Differences Between White And Brown Rice From A Nutritionist

You always hear that the consumption of brown rice is good and that it is better than white. But do you know the differences between them? Do you know why brown rice is better than white?

White rice

White rice

It is the most consumed type of rice in the world. It undergoes a process in which only the endosperm remains, which is starch and the final product is whitish in color.

White rice undergoes a process that removes the husk and germ , hence many of its nutrients. Polishing changes its appearance, softens the flavor and softens the grains, and also receives the addition of iron and vitamins during this process. White rice is high in carbohydrates and low in protein.

Polished white rice has reduced the concentration of most nutrients , significantly affecting nutritional properties.

Integral rice

Brown rice is not polished, and therefore preserves the nutrients . It has an almond flavor, fibrous texture and requires a longer cooking time.

Brown rice has protein, minerals (phosphorus, iron, and calcium), B vitamins, fiber, and more “good” fats (beneficial for health). The part of the grain with the highest amount of nutrients is preserved, this causes the gastrointestinal system to be stimulated, while increasing the satiety period, making the final product have a darker tone.

For more information, check out our article on Brown Rice: How to Reduce Belly Fat and Lose Weight.

An aid in weight loss: Low glycemic index

A small difference between brown and white rice is the glycemic index, brown rice has a lower glycemic index , which means that it is converted to blood sugar at a much slower rate than white rice. This, in addition to other advantages, causes a feeling of satiety that lasts much longer , which makes it a powerful ally in weight loss, adding another advantage to its list.

Benefits of brown rice in our health

  • Decreases intestinal problems such as constipation;
  • Improves glucose metabolism in diabetics;
  • Protects the nervous system due to vitamin B1 (which is practically absent in white rice);
  • Improves the metabolism of muscle contraction;
  • Increases satiety.

Regarding the calorific power, there are no significant differences : 100 g of white rice has 128 kcal, and the same amount of brown rice has 124 kcal. But we can never take into account only the caloric value of food: we must remember that brown rice is a food rich in fiber , which in addition to improving intestinal function, can provide other health benefits.

If you eat white rice and have difficulty introducing brown rice into your diet, the recommendation is: start slowly.

At first you can mix a little of the whole grain with your white rice , another tip is to mix the rice with other ingredients. For example, ready-made brown rice can be mixed with garlic, onion, shredded chicken, carrots, leeks, green beans, etc. Use culinary creativity!

Now we leave you an opinion that a nutritionist gave us, whom we asked about this topic:

Opinion of a Nutritionist on the difference between white and brown rice

brown rice nutritionist opinion

Traditional white rice is included in the routine of most people; but unfortunately with a decreasing frequency. Some time ago, rice was part of the lunch and dinner composition, and now it is seen as a diet villain, being discarded and replaced for example by dinner snacks such as bread , what many do not know is that this change is not interesting for health.

If we think of a lunch or dinner based on rice , beans, a salad of leaves, raw and / or sautéed vegetables and meat, we are talking about a complete meal , rich in vitamins, minerals , phenolic compounds, fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and fats essential for metabolic balance. In the case of appetizers, whose composition is bread (white or wholemeal) , cheeses, sausages and little or no vegetables and leaves, then we have the inclusion of processed foods, so rich in chemicals , additives, preservatives, colorings, gluten and milk protein (beta-lactoglobulin), which are generally associated with health risks .

Currently, as a nutritionist, I do not like to compare brown rice with white rice, due to the large differences in nutritional composition. The components of brown rice are related to health benefits, such as glycemic control (prevention of diabetes and obesity), reduction of serum lipid (fat) levels, in addition to reducing blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, among other benefits.

To understand it better, let’s talk a little about the differences between white and brown rice:


The starch is a carbohydrate (I homopolysaccharide), main constituent of the rice in general, but a higher proportion of white rice. This component will directly influence the glycemic response (increases the speed of blood sugar), which can vary from 54% to 121%. Foods with a lower glycemic response are associated with reduced serum lipids, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease , as well as prevention and treatment of diabetes.


Polysaccharides that are not digested such as cellulose, hemicellulose, resistant starch and pectins, classified as soluble and insoluble fibers are more present in brown rice . Its main advantages are related to the improvement of constipation , the control of blood glucose and the intestinal substrate bacteria (intestinal flora), which promote beneficial effects for health, such as the improvement of the immune system , absorption and activation of vitamins and minerals , hormonal modulation and others.


Protein is present in higher concentrations in brown rice . Its content can vary from 4.3% to 18.2% (albumin, globulins, prolamines and glutelin). It contains amino acids such as aspartate, glutamate and lysine, the latter is very suitable in cases of herpes, for example.

Here you can see more information about the proteins that our body needs .


Brown rice has mainly palmitic, oleic and linoleic fats . These fats have a very important role in the synthesis of hormones and in various physiological processes, as well as in how they are synthesized by the human body depending on the potency.

These fats are associated with the reduction of bad cholesterol and the increase of HDL (“good” cholesterol), helping to prevent cardiovascular diseases. These benefits are also due to the presence of unsaponifiable matter (y-oryzanol, tocotrienols and sterols).


The concentration of minerals depends directly on the conditions of the soil, silicon, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium are the most common. In general, most of the minerals are present in higher concentrations in brown rice and in lower concentrations in white.

Don’t miss our article on: What are the most important mineral salts for our health?


The B vitamins and vitamin E are found in the highest concentration in brown rice. These are related to the improvement of energy and the antioxidant effect (anti-aging and cancer prevention among other benefits). Rice also has concentrations of vitamins A, C and D.

Do you know which are the Essential Vitamins for your Health ?

Phenolic compounds

The red and black rices are richer in phenolic compounds, which provide numerous health benefits due to its antioxidant, helping to prevent cellular damage and chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, aging, diabetes and cancer.

Phytic acid (phytate)

It is a storage form of phosphorus, although it is associated with a lower absorption of several minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc, recent research has shown that this compound can help in the maintenance of health , due to its antioxidant action.

Short grain brown rice is one of the “keys” to meeting your daily needs for vitamins and minerals , which provide health benefits as well as numerous cosmetic benefits.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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