Soy is a legume that comes from the Fabaceae (legume) family, it is cultivated in seeds, from which some grains that contain oil and protein are released, and which in turn obtain by-products such as soybean meal and oil, very used in the diet of humans, birds and livestock.
Soy milk is one of the most widely consumed vegetable drinks , due to its nutritional properties, in addition to being considered a great alternative for those suffering from lactose intolerance, providing a pleasant flavor.
This milk, considered as a drink, is obtained from soybeans, mixed with water; the mistake is made of naming it as milk due to its whitish color, when it would be appropriate to name it juice or soy drink; As well as the milk from the cow, it can be used in the production of ice creams, creams, shakes and sauces, among others.
Soy is one of the legumes that has the essential amino acids for good body health, it is easy to digest, as well as providing a great action against some diseases; It contains lecithin, an organic substance that helps against heart conditions, as well as keeping the arteries free of fat.
It contains plant estrogens, which give it estrogenic action, compared to natural estrogens in the human body, which, according to studies, acts against breast cancer in women.
What is soy milk?
Soy milk is considered a vegetable drink, which is obtained directly by mixing the soy beans or seeds, together with water, and then grinding and filtering them, resulting in a very characteristic white liquid drink.
Origin of soy milk
Since the time of the Chinese dynasty, 2800 BC, soy is well known and used by the Chinese, who called it “ta teou” which means great grain , standing out among the five sacred plants, in addition to rice, wheat, barley and Son.
More than 5000 years ago, this grain has been considered an important part of the Chinese diet, which is why it is represented in soy sauce, tempeh, miso, as well as in other types of so-called fermented and non-fermented foods such as roasted beans and soy milk.
In addition to using it in food, it has also been used in medicine, as a supplement in vegetarian diets and against protein deficiency.
Check in this article Proteins: Contraindications, Benefits, Uses and much more
Composition of soy milk
Soy milk is a vegetable drink, whose composition includes carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, calories, fat, vitamin B and iron, fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, as well as allergenic components.
Due to its whitish appearance, it has been given the name of soy milk, however, its color is yellowish.
How much soy milk can you consume per day?
According to a publication of the United Soybean Board (USB) , consume 25 gr. of soy protein (about 3 cups) a day, reduces the risk of heart disease.
Also, in an investigation carried out in 2004, it was determined that women in the postmenopausal stage, when consuming between 40-60 mg. (1 cup of soy milk) of soy isoflavones, presented great relief of the symptoms related to this condition (hot flashes, hot flashes).
However, not because it is established that a certain food is healthy, it must be made essential in the daily diet, although it is true that soy milk offers health benefits, it does not mean that by not consuming it, the results will not be obtained. required. It is important to have an opinion from a specialist nutritionist.
How to extract soy milk?
The soy milk is extracted directly by soaking the soy beans in water, after 8 or 12 hours have elapsed, proceed to strain, grind, cook the mixture obtained again with water, lower the heat and with the help of a Strainer and canvas, over a sterilized container, stir to obtain the soy milk.
This soy milk is low in calories and aids in digestion.
Benefits and uses of soy milk
Used to lose weight
Because of its low fat and calorie content, soy milk can be used to lose weight. By changing the habit of consuming whole milk for soy milk, approximately three cups a day will help you lose 1 kilo per month, maintaining the same eating habit.
Another supplement that can promote natural weight loss is taking a soy protein shake, replacing some food.
See here Avocado Smoothie Recipe with Cocoa and its Contraindications and Benefits)
Does it increase breasts? How?
Within the composition of soy are isoflavones (compounds with estrogenic effects), a structure very similar to the hormone estradiol, which promotes breast growth.
Soy is a legume that can be used naturally, in the treatment to increase the breasts, this thanks to a study published by the National Institute of Health of the United States, and its different properties that in addition to favoring the breasts, it can also help with menstruation and reproductive hormones.
Recommended for cholesterol and constipation
Soy milk has properties that help control high levels of cholesterol in the blood (hypercholesterolemia).
This is obtained thanks to its genistein content , isoflavone that acts naturally against bad cholesterol (LDL), triglycerides, favoring good cholesterol (HDL), in addition to keeping the arteries healthy by avoiding the accumulation of fat in the arterial walls , reducing blood pressure , thanks to its high omega3 content.
