Miscarriages: Causes, Symptoms, Types And Possible Treatments

Surviving children is one of the most horrible things that can happen to a woman and having an abortion does not cause a better feeling, even if the child has not been born, from its first heartbeat in the womb we become mothers. Many pregnant women have had to go through the loss of a child due to miscarriages, only in the imagination remains the feeling of knowing the child they once hoped to hold in their arms. Coping with the loss of an unborn child is not impossible, you just have to resign yourself and focus on the good things that life gives us every day .

Going into the definition we can say that a miscarriage is one that is caused by natural causes (genetic causes, lack of embryonic development, among others) before 20 weeks of pregnancy . In some cases it is impossible to determine what caused the abortion, since the mother does not present symptoms that demonstrate damage caused by external or internal factors. It is something that simply happens and of course leaves many unknowns for the woman. In life many times there are questions that only God can answer, but it never hurts to research the subject in order to understand what we are facing and have more tools to cope with the situation.

Types of miscarriage

There are 4 types of miscarriage , the classification is given above all by the loss of fetal tissue (total or partial), we will explain them below:

Threatened abortion

In this case, the abdominal pain and bleeding is slight , in addition to the fact that the cervix is ​​closed and this allows the fetus to be protected. Only 50% of threatened abortion cases end in disgrace. The other 50% come out of risk with medical help and the pregnancy reaches term.

Inevitable or imminent abortion

In this case the cervix opens and the fetus dies , the body naturally expels the fetal tissue, for this case there is nothing that can be done.

Incomplete abortion

In this case, the fetal tissue is lifeless but the body is not able to expel it completely (despite the bleeding, residues remain inside the uterus), so the mother must undergo medical treatment to expel all the tissue from her body. and avoid future contamination complications.

Deferred or withheld abortion

In this case the fetus dies without leaving signs in the woman , in many cases the woman does not realize it until 10 days after the loss. As the days go by, the signs of pregnancy disappear and even if the cervix is ​​not open, the mother must be treated to remove the fetal tissue from within .

Abortion due to poor implantation of the ovum

An abortion may be considered, since the egg is fertilized, but implantation in the uterus has not occurred correctly. It does not require any type of treatment and most of the time you will not even notice it since it will come out with menstruation.

In this case, you may be interested in reading the article on implantation bleeding .

Causes of miscarriages

Causes of miscarriages

Classifying the causes of a miscarriage is very imprecise , even the most reckless of gynecologist doctors would have a lot of trouble solving the riddle. The first thing you must accept is that it is not your fault what has happened, many women blame themselves for believing they harm their baby by exercising , having sex, etc., but the truth is that none of these activities can kill a fetus .

As cause number one we will mention the genetic cause , as we know the fertilization of the ovum is a very delicate process where the combination of the DNA (chromosomes) of the parents comes into play. If cell division does not occur correctly, it is very unlikely that the egg will be fertilized and implanted correctly in the womb. This problem has nothing to do with defective DNA from the parents, it is just a matter of wrong partitions at the time of cell division (mitosis and meiosis).

On the other hand, the lifestyle and health of women place a great emphasis on miscarriages, that is why below we detail the profile of women who are more likely to suffer a loss.

  • Tobacco addiction, hallucinogenic drugs and alcohol: pregnant and addicted women are always at risk of losing their child, these terrible drugs directly affect the development of the baby.
  • Diseases such as venereal infections, cancer and diabetes : if a pregnant woman is an active patient with any of these terrible diseases, it is very likely that the development of her pregnancy will be very complicated.
  • Hormonal problems : as we know pregnancy is managed in the female body through hormones, if a woman’s hormonal deployment has complications it is very likely that her pregnancy will be affected.
  • Obesity: overweight women always have organic problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes, being overweight is always a risk for pregnant women.

Low progesterone miscarriages

Progesterone is a very important hormone in the female organism functions, in adolescence it is responsible for the development of the rule, of course it is also responsible for the regularly lowering of the period . In pregnancy, progesterone is also very important since thanks to it the womb becomes an incubator, the nutrition and development of the baby depend on it. The fertilization of the ovum and the implantation of the endometrium are the first steps of pregnancy and progesterone is the guardian of these functions. So we see that if a woman does not have the necessary doses or loads of progesterone in her body, it is very likely that she is at risk of suffering a miscarriage.

Testing the levels of progesterone in the female body is very easy, you just have to check if your menstrual cycle is regular, if your period is frequent, it is impossible that you have a progesterone deficiency, but you are a woman with inconstant periods it is best to have a consultation with your gynecologist to reach the respective conclusions of your case.

