Skin Types: Care And Hydration Of Each Type

The type of skin that each person may have is only determined by genes , that is, by means of the genetics of each human being, it obtains the characteristics that define it; Despite this, the skin can change its appearance according to a number of factors that influence it.

The skin is the largest organ in our body and the calling card of each individual, for this reason we must give it the best care it deserves. In addition, we must not forget that the skin is the reflection of health .

Factors that influence skin types

The skin transmits much more than is believed and the factors that surround each human being directly affect this organ, either due to atmospheric changes such as extreme cold that tends to dry out the skin, or high temperatures that increase the probability of having oilier skin, exposure to the sun’s rays and environmental pollution also affect skin type.

The food is another indication of our skin type and other aspects of health care that we pay to the skin, directly influences determine changes in the condition of our skin.

In the same way, the medical treatments ingested by the person have an influence to alleviate or heal certain diseases. They can even influence the development of another condition related to the type of skin.

Detailed skin types

You need to know what the skin types are to be able to identify it and provide you with the best care you need. Normally , skin types are classified into four most common types , but other skin types start from there depending on the conditions to which the skin is subjected and the health status of the person.

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For example, hormonal values ​​represent a factor that influences the type of skin, conditioning it to have an acneic-oily skin type due to the excessive production of sebum.

In this way, we can add that the main types of skin are the following: normal skin, dry skin, oily skin, combination skin. Of these four types of skin, others are displayed either by their secretions or as is their epidermis, their physiognomy or their immune system.

Normal skin or Balanced skin

This type of skin can be considered a more balanced type of skin because it is healthier, this type of skin is neutral and has the necessary moisture, since it does not present excess fat and it is not too dry.

It can change according to environmental conditions and age because it can be more fat in the development stage of the person or become drier with the passage of time. That is why it is required to maintain this type of skin in the case of puberty, using a suitable method for acne and that also does not produce an adverse reaction on the skin. Complementing the care with hydration masks to protect the skin.

In addition, normal skin greatly influences our diet and metabolism , which is why most people who have this type of skin have a healthy diet, by maintaining a diet high in antioxidants that include foods that contain vitamin C, vitamin A, Omega 3 and omega 6, and proteins that help in the healing of the pores of the skin.

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Similarly, the conditions to maintain normal skin are based on the ability to distinguish the changes that may occur, either due to allergies (due to drugs or food) or that a medical condition is being presented that is not under treatment and is reflect on our epidermis.

This normal skin type is characterized by fine pores, good blood circulation, uniform color, smooth, soft and free from impurities. In general, this type of skin does not change color easily and remains neutral.


Normal skin, despite offering all those benefits of showing an epidermis without imperfections, also needs certain care to keep it in that condition. Therefore, it is not perfect as some people believe. If you have normal or balanced skin, pay attention to the care you must give it to maintain its natural characteristics over time.


Cleaning on normal skin is essential as this helps your pores breathe well and maintain a fresh, blemish-free condition. Preferably you should use mild facial cleansing products.

Learn to choose the products to use on the skin to keep it in its natural state , in the current market we can find a wide variety of cosmetic products that include different presentations such as make-up remover in water, in oil, cleansing milk or foam.

For an effective cleaning you need one of these make-up removers that help protect your delicate skin against the effects of cosmetics and impurities in the environment. It is very easy to maintain the natural characteristics of normal skin, you simply have to follow the step by step when removing makeup, in addition to washing the skin. If you prefer, you can use a toner to protect your skin.

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This is one of the stages that cannot be overlooked, because normal skin also needs good hydration. The constant use of cosmetics and other factors can reduce the health of normal skin and for that reason requires the use of moisturizing creams especially for normal skin.


Normal skin can also be exfoliated, but with caution, as it helps to combat impurities present in the surface layer of the skin. The most recommended is:

  • Only a gentle exfoliation is required once or twice a week .
  • The masks cleansing moisturizing facial masks or healthy skin should only be used 1 time per week , so you can use a moisturizing mask week and next week another purifying face mask.

Dry skin or dehydrated skin

It is considered a low-fat skin , since it is characterized by dryness that makes it vulnerable to certain extreme conditions and you end up looking sloppy skin; You must bear in mind that it is a type of skin sensitive to friction and external conditions.

