24 Weeks of Pregnancy – Complete Gestation Step By Step

From Body carre we are going to see two pregnancies of two friends, from two different perspectives and countries, one from Latin America and the other from Spain. I hope you like it and see if you are able to find those little differences.

At 24 weeks gestation, the baby already weighs around 600 grams! A little more or a little less … It is relative, because a factor that determines the size and weight of the child is the genetics of the father and mother, on the other hand, there is the situation of the placenta, and the nutrition that the baby receives. Its 21 cm shows advanced fetal development and an ultrasound can show mom and dad a now fatter and older baby , who likes to play with his little hands and feet.

With 24 weeks of pregnancy we mark the arrival of the sixth month and your baby is getting older and more active. Their movements become more obvious and often even painful. Back pain, as well as in the lower part of the womb, are natural at this stage, since the space for the baby in the womb is increasingly limited and the discomfort begins to accentuate.

His eyes could already open and close from the previous week, now the eyelashes are developing and every day he has more the appearance of the baby that you will soon have in your arms. This week the process of fat accumulation will begin under the baby’s skin, which will be responsible for controlling the temperature after birth, this is necessary since the temperature outside the womb is totally different than that of the uterus, because it is used to at 36.5-37.5 degrees of the mother’s body.

The baby, at 24 weeks gestation, sleeps most of the day, but at intervals, and you can notice this by its apparent movements and stronger kicks. Long conversations and perhaps a lullaby can mark this moment with great affection in the womb, your little baby can already hear your voice clearly and identifies it.

The internal sensations of the mother in the 24th week of pregnancy

In the 24 weeks of pregnancy, your belly is already quite large, the back pain is especially constant at bedtime. By the way, the weight of the belly no longer allows you to lie on your stomach, bend over and do activities as simple as before, but it is all a matter of skill and care not to hurt yourself. Also be very careful with regard to balance when moving at this stage. Do not wear high heels to avoid accidents!

In this stage of the 24 weeks of pregnancy, the woman feels a “light” and others may notice the shine of your hair and eyes, although the use of certain beauty products is not recommended at this stage, it does not mean that the woman does not can take care of yourself. There are cosmetics that do not offer any risk for pregnancy , talk to your trusted expert!

Week 24 of pregnancy is also marked by often “strange” food cravings and aversion to other types of foods that were common on your daily menu. A diet rich in nutrients is very important not only at this stage but throughout pregnancy, and the correct intake of healthy foods not only nourishes the baby and also provides the mother with better health, in addition to controlling weight gain. , which should take place without excess.

Sensations and external factors in the 24th week of pregnancy

How are the preparations for the clothes? Do you already have the first suits? The most anticipated day is getting closer and closer and everything should be ready to receive your little baby. If you decide to have a baby shower, it may be time to start preparing everything, because afterwards you will feel tired with the weight of your belly and the swelling, and you will not want to be like that in the photos that you will save from that event. Count on the help of the baby’s grandparents, uncles and godparents to make this an unforgettable moment for you.

Think of this as a motherhood preview: Your baby is fine, and you’re, well, a little messy. Your baby at week 24 is working to survive and thrive in the outside world. On the other hand, you probably experience some of the discomforts of late pregnancy at 24 weeks pregnant: leg cramps, back pain, and swollen feet. Patience!

How big is the baby at 24 weeks?

At 24 weeks, your baby is the size of a cantaloupe. Already the 11.8-inch fetus now weighs about 1.3 pounds. Isn’t that wonderful?

24 weeks pregnant, how many months?

Now that you are 24 weeks pregnant, you are five months and one week pregnant. (If you do a simple multiplication, it looks like 24 weeks would be six months pregnant, but remember: all months except February are longer than four weeks, and those extra days add up.)

Symptoms of pregnancy at week 24

We’re sorry to tell you this, but these 24 week pregnancy symptoms are quite annoying and you probably have a bit like this:

  • Your ankles and feet keep swelling. If your legs are swollen, put them up while sitting. Get up and walk often, this can help you too. You may find yourself a little swollen, but swelling in your face, severe swelling in your hands, or uneven (in one leg and not the other), sudden swelling for no apparent reason; In fact, they are signs of pre-eclampsia, a probable risk of pregnancy. In this case you must inform your doctor.
  • Crampy legs Tight or sore legs can be a clear sign of dehydration. Drink enough water to avoid this symptom. Exercise your legs often and take a few daily walks. Let your doctor know if your leg cramps are frequent. This does not represent a symptom of concern if they are not frequent, although some cramps can be related to other complications such as nutritional deficiency, so it requires an evaluation and follow-up.
  • Back pain continues. Yes, you can still experience back pain, it may even have intensified. This is because your baby is larger, so it requires more space in the uterus, then pressure occurs on your spine, then the back becomes tight and curves. Also, the back muscles have to work harder to carry your extra weight. Notify your Obstetrician if you have severe back pain, because it may be related to your sciatica.
  • Black line. It is the dark line that reaches the center of your belly. The appearance of this line is influenced by the hormones of pregnancy. Don’t worry because this black line should disappear within a few weeks to several months after your baby is born.
  • Stretch marks like tiger stripes. Unfortunately we must tell you that these tiger stripes continue to appear, thanks to the fact that your skin still continues to stretch. If you are 24 weeks pregnant with twins, there is a greater chance that stretch marks will appear on your skin.

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Development of pregnancy at week 24

At 24 weeks pregnant, you’ve probably been feeling the baby kick for at least a few weeks, but now they are getting more intense and stronger. In fact, your partner or other people who touch your belly may start to feel those kicks.

The recommended weight gain for you in these 24 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 14 to 16 pounds, if you are of normal weight. If you have gained a little more, don’t worry, only the drastic and exaggerated increase is cause for concern. But for a healthier pregnancy, you should try to find the best way to keep your weight gain in check.

Did you know that 24 is a magic number for mothers of twins? We recommend, if you are one of the women who are 24 weeks pregnant with twins, only gain about 24 pounds so far. In this way, the risk of premature delivery decreases.

Ultrasound at week 24 of pregnancy

Inside your 24 weeks pregnant tummy, the baby is progressing. It is not only about anatomical changes, they also have to do with looks. The transparent skin of the 24-week fetus is becoming increasingly opaque and takes on a fresh pinkish glow, thanks to the tiny capillaries that have recently formed.

Around 24 weeks pregnant, your doctor will order a glucose screening test, one of the most important prenatal tests, to see if you are at risk for gestational diabetes. The test is designed to see how your body processes sugar, so you will be asked to drink a sweet liquid called glucola (which reminds us of Gatorade) and then after an hour pass. Once the hour is up, you will have a blood drawn and then it will be tested to see how your body has processed the sugar.

If your doctor finds abnormal results, you may need to have a follow-up test called a glucose tolerance test. This test will measure how your body processes sugar over a three hour period to determine if you really have gestational diabetes. If you have gestational diabetes, it is not the end of the world. Your doctor will advise you on how to keep this condition under control, so that the rest of your pregnancy will remain healthy, then you and the baby could get additional monitoring, that is, extra ultrasounds. Look at the silver lining: At least you will get to look at the baby more often!

We recommend: List of essentials for the baby

Considerations regarding pregnancy at week 24

  • It is time to perform the glucose test.
  • Schedule your 28-week prenatal visit.
  • Start organizing your home.
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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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