Whey Protein: Types, Benefits, Contraindications And How To Take It

Protein intake is essential to keep the body functioning well. We are talking about natural, high-quality, fat-free protein with few carbohydrates.

Whey Protein is the most popular protein supplement in the world : its scientific value has already been proven for years, and not only to gain muscle mass (its most common use), but also to improve immunity by enhancing the availability of proteins in the body, a necessary element for the creation of cells that make up the immune system.

A good protein extract is a nutritional tool capable of easily providing conditions for the strengthening, maintenance and detoxification of the body.

What is Whey Protein?

Whey Protein is a protein derived from whey , which is extracted during the cheese and cow’s milk manufacturing process. This Whey Protein is processed so that the proteins that form it are separated. The proteins in cow’s milk are 20% whey and 80% casein.

The main distinguishing feature of Whey Protein, relative to common proteins found in foods in general, is that it is quickly absorbed by the body ! Therefore, after ingesting Whey Protein it will take, on average, only about 40 minutes for there to be a peak of synthetic amino acids and proteins in the blood.

Proven Benefits of Whey Protein

Proven Benefits of Whey Protein

Helps gain muscle mass: According to scientific literature, Whey Protein is a wonderful source of protein, as it has an amino acid profile that makes it the best protein available when it comes to hypertrophy.

Several studies have shown that Whey Protein helps increase muscle mass. This is because it has proteins of high biological value, which comprise a good amount of BCAAs (branched chain amino acids) that help repair muscles that have suffered micro-injuries due to exercise, making them bigger and stronger.

On the other hand, in the absence of carbohydrates, these amino acids are the primary source of muscle energy, since they are the ones that can be converted into the muscle itself, whose main source of energy is carbohydrates. Among the branched chain amino acids, the most important is leucine, mainly responsible for the increase in muscle size.

It is important to bear in mind that the supplement will only be an ally in the gain of muscle mass if the person practices physical activities and maintains a balanced diet.

Benefits of Whey Protein, according to studies

Improves asthma: Whey Protein can be beneficial for people with asthma, as it increases immunity . A study published by the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that Whey Protein aids in the response of cytokines that act on the immunoglobulin release mechanism. This is one of the defense agents released during an asthma attack. However, another study conducted in 2012 by researchers at the University of Arizona warned that even after having identified this protective effect, its use for this purpose is not recommended.

Good for people with HIV: Whey Protein can be a good supplement for people with HIV, as it helps preserve lean body mass and also contains immunomodulatory amino acids such as glutamine, which strengthens the immune system. It is important that you speak with your doctor before taking supplements.

Controls cholesterol: There is still controversy in research about whether Whey Protein helps reduce bad cholesterol, LDL. Some preliminary studies showed no difference, while others, including one published in the British Journal of Nutrition, found that the supplement did have this benefit.

Controls blood pressure: A survey conducted by Washington State University, with 71 men and women, found that the consumption of Whey Protein helps control blood pressure . The mechanism that makes this suppression possible is angiotensin. A study conducted by the Bialystok Medical University (Poland) also confirmed this placement. However, more research is needed to determine if the supplement really is capable of reducing the problem.

Control glucose: A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that the consumption of Whey Protein helps control glucose levels , which is helpful in cases of overweight or obesity. A more recent study, conducted in 2016 and published in the journal Nutrients, confirmed this relationship. However, more studies are needed to confirm this benefit.

Other advantages of Whey Protein

Other advantages of Whey Protein

Whey Protein, being a high quality protein, strengthens nails, hair, skin and, most importantly, the mucous membranes of the body , especially those of the digestive tract (intestine). A diet rich in easily assimilated proteins strengthens and softens the mucous membranes, reducing inflammation and food intolerances of any kind. Other benefits are:

  • It is rich in essential amino acids;
  • Quickly absorbed;
  • It has a high biological value, that is, it is a supplement of the complete protein that the body needs;
  • It is a concentrated protein, free of fat and low in carbohydrates.

Consumption suggestion

One of the recommendations is to eat a full tablespoon when you wake up and another at snack time . Or at any other time of the day when protein consumption is required. This measure provides approximately 50 g of protein per day, which is an excellent complement to a traditional diet.

