Yellow Discharge During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms And Remedies

It is no secret to anyone that most women dream of getting married and having children, which is why pregnancy represents one of the most beautiful and important stages of their life. During this period, joy takes hold of his being, because giving life to an innocent little person is the greatest reason to be happy.

However, at this time there are also many changes in the woman’s body, which sometimes are not very pleasant, hormones get upset and are the cause of triggering all these changes, both physical and psychological. It is a beautiful and complex time.

One of the most noticeable changes that women experience is the appearance of vaginal discharge, this is due to increased blood and estrogen levels. This fluid is characterized by being very varied in its color and consistency, something in which you should always be very careful, since according to this it may or may not be serious.

In general, almost white or transparent yellow secretions, however if it occurs in a pregnant woman it is a clear indication that there is an infection or a disease. Pregnant women must protect themselves from all this, since anything they suffer could affect the fetus.

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What is yellow discharge during pregnancy?

The yellow discharge is known as leucorrhoea and it usually makes its appearance during the first trimester of pregnancy. Its appearance is usually transparent and without any type of odor, this fluid originates from vaginal and cervical secretions; in the same way, the old cells of the vagina and the natural and normal bacteria of the vagina area also influence the appearance of this yellow discharge.

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What is the yellow discharge during pregnancy?

Vaginal discharge is a normal condition in a woman’s body, but during pregnancy this will be the best signal to indicate if everything is fine or not. If the discharge maintains a light color almost transparent and does not emit any type of odor, it is an indication that it is not serious and everything is normal. However, if it has a yellow or green color and, in addition, emits a foul odor, then the woman is going through an infectious picture or has a disease.

One of the main causes that triggers the appearance of these fluids is usually bacterial vaginosis, which is nothing more than an infection that, in most cases, originates after having sexual intercourse and can be recognized through the fluid because it turns yellow and emits a fishy odor, and the woman also experiences a little burning when urinating.

Another possible cause of yellow vaginal discharge during the gestation period is inflammation or infection of the cervical polyps, this originates during the journey from the uterus to the cervical canal, it may be due to the bacteria lodged. in that area.

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On the other hand, there is also a disease called trichomoniasis, which belongs to the group of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and is caused by a parasite that bears the same name. The presence of this parasite in the vaginal area causes excessive levels of yellow discharge to appear.

Similarly, chlamydia, another sexually transmitted disease, also causes a yellow or green vaginal discharge that is usually quite thick. If the woman experiences this during the pregnancy period, she should go to the doctor immediately, because it could generate a miscarriage, or affect the baby in one way or another.

Finally, fungi also influence the appearance of this yellow vaginal discharge in pregnant women and should be treated as soon as they are detected. In the gestation period, women are more vulnerable and tend to acquire infections and fungi more easily, so they should always be in control with a specialist and be vigilant to stop any infection that could affect the baby.

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How does it evolve during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful times a woman experiences, but it is also a period full of changes, one of them is the constant appearance of vaginal discharge because estrogen levels rise and blood fluctuation in the vaginal area increases. . During the last weeks of the gestation period, it is very normal for the amount of vaginal fluid to increase, which is characterized by being quite sticky and may or may not have an odor.

As the pregnancy develops, the fluid can vary gradually, in color and consistency, so the woman should always be attentive to all changes and report any abnormality to her doctor. At the beginning of the gestation period, the fluid may have a consistency very similar to the white of an egg and is completely normal. However, if the woman experiences a fetid odor from the fluid, then she may be experiencing an infectious picture or suffering from a disease, in this case it is necessary to consult a specialist so that she receives the necessary guidance to treat the situation. .

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First trimester

During the first months of pregnancy, some women usually experience an increase in the amount of vaginal fluid, while others do not perceive any type of changes, everything will depend on the body of each person and their hormonal functioning. If the fluid that is expelled is white or slightly yellowish, odorless, and does not cause burning or irritation, it can be considered normal and does not warrant any concern.

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The vaginal discharge that occurs in this stage is quite different from the one that is normally expelled, since this time the levels of estrogen and progesterone are elevated. Hormones influence all these changes and the body modifies its behavior throughout this time, this is because now the fetus must be protected, therefore blood flow increases, the vaginal walls become thicker and the cervix begins to produce the mucous plug.

In this first trimester, the vaginal discharge that the woman expels is characterized by being a little cloudy and thick.

