Cellulite Massage: what is it and how to do it

Dimples are pretty … unless they’re on your thighs or buttocks. The unsightly bumps and bumps of cellulite affect more than 90 percent of women, regardless of their shape or size.

The cause? Fine, weakened collagen fibers in connective tissue that allow fat cells to pass through the skin and create that unsightly orange-peel look. Unfortunately, the amount of cellulite you can have depends largely on genetics and hormones, two factors over which you have little control.

The good news? There are several fairly effective (and affordable) ways to reduce dimples where you don’t want them. One of them is the latest generation massage tools that promise real results against cellulite.

Anti-cellulite suction cups (cupping), natural bristle brushes, along with fascia massagers, such as the Fasciablaster, are the latest DIY massage treatments for cellulite.

Can you remove cellulite with a massage?

Cellulite massages are different from normal massage techniques, as they are specifically developed to administer pressure to the affected areas.

The goal is not to relieve accumulated tension in the muscles as in normal massage, but to disperse fat deposits and smooth dimpled skin so that toxins are flushed through the lymphatic system.

The pressure exerted by cellulite massagers supposedly breaks down fat deposits and stimulates better blood circulation. A massage professional usually squeezes and pinches the areas and then kneads the muscles to really increase circulation and smooth out the dimples.

What are cellulite massagers?

There are several types of cellulite massagers. There are really basic ones, like a simple wooden brush with bristles and rubber tips; but there are also complex electric massagers with various speeds and heads.

But all of them are designed to break down fat deposits, smooth dimpled skin, and stimulate lymphatic drainage. Used correctly, and with the correct amount of pressure applied, they can be very effective.

However, to achieve the best results (cellulite-free skin), it is necessary to continue the massage every day for several weeks before the changes are visible. And once you see a significant change, you should continue to use the cellulite massager and apply it in your daily routine, similar to the daily moisturizer.

This will promote long-term results, but it is one of those things that will only work if done every day.

Cupping or cupping therapy

Remember the red circular suction marks on the back of celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Lena Dunham a few years ago? Cupping (or cupping therapy) dates back to Ancient Egypt, and is an alternative therapy used to relieve pain, from pain caused by inflammation to muscle pain.

But lately we’ve seen a new type of cupping flood social media: anti-cellulite cupping.

Cupping (or cupping therapy) is a non-invasive and deep tissue therapy that breaks up the clumps of fat that cause bumps on the skin of the arms, legs, buttocks and abdomen, promotes blood circulation and effectively helps to drain the lymph nodes and remove toxins from the body. In addition, you can do it yourself by applying silicone cups to the skin.

The suction cups are easy to apply, just press them on the skin and squeeze them lightly to create a suction effect. When you release it, that area of ​​the skin will be absorbed into the cup (pinch a bit!).

How to get results? First, start with a body scrub to remove dead cells from the skin’s surface and prep the area (either a cellulite-specific scrub or a general body scrub).

Then apply some body oil to help lubricate the area to be suctioned. Finally, place the cups around the problem areas and move them in an up and down circular massaging motion for about 8 minutes, or leave several of them on for about 10 minutes before releasing them. Repeat regularly to see results.

The result? An overall reduction in fluid build-up and smoother-looking skin. Ultimately, you are detoxifying your body and allowing skin to rejuvenate and stretch for a healthier appearance.

It is even said to aid in the reduction of stretch marks and minor scars and aid in weight loss. Although there are no guarantees, combined with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, we think this new treatment is definitely one worth trying.

Fascia Massager: FasciaBlaster

Another method that is gaining popularity in the health world is massaging the fascia (the thin layer of tissue that covers all the muscles) either with a foam roller, or with a funny looking tool like the FasciaBlaster.

Every movement you make, every step you take, your fascia reacts to you. If you are dehydrated, injured, or engaged in some type of high-impact activity, this can cause the fascia to tighten and adhere to itself and other body structures, such as muscles, bones, and skin, reducing circulation. of fluids through the body, among other things.

The concept behind this massager is that it can massage through the deep layers of the fascia, thereby removing adhesions from the fascia that can cause pain, tension, and reduce fluid flow around the body. And remember, anything that increases circulation can help change the appearance of cellulite.

In addition to making you feel more fluid and less sore, massaging the fascia can also change the look of your skin. Fascia can also stick to the skin and cause visible dimples, commonly known as cellulite.

The tool is quite simple, but effective. It is shaped like a rod, and has several protrusions that are what perform the massage. To use it, you simply have to slide it firmly over the affected areas to perform a deep tissue massage for approximately five to ten minutes, and repeat it daily.

It is also convenient, since it is not necessary to use it in the shower, and can be used with or without oil or cellulite cream. To experience the best results, patience is necessary. In some cases it can be painful and even cause marks and bruises, but you will get firmer and smoother skin within four to five weeks after daily use.

The FasciaBlaster can affect the superficial fascia, reshaping the skin and making it smoother. If you are in pain and want to make sure that you are taking care of your fascia, then it is definitely not a bad idea to try this massage technique.

Dry brushing

Body brushing or dry brushing is a routine in which the skin of the entire body is brushed with a specific brush, usually just before bathing, and which can dramatically improve the production of collagen and new skin cells.

The concept of dry brushing is to increase circulation and lymphatic flow in the tissue, reduce inflammation, improve lymphatic drainage, and improve circulation and oxygenation of the skin and tissues.

Although there are no permanent treatments for cellulite, its appearance can be diminished. Massaging the skin can help to swell the tissue and temporarily reduce the bumps to make it appear smoother. In other words, if you brush your skin every day, there is a chance that your skin will appear smoother and fuller, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite.

But you have to do it with your head. Although gently massaging the skin and tissues is a good way to help lymphatic flow, dermatologists do not recommend brushing repeatedly with a brush, as it can cause inflammation of the skin.

It should not be made too strong, so you should look for an appropriate brush that has soft natural bristles so that it is not too abrasive; and don’t apply too much pressure. These bristles are specifically designed to offer a deep massage and stimulate blood flow, as well as the breakdown of fat deposits.

The massage should be upward and with circular movements, always towards the heart. Its duration should be approximately 10 minutes, and then you can shower to remove dead cells.

Anti-Cellulite Massage Techniques

There are several different techniques that use your hands, dry brushes, or massagers for cellulite. Some of the manual cellulite massagers should be used in conjunction with anti-cellulite creams or essential oils to lubricate the area and achieve the best results, although some can be used alone on dry skin.

If you are looking for the best anti-cellulite cream, don’t miss this article .

Generally, with manual massagers you can administer the pressure according to your comfort, and they should be used in wide, circular sweeping movements. You can also use your hands to knead, squash, and squeeze the meat, which helps break down fat deposits and promotes lymphatic drainage.

How to use a massager for cellulite

  • Set aside ten minutes a day to massage the affected areas.
  • It works from the feet up to the heart, as this stimulates blood flow through the peripheral veins.
  • Use a massager in long, vigorous upward strokes, applying moderate pressure to the skin.
  • Next, target specific areas in large circular motions for a few minutes.
  • If you wish, you can switch to using your fingers and kneading the areas, alternating between kneading and squashing (with your knuckles).
  • Use the massage tool again, starting with large circular motions, gradually moving to long sweeping motions, slowing down to relax the body.

The action of the massage helps to break down the fat deposits that are under the skin. Once broken down, the lymphatic system removes them as toxins.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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