Just mix it with water, or better yet, coconut water .

Another idea is to prepare a shake with the ingredients of your choice (fruits, seeds, milk, etc.) and add a dose of Whey Protein, mixing with the blender. Protein-fortified drinks are great to replace intermediate meals (such as a morning or afternoon snack), especially when combined with other nutrients.

When should athletes take Whey Protein?

In our opinion, after training. Another appropriate time to take whey protein is when you wake up , since we go a long period of time without eating, and the catabolism is correct. Then nothing better than Whey Protein and its rapid absorption.

For hypertrophy , you can take it with dextrose after training , because carbohydrates help in the transport of nutrients to the cells, which are proteins, creatine, BCAAs and glutamine.

Therefore, when you go to prepare your shake, mix 200 ml of water, 30 to 40 grams of Whey Protein and maltodextrin / dextrose (visit the articles in which we present the amount you should use of these two supplements, so that make no mistakes). If you are taking creatine, mix it with this shake post workout.

Does Whey Protein help you gain or lose weight?

If you think that whey protein is used only in diets to increase muscle, you are wrong: it is also recommended for those who want to lose weight without losing muscle mass. Helps control blood sugar levels and satisfy hunger faster than other proteins. But if its consumption is not controlled, it can put on weight. That is why we created the article: Whey Protein: To gain weight, lose weight or simply gain muscle mass? If you have any questions on this topic, it is important that you read it.

Recommended amount

The amount of whey protein to be ingested daily varies according to the need of each person and the treatment they are doing . There is no recommendation for the daily intake of Whey Protein, neither for healthy people nor for athletes.

Side Effects of Whey Protein

No side effects of Whey Protein have been documented . Even so, you should check the components of the brand you are buying. Check if you have an allergy or intolerance to any of the components of the formula, such as gluten , phenylalanine or lactose.

Beware of excess protein!

Protein intake is essential to keep the body functioning well, but you have to be careful with excess. Lately, many people have turned to protein-restrictive diets to lose weight, gain muscle mass, or improve weight performance, but this excess can overload the kidneys, clog the arteries, and even damage the heart.

A diet rich in protein really helps you lose weight, especially since it causes a person to lose a lot of water. But in the long term, it gives undesirable results due to the lack of other elements, such as carbohydrates, which can also cause lack of energy and weakness.

The ideal for good health is to achieve a harmonious combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. But you will not always be able to get the optimal amount of protein for a day, so sometimes you will have to supplement, and that is the importance of Whey Protein. On the other hand, it is better if the recommended daily protein intake is made in several small servings during the day (rather than in a single dose). Since it is unlikely that anyone will naturally consume protein at every meal (you’re not going to have grilled chicken for a snack, are you?), Whey Protein is a good supplement.

Types of Whey Protein

Whey Protein is extracted from whey, whose water content is too high (93 to 95%) and only 0.7 to 1.2% protein, a very low value. This is why it needs to go through a microfiltration and ultrafiltration process through acid or base precipitation, ion exchange or membrane separation, resulting in a higher protein concentration. This will translate into 3 types of whey protein:

Whey Protein Concentrate: A cheaper option, since the cost of preparing this whey is cheaper because it only goes through the light filtration process, previously mentioned as microfiltration and ultrafiltration. The result is 70 to 80% protein and the rest divided between carbohydrates and fat. Even so, these whey proteins contain high amounts of BCAAs and glutamine, plus most of the peptide fractions remain. These particles are responsible for many functions of our body and improve our immunity, since they have antioxidant actions.

Whey Protein Isolate: Its protein concentration is much higher compared to whey protein concentrate, as it goes through a much larger filtration process and undergoes ion exchange. The result is up to 95% protein (in some brands the amount of carbohydrates and fat reaches zero). It is a great option for those who are on a calorie reduction diet, with the aim of reducing sizes.

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein: In addition to undergoing careful filtration, this type of whey protein goes through a process known as hydrolysis, which is done to break the protein chains into smaller peptide fragments. This makes it easier and faster for the body to absorb.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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