Now, if at this time the woman emits a yellowish vaginal discharge with a slightly unpleasant smell, then it may be generating a period of inflammation in the internal maternal area or in the appendages. In such case that this happens, a specialist should be consulted, as this circumstance could affect the evolution of the fetus and for this an anti-inflammatory therapy should be started.

second trimester

During the gestation period, women are more prone to different vaginal infections, and their vulnerability increases from the second trimester. At this time, the woman will experience that her fluid changes in its appearance and quantity, since it is more abundant, its consistency is thin, its color is whitish and it can emit a slightly strange smell, however, all this is completely normal.

Vaginal yeast infections are more complex to treat during the gestation period, since treatments that do not affect the fetus are always chosen; fungi generally do not cause any abnormality in pregnancy. In any case, you should consult your specialist before starting any treatment.

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It must be understood that the body is undergoing a large number of changes and it will be very complex for it to adapt to all the chemical changes that are beginning to be experienced throughout the vaginal area. One characteristic is that there is the presence of sugar in the vaginal secretions, so the yeast feeds on it and this is how the imbalance is generated and the appearance of fungi increases.

Third quarter

Already in the final stage of pregnancy, the woman has undergone many changes, not only physical, but the mood is totally fluctuating. The vaginal discharge in the gestation period is usually more abundant, the texture is very similar to milk and the whitish color, this varies during all stages of pregnancy.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the body already begins to prepare for the changes, which is why the uterine mucus increases in order to protect the area from any infection, the vaginal discharge is more abundant and in some occasions it could be accompanied by a slight thread of blood.

During the third trimester, the body begins to prepare for childbirth, so the consistency of the fluid becomes much thicker and stickier, this is normal and does not merit any concern; although if you notice any abnormality regarding color or odor, then you should contact a specialist.

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What to do with yellow discharge in pregnancy?

White vaginal fluid is very normal during the gestation period, however at this time it can vary markedly and the future mother should always be alert to any changes. When there is the presence of a vaginal infection or disease, it can be noticed by the change in appearance of the fluid. In the case of vaginitis, the fluid is usually yellow or green in color and is generally thick, and it can also cause other things such as bad smell, itching, redness and even pain.

In such a case that this happens, it is necessary for the woman to go immediately to the doctor to give her the necessary instructions to treat her, since pregnancy is a very delicate period and everything that is done can affect the baby, so a person should not self-medicate.

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It is very important that infections are treated immediately and are cured before the woman begins her labor, since otherwise the baby will be exposed and could acquire the infection during birth, for this it is of vital importance that the treatment prescribed by the specialist is fulfilled.

Diseases or infections are not usually treated in the same way, everything will depend on what it is and on the severity. For bacterial vaginitis, doctors recommend oral treatment; Whereas if it is a sexually transmitted disease, the first thing to do is suspend sexual practice or, in that case, always use condoms.

Some of the most effective tips for preventing illness and infection during pregnancy are as follows:

  • Maintain moderate intimate hygiene; it should not be exceeded.
  • The vagina should always be thoroughly dried after washing, it should not remain wet.
  • Do not wear tight clothing.
  • After passing stool, it should be cleaned from front to back.

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Is yellow discharge a symptom of an infection in pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the appearance of yellow discharge is a true sign that there is a vaginal infection or a disease, and this must be treated immediately so that it does not affect the baby in the future.

It is necessary and of vital importance that the woman go to the doctor frequently, in this way any abnormality can be detected and treated in time, because if the infection manages to move towards the cervix and in turn come into contact with the amniotic fluid, it can be infect the placenta and trigger a life-threatening premature delivery of the baby.

If the woman notices any significant change in the fluids that she expels, whether related to odor, consistency or color, she should notify her doctor immediately, as that is the only person who will be able to give the appropriate indications to treat the situation of correct way and not affect the fetus; never self-medicate.

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Why does yellow discharge occur after cesarean section?

Cesarean section is known as a higher grade operation, as it is a cut that is made in the lower lower part of the belly, specifically the abdomen and uterus are cut; That is why her recovery is usually more complex than that resulting from a natural vaginal delivery, therefore, it is very likely that the mother will remain hospitalized for 3 or 4 days, everything will depend on her evolution.

However, that does not end there, as the mother will need much more time for a full recovery, which can take between 4 and 6 weeks. It is very likely that the mother will experience some pain, so a specialist will be in charge of providing the appropriate medications that do not alter lactation.

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However, after the cesarean section, the woman will expel through her vagina all the blood and tissue that she carried inside, the appearance of it is a bright red and it is usually very abundant, it can even expel blood clots. As time passes, the amount decreases, the color changes to a brown or yellowish tone. This whole process can take up to a month.