Soy, within its properties, has a high content of proteins and natural fiber, important ingredients that collaborate in a better functioning of the intestines and acts favorably against constipation.
Those who tend to be susceptible to constipation are children, substituting whole milk for soy milk will alleviate the discomfort caused by this condition, in addition to helping in the evacuation process.
A study carried out by the University of Newcastle, indicated that soy milk can be considered as a supplement to cow’s milk or whole, due to its low content of saturated fat.
However, soy does not directly combat constipation, but acts as a supplement to counteract it.
See our article on Coconut oil for constipation: How to apply it and alternatives with coconut
Benefits of soy milk for the skin
Among the benefits that soy milk provides for the skin, is the increase in the production of collagen, an important component to keep the skin hydrated and with better elasticity, providing a better appearance.
This component acts together with elastin, in order to give a better firmness to the skin, avoiding dryness and premature aging.
By using soy protein, you will noticeably promote good skin health.
Good for gastritis
Due to its low content in vegetable or animal fats and less lactose, soy milk is recommended to treat gastritis, in addition to providing vitamin B, potassium, and fiber, which are favorable for better digestion and protect the stomach.
Soy milk is recommended during pregnancy, why?
Soy milk contains nutrients that turn out to be favorable during pregnancy, that is, it has lean proteins necessary for the good health of the body, the heart, as well as providing natural calcium for a better development of the baby’s bones.
It provides a certain amount of omega3 fatty acids that are beneficial for both.
Although it is true that soy has estrogen-like components that could interfere with the healthy formation of the fetus, there is recent research that recommends the consumption of soy milk during pregnancy.
What benefits does it bring during breastfeeding?
According to its composition in isoflavones, soy milk is not recommended for consumption during lactation, because these isoflavones act as phytoestrogens that negatively affect the production of breast milk.
Therefore, it is not advisable to limit the consumption of soy milk while breastfeeding so as not to affect the baby’s natural diet.
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Is soy milk good for babies? Why?
When a baby has a reaction against lactose (whole or cow’s milk), the use of soy milk is sometimes recommended.
Its calcium content is not enough for the good health of the child, so there are soy milk presentations that are fortified in calcium for better absorption in the body.
It contains phytates (antinutrients), which inhibit the intake of minerals and calcium by the body, so it must be accompanied with another food that favors the child’s diet, such as nuts, legumes and green vegetables.
It has isoflavones, which are phytoestrogens that could interfere with the sexual development of the child, however, it is not proven.
Soy milk, in general, is considered a great alternative for children with lactose intolerance, it also provides important omega3 fatty acids for the skin, the heart and the proper functioning of the brain.
How Does Soy Milk Help Male Fertility?
Soy milk is considered a product not recommended for men, because due to its content of phytoestrogens (isoflavones), combined with xenoestrogens and endocrine disruptors, they would produce alterations in male sex hormones and therefore decrease fertility in men. .
Among these isoflavones are genistein and daidzein, which are determined to be genotoxic in sperm production; in addition to causing fluid retention and improper breast development (gynecomastia).
Soy milk contains phytates (antinutrients) that prevent the proper absorption of minerals, such as zinc, essential for the production of testosterone and, in turn, increase the male fertilization process.
Do not miss this article Zinc: Contraindications, Benefits, Symptoms of excess and use in Children and Pregnant Women
Soy milk vs cow’s milk
Both milks turn out to be beneficial for health, because they are a good source of protein.
Soy milk tends to be low in fat, cholesterol, and carbohydrates, compared to cow’s milk.
The sucrose present in soy milk is converted into fructose and glucose, making it safe for consumption by people who are lactose intolerant, as well as diabetics.
Both cow’s milk and soy milk contain little calcium, vitamins and minerals, so they are enriched with these vitamins and minerals, in order to make them a little more commercial.
Cow’s milk provides less protein than soy milk, so it is fortified with vitamins A, B, B12 and D.
Soy is not considered a complete nutritious food, as it presents certain fiber deficiencies due to plant chemicals, however, it provides other nutrients that are important for health.
There are many people who tend to have resistance to cow’s milk, so it is suggested to supplement this lack of calcium, vitamins, minerals and additional nutrients with soy milk.
