Red Quinoa: Benefits, Differences and Recipes

If one day you wake up in the morning thinking what dish you will prepare to enjoy as a family, that is nutritious, yields and satisfies everyone’s hunger. Well, do not think so much, you can make a delicious dish of red quinoa grains, yes friends we are back in the presentations of the types of quinoa and today it is the turn of the red quinoa.

As we already know in previous articles, these quinoa grains have gone around the world and that is why there is a great variety of them everywhere and it is our duty to explain the different types that exist, their characteristics, their textures, color and everything. related to them, since it is of the utmost importance that you know all the benefits of these tasty quinoas.

What is red quinoa

The red quinoa is a pseudocereal from the Andean province, very nutritious and has great value in vegetable proteins, this is a gluten-free seed and full of carbohydrates, to mention a few, we have isoleucine, lysine, leucine, methionine , phenylalanine , threonine , tryptophan , and valine .

It was considered by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) as the perfect and unique food. It also has more minerals than other cereals and grasses.

Only with this information do you realize how important these grains are, which were studied and recognized as fundamental foods for human life. And it is that despite the fact that there are infinities of grains in the world that are also rich in proteins, they cannot be compared with quinoas, their proteins surpass those of other grains.

Origins and history of red quinoa

Red quinoa was cultivated in the Inca peoples many years ago in the countries of Chile, Bolivia and Peru . It grows in areas with stormy climates such as in areas: arid, in high places or in the ground with high concentrations of salt, sand and clay.

See our article on  Quinoa: Contraindications, Benefits, Properties and how to include it in our Diet

There are many types of quinoa that are classified depending on the climatic conditions they receive when they are cultivated. The most traditionally used is the one that has a pale ivory tone, the white quinoa and the dark red one, called Inca red quinoa.

Inca warriors ate a lot of the red quinoa variety because they said it made them feel more energetic and strong when they were in war. They admired the red seeds. This is why today they are known as Inca Red Quinoa.

When red quinoa is cooked, it changes color and turns brown. Red quinoa has an earthy and fruity flavor. It has high levels of phenolic compounds and is sold in supermarkets or health food or diet stores and is ideal for use in cold salad recipes.

Nutritional benefits of red quinoa

As an emblem of the Incas, red quinoa has the highest protein content of all grains . It enjoys a delicate flavor, a crunchy texture and comes in many varieties, such as white, black and red quinoa. Minerals and vitamins are abundant in red quinoa.

The USDA (National Nutrient Database) mentions that red quinoa provides a perfect profile of all nutrients , a cup of sewn red quinoa has 222 calories. Below we will detail the benefits that it has.


Red quinoa, and all other quinoas, contain complete proteins , which means that they have all nine essential amino acids in the correct servings. The amount of daily protein that is recommended by the Institute of Medicine is 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men. And a cup of sewn red quinoa equals 8.14 grams of protein.

Do not forget to read also  Types of quinoa: Benefits and Properties of each type


The Institute of Medicine recommends 38 grams of dietary fiber for men and 25 grams for women. A fraction of a cup of prepared red quinoa supplies 5.2 grams of the dietary fiber. If you want to keep your heart healthy, your stomach in good working order and have good blood circulation, you just have to add red quinoa to your daily diet.

Folic acid

Vitamin B9, which is the same as folic acid, is a fundamental vitamin to control and reproduces new cells. In a serving equivalent to a cup of red quinoa it has 78 percent of folic acid.

Adults need about 400 mini-grams of folic acid each day. If healthy women consumed this food daily, they would be at less risk of suffering from a problem during pregnancy.


For the reproduction of red blood cells, it is necessary to consume iron and also certain enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of energy. A serving of cooked red quinoa supplies about 2.76 micrograms of iron.

The recommended iron for men is 8 milligrams and for women it is 18 milligrams, in each of the vegetables such as red quinoa, iron is better absorbed when they are consumed with foods that contain vitamins C.


