Organic Foods: Distinguish Them, Eliminate Pesticides, Disadvantages And Why Eat Them

Organic foods are those grown without the use of conventional pesticides and fertilizers, and are processed without ionizing radiation.

It is a clean and healthy product, and it comes from a cultivation system that observes the laws of nature. The entire management of the farm is based on respect for the environment and the preservation of natural resources.

Organic food is tastier . The flavor and aroma are more intense – after all, no pesticides or chemicals that can alter them were used in their production. In addition, they are more nutritious. A rich and balanced soil with natural fertilizers produces food with high nutritional value.

All organic food is much more than a pesticide-free product. It is the result of an agricultural production system that seeks to manage soils and other natural resources (water, plants, animals, insects, etc.) in a balanced way, thinking in the long term and maintaining the harmony of these elements with each other and with beings. humans.

In addition to fruits and vegetables, animal products (such as meat, eggs and milk) can also be produced “organically”. This name is given when animals are raised without the routine use of antibiotics or growth hormones.

How to know if a food is organic?

food is organic

If you intend to start consuming these foods, always look for the quality seal issued by the certifiers recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture. Entities such as the Association of Organic Agriculture (AAO) , are those that check that food production follows the criteria established by organic farming. And to earn the seal, growers must follow several precautions and have their crops inspected every six months. The presence of the gasket thus guarantees the origin and quality of the products.

Product quality assurance, certification and the quality of organic products itself are of great value to human health and bring numerous benefits to society through the conservation of the environment. Small steps can improve our quality of life more and more.

The quality of the organic product must always be assured by a certification seal. This seal is provided by organic agriculture associations or independent certification bodies that verify and monitor organic food production from production to marketing. The certification seal is the consumer’s security of obtaining healthier products free of toxic residues.

Organic pesticides and food

Organic pesticides and food

To better understand why it is good to use organic food, it is important to know more about the problems of pesticides . Pesticides are chemical products (herbicides, pesticides, hormones and chemical fertilizers) used in agriculture and pastures, in order to change their composition and thus preserve them from the harmful action of living organisms or harmful substances.

Used correctly, they do not spoil food. However, if there is not some kind of care in the use – for example, that the product is used for longer than recommended -, they can seriously affect the environment and our health.

In case of excesses , they can cause pesticide poisoning in humans. The most immediate symptoms are headache , stomach pain, weakness, malaise, and drowsiness . Others can appear months or even years later, and include paralysis and cancer.

How to eliminate pesticides in food?

eliminate pesticides in food

The most suitable solution is to wash fruits and vegetables with a tablespoon (soup) of baking soda in a liter of water . Ideally, always leave the mixture to act for half an hour and then wash with running water. Although some experts are against, many people also use chlorine to help eliminate the poison (one tablespoon in one liter of water). Vinegar can also be used to remove impurities.

Some observations about some foods:

  • Strawberries . It is one of the foods most affected by the use of pesticides. Never forget to wash them in a baking soda solution.
  • Bananas , oranges and potatoes. There is no need to wash them because the peel is not consumed. In the case of potatoes, the skin is cleaned by cooking.
  • Papayas Wash the papaya just before opening it. This eliminates the possibility of the knife coming into contact with pesticides on the surface and transferring them to the pulp.
  • Apple. Although it can be eaten without the peel, this is where many of the fibers that make up this healthy fruit are found. It is best to wash it with a baking soda solution.
  • Carrot . It is one of the vegetables that have the least pesticide residues. To ensure your safety, please use a brush and running water to clean the skin.
  • Tomato . Ideally, you should always eat ripe tomatoes, when possible. The more time passes, the more the poisons dissipate. To say goodbye to pesticides, you can also peel them.

As the consumption of organic foods is increasing, the price ends up decreasing. What we think needs to be improved is the organic offer, because there are still few specialized sites.

Advantages and disadvantages of organic food

Advantages and disadvantages of organic food

As much of our health is based on a balanced and healthy diet , the incentive for the population to increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables is increasing. A diet rich in these food groups ensures a good quality of life. But have you ever stopped to think about the amount of pesticides you eat every day ?

Organic food came to change our lives, to make our day to day healthier and away from pesticides . The organic ones are those that use, in all their production processes, environmentally friendly techniques – since without the use of pesticides the soil is free from any chemical attack -, and their objective is the quality of the food. Therefore, they do not use pesticides or any other product that can cause harm to the health of consumers.


The great advantage of organic foods is that they are richer in nutrients , since the land used for cultivation is fertile and natural and there is no interference from chemicals in the process.

They taste better , due to the absence of pesticides. In fruit, for example, the concentration of fructose is higher, making it sweeter.

They have little impact, which favors the environment and extends the life of the land where they are planted.

Today you can find vegetables, fruits, oils , meat, eggs , and even organic beers and wines.

Studies have shown that organics have on average 63% more calcium , 73% more iron , 118% more magnesium , 178% more molybdenum, 91% more phosphorus, 125% more potassium and 60% more zinc .

As for organic animals – meat and dairy products -, the main advantage is that they do not contain chemical residues thanks to organic food. In cultivation, synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers and genetically modified seeds are prohibited.

An important factor is that they do not use wax to polish the fruits , which is still toxic.

For all this, the daily menu can and should be totally organic. Among the many benefits of organic food is the body cleansing process it provides. This detoxification leads to an improvement in liver and gastrointestinal problems, commonly generated by artificial substances and chemicals in normal foods.


There are two “downsides” which are price and appearance .

Although they are even more expensive than conventional foods, the trend is for the price of organic to fall, as production and consumption are increasing.

And the appearance of these foods is not as good as conventional foods because they are grown naturally. In general, foods tend to be smaller, with less bright colors. Some may have spots due to insect attacks.

10 reasons to eat organic food

You don’t need to think too much. Read below and discover the benefits of consuming organic products!

  1. They avoid health problems caused by ingesting toxic chemicals. Research and studies have shown that pesticides are harmful to our bodies, and residues left in food can cause allergic and respiratory reactions, hormonal disorders, neurological problems, and even cancer.
  2. Organic food is more nutritious. A rich and balanced soil with natural fertilizers produces food with high nutritional value.
  3. Organic food is tastier . The flavor and aroma are more intense – no pesticides or chemicals are used in its production that can alter them.
  4. They protect future generations from chemical contamination . The intensive use of chemicals in food production affects air, soil, water, animals and people. Organic agriculture excludes the use of fertilizers, pesticides or chemicals; and based on its work in preserving natural resources.
  5. They prevent soil erosion. Through organic techniques, such as crop rotation, intercropping, compost, etc., the soil remains fertile and productive year after year.
  6. They protect the quality of the water . Pesticides used in plantations are absorbed through the soil, reach water sources and pollute rivers and lakes.
  7. They restore biodiversity , protecting animal and plant life. Organic agriculture respects the balance of nature , creating healthy ecosystems. Wildlife and natural areas, essential parts of agricultural property, are conserved.
  8. They help small farmers. Most of the organic production comes from small family units that have their only livelihood on the land. By keeping the soil fertile for many years, organic farming ties man to the ground and revitalizes rural communities.
  9. They save energy. Organic agriculture is free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, intensively using mulching, incorporating organic matter into the soil and manual handling of crops. It is the opposite of conventional agriculture, which relies on pesticides and fertilizers that require gasoline-based mechanization.
  10. The organic product is certified. The quality of the organic product is provided by a Certification seal. This seal is provided by organic agriculture associations or independent certification bodies that verify and supervise from production to marketing. The certification seal is the consumer’s guarantee of obtaining healthier products free of toxic residues.
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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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