homeopathic hormone treatment is the one that best suits your requirements.


For a long time the use of infusions has been implemented to improve any discomfort in our body, botanical medicine recommends that women of reproductive age consume different infusions from medicinal plants.


It is a plant from the same botanical family as chamomile, and it is very effective in the treatment of dysmenorrhea or absence of menstrual period, taking a small warm cup of this infusion will allow your period to drop and expel everything that your body naturally discard every month, it is also excellent muscle relaxant.


It is one of the most used plants in the treatment of menstrual conditions, it does not represent any danger to the body since it is not toxic and can be consumed in powder or the infusion of its leaves, everything will depend on your possibilities.


In the same way, those days of premenstrual syndrome you can have a tea containing a plant called lemon balm, since it is an excellent spasmolytic, it significantly reduces unpleasant colic or abdominal pain.


This represents a natural remedy of mild action that in some cases many women consider it to have low results, that is, it does not give the body a more noticeable improvement, that is why you can mix it with other plants to achieve a better effect .

Learn more about the benefits of chamomile .


It is a medicinal plant with an intense smell that has the ability to be a powerful rejuvenator of the uterus, that is, it stimulates the muscles and the contraction of the same. A highly recommended infusion during these difficult days is to add sage leaves, chamomile flowers and cinnamon, boil everything in a container with sugar or honey, let it warm and drink it before sleeping, it will allow you to relax and also relieve the pain you may feel in the womb.


Another option that you can take into consideration is to use the calendula flower, it is a very common herb in most spaces where there is vegetation, the part that you are going to use is its orange petals that you can consume in an infusion or simply you can add to any salad of your liking. For it to be more effective you must take it as an infusion, place 8 petals in a liter of boiled water, let it cool, then strain it and drink that water whenever you want, it significantly alleviates the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

For more information see this article on calendula .


Using parsley both in meals and infusions alone or with other plants helps to decongest the bladder and relaxes the uterus and intestines, reducing colic and abdominal discomfort.

Don’t miss out on these teas to treat menstrual cramps !

Can it affect diet?

During the days in which our daily life is affected by this syndrome, a lack of appetite or lack of appetite is noticeable that may be due to other factors but that will always be related to the menstrual cycle , it is for this reason that you must always keep in mind that you should reduce the consumption of meats because these not only contain a lot of saturated fat, but at present it has been proven that many genetic modifications are being implemented with estrogen in these animals, and this in turn has effects on female physiology.

Another important recommendation is to reduce the consumption of dairy products , and more importantly you should try to choose those that are in optimal conditions, you have to eat healthy every day, but when it comes to your period only you know your body and you will know what it is. what best suits your needs.

Does this syndrome cause infertility?

Specialists in the area emphasize that a woman is in a harmonious balance throughout her body in order to conceive, premenstrual syndrome represents a somewhat strange variation in hormonal levels, if this continues during the rest of the cycle it is very unlikely If the ovum is fertilized, it is there that the inability for a couple to have offspring arises, this in turn in most cases becomes the cause of the distancing or separation of the couples.

Feelings of failure and guilt begin to show, and the quality of life declines. The menstrual cycle of a woman will determine the moment of conception, while the man can be fertile at all times, there lies the importance of achieving normal values ​​of estrogens and progesterone in the body, that is why you must be attentive to the signals that your body manifests you and seek help from a doctor if necessary.

Is there severe PMS?

Trying to understand what a woman feels in those difficult days is an arduous task, there are many emotions that are manifested unconsciously many times, we can say that there is a severe premenstrual syndrome that is evidenced when psychological and physical discomfort prevent you from developing your activities daily, represents an almost impossible mission for a woman to show herself in a good mood these days.

This in the work or family area always brings consequences, many are the husbands and children who feel their partner or mother as an unknown being when their period is passing, I recommend you internalize the situation as something natural and temporary, neither extreme is good in no situation or environment, we can properly say that the secret is in self-control and positivism, you feel bad, it is true but it is also true that after a few days everything will return to normal, so do not let it affect you more than normal.

It occurs during pregnancy, why?

There are cases in which sexually active women are always afraid of getting pregnant even if they are taking contraceptive measures, it is there that the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are confused with those of a pregnancy, because in some cases they are similar, it is a matter of knowing your body and to go to the doctor whenever you have doubts in your head; If you have nausea, headache, dizziness, it is not always the result of a pregnancy or that your period is about to arrive, the answer to that no one better than a doctor will know how to give it to you, psychologically it affects you to think and think about diagnoses that have surely been given some woman close to your social circle, you have to understand that all organisms are different.

