Transparent Flow In Pregnancy: Causes, Consequences, Symptoms And Cases

Pregnancy is a stage in which the woman experiences a large number of changes and among them is the increase in vaginal discharge, which in turn can manifest itself in different ways and in each case has a different meaning, since everything normal gait until the woman has an infectious picture, everything will depend on her appearance.

Vaginal discharge is a fluid that is released to act as a protector of the female genitalia. This not only protects, but according to its appearance it tells the woman what stage of the menstrual cycle is, specifically ovulation, since at that time the flow is characterized by being much more transparent and elastic, at that time moment you are more likely to get pregnant.

During the gestation period, the vaginal fluid will be much more abundant and may present some changes in its appearance, be it the color, the consistency and even the smell. However, the flow is considered normal and does not warrant concern when it is whitish, almost transparent, it is elastic and does not emit any odor.

This fluid acts as a mucous plug, which blocks the passage of bacteria to the cervix and thus protects the fetus from contracting any infection. If you notice any change in the appearance of the vaginal discharge, it is important to notify a specialist doctor, since the woman could be experiencing an infectious picture.

During pregnancy, women are more prone to contracting vaginal infections, due to hormonal changes and increased fluids, so attention should be paid to any changes in them and if other symptoms are also experienced such as redness, burning or itching in the vaginal area; all this can also represent an imbalance in the vaginal flora.

In the second trimester, care should be taken that there are no bloodshed, as this could be a threat of abortion. While if what is evidenced in the last weeks of pregnancy is the constant loss of a much more liquid fluid, it may be the loss of amniotic fluid, in both cases a doctor should be consulted.

It is very common that the expulsion of the fluid turns out to be very uncomfortable for the pregnant woman, however it is very important that the woman avoid using tampons or vaginal douches, as it would only increase the risk of acquiring infections. It is advisable to use clothing made of 100% cotton and that is loose, as well as washing the vaginal area twice a day, you should not exceed hygiene because it could eliminate the protective flora and leave the passage free for bacteria.

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Clear and slimy vaginal discharge in pregnant women

Vaginal fluids are very common in all women and they can present differences in their color, texture and smell depending on the health of the vaginal area. The transparent and viscous vaginal discharge is completely normal in pregnant women and does not deserve any type of concern, it is characterized by being more abundant and could be a bit uncomfortable for the woman.

Now, if a pregnant woman notices that the fluid is much more abundant than usual, the body may be sending a signal that labor is approaching, in some cases it occurs two hours after the fluid is expelled, while in other women labor starts 2 to 3 days later.

In general terms, this transparent and viscous fluid works as a protective entity of the uterus and vagina, since it prevents bacteria from passing and infecting the entire area.

If the woman is in her last trimester of pregnancy, the abundant expulsion of fluid can be normal, as long as it is not something exaggerated and it does not generate any reaction such as itching, bad smell or burning. In such case that this happens, it is necessary that you go to the doctor to receive the appropriate treatment.

This vaginal discharge when labor begins does not change color, but its consistency if it becomes a little more different, in some cases this fluid may look a little pink from mixing with blood. If the flow is very excessive and has a lot of blood, it may be a placental abruption and medical attention is needed.

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What is clear discharge in pregnancy?

The transparent flow in pregnancy is a fairly normal reaction in women, since this fluid is in charge of functioning as a protective barrier that prevents bacteria from reaching the cervix and thus prevents the appearance of future infections and diseases, this always look whitish almost transparent and a little viscous, otherwise there could be a disease or infection.

This fluid is produced by the glands inside the vagina and the cervix where dead cells and different bacteria are transported. This discharge helps maintain vaginal cleanliness and reduce infection.

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Causes and consequences of transparent discharge in pregnancy

The main cause for the transparent discharge during pregnancy is due to the hormonal change that is occurring in the body, as well as the increase in blood fluids throughout the vaginal area.

Another reason why this almost transparent whitish fluid appears is that during pregnancy the cervix and vaginal walls may soften a bit, therefore the amount of fluid increases because it is responsible for preventing the woman from contracting any infection.

During the last trimester the amount of vaginal discharge may increase, and this may be due to the fact that the baby’s head is already pressing against the cervix and thus causing all these discharges, although if it is accompanied by a little blood it is a clear indication that labor will begin.