Zinc is essential for the functioning of enzymes and plays a structural role in cell membranes. One cup of red quinoa provides 2.02 micrograms of zinc. The daily amount of zinc recommended by the Institute of Medicine is 8 micrograms for women and 11 micrograms for men.

Nutrient content in a cup of Red Quinoa.

The nutrients of the red quinoa are about 652.0 calories, 12.0 grams of fat, the sodium found is about 20.0 milligrams, it also has carbohydrates of about 116.0 grams, its fiber is about 6.0 grams, in addition to the sugar that is about 20.0 g and 24.0 grams of protein.

Do not miss this article  Black Quinoa: Precautions, Benefits and Recipes

Contraindications of red quinoa

Saponin is found in red quinoa, it can be toxic if it is not separated . Most of the red quinoa stores sell them free of saponins. Still, it is advisable to place the red quinoa seeds in a colander and wash well with plenty of water to remove any additional saponin.

To know if it is free of saponin, it will only be enough to try it if there is not the bitter taste that they release, then it is because it is free of saponins. Red quinoa also has small amounts of oxalate (Oxalates are salts or esters of oxalic acid). So you have to be careful before using red quinoa excessively.

Despite the cons, red quinoa is and will be a very nutritious food and everyone likes it. The only thing that needs to be found is in the amount of consumption of it. Do not overdo it and do not reduce your consumption.

Grow quinoa or red quinoa at home

Red quinoa is a very popular food among people who eat a vegetarian diet. Red quinoa is known by its scientific name ” Chenopodium quinoa” although in other places it is called in different ways, some of them can be mentioned as: Nahua, Canigua, Peruvian Rice, Hupa, etc.

If you want to grow red quinoa at home, you must bear in mind that this seed is a plant that is harvested annually, its leaves are wide and depending on the terrain it can measure up to more than two meters. Also, before putting seed, it blooms first. The flowers that sprout their color are usually red or purple.

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It is said that the plant withstands stormy climates which is ideal for places that change weather constantly, but it is preferable that you plant it in a cool place and that the temperature is not more than 35 degrees.

Grow red quinoa from seed

To sow the red quinoa grains, start first by placing the quinoa in seedbeds in seed containers for later transplantation, but the safest thing is to do it directly on the ground, in times of renewal when the soil is at its best, that is, when the ground is hot and the rains have stopped

You should plant the red quinoa on land that is productive and with good drainage. For its subsequent irrigation, although it has been said that it can be grown in sandy, clayey and infertile soils, it is recommended that they be in lands of great productivity since if you sow it in one of the types of soils already mentioned, the harvest you will have will not be the what do you want.

You should choose an area of ​​the land that receives all the sun, although it may receive shade, but that would mean a decrease in the harvest. Once you have chosen the area for planting, you will need to plow the land at least 60 cm to ensure good drainage.

Apart from this you must eliminate as many weeds as possible, since the red quinoa will have problems to contend with them, because its growth is not so fast. Set the lures about 1.2 cm deep with a spacing between plants of at least 70 cm. Then you cover them with the soil and in 3 or 4 days the sprouts should start to come out.

Although the red quinoa supports drought, you should water them often and only if there is no rain, since, during spring, they are usually enough, even so I recommend that you water your planting regularly and you will obtain an excellent crop quality and you will be able to take advantage of eating red quinoas grown by your own hands.

Check in this article  Whole Wheat Quinoa: Benefits, Cooking and Recipes

Differences between red quinoa and white quinoa

Both the variety of red quinoa and white quinoa have a large amount of proteins and fibers. Although they are the same grain, there is a slight nutritional difference between them. And those are:

Nutritional comparison

They both have 170 calories for a 1/4 cup serving of raw quinoa. They also have about the same amount of fat per serving, with 2 grams for red quinoa and 2.5 grams for white quinoa. The carbohydrate that the two have is also similar, the red quinoa has 32 grams per serving and the white quinoa 31 grams.