Is I milk cause allergies?
While it is true, soy milk is a plant drink, which provides nutritional benefits to health, but the person who consumes it is not exempt from suffering from an allergic reaction, which can rarely be worrisome.
When this type of allergic reaction occurs, it is generally minutes after having ingested this drink and the following symptoms may occur:
- Tingling in the area of the lips, mouth.
- Itching, hives, eczema, or scaly skin.
- Swollen lips, tongue, throat, or any other part of the body.
- Shortness of breath
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
- Reddened skin
- Anaphylaxis, in case the person suffers from a bronchial disease (asthma), or they are allergic to nuts such as peanuts.
Get more information about Nausea: Treatments, symptoms, etc.
Is soy milk carcinogenic?
Soy milk, or soy in this case, has plant phytoestrogens, called isoflavones, which have been determined to have a certain impact on endocrine hormones, and in turn, intervene in the formation of cancer product of hormones (breasts, uterus , prostate)
This is because soy protein tends to be exposed to high temperatures, causing these proteins to become carcinogenic or harmful to health.
However, the consumption of soy milk or any other derivative of soy, should not be exceeded, rushed, but respect the recommended daily dose.
Is soy milk not milk?
Currently, the European Union, through the Court of Justice, has addressed this issue because milk is generally of animal origin, which has generated a great debate because soy milk comes from grinding and filter the soybeans, that is, it is of vegetable origin and therefore does not deserve to be called ” milk”.
However, its properties or benefits are not given by the name, but by its composition, so the fact that the name is changed from milk to drink does not take away from the health due to the nutritional level it contributes to the body.
Soy milk for irritable bowel
People with irritable bowel problems tend to suffer from diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain, and are generally lactose intolerant.
Soy milk can be a great ally to treat this condition, because it would provide relief in the case of constipation due to its fiber content, it improves the functioning of the intestines, and in turn, it would control the evacuation process; as well as provide a type of healthy vegetable fats for the body and improve the digestion process.
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Diabetes and soy milk
Diabetes is characterized by very high blood sugar levels and in turn, the pancreas does not process the insulin that regulates the sugar level.
Soy milk is characterized by having a low glycemic index (15), so it can be consumed by diabetics, as it helps control glycemia and increases insulin receptivity.
When the person is intolerant to glucose, soybeans become a great choice because it improves this action and makes them more resistant to insulin.
Soy milk and hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is characterized by decreased thyroid hormone production and low thyroid gland activity, leading to exhaustion, menstrual disturbances, sensitivity to cold, low basal metabolism.
This condition is counteracted with a type of synthetic thyroid hormone, and according to opinions it is believed that the consumption of soy, in any of its presentations, prevents the body from absorbing this medicine, but to date, there is no evidence of this assumption.
What is indicated is that the person, when taking the medicine, must wait approximately four hours and then ingest soy milk or some derivative of soy, in order to avoid a possible contraindication.
Soy milk or cow’s milk, which is better?
When consuming milk, what is primarily sought is a contribution of calcium, vitamins and minerals for health.
Like cow’s milk, soy milk is fortified with calcium; However, cow’s milk has nutrients that help to digest calcium better, whereas soy milk does so to a lesser extent.
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Soy milk has a high fiber content compared to cow’s milk, which makes soy better suitable for digestion and intestines.
Regarding the fat content, soy milk contains a lower amount of unsaturated fats and has vegetable fats favorable to the body, as for cow’s milk it has fats in amounts not very favorable for health.
In the event that a person decides to consume milk, and does not present any type of special condition (lactose intolerant, any type of digestive problems) it is recommended that they consume cow’s milk.
In case of lactose intolerance, allergy to cow protein, irritable bowel, digestive problems, Crohn’s disease, it is advisable to consume soy milk and avoid cow’s milk and all its derivatives as much as possible.
However, determining which is better will depend on what you want to obtain or treat in the use of these drinks, taking into account that neither of them has a complete nutritional level for the human body.
Soy or almond milk, which is better?
Both soy milk and almond milk are beneficial for health, as they are low-calorie vegetable drinks and are suitable for those with lactose intolerance, they do not contain lactose or cholesterol of any kind.
