Alopecia Areata: Treatments, Solutions And Identify The Cause

Characterized by the appearance of limited areas of baldness in the middle of the scalp, alopecia areata is one of the most difficult conditions to treat, as very little is known about how it actually works. It generally appears most frequently between late childhood and early “adulthood,” but it can strike men and women of any age and it is estimated that approximately 2% of the population have this problem.

Coping with hair loss that comes on suddenly, progresses rapidly and whose development is unpredictable (it can return to normal, increase or reappear in the future) creates an emotional burden that is too heavy for those affected. If this is your case, you can be sure that in this article we are going to present you the various options that exist so that you can avoid the problem and lead a normal life .

What Causes Alopecia Areata?

Causes Alopecia Areata

It is believed that the problem is caused by a dysfunction of the immune system , which begins to attack the hair follicles in the growth phase (anagen phase) as if they were an invader agent. In this way, one or more localized areas of baldness are created that can be recovered spontaneously after a few months. The episodes can be repeated several times during the individual’s life.

Most of the events occur on the scalp, but bald spots can also appear on the beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, or any area of ​​the body that has hair. It is possible that more than one bald spot appears at the same time. In rare cases, the problem can reach the entire scalp ( total alopecia ) or even compromise the entire body hair ( universal alopecia ).

There appears to be a genetic predisposition to alopecia areata, as people who have relatives with the same condition are more likely to develop it, as well as people who have other autoimmune diseases, such as Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, sclerosis . multiples, atopic dermatitis, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, and vitiligo also seem to be more likely to develop it. In some cases, changes in the formation of the nails (appearance marks and irregularities in the texture of the nails, such as scratches or small holes) may also arise .

It is not known what factors can trigger an episode of alopecia, but many experts believe that stressful situations and emotional trauma can play an important role.

Treatments to solve alopecia areata

Since most episodes do not involve large areas of the scalp, they usually resolve spontaneously, so it is difficult to accurately assess the efficacy of some of the currently available treatments (sometimes it is difficult to determine whether it was the treatment that it worked or if the case settled on its own). In the most discreet cases, the first recommendation is to wait and see how the disease progresses, and then decide if a procedure is worth trying.

The treatments work in the rehabilitation of the affected areas, but none of the currently available options is capable of preventing new episodes in the future. The advantage is that, even with baldness, the affected areas remain with living hair follicles and capable of regenerating new hair in the future (unlike cases of scarring alopecia , which can permanently deactivate the follicles).

A possible treatment is done with corticosteroids , through an injection in the affected area (every 4 to 6 weeks), or the application of creams (which generally take longer than the injections to take effect). These substances act by preventing inflammation at the base of the hair, allowing it to grow back normally. Oral corticosteroid treatment is not highly recommended as the concentration needed to achieve any effect on the hair is generally considered high, increasing the chances of serious side effects and long-term use should be avoided.

Some people see good results with the application of lotions of minoxidil (a vasodilator substance) or anthralin (a medicine used to treat psoriasis) in the affected areas, but it is not known exactly how these substances act in the recovery of the hair follicles. Their use is maintained until the hair recovers, and in some cases they are used in combination with each other or with the treatment of corticosteroids.

In more advanced cases, topical immunotherapy is considered one of the best options. Irritants are applied to the scalp in order to induce mild allergic dermatitis. Inflammation attracts new lymphocytes (defense cells of the body) to the area, different from those associated with alopecia, and by mechanisms not fully understood, it causes the hair to recover. It is estimated that 50 to 60% of patients have good results with immunotherapy, and the chances of success are better when the affected area is small.

It is worth remembering that any treatment should always be prescribed and supervised by your doctor , who will evaluate your specific case, your health situation and the possible interactions between medications. NEVER use any medication on your own .

In general, if a treatment does not produce results between 6 months and 1 year , it is no longer an effective option: the cost is very high and the result, apparently, is too slow to be worth it, because you will be paying for a remedy that, it probably takes as long as it takes your body to recover on its own.

Hair prostheses as an alternative for severe cases

hair prosthesis bases

One possibility for those who have a very noticeable bald area, but prefer to wait for spontaneous recovery, is the use of a hair prosthesis until the hair comes out naturally again. It can be tailored to the exact shape of the bald area, attached with special adhesives and cut or dyed in the same pattern as the wearer’s natural hair, allowing all normal activities (exercise, swimming, washing hair) to be carried out without having to remove it (learn more about hair replacement here ).

It is important to take into account the emotional health of the patient, as it can also affect the appearance and resolution of bald episodes. Therapy with psychologists, meditation , acupuncture and other methods may not convince you at first, but just by looking at the testimonials of those who have already tried them you will realize that the results can be surprising!

By the way, this is one of the characteristics that can help the most: talking to other people who have the same problem . As much as family, friends and acquaintances are willing to give us support, it can be frustrating not having someone who has been through the same thing to exchange experiences, impressions of the treatments or even just to vent.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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