Both varieties of quinoa are excellent sources of vitamins B-9, B-1 and B-6, as well as iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, but red quinoa is a better source of vitamin B-2, with 15% of the daily value per serving, based on a 2,000 calorie daily diet.

Red quinoa has 6 g of protein per serving, while white quinoa has only 5 grams per serving. This equates to about 12 and 10 percent of the daily value for protein, respectively, on a 2,000 calorie daily diet.

 High in dietary fiber

Both red and white quinoa are good sources of dietary fiber, in the case of red quinoa with 5 grams per serving, or 20 percent of the daily value, and in the case of white quinoa with 4 grams per serving and 16 percent of daily value .

Eating a diet with a high percentage of regulated fiber can help reduce cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease and constipation, especially in people who suffer from stomach problems.

Micronutrient content

When it comes to vitamins and minerals, white quinoa is the best option. Because a serving of ¼ raw white quinoa meets about 12 percent of the daily value for iron, 50 percent of the daily value for vitamin B-2, and 23 percent of the daily value for phosphorus.

Check our article on  Real Quinoa: Benefits, Features and Recipes

The same serving of red quinoa meets 10 percent of the daily value for iron and phosphorus and 15 percent of the daily value for vitamin B-2. Vitamin B-2 and iron help improve red blood cells and phosphorus is essential for healthy teeth and bones.

Choice and cooking

Both quinoas are cooked the same, however, the red quinoa may deserve a little more minutes on the fire. Most of the quinoas they sell come ready to cook. Some types of quinoas are less processed, however all require a quick rinse before cooking to remove the bitter taste.

When choosing a variety of quinoa to include in a preparation, it is advisable to take into account the color. Between the dark and white colors of the quinoas, choose a tone that looks best with some foods to make a striking presentation.

Red quinoa and athletes.

As we have already studied white quinoa, it is well known how red quinoa has properties that are assimilated to white quinoa, therefore it has the same benefits as other quinoas. It also has protein and is highly nutritious. It has a uniqueness and it is that it has less fat and more carbohydrates.

Which means they provide more energy, which is perfect for athletes and for those who like to live healthy and have muscular strength and endurance. The main difference from white quinoa is its taste and texture. Red quinoa has a more earthy flavor and the grains are more consistent , so it takes a little longer to cook.

These grains are somewhat harder than white quinoas grains, their hardness is perfect for making meatballs or vegetarian burgers. They can also be eaten in salads providing great nutritional value.

Learn everything you need about   29 HEALTHY Recipes with Quinoa

Red quinoa benefits for skin:

The following benefits can also be obtained with the different varieties of quinoas since they all have the same nutrients, vitamins and minerals, only that some have them in greater quantities than others.

  1. Red quinoa helps your scars heal quickly because it has a component called Lysine that attacks skin damage and causes it to restructure again. This is very important for those who have suffered serious accidents that warrant surgery and if they consumed red quinoa in their diet they would heal quickly.
  2. It supplies tonicity and strengthens the connective tissue: red quinoa has riboflavin , which provides elasticity to the skin to give it the necessary softness and elasticity. It also treats connective tissue to tone the skin and prevent wrinkles and fine lines.
  3. If you want to remove some other wrinkles because this is the solution, consuming red quinoa you can regain your youth , it is true what I tell you, it is not that you will become younger but it will repair damage to your face caused by time. You just have to make a mixture with the red quinoa already cooked with milk and apply it to your face for 20 minutes and that’s it.
  4. In addition to retouching your face, quinoa can also rejuvenate your body and this is achieved because it has collagen, an element that makes your skin softer and more elastic.
  5. On the other hand, for the youngest who suffer from acnes, this grain also provides a solution to that great problem that young people experience when they enter the stage of puberty. You just have to consume this grain daily and you will notice the changes.

