The Importance Of Pretend Play For Children

Imitation games are a fundamental part of children’s emotional development that helps them discover the world.


Knowing the world

From the moment they are born, babies begin to try to know the world through the different means available to them while they cannot walk and move on their own. Have you ever noticed how they put everything in their mouth during the first year of life?

The moment they start to walk , they always start to take their steps but always having their caregiver as a beacon. They walk and look back to see that it is still there, that everything is fine.

Later, when they are between 18 and 24 months old, the imitation game begins . They have been observing the different roles of their parents since the beginning of time, they have a perception about what Mommy is like and what Daddy is like, what each one likes and what jobs they do.

The little ones identify with their parents in different ways and imitation games begin to be a way of discovering the world, playing miniature adults, interacting with other children and putting their social skills into practice.

The Importance of Imitation Games

Imitation games are essential to be related to the world and we can see it from a very young age. In the first months of life we ​​can begin to see how they are relating and interacting with their parents through imitative sounds , chirps and gestures.

Later, they begin to imitate adult hand gestures , such as waving, blowing kisses (putting their hand to their mouth) or trying to clap.

When they are a little bit older and language is already included, we can see how children begin to create and imagine parallel realities. They can spend hours playing alone while you listen to them speak, imitate different voices or tell made-up stories about the game they are developing. You can now imitate various characters that you include in the game.

The ability to create stories, carry them out in real life and imitate different characters tells us about the richness that children have in terms of their own creativity, their ability to develop meaningful and coherent play. You can invent scenarios or choose real places where the game is being played in your imagination, you can transform into multiple people, you can create whatever you want.

In conclusion, imitation games are very beneficial for children since they facilitate their cognitive development, their emotional development since it makes empathy start when it gives life to other characters, it can be liberating for them, it encourages and stimulates their own creativity.

Imitation games: the adult world

It can be very curious to see how a child is representing his parents, since he is showing us how he perceives him and how he feels in a completely free way, with hardly any censorship, since he is not aware of it.

We could think that this is one of the reasons why many children ask for toys related to the roles that their parents play and in the market we find a wide selection of articles, each one more impressive.

A clear example is the kitchens that boys and girls ask for their birthdays or Christmas, where we see that an authentic miniature kitchen display is made with all kinds of items to cook like their parents.

We can also find all kinds of toy items from different professions such as medicine, ice cream parlors, fashion designers, businessmen (ties, glasses, briefcases and all kinds of mini stationery items) And, when there are no toys to give life to those professions Don’t worry, they create them just as we did at the time.

Imitation games are that push to continue creating, dreaming and developing.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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