Acne-Prone Skin? Here’s How to Identify and Create the Right Routine

Beauty is a concept that focuses especially on people’s physique and not on their personality, this concept is closely linked to what actors and actresses show us on television, that is, a profiled nose, light eyes, perfect skin without fat or pimples.

However, beauty is more than a perfect complexion, it goes beyond that, for people to look pretty they must feel pretty and show their own affection, but this is not understood by many adolescents who are passing the stage of puberty, even people Adults get depressed because they don’t have a perfect complexion.

People must understand that there are many types of skin, normal, dry, oily and combination skin; Each one must take care of himself according to the type that he is, not to look like an actress or actor, but to please himself first, because taking care of himself is loving oneself and loving oneself is valuing oneself.

When you have acneic skin, self-esteem is affected , however it can be prevented through proper care, this problem that causes a psychological impact in many adolescents and in some adult men and women must be treated in the appropriate way and for this it is necessary to know in depth what acne skin is.

What is acne skin?

Acneic skin is a skin that has generally enlarged pores with a greasy and dull appearance, people with acneic skin produce excess sebum and for this reason the clogging of the pores results in blackheads and pimples, appear in the middle part of the face such as: on the forehead, on the nose and on the chin, also on the cheeks.

Acneic skin is very susceptible to marks or scars that are difficult to erase , comedones, pustules or even cysts are part of the face of people with acne skin, its appearance is unsightly, it is rough to the touch because the outbreaks come out in any part of your face and are often worse when the person is stressed, anxious, or nervous.

Acneic skin has times when breakouts subside, but there are trigger times that tend to cause a strong breakout especially on the face, these triggers are usually: sun exposures, hormonal changes, endocrine alterations, and the use of cortisone, estrogens, and testosterone.

Characteristics of acne skin

Recognizing acne skin is simple because it has characteristics that differentiate it from other types of skin, these characteristics are the following:

  • Its main characteristic is that people with acne skin are always full of comedones, pustules and even cysts.
  • His skin has irregular reliefs .
  • They have enlarged pores from excess sebum.
  • They can present reddened areas due to inflammation.
  • Acneic skin is
  • It is oily skin.
  • Acne breakouts often appear in teenagers due to hormonal changes.
  • Acne from acne skin tends to get worse when the person is restless, worried, nervous, or stressed.
  • People with acneic skin are always anxious, even with the desire to worry about university studies or work, they eat too quickly and swallow without chewing, therefore acneics generally and most suffer from chronic constipation , their liver does not it works well and the disease worsens.

Active principles of acneic skin

If you have acne skin it is because the sebaceous glands are producing too much oil and the hair follicle closes due to the accumulation of sebum and corneocytes, this becomes an ideal culture of fungi and bacteria that inhabit the skin, to mention a few: Sthaphylococcus epidermis, Pityrosporum orbiculare, Propionebacterium acnes, and Pityrosporum ovale.

In the sebaceous gland there are three types of cells : undifferentiated, differentiated and mature. next to the basement membrane are the undifferentiated cells, these are pushed towards the exit duct, and they become differentiated cells that are those that contain lipids, they mature and are loaded with lipids and finally disintegrate and expel sebaceous secretions to the outside.

This explanation is simple and a way for you to understand how it is that you produce so much sebum that it causes your pores to clog and your skin is acneic with an oily appearance. When the polysebaceous follicle is blocked, it becomes inflamed and therefore comedones are produced.therefore both closed and open .

In the event that the comedo or pustule becomes infected, it is when sebaceous cysts form , that is, the sebaceous gland continues to produce fat and does not break the wall of the follicle but continues to enlarge and form a lump under the skin, but they do not usually be painful only that they are the ones that leave almost indelible marks.

There are some active regulators of sebaceous secretions which are: sulfur molecules, thioxolone, thiazolidine acid, cysteine, carboxymethyl cysteine ​​and carboxylic acid, likewise zinc salts are also used to control sebaceous hypersecretion of this type of acneic skin.

