Today we will know what celiac disease is about , and it is that, although exactly what causes it and its causes are imprecise or unknown, however, there are certain elements that could be the cause. They will also know everything that suffering from it implies and what consequences it brings.
The elements that we mentioned above show that it can be the product of genetics, the immune system that the person has and even talk about environmental agents. It is uncertain but what must be borne in mind is that gluten is a risk factor for celiacs since they are intolerant to it.
It turns out that gluten can cause irreparable damage in a celiac patient, such as the deterioration of the small intestine, gluten is made up of gliadins, glutenins, albumin and globulin. Precisely the protein components responsible for causing damage in a celiac.
The small intestine has some villi or hair around it, covering it, the function is that you can absorb all the vitamins and nutrients from what you eat. How does the disease work? Precisely destroying these villi, preventing your body from obtaining the nutrients that come from the food you eat and that are important for your health.
In this way, the villi stop fulfilling their function and those who suffer from this disease can consume all kinds of food and still be malnourished. This disease is not limited to a sun or gender or to a certain age, both men and women can suffer from it as well as adults and children.
What do we call celiac disease?
We already mentioned that the celiacs are intolerant to gluten and the effect that this case also there is no age limit, Now What foods contain gluten? These proteins are found in wheat, oats, rye, barley and any food that is derived from them. It is important to note that gluten intolerance is permanent and that, although there are treatments, this condition has no cure.
Celiac disease, disease or condition?
However, many do not take it as a disease but rather as a condition, it is a way of life in which a diet must be followed, which if properly followed can achieve that the celiac can recover the nutritional levels that He has lost and feeling much better, fitting in perfectly in society without being excluded by this disease.
And which diet is correct? Well, one that includes milk, meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, legumes and be very careful with pre-manufactured products that may contain gluten to avoid scares, you can consult the foods and medicines suitable for them.
Many think that eating gluten in small doses does not cause any effect, but if it is done continuously, this can cause irreparable damage to your intestine, even asymptomatic; Only you are the one who can take care of your health, no one else will worry that you are well, so avoid the “pinches of forbidden food”.
Characteristics of celiac disease
The most common symptoms that indicate that you are celiac are gastrointestinal problems, chronic diarrhea, as well as other extra intestinal symptoms, anemia, low weight, infertility, neurological problems, osteoporosis, all this because the nutrients in what you eat do not take effect , don’t you assimilate it.
Causes of celiac disease
As previously stated, there is no exact or known cause of what causes this disease or condition, only the possible factors that influence it are known, such as genetic, environmental or immunological factors , in addition to gluten being the main one enemy for celiacs, as it causes damage to the small intestine and nutrients are not absorbed properly.
It was also said that this condition does not have regard to age or sex, but there are some statistics that show that it is women who suffer the most and it has also been determined that people with Down syndrome have a much higher risk than that of others.
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How can celiac disease be detected?
One of the advances of modern medicine when it comes to detecting celiac disease is the endoscopic capsule technique, since it is in charge of reviewing the small intestine through an exhaustive analysis, which is affected by being celiac, but others options are also colonoscopy and gastroscopy, which are the usual and the most common.
And it is that gastroscopy explores the esophagus, duodenum and also the stomach while colonoscopy studies the colon . But why is the capsule endoscopic more effective? It is a deeper analysis which tries to ingest a not very large wireless capsule, suitable to travel the esophagus and intestine, it captures two images per second in a time of two hours until it is expelled.
By way of synthesis, Dr. Fernández-Urién explains the characteristics that make the endoscopic capsule a special method:
Thanks to this technique, it is possible to diagnose that celiac disease exists because it thoroughly captures the small intestine in its lower sections, it is much more tolerable for patients and they respond with a better attitude than with the other tests already mentioned.
When talking about adult patients, through this capsule any tumor such as intestinal lymphoma can be ruled out; Another advantage of this technique is that it can be determined if a person suffers from celiac disease that has not yet manifested itself through symptoms, the so-called asymptomatic celiac disease .
And it is very important precisely those patients with asymptomatic celiac disease who have been with this disease for years, but without knowing it, when performing the study in the duodenum it must be verified that there is no possibility of cancer. This truly non-invasive procedure is the most common today.
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Histology of celiac disease
Apart from carrying out a study that shows a celiac profile, a biopsy in the small intestine is also necessary. There is no exact number of biopsies to be performed, but there are specialists who indicate that at least 2 or 4 samples are necessary in the small intestine, and it is precisely through the biopsy that the existing or non-existent villi can be visualized in. the duodenum.
Once the damage or atrophy in the villi has been determined, even if there is no definitive diagnosis, one should start with a gluten-free diet taking care of a definitive diagnosis since not only suffering from celiac disease can these villi be damaged.
Diagnosis of celiac disease
We have already mentioned the tests that are performed to detect this condition, however what determines that it is suffered is generated through antibodies with TTG which is tissue transglutaminase, EMA which is endomysium, also dietary antibodies such as AGA2 and finally the intestinal biopsy. Only through these will it be determined that he is celiac.
