Did you know that zinc is an essential micronutrient for cell growth and a mineral with important functions within the body. In this article we will give you clear and detailed information so that you know its benefits. Zinc sulfate combines zinc, primarily with a sulfuric acid salt, which is used to guarantee the consumption of the optimal amounts of this mineral for our body.
What is zinc?
Zinc is an essential component for the support of systems such as the immune, reproductive and digestive . In turn, it plays a key role in a large number of bodily processes and functions such as cell reproduction, hormonal balance, strengthening of defenses, correct absorption of vitamins and protein synthesis.
What is the importance of zinc?
Zinc is a vital chemical element, which is present in all cells of the body and stimulates the metabolic activity of at least 300 enzymes in the body. In our diet the necessary amount of zinc is small, but despite this, it is vital to obtain it. However, it is common to have insufficient levels of this mineral; Due to this, the use of zinc supplements in optimal doses is recommended.
Zinc sulfate benefits
Zinc provides a large number of health benefits, however if you plan to perform a treatment you should consult with your trusted doctor. Keep in mind that it should only be used under medical supervision and excesses are harmful.
Helps growth
Zinc promotes normal growth and development in children, deficient levels of zinc in children are associated with growth retardation and poor appetite. Another of the virtues of this mineral is that it allows the intestinal transport of water and electrolytes, favoring the absorption of nutrients .
Prevents Cancer
Its antioxidant properties protect our cells from the damage generated by the action of free radicals present in the body; In addition, it benefits many enzyme systems that regulate cell growth, DNA, energy metabolism, and hormone levels. Various studies have shown that zinc has the ability to control gene activity in colon cancer cells, so its consumption could prevent this type of cancer.
Take care of our brain
It works as a neurotransmitter responsible for the connection between the cells of the body , synthesizes proteins and carbohydrates.
Improves immunity
The presence of zinc is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, it strengthens the defenses and protects against infections.
Helps metabolism
A large number of metabolic processes require zinc and this mineral has the ability to generate enzymatic and biochemical reactions. Zinc sulfate is important to synthesize vitamin A and collagen in sufficient quantities for our body. In addition to this, it also affects testosterone in relation to exercise.
Offers potential vision benefits
It helps to significantly reduce macular degeneration , which is one of the most common causes of vision loss in the elderly. It also prevents some visual problems like night blindness.
Fight ulcers
Zinc helps keep skin healthy , fight stomach ulcers, peptic ulcers, and leg ulcers. Studies show that topical zinc is helpful in treating cold sores and burns.
Decrease acne
Research reveals that low zinc levels may be linked to acne breakouts. This does not prove that taking zinc supplements helps clear acne, but several studies have shown positive results for acne reduction.
Treatment of colds
Lozenges or syrups made with zinc are known to shorten the recovery period from the common cold or flu. It is also used in the form of a nasal gel to block the action of viruses in the throat or nose.
Treatment of attention deficit disorder
Research has shown that zinc is promising for the treatment of hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit disorder. In these investigations, the continued consumption of zinc in doses of 40 mg daily produced significant benefits.
Some foods that contain zinc sulfate
Zinc is present in most foods of plant and animal origin . Reliable sources are: chicken, fish, or meat from mammals such as pork, beef, and lamb, dairy, legumes, nuts, seeds, lentils, and whole grains. We give you the following list of common foods in which you can find zinc, make sure they are not missing from your table.
Dark chocolate and cocoa powder
Its exquisite flavor makes it ideal for our children, a 100 gram chocolate bar contains approximately 10 mg of zinc, which corresponds to 65% of the recommended daily amount. For its part, 100 grams of cocoa powder have about 40% of the minimum dose of zinc required by the body.
Pumpkin seed
If you usually eat roasted pumpkin, you enjoy a delicious food that provides a considerable amount of zinc. 100 grams of this berry provide about 70% of the recommended daily amount of this mineral.
Red meat
It is one of the main sources of zinc for our body. Beef provides up to 60% of the required zinc.
They are the ideal substitute for red meat as a source of zinc, 100 grams of beans supply 3 mg of zinc while maintaining adequate blood glucose levels.
It can not be missing in our meals, however it is advisable to substitute white rice for whole wheat if it is about health. This not only because 100 grams of the latter provide 3 mg of zinc but because it provides other minerals such as selenium, potassium and magnesium.
This seed is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, it is an antioxidant and also 100 grams of it provide 5 mg of zinc, we recommend you include it in your diet.
Widely used to flavor our meals and it is very healthy; In addition, it is considered that 100 grams of garlic provide 2 mg of zinc to our body.
It has a high nutritional value, is consumed in different ways and provides 4 mg of zinc for every 100 grams ingested.
Provides an average of 2 mg of zinc. The best thing is that it can be ingested in different ways, always with favorable results for health. It also contains vitamins A, D, K and E.
It is one of the healthiest plants that best preserves the minerals and nutrients it has. Regarding zinc, every 100 grams provide 0.76 mg.
What are the recommended doses of zinc?
Some countries like the United States recommend a daily intake of zinc in the following doses:
- Infants 0 to 6 months, 2 mg dose
- Infants between 7 and 12 months, 3 mg dose
- Children 1 to 3 years, 3 mg dose
- Children 4 to 8 years, 5 mg dose
- Maladies 9-13 years, 8 mg dose
- Males 14 years and older, 11 mg
- Girls 9 to 13 years old, 8 mg
- Women 14 to 18 years old, 9 mg
- Women 19 years and older, 8 mg
- Pregnant women , 11 mg (13 mg if under 18 years old)
- Breastfed women, 12 mg (14 mg if under 18 years old)
Precautions when consuming zinc sulfate
- Remember that when consuming any nutritional supplement you must bear in mind that the recommended dose depends on multiple factors, which is why before starting any treatment you should consult your doctor.
- It is rare for zinc to cause side or unwanted effects, however it can cause an occasional stomach upset, usually when consumed on an empty stomach.
- Studies have focused on investigating the possibility that a high intake of zinc reduces the absorption of other micronutrients such as iron and calcium, which would cause negative effects on the health and good development of children.
- It is advisable to avoid the use of zinc for prolonged periods in high doses.
- It is recommended to consult with your doctor or nutritionist for the consumption of any supplement that contains zinc.
Did you know…
On different occasions, the World Health Organization (WHO) has alerted the international community that more than a million children under the age of five die each year as a result of fluid loss and dehydration that cause most of deaths from diarrhea. This organization recommends the administration of zinc supplements in the clinical treatment of diarrhea in the most vulnerable children, the systematic provision of zinc supplements.
As you can see, this compound is so essential for our body that it is worth taking into account all the advantages that its consumption offers. So from now on, try to incorporate this important supplement into your daily diet so that you can begin to enjoy, from today, all the benefits that Zinc Sulfate provides.
If you want to know more details about zinc, you can consult the following articles on: zinc picolinate and zinc gluconate to discover their benefits and consumption recommendations.
Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.