Prevention and Treatment of Dark and White Spots on the Skin

Blemishes on the skin affect a large number of people and many are very uncomfortable with these marks found on the face or elsewhere on the body.

The spots can appear mainly in adolescence and during pregnancy , in areas that accumulate melanin – such as the cheeks, forehead and above the lips – and are activated by genetic inclination, hormonal factors and exposure to sunlight, It stimulates the additional production of this melanin, leaving the skin with dark brown spots .

How to prevent the appearance of spots?

The best way to prevent the appearance of spots is to use sunscreen . It is preferable to use a protection factor above 20. Even if you do not have any stains, the use of whitening products for skin care also helps a lot in this prevention.

What is the best treatment to remove stains?

First of all, it is important to note that, unlike what is circulating on the internet, homemade moisturizing creams based on Bepanthol and Hypoglos do not cause problems when whitening the skin.

It is good for you to know that the sooner you start the treatment, the greater the chances that the spots will disappear. At the first symptoms, the best measure is to consult a dermatologist to indicate the most appropriate treatment for the condition of our skin.

Treatments to lighten skin blemishes

Chemical Peeling

Fortunately, skin blemishes are usually superficial. A good tip to remove old or new spots on the skin is to do a chemical peel . Chemical peels use alpha hydroxy acids that can be effective in treating these surface blemishes. Peels burn the top layer of damaged skin, revealing clearer, undamaged skin. For best results, have your chemical peel done by a professional. See how Facial Peels are performed in our article about them.

Chemical Peeling

The peel is done in sessions, and therefore a little patience is needed to enjoy the results. In general, at least 10 sessions are required to obtain clean skin. During this period, we should not expose ourselves to the sun without any sun protection. The treatment removes dead cells from the body and stimulates the growth of new ones , thus leaving your skin more beautiful and healthy.

Spectra Laser Toning

It is a technology recently approved by the US FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ), and is already considered one of the greatest advances in the treatment of stains .

Before this treatment was approved, there was a contraindication to doing it with laser, due to the risk of causing a rebound effect in the area to be treated (the laser produces an inflammatory process in the skin, which in turn defends by producing more melanin than can intensify or increase stains).

But finally it seems that the results are quite good, although you always have to see how it affects each type of skin, remember that each of us is unique and can affect us in different ways.

Fractionated CO₂ laser

In addition to erasing blemishes, the emission of the fractionated CO₂ laser is also capable of rejuvenating the skin , eliminating wrinkles, acne scars, fighting against sagging and sun aging.

The device can reach the deepest layer of the epidermis and thus promote effective and long-lasting results.


Another effective method to combat skin blemishes is phototherapy, which also has a multifunctional action. The procedure carries energy to the cells of the epidermis by low-frequency electromagnetic irradiation . Therefore, it removes acne , blemishes and even wrinkles.

The most sensitive skins will be delighted with phototherapy, in addition to being totally safe, the treatment is totally painless. As it is non-invasive and ionizable, the technique does not emit UV rays and does not cause an increase in the temperature of the skin’s surface, without causing side effects.

Cosmocair C250 (TEGO 51)

It balances the production of melanin and regulates its transfer to keratinocytes – cells of the epidermis. It contains a depigmentor of plant origin and other ingredients with an antioxidant effect, such as glutathione and vitamins C and E.

In addition to depigmenting substances, when handled it may contain sunscreen ingredients that fight aging, dryness or excess oil, all in the same product. The disadvantage is that they are unstable and therefore have to be used in a short time. Keep an eye on the expiration date.

Active ingredients that help whiten the skin


Hydroquinone is a depigmenting agent for the skin . It is used topically in the treatment of depigmentation of spots on the skin such as melasma, freckles, senile lentigines , post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and dermatitis.

Hydroquinone is one of the active ingredients most prescribed by dermatologists to combat blemishes, but care must be taken with the treatment.

It is known that the topical application of hydroquinone can cause skin sensitivity, itching, peeling, redness, dryness, and other serious problems. So it should always be administered under medical supervision.

Retinoic acid

Retinoic acid works deep in the skin. Increases collagen production to reduce wrinkles and blemishes . Retinoic acid is a great rejuvenation treatment. Used regularly, it brings long-term benefits: smoothes wrinkles, reduces roughness of the skin, lightens blemishes. But unfortunately when you stop using it, the results fade, therefore it is a treatment for life. If you want to see what retinoic acid can do : Learn about the pros and cons of this treatment for stretch marks and skin aging .

It also helps other rejuvenation procedures, for example a facial peel or some rejuvenation lasers have better results using retinoic acid.

Kojic acid

Kojic acid is a natural lightener that acts on the skin by inhibiting the production of melanin. It also acts as an antiseptic, preventing the proliferation of fungi and bacteria on the skin.

It also has antioxidant properties (helping to prevent skin aging) and is often used in cosmetic formulations together with glycolic acid, vitamin C and other active ingredients.

Skin Lightening Creams and Cosmetics

Skin Lightening Creams and Cosmetics

In addition to the aforementioned treatments, there are cosmetic whitening, which can be used as supplements in the treatment.

For those interested, there are a wide variety of whitening products from the best-known brands on the internet . For example, a lotion that we have liked a lot here is Human + Kind .

You should also try the natural acne blemish treatments in this article.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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