Read the article we have on  Natural Treatments for Acne

Benefits of quinoa for hair:

  1. If you are tired of your hair looking ugly , lifeless red quinoa will make it live again , since red quinoa has about 15 percent of protein which you can consume through it or buy products made from this grain specially designed for hair.
  2. They also take care of your scalp thanks to the amino acids that work by strengthening the roots of the hair.
  3. You suffer because your hair does not grow, the red quinoa makes it grow and rejuvenate instantly. By consuming quinoa on a regular basis it will nourish the cells of your whole being and therefore will make your hair look shiny, silky and will increase its growth in an impressive way.
  4. Quinoa is also good at eliminating dandruff, a problem that affects most of the population, although they do not want to admit it, the minerals that red quinoa contains, iron, calcium, and phosphorus help the hair skin to keep dry and prevent dandruff from developing.
  5. Thanks to the moisturizers that are in the red quinoa, they help nourish and hydrate the hair, protecting it from ultraviolet rays and environmental contamination.
  6. Another of the problems that most stress women in their hair are split ends, a subject that is hated by all women. The red quinoa offer us to seal those tips, how do they do it? Well, the nutrients in red quinoa work on the scalp, increasing its elasticity.
  7. As red quinoa has vitamin E, it makes your hair maintain a balance in the production of natural oil so that the hair strands are hydrated and avoid tangling causing damage to it.
  8. The amino acids in red quinoa, especially tyrosine, which specializes in color, help to maintain the natural color of your hair as well as keeping it healthy.

See here  Complete Guide on Hair

Recipes with red quinoa

These recipes that we share with you are made with red quinoa, however you can use another type of quinoa, but the taste will be different because each type of quinoa has a different flavor.

Red quinoa with vegetables


The first thing you will need is a cup of red quinoas, a delicious chopped zucchini, also a carrot which you must chop before, a small aubergine previously chopped, a chopped red paprika or it can also be pintón, then you will need two onions on branches ( chives), mince or crush three cloves of garlic, mince two celery.

You also have to have a cup of green beans on hand, you should chop a ripe tomato, buy some herbs, the salt that should not be missing, of course the oil, the pepper and about two cups of water.


First we are going to heat a deep frying pan, add the tablespoons of brand oils that you have. Many use the olive oil because it is finer and healthier, then we add the garlic cloves previously crushed.

Next we add the chopped onions and the paprika, also chopped into small pieces, let it rest for a few minutes. Then we place the red quinoa in a container and we are going to wash it for a few minutes to remove the bad bitter taste that they have. Then we drain them and add the sauce that we prepare.

We let the red quinoa dry a little and then we incorporate all the ingredients. Then we add a little salt, pepper and herbs. Then we add the water, stir constantly for a few minutes and include the chopped tomato and let it cook for another 20 minutes.

Much more on this topic with  Recipes with red quinoa

Delicious red quinoa salad


For the ingredients we will need a maximum cup of red quinoas, you will also need a chopped and peeled pumpkin of course, some blueberries like half a cup will be enough, in addition to chopped onions with a cup would be fine, a few crushed garlic cloves.

the oil you have, then you will need honey, a little salt, curry if you like otherwise there is no problem, some nuts already cut with a cup of them, a handful of parsley and pepper to suit everyone.

How to make quinoa salad

Keep in mind that you have to preheat the oven to about 190 degrees. Cook the red quinoa as if you were cooking rice. For each cup of quinoa, two cups of water. But if you like a smoother consistency, add an extra half cup of water. In a previously heated pan, add the squash, blueberry, garlic and onions, all chopped into small pieces.

Then pour in a little olive oil or the one you have at home and add a tablespoon of maple or bee syrup, but don’t add too much, it shouldn’t be so sweet. Then add a pinch of salt, curry and ginger if you like it.

Put the pan in the oven, while the pumpkins are cooking, fry the walnuts. Take the squash out of the oven, checking that they are soft. Now the ingredients are mixed in a cup and you put oils on it and you can serve it.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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