What characterizes this type of dry skin is that it does not produce sebum , which is why it has a dry appearance, so that the fluids in the skin necessary for moisture are reduced and in a certain way, it acts as a protection of the skin against external agents that weaken it.

When dry skin is rubbed or exposed to rubbing, it tends to flake easily and feels rough , it is also prone to extreme cold conditions, so that the color of the skin tends to be constantly reddish in certain areas. , especially in the area of ​​the nose and cheeks.

Read the article we have on  Do you have Dry and Sensitive Skin? Learn the Causes and Treat it!


Similarly, the quality of the water tends to dry out the skin , while the water contains considerable hardness, the greater the dryness of the skin. This sensitive skin presents a condition where the pores are closed and with a matte effect.

Because it is a delicate skin, care must be greater, to avoid a deterioration in the appearance of our skin, it is essential to maintain constant hydration through treatments, either with moisturizers or natural alternatives to act directly on the skin.

Diet is another factor that helps keep sensitive skin in better condition, by increasing the consumption of foods that are high in antioxidants such as vitamin E, Vitamin C, zinc and Omega 3, among others. In addition to taking precautions and if possible avoid exposing the skin to certain environmental conditions that are not favorable for sensitive skin, such as: high temperatures and strong winds.

All these conditions, even the simplest, such as the temperature of the air conditioners or the heating can affect dry skin. Therefore, this type of skin always ends up affected by factors that we cannot control. For this reason, both superficial hydration (masks, creams, tonics) and internal hydration (antioxidants, water, vitamins) are recommended.

How to take care of dry or dehydrated skin?

As you can see, it is a very sensitive type of skin and consequently it needs greater and effective care to improve the appearance of the skin since it tends to flake , it becomes reddish in certain parts, wrinkles are easily noticed. Therefore, it is better to prevent this type of skin, due to lack of care, from becoming drier and weaker.

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The main thing is to protect it against external factors and products that over time can affect this type of skin too much, such as, for example: the use of soap on the skin, waters with the presence of chlorine, waters with alcohol, avoid being exposed to the sun directly, reduces exposure to strong winds and extreme cold.

It is also important to use make-up removers specially made for dry skin and to gently wash the face, and then proceed to hydrate the skin. Hydration in this type of skin is essential to help regenerate dry skin tissues.


As all skin must be removed and cleaned, we know that it is a weak skin but it still needs a gentle cleansing and appropriate make-up remover, since strong products can damage it. This type of skin tends to flake easily, thus accumulating dead cells and sweat.

You should look for the best option for dry skin, either using alcohol-free lotions or make-up remover milks or others; products that both help the skin with cleansing and prepare it for moisture.


The nutrition and hydration of this type of skin is essential because it helps regenerate the layers of the skin , this is essential after cleansing since through nutrition the irritation effects caused by cleansing and by other factors that produce a constant irritation, likewise helps to improve the flexibility of your tissues.

For this reason, through good nutrition it allows a good hydration of the skin, since it is not a superficial hydration but a hydration that regenerates the skin tissues . Currently on the market there is a wide variety of products for dry skin that nourish and hydrate the skin without damaging it.

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Oily skin

Oily skin types suffer from problems related to pimples and blackheads, disorders generated by the excessive increase of sebum in the skin, producing more oil than normal, in addition to maintaining a constant oily fluid. In many cases the oil produced is noticeable to the touch and more acne or pimples are commonly seen .

For this type of skin, imperfections on the face such as wrinkles are less noticeable or do not usually have too many wrinkles ; since it is characterized by being tense, not only because of the fat present that keeps it hydrated and smooth more than normal, but this fat is produced in the subcutaneous tissue of the skin, which is a type of thick fat.

For oily skin, eating a diet that does not stimulate the sebaceous glands is essential to avoid the production of sebum. The diet should include foods that help reduce fat. It is important to counteract oiliness with oily skin treatments, masks or tonics to reduce excessive shine.

Excessive sebum production is often due to hormonal or genetic problems that cause more than normal stimulation of the sebaceous glands. In addition, problems related to the activation of the glands are also linked to stress due to the appearance and breakouts of acne, also through drugs or the use of products that irritate the skin.

