Propolis Tincture: Preparation, Antibacterial Effect And Other Uses

Propolis is known for its antibacterial, antibiotic and antiviral action , there are several applications that this substance has in natural medicine. Being the propolis tincture or the propolis mother tincture the most common way of consuming it.

But what is propolis tincture?

Propolis tincture is a solution composed of a solute , which in this case is propolis in its solid state, and a solvent, which can be alcohol for human consumption. This solution requires a simple process for its elaboration and that we will mention later.

Where does propolis come from?

Propolis basically comes from a very special medicine cabinet, that of bees. They use this to protect their hives from outside threats. The objective of shielding the hive cover with this substance is based on guaranteeing a protective barrier against bacteria and microorganisms that may represent some type of threat to the bee population.

Bees obtain this plant substance from the resin created by certain types of trees such as poplar and conifers. In beekeeping farms, propolis is found on the edges of the hive and is extracted manually using a small spatula.

Medicinal uses of propolis in ancient times

Some of the brightest minds of the past made use of propolis with the aim of curing some diseases and alleviating the ailments suffered by the people of that time. Aristotle, Hippocrates, and other famous doctors in contemporary history used propolis due to its medicinal properties that prevented the progression of infectious lesions .

Since then, an investigation was started that allowed to know the medicinal scope of this substance, achieving evidence of positive results in diseases of bacterial, viral and tumor origin. In addition to finding antioxidant and remineralizing properties that contributed to the recovery of tissues favoring the health of the patient.

Today propolis is available in different dosage forms. The propolis tincture is particularly versatile in its application. In combination with alcohol, this natural product convinces with its easy application and can be used both internally and externally for a variety of minor ailments.

Aspects of interest in the preparation of propolis tincture

Although propolis is offered in a variety of different forms, propolis tincture is one of the most popular and marketed products today. In this context, a tincture is always referred to when propolis is mixed with alcohol and fully or partially dissolved in it. It is worth noting that propolis as a tincture can be concentrated at different levels.

The best known being the 20% solution.

In addition, alcohol of different percentages of purity can be used. The higher the alcohol concentration, the more soluble the propolis it contains, in other words, the effect is even greater.

Preparation of propolis tincture

As we have commented at the beginning of the publication, the preparation of the propolis tincture is simple and only requires three elements for its production. These are:

  • Propolis powder, if you have the resources or facilities to obtain the propolis resin without any additives, much better.
  • Alcohol, can be 70% pure.
  • A container with a dropper.

Purity of the alcohol in the preparation of the tincture

The solution that we will prepare will be 20%, with which we will use 20 grams of propolis for every 100 milliliters of solvent, in this case, alcohol. The highly resistant, non-denatured alcohols from the pharmacy are generally used as a solvent for the production of propolis tincture. Although the alcohol has a graduation of 70% this, it is suitable for production, even so we can preferably use alcohol with a 96% degree of purity.

The percentage of purity will play a stellar role in the dissolution of the mixture, that is, the purer the alcohol, the better the degradation of the propolis particles, thus generating an ideal dye for consumption.

How to prepare propolis tincture

  1. We pour the propolis powder into the glass on the screw cap.
  2. Add the alcohol, remembering the proportions according to the type of concentration you want to achieve. For a 20% solution we must use 20 grams for every 100 milliliters of alcohol.
  3. We close the bottle tightly with the screw cap and put it in a place. It is important to shake it vigorously at least twice a day.
  4. After two weeks from the preparation of the mixture, we filter the solution to remove the solid residues and remain only with the propolis solution or propolis tincture.
  5. We return the tincture to its dropper bottle and keep it in a cool place until use.

Antibacterial effect of propolis tincture

Studies inspired to determine the extent of the antibacterial power of propolis tincture solution showed that it severely affects microorganisms that cause infections that threaten the health of the patient.

Propolis has a germicidal and antiseptic effect , but it does not have the same spectrum of action as antibiotics, for example. Its action is more local and noticeable while the substance is applied.
In this sense, the use of this substance favors the eradication of these organisms.

Propolis kills bacteria and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent

It can be used for minor inflammation or minor injuries to prevent the penetration of bacteria.

While many of the antibiotics available on the market are only effective against certain bacteria, propolis can also be used to fight fungi and viruses that are resistant to chemical antibiotics. It can help with sore throats as we tell you in this article .

It also has benefits for pregnant women and children , but it is important to know the recommended doses.

Other properties of propolis tincture

Propolis by itself has antioxidant properties that contribute to the regeneration of tissues , thus facilitating the full recovery of the patient. Likewise, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor benefits have been found, with which it can be used for the elimination of small cysts present in the body.

Antiallergic and antiviral effects offer a safe shield against diseases of respiratory origin. In other words, propolis is a rich source of health.

The correct use of propolis

A propolis tincture can be used in a number of ways, both internally and externally.

Propolis tincture is taken internally in diluted form. Doing it without a previous dilution would cause an effect that could harm the patient’s health. As with any other natural medicine, it can cause allergic reactions, so the first application should be less than indicated.

Water, herbal tea, or milk are suitable foods to dilute propolis tincture. But, if the slightly bitter, spicy and sometimes somewhat sweet taste is not to your liking, you can take the propolis tincture on a piece of honey bread.

External and rinse applications of propolis tincture

In addition to internal application, external application of propolis tincture is also possible. There are several options available for this type of application. In addition to compresses, sachets and partial baths, rinsing and washing is also possible , as well as treatment in the form of brushing. In the case of brushing, for example, as in the case of compresses, it requires a fairly concentrated dilution , in partial baths only a weak concentration of the dilution should be used.

Under a brush treatment, for example, larger areas of the skin can be cleaned and disinfected. On the other hand, ulcers, boils and wounds that do not heal well, should be treated with compresses.

When is propolis tincture used?

In general, propolis tincture can be used immediately when the first symptoms appear , because the active ingredients immediately begin to destroy the germs, fungi and harmful bacteria causing the injury.

Propolis tincture is, due to alcohol, a long-lasting element and is used only once at best. Since propolis is a general “immune booster”, the application does not harm even if the symptoms turn out to be a false alarm. However, if the symptoms persist or even intensify, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

How should the dosage be done?

The dose depends on the severity of the symptoms. In the best case, the dosage should be discussed with an alternative physician, as propolis is a highly allergenic substance . And of course, the manufacturer’s instructions on the tincture label should always be observed.

For external use, the dosage depends on the individual case. A boil in the genital area, for example, is covered with a compress containing propolis tincture that will need to be changed several times a day for hygienic reasons.

A small cut on the arm or finger does not have to be treated with propolis tincture as often. Of course, propolis tincture can only be used for wound healing.

Characteristics of good propolis tincture

The resinous product can be optimally distributed to the desired skin areas and exhibits exactly the properties that distinguish propolis: sticky and resinous.

But what at first glance seems a disadvantage is not at all: by practical use of the pipette, the tincture is applied to a small lesion and remains there. The ingredients fill the small lesion and also enclose the edges of the wound. Good stains are characterized by the fact that they cannot be removed with a simple wash, so care must be taken when using them.

The propolis tincture does not represent the Holy Grail of modern and natural medicine, but its positive effects on the health of patients keep it current and make it a very good option for certain medical treatments.

Tell us, did you know all this information about propolis tincture, have you tried it before, will you try it now?

You may also be interested in this article on propolis soap

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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