Regarding calories, soy milk is low in calories (80) with no added sugar (low glycemic index), while almond milk is low in calories with added sugar (48).
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Both being plant milks, they help in digestion and the intestines, being easier to digest.
Soy milk contains folates and vitamins belonging to group B, and small traces of vitamins A, E and D, while almond milk is rich in vitamins A, E and D and does not contain vitamins of group B.
Regarding the minerals that contribute to health, soy milk contains more potassium (8%), magnesium and little sodium than almond milk, the latter has more calcium (20%) than soy milk, which is enriched with he.
Soy milk has phytoestrogens that, in certain cases, can help fight cancer susceptible to estrogens (breasts or uterus), while almond milk does not have any type of phytoestrogens.
Both can cause an allergic reaction in certain people, sometimes lactose intolerant people can create an allergy to soy milk.
With this described, the choice of which is the best will depend on the results sought and the person who consumes it, however, there are those who are inclined towards almond milk due to its content in vitamins and minerals and the least contribution of natural fat and calories.
Does soy milk cause diarrhea?
Derivatives of soy, especially milk, have become very popular due to the health benefits it brings, however, it can cause a reaction in certain people such as gastric pain or diarrhea.
In case of suffering from frequent bowel movements, it is not recommended to consume soy milk because it can cause discomfort and exacerbate the condition.
On the other hand, when consuming soybeans present these evacuations very often, it is recommended to suspend their use and consult a doctor, because an allergy or intolerance to soy milk could be present.
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Chemotherapy and soy milk
The use of soy milk and in any other presentation is not allowed when chemotherapy treatment is carried out, because it can present interaction and reduce the effects of said treatment.
Is soy milk good for ulcers?
Ulcer is a condition that occurs in the stomach or duodenum, due to the fact that the stomach mucous membranes are injured due to the imbalance of defensive and aggressive factors that are present in said mucosa.
This condition can be attacked with foods rich in protein, calcium; soy milk turns out to be indicated for this, because it helps to counteract these acids present in the stomach, reducing discomfort and acidity.
Thanks to its protein content, it favors digestion and turns out to be nutritious, turning out to be a favorable alternative for those with lactose intolerance.
Soy milk and cancer
Cancer is a disease that occurs when new cells develop that are not necessary and the bad cells do not die, they form a kind of tumor that can sometimes be benign or malignant, and in turn invade healthy tissue and undermine other parts of the body. Body.
Soy is considered a natural alternative to combat this disease, thanks to its content of isoflavones, a kind of estrogen that helps counteract the formation of these unnecessary cells and that they expand.
This result tends to be more effective if the consumption of soy, fermented (tempeh, miso, natto, soy sauce), is done at an early age, either in childhood and adolescence.
Some research has indicated that it may offer little protection against any type of cancer, especially breast cancer.
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Studies have been carried out on these protective effects of soybean cells, in rodents and laboratory animals, and it has been seen that they metabolize isoflavones in a very different way from humans, since they increase estrogen levels, otherwise in the humans.
However, the consumption of soy should be controlled and should not be abused, since it could increase the risk of cancer, it is advisable to consume soy wisely to make the effect safer.
Soy milk and menopause
Menopause is the stage where the woman stops seeing the period or menstruation, and produces symptoms that tend to be bothersome and unpleasant for the woman, due to the loss of estrogen or female hormone.
To attack these conditions, natural remedies are used to help counteract this stage, among which soy can be used, although sometimes drugs are used that, on occasions, tend to accentuate the discomforts (hot flashes, vaginal irritability, loss of sleep, decalcification) instead of improving ailments.
Soy juice turns out to be ideal to help combat and make this stage of women less traumatic, this due to the contribution of isoflavones, which help in the production of hormones and the little loss of calcium in the bones.
Combining soy milk, with flaxseed, fruit for example a pear or whatever is in season that provides antioxidants and honey, contribute to the production of estrogens that allow to alleviate menopausal symptoms, as well as reduce constipation that can be very frequent in this stage .
Is soy milk bad for men? Why?
Decrease in sperm production
At Harvard University, in “Human Reproduction” he conducted a study on the effect of soy consumption on sperm, in which it was determined that sperm production was reduced, in a small amount, but that it turned out to be significant.
Soy consumption directly affects men who have high and normal sperm counts, when they are overweight or obese.
