Burdock root belongs to a robust plant from Europe and Asia that has medicinal and cosmetic properties, widely used by natural medicine; however, most of the beneficial components are concentrated in its roots.
You probably already know the properties of burdock, but now we want to bring you the burdock root, an important component of this plant that provides great contributions to your health.
What is Burdock Root?
Corresponds to the thick part that is found under the ground, it serves to acquire the nutrients from the soil for the metabolism of the Burdock plant, whose scientific name is Arctium lappa , also known as Cachorrea, Cadillo, Lampazo .
It is inside the roots of burdock where a large part of the medicinal components of burdock are found, which is why it is the part of the plant most used in most of the home remedies that are made with burdock .
How do you get burdock root?
The Root must be harvested in summer or early autumn, in order to guarantee the highest concentration of essential nutrients. It can be cut and sold as is, it has also been chopped, roasted and powdered for trade as extract and capsules.
Generally, they must be sown in the spring so that it can be harvested two or four months later, that is, by summer it should already be harvested. When harvesting, it is recommended to cut one of the sides of the plant itself, preferably using a strip without exerting too much pressure, to avoid breaking the root.
Composition of burdock root
Burdock root contains the following minerals per 100g : iron 0.8mg, calcium 41mg, potassium 308mg, sodium 5mg, magnesium 38mg and zinc 0.33mg. It also has other components such as flavonoids, chlorogenic acid, inulin (in high concentrations, up to more than 50%), sterols, quercetol, rutoside, arctiin, tannins, traces of essential oil.
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It can also present lappaols in its different classifications, like potassium chloride or more commonly known as potassium salts, the latter turns out to be an effective compound to be a healthier substitute for table salt.
Regarding vitamins, it has for every 100g Vitamin C 3mg, Thiamine 0.01mg, Riboflavin 0.03mg, Niacin 0.3mg, Vitamin B6 0.24mg, Folate DFE 23µg, Vitamin E 0.38mg
From the nutritional point of view: In 100g of burdock root we have 1.53g of proteins, 0.15g of fats, 17.34g of carbohydrates, 3.3g fiber, and 2.9g sugars.
Medicinal properties of burdock root
It has antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that allow it to be a safe medicine for conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, skin ulcers and acne, elimination of sores such as herpes.
Similarly, it is a natural medicine for the treatment of ringworm and other fungal infections, especially those of the urinary tract.
A laboratory study showed that a butanolic extract from burdock roots has sufficient antiallergic and anti-inflammatory activity that it could be efficient in combating atopic dermatitis.
It helps in the treatment of rheumatism , thanks to the fact that burdock root is a powerful natural pain reliever. It also reduces pain caused by arthritis and osteoarthritis, it also reduces inflammation caused by these diseases.
It is widely beneficial for liver health, as it reduces toxicity and increases bile production, tones the liver. It has several active substances with high purifying power of the lymphatic system, which helps to cleanse and detoxify the main organs such as the liver, lungs and kidneys .
It is an excellent diuretic and depurative, it maintains blood flow at adequate levels, it increases urination, which helps reduce the effects of urinary infections such as cystitis. In addition to toning the renal system, reducing kidney stone disorders and kidney failure.
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On the other hand, it promotes the elimination of liquids which prevents the swelling of some areas of the body due to fluid retention. That is, it prevents the formation of edema in the body.
Healing of tonsillitis, sore throat, cold, measles, smallpox, scarlet fever . On the other hand, the inulin and mucilage present help digestion and flushing out toxins. Additionally, antioxidants and other components work as mild laxatives, helping to relieve constipation.
The roots also relieve reflux and heartburn , while increasing your appetite. In addition, it has a hypoglycemic power since it helps reduce blood sugar levels through the action of caffeic and chlorogenic acids.
The activities of the root as a diaphoretic along with its detoxifying effect have made them participate in weight loss treatments, in addition to not having a high caloric index, for this reason they are perfect to help you lose those extra kilos.
It is a natural anticancer thanks to the presence of its antioxidants such as its polyphenols and flavonoids. Preferably in reducing carcinomas in the lungs, liver and stomach, it reduces the production of cancer cells.
Strengthens the immune system. This thanks to the fact that it stimulates the reduction of oxidative stress which, additionally, prevents the appearance of neurodegenerative diseases.
It improves the elimination of toxins through the skin , this is due to its sudorific properties, that is, it allows us to get rid of substances that can be toxic to us through sweat. It has the ability to eliminate waste found in certain organs such as the colon, liver and both kidneys, among others, through the urinary tract.
Another property of Burdock root is that it effectively eliminates uric acid, being excellent for treating gout, getting rid of extra fluids. It also increases energy, stamina and vitality levels.
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It helps purify the blood and detoxifies, eliminating heavy metals and freeing the bloodstream of toxins, reduces the adhesion of platelets to the arterial walls, which reduces the formation of atherosclerosis; eliminates and reduces blood cholesterol levels.
All this improves the functioning of the vital organs. Among which the spleen stands out, since a clean bloodstream helps reduce the likelihood of the development of enlarged spleen syndrome.
Cosmetological properties of burdock root
Eliminates spots, blackheads, acne and reduces dry skin by moisturizing it, due to its anti-inflammatory power it reduces the formation of wrinkles, in addition to helping the production of collagen, which keeps the skin smoother and with a porcelain appearance.
Excellent for the treatment of dandruff, promotes hair growth, strengthens and revitalizes hair, thus preventing hair loss. Moisturizes brittle ends, reduces itching on the scalp. All this thanks to the fact that it nourishes it by providing vitamin A and essential fatty acids.
Eliminates marks and scars from the skin thanks to its anti-inflammatory, purifying and collagen-stimulating properties. It can avoid and eliminate marks or scars on our skin, in addition its moisturizing effect prevents the appearance of the famous stretch marks.