In this case, that the fluids that it emits have a fetid odor and in addition to it some symptoms such as chills, back pain, fever or pain in the belly are experienced, you should consult a specialist immediately, since it could be happening by an infectious process; To avoid this, it is important to maintain proper wound hygiene and not make any physical effort.

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After a curettage, is there a yellow discharge? Why?

It is very normal that after an abortion the woman expels a yellowish discharge, since it is the cleaning that the vagina performs of the cervical mucus and may contain pieces of tissue. On many occasions, the expulsion of this fluid could be accompanied by cramps and sometimes include a little bleeding; all of this is completely normal. However, if you experience a little itching or inflammation in the vulva, you should consult your doctor.

On the other hand, if the yellow discharge is accompanied by pus, it is an infectious picture. This must be treated in time to prevent other symptoms from being triggered, such as: fever, heavy bleeding, among other much more serious complications; it is always necessary to consult with the attending physician.

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Treatments for yellow discharge during pregnancy

Currently there is a wide variety of treatments to prevent and reduce the presence of yellowish discharge during pregnancy, some of them are the following:

  • Care in diet: a proper diet will be key throughout the pregnancy process, because if you consume many foods that are rich in toxins, the only thing that will be generated is that estrogen manages to dominate. It is important to reduce the intake of foods rich in fat and calories, as estrogen levels will be affected and the amount of fluids will rise. Therefore, it is recommended to eat foods that reduce this reaction, such as: bananas, milk, honey, fenugreek seeds.
  • Reduce the use of irritating panty liners: during pregnancy the amount of vaginal fluid rises, so many women use panty liners to reduce the discomfort that this generates, however a good choice should be made, since many They are usually highly perfumed, which causes the vaginal pH to change and infections and irritations are triggered. It is necessary to make a good choice and change underwear twice a day, also use clothes that are 100% cotton.
  • Do not use oily-based vaginal lubricants: the use of lubricants reduces pain during sexual intercourse and increases pleasure, but they can also be counterproductive, since they help to increase the appearance of bacteria and fungi, therefore, they will increase the infections and increase the amount of vaginal discharge. Also, these oils can cause itching, inflammation and a bit of discomfort in the vaginal area.
  • Cleaning from front to back: it is important that a correct cleaning is always carried out after the fecal expulsion, not only during pregnancy, but always. It is necessary to prevent fecal matter from coming into contact with the vagina, as it can generate various infections and increase the secretion of fluids. For cleaning you should only use a toilet paper and wet wipes that have a neutral pH and that do not have any type of perfume.
  • Using probiotics with antibiotics: Antibiotics often cause yeast infections. You need to consume probiotics and prebiotics to slow yeast growth.
  • Do not use scented vaginal deodorants: during pregnancy optimal vaginal hygiene should be maintained, however, the use of vaginal hygiene products that contain a lot of perfume should be avoided, since this substance interferes with the pH and causes infection and irritation, too increase the production of vaginal discharge.
  • Reduce stress: stress can influence vaginal discharge, causing it to change its appearance (color, consistency and smell). If the pregnant woman is very stressed, her vaginal discharge may be yellow. It is recommended to carry out activities that contribute to releasing stress, since endorphins are released.

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Home remedies to end yellow vaginal discharge in pregnancy

Before performing any of the treatments that will be explained below, it is necessary that you previously consult with your doctor to make a diagnosis. Some of the home remedies that help control yellowish vaginal fluid are as follows:

Apple cider vinegar

One of the most effective home remedies to eliminate bacterial vaginosis that causes yellow-green discharge is apple cider vinegar, as it helps to lower the alkaline level and thus contributes to increasing the acidity levels of the vagina. The acidic pH that vinegar contains does not harm the vaginal area.

To put this treatment into practice, all you have to do is take a sitz bath with this substance. You will only have to add 2-3 cups of the vinegar to a bathtub of water and sit there for about 20 minutes.

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Garlic is recognized for its effectiveness in fighting bacteria, which is why it is one of the most used to attack bacterial vaginosis. For this you just have to wrap a clove of garlic with a thin gauze and introduce it daily into the vagina for a few minutes; You can also crush the garlic and form a paste that can be spread on the affected area.


Not all bacteria are bad, since the ones in yogurt, the lactobacillus, help eliminate the yellow-green discharge, since they have an acidic pH. For this, it is only necessary to consume a daily yogurt and, little by little, the pH of the vagina will return to normal and the production of these good bacteria will increase. If you consume a yogurt with live bacteria the result will be much better, you can also place a little natural yogurt in the vaginal tract.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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