Miscarriages and stress

There are clinical studies that show that stress is a very important factor in miscarriages , when a person suffers from stress their brain sends signals to the body to release the hormone called corticotropin (CRH), normally the body releases this hormone when the person is subjected to strong situations (rages, scares and others), in a normal person stress can have many physical consequences but in pregnant women it can be lethal, to better explain the CRH hormone, it is also responsible for making the woman have contractions at the time of giving birth, so if a pregnant woman in her first trimester suffers from a lot of stress, it is very likely that she may suffer a loss.

See also more information on premenstrual stress.

Pregnant women should live calmly without having unnecessary tantrums or scares, even after the first trimester. The CRH hormone is also responsible for mothers bringing premature and low-weight children into the world , it must be remembered that all the feelings that the mother suffers affect the child she carries. If you are in good condition, it is recommended to live in peace, surrounded by people who seek your well-being and that of your child.

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Does Aspirin Cause Miscarriages?

First of all, pregnant women should be very cautious and not take any medicine without a prescription, it must be remembered that everything that the mother absorbs in some way is absorbed by the baby. As for aspirin, we can say that it does not represent any risk, that is, it is not abortifacient. You most likely want to attribute your loss to aspirin use, but taking aspirin does not cause miscarriages.

As we already know, pregnancy is divided into three trimesters and it is in the first trimester when the miscarriage attacks the woman, having said this we have to point out that in the first trimester of pregnancy the fetus does not absorb a large amount of the medicines that the mother ingests (It is still very small), so ingesting aspirin is not a problem for pregnant women in this period, of course as the baby grows you have to be more cautious since its absorption will be greater.

Recurrent miscarriages

To speak of recurrent miscarriages we would have to say that they happen to a woman who has undergone this difficult test more than two consecutive times , in 75% of cases when this occurs the causes cannot be found, but despite that percentage many manage to conceive without major difficulties.

Although the woman feels lost due to the lack of answers, this does not mean that she is alone on the road, there are many ways to achieve a successful pregnancy and achieve the most beautiful dream of any woman: to be a mother. If your desire is this, what is recommended is that you have a previous preparation, help your body with the necessary nutrients, in addition to doing various medical investigations to rule out malformation in your uterus or genetic or hormonal problems that are it affecting.

As we have already said, recurrent miscarriages rarely have a definite cause , the best thing to do is plan and never lose hope. If you do not despair, it is likely that in less time than you expect you will have a healthy and beautiful baby in your arms.

Symptoms and Signs of a Miscarriage

As a general rule the symptoms of a woman who is suffering a miscarriage are the following:

  • Light or heavy bleeding.
  • Pain (moderate or severe) in the lower part of the belly, commonly known as menstrual cramps .
  • Loss of blood clots or fibrous material.

You should bear in mind that these signs are usually common in a woman in condition, so it is best to go to the nearest hospital or to your trusted gynecologist if you have any doubts. The main thing is that you do not lose your cool and wait for the opinion of an expert.

Risks and consequences of miscarriages

Speaking on a physical level, the mother does not run any risk when suffering a miscarriage , her uterus is not damaged and it is likely that she will become pregnant soon, but even if the physical risks are zero, the emotional damage that you may suffer later must be taken into account of loss, so watch out for the following feelings of guilt.

  • Denial: the woman does not accept that her son is dead, the illusion becomes stronger than reality.
  • Guilt: the woman feels guilty for the death of her son, she believes that she did something wrong that cost her child her life.
  • Fear: the woman is afraid of getting pregnant again, she is afraid of going through the same thing again.

Suffering an abortion is the same as losing a child already born, that being, although we did not see it, we could feel it and it represents a very important part of the life of any woman, the healthiest thing is that you live your grief and do not rush to make decisions . Do not regret anything that happened in your life, the struggles can only make you a stronger woman and connected to the most precious and valuable things in your life. Do not see the glass as half empty, be optimistic and above all release all negative feelings so that none affect your life.

Treatments and care in spontaneous abortions

As the main treatment, it is recommended to do an ultrasound to see the state of the uterus and of course to verify that the fetus is no longer active (heart rhythm), another important step is to repeat the pregnancy test to see what results it gives, if the tests give negative means that life in the womb has already died. In the same way, it is necessary to examine the remains of vaginal bleeding, to see if there are remains of the placenta or the fetus itself.

Immediate care at home

If you are pregnant and you fear for the life of your baby, the first thing you should do is seek help from a family member or friend to take you to a nearby hospital, it is necessary to seek a medical evaluation as soon as possible, do not wait longer than necessary at home as you could be wasting valuable minutes, minutes that could cost your baby his life.