You must use these assets that prevent the obstruction of the follicle since these are the ones that balance the development of keratin, prevent the formation of comedones and drain the ones you already have, for this reason sulfur, salicylic acid and resorcinol are the most used in low concentrations like glycolic acid.

Acneic or impure skin?

The sebaceous glands are not really villainous, their function is to keep the skin nourished, elastic and hydrated, but when there is a sebaceous hypersecretion the pores are blocked and perspiration is hindered, which favors the activity of bacteria and microorganisms. .

The skin becomes dull without life and full of open and closed comedones, so acneic skin is also called impure , although that term in adolescents causes a great impact on their self-esteem, this refers to the follicular lesion that is found contaminated with germs and bacteria, and this keratinized pore clogging leads to undesirable blackheads.

Impure or acneic skins require exfoliants to remove these impurities and dead cells from the epidermis, to reduce the thickness of the stratum corneum, as well as require hydration and a lot of hygiene, although the problem is more internal than external, these care will greatly improve this condition.

Acneic skin types

There are several types of acne skin, although you are used to believing that only those with oily skin tend to have this type of skin with acne, but this is not the case, since there are dehydrated acne skins, asphyctic, sensitive and dry acne skin. If you want to know what your type of acne skin is then I will explain the characteristics of each of them below.


Oily acne skin can be dehydrated skin, because excess lipids have nothing to do with a lack of water , this indicates that oily skin may be dehydrated, even if it has lipids, its lack of water is reflected in the stratum corneum, if it is less than 10%, it speaks of dehydrated acne skin.

When the skin is dehydrated, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases, therefore the production of sebum increases , and the capacity of fluid retention in the skin decreases, when this occurs the skin loses elasticity.

Dehydrated acne skin has a dull, rough and fragile appearance , this lack of water causes the skin to lose plasticity and flexibility, and along with the appearance of acne lines and wrinkles appear due to dehydration, so a young person can look much older than what it really is.

Although it may be believed that dehydrated skin will look dry, this is not the case since the sebaceous glands normally work with an excess of lipids but with a notable lack of water, so the skin looks shiny but with scaly areas, it will be seen rough and sullen to the touch.

Dehydrated acne skins look tight with lack of smoothness and have redness and skin irritations , enlarged pores, with a tendency to become even more wrinkled when exposed to the sun and present comedones, blackheads and pustules, for this it is necessary to speak with the dermatologist to combat the real problem which is the lack of water in the skin.

Asphyctic grease

Asphyctic oily acne skin is one that despite having acne that originates internally, with asphyctic fat the obstruction is caused externally, and it is due to the application of cosmetics that are not appropriate for use in acneic skin, the pores are clogged by the person in a superficial way.

These astringent-type cosmetics completely obstruct the polysebaceous follicle and by presenting a problem of releasing the sebum to the outside, acne begins to aggravate due to the misuse of the cosmetic that occluded the pore, giving rise to asphyctic fat.

Asphyctic oily acne skin does not tolerate soaps, astringent product, or some cosmetics; The affected areas can be poorly pigmented, irritated and blemishes appear. To treat it, you should go to a specialist dermatologist, since in the case of acne skin with cosmetic acne, special treatments should be used.


Acneic skin is sensitive when the skin’s protective barrier begins to be vulnerable to external irritants, allergens, chemicals, and bacteria . Characterized by redness and flaking including inflammation of the face, neck, and body, it causes physical discomfort because acne sensitive skin reacts with almost everything , including the sun and environmental pollution (smoke, dust, dirt).

Sensitive acne skin is treated by preventing and minimizing in any way all those external agents that harm and worsen it, even internal ones such as stress, since the symptoms of sensitive acne skin cause discomfort and cannot be easily treated.