Celiac disease degrees
There are no degrees in celiac disease, it simply is or not, but there is no serious level, or chronic it is simply suffered , however, a degree can be determined in terms of the damage or injury that it has caused in your intestine, depending on how much If the villi we have talked about are injured, the degree of that specific damage will be determined, but not a minimum or high level of degrees in celiac disease.
It is these villi that produce a degree of damage, depending on the lesions they have, they can be classified as grade 1: infiltrative is the most common in adults, grade 2: infiltrative-hyperplastic and grade 3: flat destructive . Let’s learn more about them and how much they affect our intestines.
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Marsh classification
- Injury grade 1: At this level, the villi are not so altered, however, they produce a higher number of 25% of intraepithelial lymphocytes, which perform the function of executing an immune response and are also mediators in oral tolerance to food antigens if these they do not work well there is a depletion in the immune system.
- Injury grade 2: The villi in this grade are normal, however they contain depressions greater than normal between the intestinal villi, these depressions, also called crypts, are located at the base of these villi and the aforementioned intraepithelial lymphocytes are found in a greater number.
- Degree of injury 3 : in this case the structure of the villi is affected by the increase in IELS and the crypts completely atrophy this structure, this degree in turn is subdivided into partial, subtotal and total.
Celiac disease and affected organs
Gluten is definitely the number 1 enemy of celiac disease, because it acts destructively and produces a reaction that obstructs the villi in the small intestine. If we have already explained the damage to the villi, but what does the person feel or suffer when they are damaged? Well, precisely the damage that occurs causes the body not to absorb the necessary nutrients from the food you eat, whether they are vitamins, minerals and everything you need to be healthy.
Malnutrition, that’s right, that is the risk, also anemia and even osteoporosis, in addition and if it were not alarming, celiacs are more likely to get sick with thyroid, lupus, diabetes and even the dreaded cancer. So neglect of this disease can have serious consequences, hence the importance of a diet that excludes everything that has to do with gluten.
Get more information about Gluten: Contraindications, Benefits, Daily Dose and Uses
What is asymptomatic celiac disease?
It turns out that there are celiacs who do not have symptoms, and that is a great disadvantage because they do not know that they have the disease and do not take care of themselves properly, however, through studies they can discover that they suffer from it and if they have relatives of people with celiac disease, they must be attentive.
Not because it is a silent disease, it should be neglected once it is known, it must be treated in the same way as when there are symptoms, that is, abstain from gluten, it is something immediate, you must change the way you eat and start the diet, without waiting.
How does celiac disease affect children?
This is a disease that affects the little ones as well and as parents we must know everything about this disease to know how it will affect our child, to be able to take care of it properly.
From embryology to treatment
Celiac disease as we said before can occur in adults and children, and it is that from 6 or 9 months of age it can manifest itself in these months in which babies begin to consume foods with wheat or gluten and since then it will be possible to recognize if it is a celiac.
Just as there is no apparent or specific cause of celiac disease , it is also ignored because precisely at such an early age children suffer from it, if there is a first symptom it is necessary to do the test and even more if there is a family member who suffers from it, especially if they are very close relatives in terms of blood ties, dad, mom, children.
Symptoms can vary in the way children present, that is, they may present symptoms immediately or within minutes of consuming gluten or a few hours. They can also appear in the following days and even weeks.
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Among the symptoms that they suffer and that are alarms to detect that they are celiac, are excessive gas, abdominal pain and also constipation. Other children can affect growth, lose weight, and can also vomit, the positive part is that in children and young people the gluten-free diet is very well suited as a treatment.
And it is that they respond very well after a few weeks gluten-free, they begin to improve their health and nutrition remarkably, and also their bones are also healthy, remember that celiac is at risk of suffering from osteoporosis.
Symptoms of celiac disease in adults
Among adults, the symptoms that are generally suffered are chronic diarrhea, malnutrition, arthritis, osteoporosis, weight loss, depression, hair loss, digestive cancer, epilepsy, irritable bowel, asthenia, early menopause, infertility, spontaneous abortions, among others. And it is that this disease, although it can be treated in a simple way following the diet, also has worrying consequences such as those mentioned above.
Symptoms of celiac disease in children
Children have diarrhea, weight loss, vomiting, low muscle mass, little hair, dry skin, decalcified bones, irritability, loss of tooth enamel, dyslexia, autism, hyperactivity, loss of appetite, short stature, in short, as the main symptoms. This disease can cause serious damage in children, especially for their development.
Celiac disease and its pathophysiology
There are several factors that can identify the pathophysiology of celiac disease, genetic, environmental and immunological factors; We have already mentioned it before, but how does this happen?
Genetic factors
It is generally associated that the problem lies between the genes of the HLA class II molecules, and what happens is that there is a predisposition that is expressed in the haplotypes of the histocompatibility antigen, these occur in 95% of people with celiac disease.
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We know that we have several chromosomes, but those that are involved in this genetic risk factor are the 15q 26 5 q and 6, also the allele 10 of the gene, all this means that there is more susceptibility to CD. And what happens with this gene is that it encodes the micb molecules that are manifested in enterocytes of the small intestine.