If you have a lot of bleeding remember that the doctor needs to analyze that blood so clean yourself but do not throw the waste (placed in a safe and clean bag or container it does not matter if you keep the underwear that you took off). On the other hand, try as much as possible not to make sudden movements, do not exert yourself more than necessary, seek help.

Post-miscarriage care

If you have unfortunately suffered a loss, you may feel pain in the belly and vaginal bleeding, these symptoms can last a few days so you will have to take painkillers to help reduce the pain.

As for bleeding, you should only use sanitary pads as you regularly do during menstruation, if you are one of the women who prefer the tampon instead of the compress, we recommend that for this specific occasion you do not do it since it is very possible that the bleeding is accompanied by clots and it is better that everything leaves your body to avoid possible contamination. Remember that the goal is for your uterus to be without waste and without damage to reach conception again.

After the pain and bleeding disappear, you will be able to make your life naturally, the important thing is that you put all your possible will to pass that test, do not let negative thoughts or depressions affect your spirit, remember to follow the path of grateful life with everything that has happened to you.

Miscarriages without pain and without bleeding

When we talk about miscarriages, everything is possible, there are women who do not present symptoms (neither bleeding, nor pain), as on the other hand there are also women who only present one of these two symptoms.

It all depends on the case (type of abortion), the important thing is to seek medical help to take the death of the fetus for granted . There are even cases where the woman never even knew she was in condition until she sees the consequences. In these cases nothing can be taken for granted, the only thing that can be confirmed is that the mother is not to blame for the terrible consequences.

Is a curettage necessary after miscarriage?

Let’s start by explaining what is the uterine curettage, it is a quick and simple process that gynecologists perform to clean the walls of the uterus , they do it with the help of tweezers to scrape the waste (lifeless fetus) in the woman’s uterus. Before performing the curettage, the woman’s cervix must be dilated (the neck may already be dilated naturally) in order to insert the aforementioned medical instruments.

Uterine curettage is not essential for all miscarriages, the first thing would be to verify what type of abortion you have suffered. This information can only be verified by a professional gynecologist, but we confirm that uterine curettage is only for cases where the woman does not expel all the waste naturally.

On the other hand, there are also medicines that help the expulsion of the dead fetus , but do not be discouraged if you have to undergo a curettage, just look for a trusted professional and you will surely pass this test like a champion. The important thing is that your uterus is completely clean to avoid asepsies and also to get pregnant again without complications.

For more information, do not miss this very complete article on uterine curettage.

How long does bleeding last after miscarriage?

After the woman suffers the loss and treatment (if necessary), it is normal for her menstrual cycle to normalize after 4 or 6 weeks, the bleeding usually lasts about 15 days in some cases up to a month, but If you notice that the bleeding does not disappear after 6 weeks or your menstrual cycle does not normalize, it is time for you to seek help from a professional gynecologist to evaluate the possible causes of excessive bleeding.

When to try a new pregnancy again?

Women who have suffered an involuntary loss do not have any physical impediment to get pregnant, it is only recommended to wait for a menstrual cycle to pass before trying again .

Another very important point to try to be a mother again is that you go through routine medical examinations, all in order to verify that there are no physical problems, also that every woman who wants to be a mother must have all the medical checks up to date to avoid future complications.

Sick leave after miscarriage

Nowadays the rules of sick leave tend to change depending on the country where we live, however most, if not all, support women in this difficult time. To leave work, the doctor must do a physical evaluation and therefore the variant of days only depends on the severity of the case .

Whatever your situation, you should tell your doctor all the discomfort or pain you suffer after the loss, in addition to that if your job is very physical it is likely that it will cost you more to go back to work without difficulties, the important thing is that you do not put in risk your health , do not forget to seek legal advice on the subject since labor laws and protection of women always change. It is also valid that you speak face to face with your superior and explain everything you have experienced, reaching an agreement is also very valid.

Do not stop reading more about pregnancy and visit our category on mothers and pregnancy.

Differences between miscarriages and induced abortions

There is a big difference between a miscarriage and an induced one, as we have already mentioned a miscarriage is one where the mother is not responsible for the death of the fetus (she did nothing to kill the fetus), but instead in the induced abortion the mother does something to kill the fetus.

There are many external factors that can harm a fetus such as taking medicines harmful to the fetus or even natural herbal teas. There are also medical procedures such as aspiration (curettage) all in order to end the life of an innocent being.

Check the side effects that infusions and tea can have in pregnancy.

There is a big difference between being in a painful accident and ending a life so the woman who suffers this terrible involuntary loss should never be compared to mothers who are capable of taking the life of their own child.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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