How To Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women worldwide . This is because many cases are discovered too late, when the tumor is advanced. Early diagnosis is the main weapon that women have in their hands. If it is detected early, the chances of success of the treatment are higher.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops as a result of genetic alterations in a number of cells in the breast, which begin to divide uncontrollably. This abnormal growth of breast cells affects both the duct and the breast as such.

How to prevent breast cancer?


Maintaining a proper diet helps control weight, prevent chronic diseases, and improve overall health. On the other hand, a healthy body works better, preventing the appearance of tumors. According to a study conducted by Boston University, women who consume vegetables are often up to 45% less likely to develop breast cancer . Foods like broccoli, mustard, cabbage, and green leafy vegetables are rich in glucosinolates, which are amino acids with an important role in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer.

Physical exercises

Teenagers who engage in vigorous physical exercise decrease their chances of developing breast cancer by up to 23% when they become adults . In this analysis, the practice of physical activity must begin around the age of 12 and last at least ten years for protection against the disease to be noticed. Exercise can lower levels of estrogen, the hormone linked to cancer risk. Exercising also reduces stress and helps control weight, factors that also influence the development of breast cancer.


Women who live a hectic and stressful daily routine are almost twice as likely to develop breast cancer when combined with other risk factors . The techniques of breathing, meditation and relaxation, practicing Tai Chi and Yoga, help to control stress and anxiety.

Check out this article on stress to quickly identify it and learn how to avoid it.


Consuming just 14 grams of alcohol a day can increase your chances of breast cancer by 30% . The mechanism of action by which alcohol consumption increases the risk of breast cancer is unknown, but we do know that it influences estrogen signaling pathways.

Weight control

Upon reaching menopause, overweight or obese women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. What’s more, being overweight also increases the chances that the cancer will be more aggressive . If you need more information about menopause , we have a very comprehensive article that explains everything you need to know.


Women who breastfeed their children for at least six months are 5% less likely to develop breast cancer . When women breastfeed, the mammary glands are stimulated and the amount of hormones, such as estrogen, in the bloodstream is reduced.

Preventive exams


It is currently the best test for the early diagnosis of breast cancer . A mammogram can detect a lump before it is palpable (less than 1 cm). When the diagnosis is made in this way, early in tumor formation, the chances of cure become much greater, eliminating the need for breast removal for treatment. Despite being an effective method, mammography does not rule out self-examination and medical examination by a gynecologist specializing in breast cancer.

Mammography should be done mainly in women older than 35 years because younger patients’ breasts have little fat, and this makes them appear very dense, making it difficult to see the lesions.

Mammography is a radiological examination that requires compression of the breasts , an essential requirement for the examination to be successful. Therefore, mammography should be avoided in the period before menstruation, when the breasts are most sensitive, as this will cause greater discomfort during the performance of the test. It is recommended that it be done about a week after menstruation.

As a precautionary measure, the first mammogram should be done at age 35, even if there are no symptoms. It is important to save the results of a mammogram at this age so that it can serve as a basis for comparison with mammograms that will be done in future years.

Women in their 40s without symptoms should also have a mammogram, between 40 and 49 should have a mammogram every two years. If there are cases of cancer in the family, mammography should be performed annually in this age group . And at age 50 or older, a yearly mammogram or every 6 months if you can.

Any patient who has a breast lump should see their doctor and have a bilateral mammogram as soon as possible.

Breast ultrasound

It is done mainly in young patients, since the density of the breast does not allow, in certain cases, that the nodules are visible on mammograms. On the other hand, the difference between cystic and solid nodules is best seen on ultrasound. Additionally, ultrasound can be used to guide lump punctures in the breasts.

Risk factor’s

There are some factors that can cause malignant tumors . In such cases, you need to focus on preventing breast cancer.

  • Age: The highest incidence is after 40 years, especially after 50.
  • Women whose mothers, sisters and / or aunts have suffered from breast cancer, especially if the disease manifests itself before menopause;
  • First pregnancy after 30 years;
  • Women who have never breastfed ;
  • Early menarche (first menstruation) and late menopause (last menstruation);
  • Smoking ;
  • Chronic alcohol consumption ;
  • Obesity ;
  • Diet rich in fats of animal origin;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Hormone replacement therapy for more than 10 years.
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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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