Different studies have been carried out in which it has been concluded that the consumption of soy milk has negative effects on the production of sperm in men.
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Erectile dysfunction
Different studies have been carried out in rats, due to their composition similar to humans, to determine the action on erectile functions of isoflavones such as daidzein.
According to an investigation published by the “Journal of Andrology” determined that by consuming daidzein in the youth stage, it can negatively affect the normal functioning of the penis upon reaching adulthood, with the understanding that it had no negative effect on the testosterone.
In this study it was observed that it did not affect the growth of the member and they maintained mild erections, however, they highlighted that this effect is only in rats, but it does not mean that the same effect occurs in humans.
Healing properties of soy milk
Prevents Prostate Cancer
In different studies carried out, it has been determined that the composition of soy (isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein), due to its high level of phytoestrogens, help to stop the action of cellular receptors and, in turn, protect cells in the prostate, from cells carcinogenic from hormones.
Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a balanced diet, which includes soy, protein or soy milk and will help fight and try to eradicate this terrible disease.
Helps prevent Endometrial Cancer
Due to its content of antioxidants, fiber, isoflavones and phytoestrogen, such as genistein, it provides benefits in the prevention of cancer; Because their function is to stop the activity of estrogens, so that they do not bind with estrogen cells, they activate the formation of new cells and growth of cell tissue, the role of isoflavones is to make damaged cells die naturally (apoptotic).
Very useful for diabetics
For the person who suffers from diabetes, he must comply with a special diet, balanced, low in fat, cholesterol, sugar, rich in fiber and protein.
A diet that includes soy is ideal and healthy, because its consumption helps lower blood sugar, thanks to its low glycemic index (15)
Expand your interest on this topic with Diabetes: Complications, Causes, the 6 Types and how to prevent them
Avoid kidney stones
Kidney stones form in the kidneys due to the accumulation of calcium carbonate and phosphate salts found in the urine.
The consumption of soybeans will help destroy these rock formations, due to its high content of vitamins, minerals, lecithin (phospholipid), an important component that helps dissolve these kidney stones, accompanied by a balanced diet.
Good for the heart
Soy milk has a high content of protein, fiber and a low content of saturated fat, providing fatty acids (omega3) that are beneficial for the good health of the heart and arteries, helping to control cholesterol levels in the blood.
Advantages and disadvantages of soy milk
A main advantage that can be given to soy milk is that, due to its low cholesterol content, it is very beneficial for the health of the heart, circulatory system, bones (prevention of osteoporosis), providing natural calcium.
Soy milk is an interesting ally for people who suffer from lactose intolerance, who are allergic to whole or cow’s milk protein.
It can be said that soy milk helps fight and prevent osteoporosis.
The main disadvantage that can be attributed to soy milk is that it can cause an allergic reaction to the components of soy protein, accompanied by inflammation of the glottis, hives, reactions that will depend on the condition of each individual.
How to prepare homemade soy milk?
Below is a description of how to prepare homemade soy milk, a recipe for two liters.
- ¼ kilograms of organic soybeans
- 8 cups of water
- Soak the soybeans for approximately 8-12 hours, changing the water every 4 hours if possible.
- After time has elapsed, with the help of your hands, crack the skin of the grains, scrubbing them well.
- Strain the soaked beans, separate them from any residue
- To avoid a bitter taste, the enzyme that produces such a taste must be eliminated by placing it in the microwave for a few minutes, or 5 minutes in a common oven.
- When the beans are ready, use a food processor or blender, add water and process them until they get a creamy consistency.
- Once the soy puree is ready, add along with 8 cups of water in a large container, place on the heat until boiling; cook the soybeans over low heat for approximately 25 minutes, stirring little by little.
- Place a permeable canvas or cloth over a strainer, over a container, to separate the milk from the soy residues.
- Proceed to stir to facilitate the filtering of the milk.
- The mixture that remains on the cloth or canvas, squeeze to extract as much milk as possible.
- Pack the soy milk in a glass container preferably, previously sterilized, it is ready to consume and reserve.
- With the soy milk obtained, in addition to consuming it warm, it can also be used in the preparation of natural foods, such as tofu or soy yogurt.