Oily skin is usually thick skin, large and dilated pores are easily seen on the skin; As it is prone to pimples, blackheads, pimples and other impurities, they are usually too inflamed and affected by bacteria that cause infection in the pores, if not treated properly they can leave scars.

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Not only in the common T zone (forehead, nose and chin) are these problems of imperfections in oily skin reflected, but in other sensitive areas of the body such as the back, the chest area, the shoulders and the upper area of the arms.


A variety of skin types can be identified from oily skin and can be determined based on their characteristics such as acne-like skin, seborrheic skin, asphyctic skin, and other oily skin types that affect skin health.

Seborrheic skin

This type of seborrheic skin is mostly where the epidermis has a greater number of sebaceous glands, as in the t-zone, scalp, beginning of the back. This condition is characterized by mild swelling, redness and scales in the area where it occurs.

This skin condition can be altered due to stress, causing more skin rash, also affecting the outer part of the ear causing itching. Seborrheic-type oily skin is more common than you think. Its relief is possible through treatments administered orally and through the application of creams that are anti-inflammatory in the affected areas.

Asphyctic skin

From a type of oily skin one can go on to have a type of asphyctic skin, these circumstances are due to the inappropriate use of products to combat oily skin, such as styptics that reduce secretions and the action of decreasing becomes the obstruction of pores, because sebaceous secretions change their chemical composition from oily liquid to a contracted type of fat.

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Asphyctic skin is caused by cosmetic products, therefore care must be greater and requires medical help, since small cysts containing sebum form on the skin due to the obstruction of pores and dead cells. In addition, this condition can also occur in women who do not adequately remove daily makeup.

Acne skin

Acneic skin is often due to a lack of control in hormonal values and commonly appears at puberty, or in transitory cases due to the use of medications that develop this condition and in more severe cases it is a genetic condition that continuously affects the person .

Usually oily skin is prone to developing acne, but this type of acne is easy to treat and is not so pronounced, but in the case of acneic skin the factors change and the acne is severe and in many cases resistant to treatments.

Acneic skin is characterized by hormonal lack of control , especially androgens (a type of male sex hormone) that are related to acne. That is why this type of skin occurs mostly in the stage of puberty. In addition, due to the large amount of sebum that accumulates, cellular renewal in the tissues is considerably reduced and it does not allow dead cells to be released.

Infectious pictures can occur in the entire area where severe acne occurs , causing an unsightly effect due to the condition that can trigger this type of acneic skin due to the growth and retention of bacteria in the enlarged pores.


Normally, having oily skin can cause many errors that can have serious consequences such as asphyctic skin, due to the excessive and incorrect use of products to eliminate excessive oil, causing the skin pores to become blocked.

Learn more about Caring for Oily Skin and Large Pores

In addition, mistakenly when you have oily skin, you tend to rub the skin very hard with cleansing products, thinking that in this way the excess greasy liquids from the skin will be removed, but what this does is make the situation worse because then secretions increase excessively. Since when you seek to eliminate more sebum secretions more multiply.


The best thing for this type of skin is to treat it with products that are soft and, as in other skins, it is important to remove make-up, but especially this type of skin we must clean it when we get up and before going to sleep. It is recommended as micellar water, make-up remover milks and mild soap .


This skin, despite its condition of excess greasy liquids, also needs to be hydrated since in a certain part it is considered a weak skin type, so the use of mild-action moisturizers is recommended.

On the other hand, and no less import yourself, exfoliation should be for oily skin since its use should be once a week. Likewise, the facial masks that help this type of skin that due to its special condition requires specific care.

Combination skin or oily-dry skin

It is a type of skin that is variable between oily skin and dry skin , since it is evident in areas of the skin, some areas where there is excess fat and in other parts where they easily dry out. The parts of the skin that easily notice excess oil are: the chin, nose and forehead (T zone). The areas that tend to present dryness are the eyes, neck and cheeks.

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Many people tend to confuse combination skin types with normal skin types, because the sebum secretions that occur are not as oily compared to oily skin types and this visually dulls the dry area. This skin presents a set of imperfections of both dry and oily skin.


Combination skin , as its name implies, should receive two types of care, one where high levels of fat are fought (T zone) and the other where dry areas are treated. Today in the market there are many lines of skin care that offer this option, but with a tendency to a more oily skin type. But if you are looking for natural alternatives you can easily combine both treatments.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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