Dry acne skin is characterized by a lack of moisture , this dryness causes acne to develop dry and flaky, and breakouts can produce an itchy sensation and this causes it to flake. Luckily it is much easier to treat than the previous ones, since the use of moisturizers is recommended but its content is much more water than oil.

The oil tends to worsen the acne condition, remember that you cannot treat your skin as if it were simply “dry” since it is acneic skin, that is, due to internal factors you present acne in various parts of your face, chest and back, If you use dry skin products without acne, hormonal acne can be aggravated.

You can attend to the factors that favor dry acne skin such as: the sun, products that contain alcohol, stress, atmospheric changes, and many others. If your skin lacks elasticity, cracks, looks dull, and with acne then you have dry acne skin , there are many natural products that are much more beneficial than the well-known brand cosmetics to moisturize the skin.

Can you use makeup with acne skin?

If you have acne skin you may be asking yourself this question: can I use makeup with acne skin? Of course you can, in fact most women use it to cover these imperfections, but there is something very important you have to know before using makeup with acne skin.

Cosmetics can be very harmful to your skin and can worsen your condition, since they contain substances that are comedogenic and help to occlude the pores from the outside, plus the acne skin problem that you present, which is the obstruction of the pore by internal factors, this it will aggravate acne breakouts.

So that you do not run the risk that your acneic skin becomes complicated, you should choose makeup that is according to your skin type, since according to what I mentioned earlier your acneic skin may well be dry, as it can be sensitive , and makeup Since the shadows and concealers have irritating elements such as cobalt, chromium and nickel and in the case of sensitive skin this would be like acid, you would quickly peel and suffer from itching and burning.

The makeup application is not something you should fear for your skin type, it is okay to use it, however it is important that you follow some tips to use it without taking any risk on your skin, and you can look beautiful without consequence for the wearing the wrong makeup for you.

The first thing you should do is talk to your dermatologist because remember that although you have acneic skin, it must be determined if it is oily, dry, dehydrated or sensitive, once you know for sure what type of acne skin you have, then you can choose more easy cosmetic products that favor you.

The most appropriate are those that are identified as ¨Noncomedogenic¨ on their label because they do not clog pores and therefore do not promote comedones or pustules, they must also be hypoallergenic and fat-free makeup , and you can use some sunscreen smooth without oils.

Remember that your skin type can be complicated very easily and that is why makeup application items are very personal, you cannot share them with anyone else, and these must be replaced from time to time because brushes and sponges harbor bacteria and mites that proliferate with each use and over time.

Hygiene before each makeup application is very important , as well as in this case of acne skin it is necessary that you choose liquid makeup because powder makeup covers your pores, do not forget to hydrate your skin , because skin is not the same Oily than hydrated skin, it may have excess oil but lack of water.

What are the treatments for acne skin?

As in the application of makeup, in the use of treatments against acne skin it is important to know exactly the type of skin and identify the symptoms that you are presenting because the treatments are different for each case, and level of acne you have, it can be mild, moderate, or severe.

For each type of skin and level of acne, treatments that reduce sebum production, accelerate the shedding of superficial skin cells, fight a bacterial infection , as well as treatments that reduce inflammation and attenuate marks and papules will be recommended.

These treatments are: topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, topical antimicrobials, azelatic acid, antibiotics, isotetrinoin, and oral contraceptives; These can be used isolated or also combined, that is, one for topical use together with one for oral use, but this will be determined by the dermatologist.

Acne skin creams

Fortunately today you can find multiple options in the market in special products for acne skin, from those creams to combat skin oil and to moisturize it in case of having dry acne skin.