Aesthetic specialists recommend that it be applied when the wound is fresh and inflamed, in this way the risk of leaving any mark is avoided, which is very easy compared to its elimination after healing.
Burdock Root Contraindications
Due to the high amount of potassium and tannins present in burdock root, it is contraindicated in pregnant women since it can generate complications to pregnancy, in the same way they should not consume it if they are breastfeeding since it generates adverse reactions in babies.
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Reduction in heart rate , which is why its consumption is contraindicated in patients with hypertension or coronary heart disease. You should consult with your doctor how your intake would affect the treatment.
Radical changes in sugar levels and dry mouth, which is why its consumption is contraindicated in patients with diabetes or hypoglycemia. You should consult with your doctor before starting the intake of burdock root in order to avoid these inconveniences.
Allergic reactions in people sensitive to the Asteraceae family , there are even cases of anaphylactic shock related to this plant.
Due to the diuretic effects, people suffering from dehydration should also not take it as it could worsen symptoms.
How to use burdock root?
In various types of cuisine, such as European cuisine, the root is used to prepare vegetable dishes, salads and soups. In other regions they use the root for the preparation of tea, the Japanese use it for the preparation of stir-fries in their recipes. They add a sweet and spicy flavor to food.
Pulverized, in pieces, in infusions, lotions can be added to prepare body hygiene products such as masks, creams, lotions, soaps, conditioner, among others. In the same way as a medicine you can find it in capsules, powder, liquid extracts.
The different presentations facilitate its use according to the results we want to achieve. For example, if we are going to use it as a scrubber then the best form is in decoction, but if we are going to treat skin problems, external use can be an excellent option. In the case of treating pain, using tablets is the most recommended due to the rapidity of their action.
In case of having sprains or deviation of the joints and their ligaments, we can apply the root externally to avoid possible inflammation and internal use to treat common pain with these types of trauma.
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Recommended dosage
- 2-6g of root prepared as an infusion three times a day.
- 350mg of powdered root for capsules. Take one three to five times a day.
- From liquid extract take it with water or fruit juices between 2-8ml of extract, three times a day.
- Soft extract 0.2g of root in single dose, 1-2g per day.
Burdock roots are also used in combination with other medicinal plants. For example, the mixture of Burdock with Rheum palmatum L. , Rumex acetosella L. and Ulmus rubra L. , constitutes part of the composition of the formula called “Essiac” which has antioxidant effects, free radical scavengers, lipid peroxidation inhibitors and anticancer, several clinical trials have been carried out to verify these properties.
Recipes with burdock root
Make the most of all the properties and benefits of Burdock root by preparing the following recipes.
Face mask
Boil a tablespoon of burdock root in a cup of water. Add oatmeal to the mixture. Now take an avocado, make a puree and add this puree to the mixture in the bowl along with two tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix to form a paste.
Wash your face well and apply the paste for 30 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water will have a clean and fresh skin.
Hair rinse
Take the burdock roots, chop them and bring them to a boil with water, let cool and rest, strain and reserve the liquid. Every time you wash your hair add the root tea to strengthen the roots and combat hair loss.
Some people recommend leaving it in your hair for a bit and then pulling it out completely. The use of burdock root to wash the hair regularly can have better results, strengthening the hair in a way that prevents hair loss, so if you start using it and do not see side effects, it is best to continue using the rinse regularly.
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Hair conditioner
Prepare a tea similar to the previous recipe and add a tablespoon of honey, mix well, when washing your hair use it as a conditioner, wash for 15 minutes and thus help to have healthy and silky hair. This gives it more shine and better texture. In addition, adding honey to the mixture helps deeply with hydration, since it provides various vitamins to the hair.
Place 2 tablespoons of finely chopped burdock root in 1 cup of brandy, mix evenly and leave to marinate for 10 days. After time take 10 to 15 drops and add them to the coffee diluting with a little water. You can take it 2 to 3 times a day before each meal. It is an excellent cleanser.
Place in a container three cups of water and 30 g of burdock root, mix and bring to a boil, letting it infuse for half an hour. Strain and drink the liquid at least twice a day, you will activate its diuretic potential. If what you want is greater effect, you can drink three glasses a day, after each meal, preferably.
For people with diabetes
Place in a container 1 dessert spoon of Burdock root and 1 dessert spoon of sliced artichoke leaf, add 1 cup (tea) of previously heated water. Boil for 5 minutes, turn off and let stand 5 min. You can take 1 cup (tea) 3 times a day, once in the morning, on an empty stomach, and the rest half an hour before the main meals.
For boils
Previously wash and cut the roots into slices, place a tablespoon of burdock root slices in a container with boiling water. Bring to a boil for about five minutes. Reserve to start a maceration process for 10 minutes. You should eat the boiled root and have a cup of this tea, three times a day, after the main meals.
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In these cases it can also be done externally, using compresses or plasters and placing them on the affected area; In this way, the bactericidal properties of the root act more quickly, thus avoiding marks on our skin.
Where can I buy it?
In herbal stores, health food stores or natural products stores, some pharmacies , you can search for it by its name or by its common denomination. You can find it through stores on web pages or social networks. Now that you know everything about burdock root, you are waiting to put all the recipes into practice and benefit from its ancient properties.
Finally, using burdock root can have certain positive effects and all in a natural way , nothing toxic, which is why it is highly recommended in the naturopathic world. It really has a wide variety of medicinal properties. Using them for different conditions and for different purposes, either as a treatment or as a preventive measure, is quite common today.
However, it is currently used mainly to obtain aesthetic results, this is due to its purity and the natural nature that turns out to be more convenient and beneficial, compared to other higher-cost chemical products, which cause certain side effects.
Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.