Ideas To Relax After A Hard Day At Work / Homework

Now that the routine of school or work has just begun again and that all the mothers’ heads do not stop boiling, why not stop for a few seconds and thank you for all the effort you make during the day? Running a home is not easy at all, especially now that women are required so much : we have to be exemplary mothers, have the perfect house, act as teachers with children … among countless other tasks; and all this with a face without dark circles and a bright smile.

One of the best tips that we can give you from BodyCarre is, leaving aside the struggles with meals, colds and additions and multiplications in the afternoon, that you take yourself into account too and pamper yourself (even occasionally from time to time) as it should. Nothing of everything that happens in your house would be possible if you were not at the foot of the canyon. So do your best to stay alone one afternoon / night of the week and choose any of these ideas (or all of them!) That we give you to take your mind away from the routine and think only of you , how well deserved you have it.

1. Mesotherapy

As a premium gift , we propose an intensive facial or body treatment that really makes a difference in the appearance of your skin. What does BodyCarre recommend to you? For example, facial revitalization , which will rejuvenate your skin in an hour, creating new collagen and defining the contour. Perfect if the intense rhythm of life you lead takes a toll on those annoying little wrinkles.

But if you prefer to focus on the silhouette, mesotherapy will reduce your cellulite and reduce flaccidity through non-invasive Swiss aparotology.

And finally, if you are a fan of the convenience of not having to wax (who is not?), A laser treatment in the area that gives you the most work is also a good option. There is no better way to have those moments to yourself than to get rid of the annoying waxing.

2. Exfoliation

If you see that the stress of the day to day is reflected, but in the skin of your body, a full- blown exfoliation removes everything that the dermis does not need and if you do it with care and patience, the feeling of relaxation that you will get will be maximum. A DIY option is to mix oil, brown sugar and cinnamon and pass this mixture over all the areas that need a breather. Natural and effective!

3. Face or body mask

As much as you wash your face every day, there are impurities and dirt that accumulate and that must be treated in depth. The best choice? A mask . You can do it at home without problem, but yes, adapt it to your skin type . If you have glitters, choose clay . If you have blackheads, tomato is a great organic scrub. If you have dry skin, honey is hydrating and works great against infections. And if you see that your skin is dull, the lemon will be the key. Look for these ingredients whether you make the masks yourself, or you buy them outside.

4. Read a book

Now that your whole being on the outside looks great, turn off the TV, the radio, the computer and especially the mobile and leave the house in silence . Nothing better to relax than to enjoy that there is no noise. In the meantime, grab that book that you have half, pour yourself a glass of your favorite wine and enjoy a good reading time . Delving into fictional stories and worlds that are far removed from your everyday life will make your brain unplug for a while. You will see that later you will think more clearly.

5. Meditate

Following this line of tranquility at home, meditation is one of the best practices you can start with. In addition, it is scientifically proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and even insomnia. If you see it too complicated, do a series of stretching exercises that help you relax your muscles and go to bed in complete calm.

6. Kitchen, but ONLY FOR YOU

That there is only one plate on the table and that it contains your favorite food (regardless of calories). Dedicate yourself that time to therapeutic cooking so as not to think about anything. Any recommendation? Vegetable and cheese tacos , pasta salad with fruits or spinach and béchamel crepes . Try them, they are delicious!

7. Music cures any evil

So let go of inhibitions, move the sofas in your living room, choose the album that you like the most and start dancing (and singing) as if there were no tomorrow. When your feet can no longer, you will notice how all tensions disappear, leaving room for the greatest feeling of well-being that exists. Seriously, it works.

8. A hot bath

It is a great option to disconnect. The best companions in this case are scented candles and your mind is blank. That’s right, stop thinking about your obligations and just feel the water move through the bathtub. Do it before going to sleep, as it will lower your tension and it will be easier for you to fall asleep.

We hope you liked our recommendations. And remember: To give love to others, you first have to give it to yourself, so start spending some time and enjoying the little details that make your life much happier.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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