Egalitarian education is something that is learned at home before anywhere else, and it is the job of parents to teach children respect for others.
It is a thorny subject that can be delved much more, but for now we will leave it to something simple and easy to teach to young children. This first education on equality learned at home will help both boys and girls to learn to respect and value the tasks performed by anyone regardless of gender or condition.
Teaches to value the contribution of each one
It is about teaching the little ones that the contributions at home and in the family are not more or less important depending on the money that is contributed, and that the work done at home is equally valued.
Thus, in the event that the mother or father are not working at the moment but are in charge of daily tasks, the child must be made to see that this work is as important to the family as the monetary contribution of the other parent. Running the house is a job that requires dedication, creativity and skills like any other, you have to learn to appreciate it!
Teaches to be grateful even for the little things
Gratitude is something that can create or break relationships with other people, and it is important that from a young age they learn to give thanks and appreciate cooking and cleaning for them , while learning to appreciate having a house to live in. , etc. This learning will be appreciated in the future and more and more, when they have roommates or live as a couple.
Teaches that being stronger does not give the right to abuse others
Children must be taught that each person, stronger or weaker than them, deserves respect and love … And that they should never be despised or, worse still, abused, if they are stronger than them. In reality, you have to educate under the precept that if you are stronger than others you have a responsibility to protect whoever is weaker.
We must also teach that “no” means “no”, and not allow games of force or power that disrespect others to a greater or lesser extent.
Words are a source of power , and we have the choice to use them or not in any kind of conflict or discussion. Children must be taught that this power is real, and that it works both to hurt and to heal if used in the right way.
It is also important to educate children on the duty to listen and do it “for real” when the other is speaking, which is another important part of communication.
The idea is, above all, to teach the child that even if it is a difficult topic or one that they do not want to talk about, it must be done and in the kindest way possible in order to better understand and be understood by those around them.
Teaches that what’s important is inside
Money or status are not synonymous with happiness , just like other people’s opinions. You don’t always (almost never) receive a medal or an award for being a good person, but the fact of being a good person is what will make the person happy.
It is good for the child to know that true happiness resides in themselves and that, in the same way, they should not be guided by appearances: the best people do not have to be the most spectacular, the most popular or those with the best charges. Thus, it must be taught to value the goodness or kindness of others, their creativity, their sincerity , etc. and not the most superficial reasons.
Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.