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Symptoms of clear discharge in pregnancy

The transparent flow is very normal in the body of women, as it works as a protective barrier against the various bacteria, fungi and diseases that could be involved. During pregnancy this flow increases, due to the increase in the production of estrogens and the influx of blood in the vaginal area increases, this transparent fluid prevents bacteria from reaching the cervix and infecting the placenta, something that could put in Danger the life of the baby. It is vitally important that the woman is always attentive to this fluid, since a change in its appearance or quantity could indicate that there is an infection, disease or that labor is approaching.

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Is it normal to produce clear discharge in pregnancy?

It is completely normal and very common for women to experience heavy discharge of clear discharge during pregnancy. This is because a greater hormonal work is produced and, therefore, vaginal secretions increase, which usually or should be almost transparent whitish, odorless and should not generate any sensation of itching, swelling or burning.

It is very likely that the woman should use panty liners to avoid discomfort, especially in the last trimester because the amount of flow increases. The use of tampons is not recommended, as it could only generate countless bacteria that create a wide variety of germs and infections as a consequence.

The increase in the amount of vaginal discharge is due to the fact that the body is producing a much higher amount of estrogen and has in turn greater blood flow throughout the vaginal area.

This flow is characterized by being made up of uterine and vaginal secretions, and by having old cells and bacteria that are usually found normally in the vagina.

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Why transparent discharge in pregnancy?

First term

At the beginning of pregnancy the vaginal discharge begins to experience certain differences, this is because the body is preparing to change physically and psychologically. The fluid that is released through the vagina is usually a little more abundant than normal, this is because a protective shield is being created to take care of the womb; It is known as a mucous plug.

second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the woman may experience an increase in the transparent fluid, something that is completely normal, since as the next time passes, delivery occurs and the cervix must remain well lubricated. However, this period is quite delicate, so the mother must be attentive to any changes that are experienced in the fluid, because if she observes that she loses blood it may be a threat of abortion.

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Third quarter

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the woman may feel much more restless and tired, this is because the moment of delivery is closer and closer and this generates a natural and involuntary stress. The flow in these last months can change a little, since it could look and feel much thicker and mucous, in fact if a large amount is observed it can be an indication that labor will begin.

During and after breastfeeding

After delivery, it is normal for the woman to expel a little discharge, especially if she gave birth through cesarean section, because during the first weeks she will expel remains of tissue and placenta that have remained, this will be a red discharge, very similar to the menstruation, and may be accompanied by blood clots.

After those weeks the body will begin to take on its normal anatomy, specifically the uterus will regain its size. The discharge that the woman expels during breastfeeding is transparent in color, a little gelatinous and has no odor, in some women it is more abundant than in others. As the months go by, after delivery, the flow will decrease in quantity and it will begin to expel in the same way that it happened before the woman had been pregnant.

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Clear flow after intercourse during pregnancy

The transparent discharge during pregnancy is completely normal, when having sexual intercourse its appearance may change a little and this is due to the union of the transparent discharge with the mixture of the semen expelled by the man. However, if the pregnant woman comes to notice that the discharge that she emits is whitish or gray and has an unpleasant smell very similar to fish, then she could be experiencing an infectious picture.

During pregnancy the woman must be very aware of all the fluids that she expels through the vagina, if after having sex she begins to bleed it is very important that she go to the doctor immediately, in some cases it is only a reaction due to abuse during sexual intercourse, while other times it could be a threatened abortion.

From the third trimester it is very important that women have moderation in their sexual activity, so it is recommended that they do positions that are comfortable, both for them and for the baby, preferably those in which the man does not exert pressure on the woman’s abdominal area.

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Transparent discharge pathologies in pregnancy

Transparent discharge in pregnancy usually has a fairly normal appearance, although on some occasions it may present some changes, among its most common and normal characteristics are the following:


The very liquid, transparent and odorless flow can be related to the premature rupture of the membranes or water pockets, it is what is known as the rupture of source. It is very common for this to happen during the last weeks of pregnancy and is accompanied, in most cases, by contractions.

This is the abundant expulsion of liquid very similar to water and that the woman notices it easily because it soaks her entire vaginal area.


Transparent discharge in pregnant women is very normal, as it occurs in greater amounts due to the increase in estrogen and the fluctuation of blood in the vaginal area. Its viscous consistency is very characteristic, since if you take the fluid between your fingers you can notice that it is a bit sticky and it feels very similar to the white of an egg.

Now if this consistency varies, the body may be sending an alert signal, because if more fluid is found it is related to the proximity of delivery, while if it is granular and has another color it can be related to an infection or disease that it must be treated immediately.