- It is important to note that soy milk can be reserved for 3 days, so it is recommended to prepare the amount to be consumed in that time.
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Contraindications of soy milk
- It causes disturbances in the endocrine system.
- Due to its genistein content, soy could affect the pancreas and thyroid; produces hypothyroidism, goiter, and thyroiditis (according to a study by Dr. Theodoro Kay, some people who were fed soy milk suffered from an enlarged thyroid).
- Cause male infertility, reduced androgens, poor sperm quality due to phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein.
- During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to consume it under medical supervision and not abuse the recommended dose, because it can cause adverse effects to the fetus, problems at birth and thyroid.
Recipes with soy milk
I am milk croissants
- Strength flour, 300 gr. approximately (18% protein).
- Wheat flour, 100 gr. approximately 13% protein.
- I am milk 150 ml.
- 2 egg yolks.
- 3 whole eggs, approximately 60 gr. each.
- Grind 20 gr.
- Butter 80gr.
- Sugar 60 gr.
- Salt 10 gr.
For the Italian sourdough (biga) you need:
- Force flour, 100 gr.
- Yeast, 25g.
- Water, approximately 50ml.
Puff pastry:
- Butter, 125 gr.
The Italian sourdough or biga should be prepared the day before, it is necessary to leave it at room temperature overnight and cover it with plastic wrap or plastic wrap.
- In the blender, place the flour and eggs, add the sugar, honey and just add them, add the biga and soy milk. The butter is melted together with the vinilla and the salt and adheres to the dough until a smooth, homogeneous and elastic dough is obtained. The dough is placed in the container used for the biga. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour.
- Prepare the butter to make the puff pastry, leave it at room temperature and spread it on two sheets of special baking paper; then it is placed in the refrigerator for an hour to harden a little.
- The dough is removed from the fridge, and with the help of a rolling pin, the dough begins to roll out (it should be approximately 4mm thick).
- The butter is added, the dough is folded into three parts taking the bottom part, until it reaches the middle, the same action is repeated with the top part and folding down, just halfway.
- Cover with plastic wrap and store again in the fridge.
- After an hour, remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll out again and cut into triangles; At this point you can add any filling of preference: cream, chocolate, etc.
- Place the croissants on a baking tray and let them rise for the necessary time, then spread them with a mixture of egg yolk and cream.
- Bake for about 18 minutes at 180ºC.
- Remove from the oven after they are ready and sprinkle with icing sugar.
Soymilk cake
- Sugar, 250 gr.
- Flour, 270 gr.
- Soy milk, approximately 400 ml.
- Sunflower or olive oil, 40ml.
- Yeast in sachets used for sweets, 1 sachet.
- 1 lemon rind.
- Sugar glass.
- Vanilla essence, approximately 2 tablespoons.
- Place the yeast, flour, sugar and the grated lemon rind in a bowl and mix.
- Add the soy milk, the oil and the vanilla essence.
- Mix the ingredients well until you get a smooth paste.
- Pour the mixture into a previously greased mold with a little oil and flour. Place in the oven previously heated to 160 degrees and cook for about 40 minutes.
- After the time has elapsed, check the cooking, when it is ready, remove from the oven, turn the mold on a plate and let it cool.
- Finally, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve.
Oatmeal with soy milk
Ingredients and utensils
- 500 ml of soy milk.
- 6 tablespoons rolled oats
- Cinnamon stick or powder
- Honey or some other sweetener
- Nuts (optional)
- Warming pot and a bowl.
- In the pot or container, place the milk to heat along with the cinnamon. When boiling, add the oats, stirring continuously over low heat, as the mixture thickens, it is removed from the heat.
- After cooling, add the honey and nuts (if applicable) and serve.
Nutritional information of soybean oil
Vitamins and minerals
Per serving (250 ml.) Provides vitamins B2 (0.50 mg), 120 IU. of vitamin D, approximately 300 mg. calcium.
A glass of soy milk contains 4 gr. fat, where 0.5 grams corresponds to saturated fat, without trans fat or cholesterol; considered a great alternative in healthy diet regimes without unhealthy fats.
Approximately 250 ml. of soy milk (1 glass of milk), provides 100 calories, 8 gr. of carbohydrates and 7 gr. of protein, beneficially compared to cow’s milk.
Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.