Among these many cosmetic products for acne skin are:

  • Avène sebum-regulating moisturizer: I have mentioned that having oily skin does not mean that your skin is hydrated, and that is why it is necessary that you hydrate your acne skin with oil-free products such as this special moisturizer for all skin types.
  • Isdin Dry Touch Color ‘sunscreen: having acne skin you are more susceptible to UV rays, these worsen your situation and for this reason it is necessary to use sunscreens that prevent shine and even more acne breakouts.
  • Eucerin ‘Dermo Purifyer’ Scrub: Acneic skin should use a mild facial scrub at least every three days or weekly, in order to remove excess sebum that clogs the pores, when you start to exfoliate you do it weekly but with each exfoliation you should doing it less frequently, once a month would be fine.
  • Dalire bath gel : yes, we know that it is not a cream, but it is a bath gel, something that we will use daily for our shower, so it is advisable to choose a good product like this. Its composition is free of sulfates and parabens; so it has among its composition natural ingredients such as avocado and aloe vera.

Care to be followed for acne skin

Acneic skin requires special care, but this does not mean that you have to clean it actively since what you will do is that your skin produces more sebum to replace the one that you constantly eliminate, to avoid this spread it is better that you follow these recommendations on the care for acne skin:

  • You should clean acneic skin very gently, with equally gentle products and avoid irritating it, this cleaning can be done in the morning and before going to bed. Do not use normal soaps or products with oil.
  • Exfoliate your skin twice a week, if you have a lot of acne breakouts it is better to do it once a month.
  • Tone your skin with astringent toners if you have oily acne skin, but do not apply the toner with cotton, preferably with gauze.
  • Moisturize your acne skin even if it is oily.
  • Use masks at least once every two weeks.
  • Use sunscreen , although most of these contain oil, there are products that contain it in a lower proportion.

How to perform asepsis?

Asepsis is applied to keep the skin free of microorganisms, the skin and other parts of the body such as the back and chest are sterilized so that the open pores have a total absence of bacteria and thus protect you from infections in your acne skin that is very prone to these.

This method eradicates 100% of bacteria and fungi , although the term is also used to refer to the sterilization of non-living materials, surgical in this case refers to the disinfection of living tissue to prevent and control the spread of microorganisms.

To perform asepsis you must follow the following steps:

  • Before the facial and / or body procedure, you must sterilize the equipment and utensils that you are going to use and also clean the area to be treated well to avoid cross contamination.
  • You must wear the appropriate clothing, have your hair clean and collected .
  • Wash your hands very well before and after the procedure.
  • Wear latex gloves .

Home remedies for acne skin

So far you have learned how to take care of your acne skin from personal care such as hygiene and cleaning, to medical treatments that vary according to your type of acne skin, however there is another way to combat acne of this type of skin and it is with natural remedies homemade.

There are many natural products that help you improve acne skin such as aloe vera, cornstarch, apple, citrus fruits, egg yolks, coconut oil, olive and jojoba ; With these natural products you can make some effective home remedies.

aloe vera

Aloe vera has antibacterial properties , with the application the redness caused by acne is reduced and the healing process is accelerated, relieves the itching sensation, treats skin eruptions and has astringent properties, that is, it removes dirt from skin and excess oil.You can prepare a natural mask , you just have to form a paste with aloe vera crystals and honey, apply it to your face and let it act for twenty minutes, you should do it at least three times a week, and for best results you can squeeze a lemon. .

Coconut, olive and jojoba oil

Coconut oil along with olive oil and jojoba are used as cleansers , this combination is excellent for removing impurities and removing traces of makeup in a delicate, natural and gentle way as they have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties .

It is not a complicated home remedy to do, you simply have to soak a cotton ball with the oil and voila , gently wipe the affected areas that you want to clean and moisturize. Once you have passed the cotton with oil, you must pass another one with warm water.

This recipe for natural oils helps preserve the health of acne skin , and contributes to the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands to prevent them from clogging. The contributions of vitamin E keep the skin rejuvenated and always full of life.

The important thing about all this information about acne skin is that you always have self-respect and take care of your skin as I recommended, because if you maintain proper hygiene, use the special products for your skin type, you try not to stress, you take care of yourself from the sun and environmental pollution, and visits to your dermatologist from time to time, then you will have acneic skin that will not affect your self-esteem or social life at all.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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