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Smelling and odorless

Vaginal discharge is completely normal in all women, especially if they are in the gestational period, because at that time the amount of fluid increases and becomes more noticeable. This usually has a transparent, gelatinous appearance and without any type of odor, which indicates that everything is fine; However, if the woman notices that the smell of the discharge varies as well as its appearance, she should pay close attention, since an infectious picture may be present and should be treated immediately so as not to put the baby’s life at risk.


Pregnant women are usually more prone to vaginal infections, so they should always be attentive to the appearance of the fluid they release, which should always be clear, viscous and odorless. In the event that this fluid appears grainy with another color and emitting a foul odor, you should immediately go to the doctor, as it is infected and should be treated as soon as possible.

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Another characteristic flow that a pregnant woman usually presents is the one that is accompanied by blood and this may or may not be a cause for concern, everything will depend on the trimester in which she is and if she has other symptoms. During the first weeks of pregnancy, the woman can expel a fluid very similar to menstruation, but it is nothing more than the liquid that is expelled after the embryo implantation, this is experienced by some women and others not; it’s completely normal.

However, if the woman is already in the second or third trimester then it may be a threatened abortion, so she must be treated urgently to prevent something fatal from happening.

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Does transparent discharge occur after giving birth? True or false?

Neither true nor false, everything will depend on the organic behavior of each woman and on the way they have given birth, because in the case of women who have undergone a cesarean section, the discharge that they will expel the first days will be red and, probably , is accompanied by blood clots, as the body will be expelling all traces of tissue. After that, you may expel a clear discharge very similar to the one you expelled during ovulation before you got pregnant.

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Treatments and home remedies for clear discharge

Transparent vaginal discharge is very normal in women, whether or not they are pregnant, as it is responsible for preventing the passage of bacteria and germs, it is a protective entity that takes care of the vagina from contracting infections or diseases. Its appearance is usually transparent, although sometimes it can be whitish or a little yellow and does not emit any type of odor.

On some occasions, the discharge could vary in quantity, color, smell and consistency, so the woman should be attentive to any changes or anomalies, since it could be an infection. Currently, there are many home treatments, some of which will be discussed below:

Fenugreek infusion

Fenugreek is a medicinal plant that offers endless beneficial properties for human health, it is usually recommended to treat hormonal imbalance in women and help preserve the regularity in the menstrual cycle, as well as serve as support in women who suffer from menopause thanks to its qualities that are very similar to estrogens.

To carry out this treatment, you just have to crush the fenugreek seeds well (one tablespoon) and pour them into a glass of boiling water. Subsequently, it should only be covered with a lid and let it rest for 15 minutes. This mixture can be consumed twice a day for 10 days and can also be used to douche.

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Plain yogurt

Natural yogurt is ideal for fighting fungi that cause infections and cause discomfort in the vaginal area. Thanks to its high content of lactobacilli, which are known as good bacteria, and help regulate the vaginal flora, as they are responsible for altering the environment and making it suitable for pathogens.

The woman can choose to drink at least half a glass a day, as that way she can stay away from infections and fungi. Although if you already have vaginal fungus, what you can do is dip a cotton ball in this substance and then place it directly on the affected area.

This should be done three times a day and let it act for 10 minutes, and perform the procedure daily until the infection ceases.


Garlic itself is considered a very effective natural antibiotic, this is because its active compounds are very efficient in eliminating fungi, bacteria and viruses. This should be consumed every day and will help eliminate the bad smell in the fluids, which in most cases are caused by yeast or altered pH.

Milk and turmeric

The mixture obtained by the union of milk with turmeric is an excellent antibacterial remedy that helps fight yeasts that lodge in the vaginal area, making it ideal for treating bacterial vaginitis and eliminating dryness in the area. To do this, you just have to mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk, consume daily until the flow is alleviated or balanced.

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Guava leaf tea

Guava leaves are known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which is why they have been used since ancient times in the field of medicine. One of its most suitable uses is to reduce menstrual cramps and reduce vaginal secretions in women.

To use it, you just have to pour the leaves into a pot with a liter of water and put them in the kitchen over low heat until they are reduced by half. After it rests, the woman should wash her vaginal area with that water and repeat the procedure for a week twice a day.

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar is an ideal product to completely destroy the bacteria and fungi that lodge in the vagina. It also helps to balance the pH of the skin and the entire vaginal area, as well as to end itching and burning that could be caused by infections or diseases.

Coriander leaves

Coriander is known to have a large amount of essential minerals and vitamins. As well as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antioxidant properties, making it an idea plant to treat infections.

Reader resources other types of flows

Types of Flow WITHOUT pregnancy

Types of discharge WITH pregnancy

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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