Zinc Gluconate: Disadvantages, Benefits And Uses

Zinc Gluconate is obtained by combining gluconic acid with elemental zinc, forming a mineral that provides various benefits to our body. It is important to clarify that Zinc Gluconate facilitates the mechanism that allows our body to absorb doses of zinc, since the elemental formula of this chemical cannot be processed directly.

This mineral is obtained both in the liver and in the muscles, in addition to being integrated with our teeth and bones. Their participation is vital to facilitate the absorption of vitamins and the metabolic process of phosphorus.

What is Zinc?

Its symbol is Zn, it is an element that is obtained in abundance on our planet, we identify it as being white and very bright, curiously we must say that more than 70% of this metal used in the world comes only from five countries that they are Australia, China, Peru, the US and Canada.

For the correct functioning of the immune system of the human body, a concentration of approximately 40 mg of Zinc is required, per kilo, which under good control can be provided by the consumption of Zinc Gluconate.

Some benefits perceived when consuming Zinc Gluconate

When consuming Zinc Gluconate brings us a number of benefits, especially due to the need that our body has to ingest correct doses of this metal . Let’s not forget that zinc has a great impact on the proper functioning of our reproductive organ and its influence on the hormone testosterone is vital to enjoy good sexual health.

Zinc has a great influence on wound healing, in fact the treatment of many local wounds refers to the application of topical zinc.

Those people who suffer from some depressive states should take into account that the consumption of Zinc Gluconate can help regulate the mood, for this it is advisable to control the levels of B vitamins and of course the Zinc itself. Being able to maintain a good level of testosterone will contribute to improving not only your sex life but your mood, both go hand in hand.

Zinc Gluconate from a medical point of view

Its use is extremely important, it is always present in gastrointestinal problems, such as when we have diarrhea or the appearance of ulcers. It is recommended as a powerful antioxidant , helping to create new proteins that directly participate in cell renewal.

Free radicals are produced by the waste caused by the processes that involve oxygen in our body, we refer to the actions of breathing, cell regeneration and energy gain. Said radicals appear constantly during the metabolic process towards food, resulting in the so-called cellular oxygenation and the oxidative stress process, hence the great importance of zinc in our body as it is an antioxidant.

The correct functioning of the retina is influenced by the action of vitamin A, which comes from the liver and whose release is given by the action of zinc, hence the thesis that Zinc is a very beneficial element for sight.

An alert that has been given lately is that zinc deficiency actively participates in the retardation of the growth of children in the world, this derived in a study that was carried out in Ethiopia, which is why its consumption is essential both in pregnancy , well controlled, and in the growth stage of children. Similarly, this study reveals that not only children require zinc, but also those people who are currently experiencing diseases such as malnutrition and anorexia itself.

Good news

A recent study by Professor Michael Summers shows that Zinc is going to be a fundamental factor in getting the correct vaccine to block AIDS. It is essential to adhere proteins that cause the spread of this infection to other cells.

Additionally, other studies carried out in Chile suggest that this protein has an impact on glycemic control in diabetics, on the other hand an analysis at the University of Colombo concludes that this supplement notably helps to lower blood glucose, especially on an empty stomach.

A good face, a good dose of Zinc Gluconate

This product can help maintain healthy skin, its use has been proven to help reduce the natural oil in our skin, which affects the regularization of acne, in the same way it helps to heal and recover the skin that forms around This disease can regulate and reduce some infections that constantly occur on the scalp.

The low level of Zinc in the body can have serious consequences on the skin, it is likely that the wounds take longer than normal to heal, in addition to being prone to developing new lesions on your skin and as if that were not enough the appearance of the dandruff.

Foods Highest in Zinc

Among the most important we can mention:

  • The liver. Food that is important for its contribution in Zinc and for the amount of protein it provides to human beings.
  • Beef. Both this type of meat and pork offer a zinc alternative, achieving about 6 g of this protein for every 100 grams of food consumption.
  • The oysters.  which some call the king of Zinc, in view of the fact that these give an important contribution about 60 mg for every 100 g of food.
  • Beer Yeast . It has a high content of zinc, vitamins and minerals.
  • There are other foods such as poultry, hazelnuts, cheeses, almonds, among others, although the best way to achieve the exact doses that our body requires is through Zinc Gluconate.

What happens if we don’t consume zinc?

The not consume Zinc causes some reactions in our body as loss of appetite, some injuries that may appear in our eyes or skin, called alopecia or hair fall is also a symptom of the lack of zinc.

Take into account that a prolonged diarrhea or having had some serious burns, will lead us to decrease the concentration of zinc in our body.
A curious fact is that those people who normally sweat too much or those whose water consumption is higher than the recommended dose, are those who lose more zinc.

How should Zinc Gluconate be consumed?

The first thing that should be taken into consideration before starting a treatment with Zinc Glugonate is to consult with a health professional, it is very important to have certain medical characteristics to be able to consume it.

To facilitate the absorption of this product, it is suggested that it not be combined with other products or foods that contain phosphorus or calcium in a high percentage. You should consume the right dose recommended by the doctor, in addition to that you should for the time that was indicated. Ingesting more than 300 mg of this medication per day can lower immune function .

Some disadvantages of consuming Zinc Gluconate

It must be taken into consideration that Zinc slows the absorption of copper in the body , understanding that the lack of this can cause anemia, decrease the well-known “Good” or HDL cholesterol, and in some cases it can cause cardiac arrhythmias. What should we do? In the event that we must consume the zinc supplement during a prudential type, the consumption and use of copper should be increased.

All medicines that are being used should be disclosed to the treating physician before taking Zinc Gluconate, because it can reduce the effectiveness of some antibiotics . If you are planning the gestation of a baby or presume that you are pregnant, it is a priority to discuss it with the doctor, because there is a possibility that this product may have an effect on the fetus, although up to now the consumption of Zinc does not have any side effects as long when used according to doctor’s instructions.

Other important recommendations

We like the idea of ​​consuming Zinc Gluconate with plenty of water and if you feel any discomfort in your stomach, do not forget to include some foods to alleviate this heaviness. If by chance you forget to take a dose of this product, do not try to replace it in the next installment that touches you, continue with your usual consumption.

If at any time you notice an allergic reaction, swelling in some parts of your face or some difficulty in breathing, immediately stop using this product and consult your trusted doctor.

Finally we must say that the consumption of Zinc Gluconate does not represent any risk, as long as we do it following the indications and using the recommended doses, on the contrary its correct use will provide us with a series of benefits for our body and will provide us with a ideal mood .

You may also be interested in other articles on this micromineral such as: zinc picolinate  or zinc sultate to know all the benefits it provides and the recommendations that should be taken when consuming it.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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