After delivery there are factors to take into consideration

It can occur during the puerperium, which is 6 weeks after birth or at the time when the woman has ovulations, it is very well documented that women who have just given birth have a very large hormonal lack of control, since first the body must resume the form both externally and internally, secondly the mother must adapt to the new life with the baby, this sometimes supposes a postnatal stress that many women somatize through postpartum depression, everything will depend on the number of months you last without menstruation after childbirth, but this is not why you are exempt from not suffering from this symptom, after childbirth women become even more sensitive, they change their mood frequently, that is why you should try to handle all that stage with great maturity and patience.

What happens during breastfeeding?

After the birth of a child there is a period of time where the woman does not menstruate, it is a period of time that varies from woman to woman, when they return to have complete menstrual cycles and are still breastfeeding their children they feel that they cannot bear sucking of their children in the nipple to obtain breast milk, this is because premenstrual syndrome or on the days when you have your period there is a lot of sensitivity in the nipple area, many women say that it is almost unbearable.

Is it related to bipolarity?

Bipolarity is a serious personality disorder, it is related to premenstrual syndrome because during those days women change their mood or state of mind from one moment to another, but that is not why it is bipolar, there is no current study that shows that bipolar disorder is related to PMS.

This changes when a woman has already been diagnosed with a personality disorder such as bipolarity, it is there that it should be taken into account that in cases like this, attention must be paid to the smallest details since a series of acts could be triggered that They range from laughter to suicide attempts.

Is it more of an emotional than a physical syndrome?

It is important to define how the emotional is affected and how the physical is affected; On those days, most women express mixed feelings, laugh, cry, sleep a lot or a little, or they cannot make physical efforts due to various pain or abundant blood flow, then we can infer that it is a mixture of emotions that compromises our daily development, you always have to take into account that the world cannot wait for you to pass your menstrual period, no matter how much you want to do nothing, it is best to keep your mind busy with daily assignments, so you will be able to spend those days faster and you’ll feel just as proactive as ever.

Is this syndrome present in men?

In recent times it has been tried to demonstrate to the world that male sex also faces days in which they feel just as bad as a woman in her period days, these have shown that when men do not produce normal levels of testosterone they begin To be irritable even in the smallest of situations that generate stress, their sexual desire decreases and they become a bit hostile.

Some risk factors to consider

The women who are more likely to suffer from premenstrual syndrome are those who are between 18 and 50 years old, in the same way, those who have suffered from depressive conditions are more likely to somatize the syndrome in a more noticeable way and severe in most cases. Living a hectic life and having very little tolerance to the stressors that we all have on a day-to-day basis make going through a menstrual period more unbearable than it is, it also affects or becomes a risk factor for low levels in vitamins of group B and C, as well as magnesium and other essential minerals in our body.

Learn to differentiate between premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy

Establishing notable differences in our body is the key to identifying something that is happening to you, it is very true that the symptoms of a pregnancy are very similar to those of premenstrual syndrome, but the first thing you should be clear about is whether you had sex without the proper protection, or if on the contrary you are one of those who has never had a fixed or exact menstrual cycle, there are many factors to consider, the most necessary thing if you cannot differentiate the changes in your body is to seek information and put yourself in the hands of specialists who help to understand how your body works, otherwise you will live psychologically pregnant every time you do not have your period or when it is about to arrive.

Recommendations to keep in mind

Alterations in menstruation are very common in women of childbearing age, they are not always permanent, they can also manifest sporadically, it is estimated that more than half of women around the world have suffered from premenstrual syndrome that in some cases forces them to seek help from a specialist doctor.

However treating this type of disorder is difficult because it is not always clear what it consists of, each woman experiences her periods differently. You have to take into account that every month you will go through the same situation, so the most ideal thing is to try to cope with the situation in the best way, try to practice some sport, exercise, work, do not cancel your daily routines because of this syndrome because if you stay locked up you will start to think and affect your psychological part, because surely it has happened to you that during those days you see everything more difficult than it really is, on the other hand you must learn to manage stress and the way is how you react to environmental stimuli, that is, if you are in a bad mood, nobody Who is close to you has the responsibility, breathe and try to be positive, when you are at home you can take warm baths to relax, the most important thing is that your body is your temple, you will know what to do to feel better.

If you liked this article, we recommend that you visit: Natural treatments for premenstrual syndrome

To stay in shape we leave you the best exercise routines to lower your belly.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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