Environmental factors
We know that gluten is what causes the damage or reaction in celiacs, and this is found in wheat, barley, oats, which has been qualified as a causative agent of celiac disease, since there are probabilities of it becomes contaminated with wheat proteins. There is a high percentage of probability in this theory, due to agents such as proline, glutamine residues, these generate resistance in the digestion of proteolytic enzymes.
Immunological factors
The immunological factors are due to the response that our immune system has to the gliadin fractions, since these promote an inflammatory reaction that occurs mainly in the upper small intestine, this is characterized by the infiltration of the lamina propria and the epithelium with villus atrophy and chronic inflammatory cells. In short, the immune system tends to attack the good as well as the bad, generating such a response.
Risks of celiac disease during pregnancy
As we mentioned before, celiac disease can lead to spontaneous abortions, and also that the fetus develops with little weight, but in the case of women with silent celiac disease, a risk is generated because they will not abstain from gluten and that is where it means a danger for pregnant women.
Apart from the fact that if the celiac woman does not comply with the diet, there will be poor absorption of nutrients, and if there is not a good diet, and the amount of necessary nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, it is likely that the pregnancy is at risk or the fetus is endangered by the absence of these important nutrients for its optimal development.
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There is even talk of malformations in the neural tube , and problems in the baby’s bone development. In addition, if a celiac consumes gluten during pregnancy, the risk is greater. And as we already said, one of the factors of suffering from celiac disease is precisely the immune and genetic one, so the baby can be born with this disease because he is a direct relative.
The way to prevent any threat of abortion is to completely eliminate gluten, even up to 6 months before pregnancy, thus eliminating abnormal antibodies that may exist in the bloodstream.
Adolescents can suffer from it, how does it affect them?
Yes, the answer is given from the beginning, as we said from babies to adults can suffer from celiac disease, and young adolescents are no exception, but as it was also said, adolescents respond better to the treatment of 0 gluten.
It is not easy, especially because of how difficult this stage is, and reducing gluten or rather eliminating it completely is not so manageable for them, it affects them on a psychological, physical and social level, that they can adapt to the changes that must do to maintain their health must be treated with care.
In addition to the fact that they can fall into depression, they suffer constant changes in mood, irritability and they can feel inadequate or misunderstood, in addition to the health problems that it can generate, the damage that celiac disease causes on a psychological level is worrying.
If adolescents follow the gluten diet as the statistics show that 60% comply with it, their life or their adaptation process will be much more manageable and easy for them.
Due to all the complications and risks that celiac disease generates in adolescence, they must be constantly checked and the antibodies to this disease must be controlled to confirm that the gluten-free diet is being carried out in the correct way.
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Celiac disease and the thyroid
We speak lines behind the thyroid as a risk in the face of celiac disease , and it is that apparently it is the most common celiac disease has become, there is no accurate explanation for this, but what is being said is that it can occur due to autoimmune which is celiac disease as a disease, as well as the thyroid.
Thyroid disease is diagnosed even earlier than celiac disease; and that doctors may perform more tests and examinations for thyroid than for celiac disease, as it is quite common in the population.
The thyroid hormone is markedly reduced in celiac patients , so it is necessary to comply with a gluten-free diet, if this ingredient is not consumed, the small intestine healthy, and the medications used for the thyroid are absorbed much better and with better results .
Celiac disease and diabetes
Another risk factor when suffering from celiac disease is diabetes, it is one since being an autoimmune disease, it affects a minimum percentage of the population with only 1% but in people who suffer from type q diabetes this prevalence is about 10%, this is given by the genes that are compatible and susceptible.
Hormonal and environmental factors also affect this by relating these diseases, for example, in the diet of diabetic children, too much slow-absorption carbohydrates must be included, and these contain cereals that in turn contain gluten, thus favoring the appearance of celiac disease.
However, type 1 diabetes is more likely to appear and be detected earlier than celiac disease, but once it is detected it can create a greater problem if combined with the former. This bad combination is usually detected especially in the elderly.
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There are diabetic people who consume gluten without major problem, but later they are prone to suffer from celiac disease , this is called latent celiac disease, which is nothing more than the combination of both diseases.
Anemia and celiac disease
Precisely due to malnutrition problems, due to the fact that nutrients are not properly absorbed, celiacs realize that their iron levels in the blood are extremely low, of course if they are already aware of the fact that the celiac disease, but if on the contrary it is anemia that manifests itself first, doctors do studies to find out what happens after it and why the necessary nutrients are not being absorbed, anemia being an alarm signal that celiac disease may exist.
The first symptom that Anemia generates is precisely very low hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to the tissues, this is located within the red blood cells, an anemic cannot transport oxygen correctly in his body.
The most prone to anemia are women , since, during their menstrual period, they lose a lot of blood, this being a negative factor when diagnosing celiac disease, because doctors intuit that due to having menstruation it is normal for it to occur. anemia and they don’t go to the root of the real problem.
Celiac disease, allergy or intolerance
Celiac disease as a disease (CD), is also gluten sensitivity for people who do not suffer from this disease, on the other hand, wheat allergy and general food sensitivity, all are part of a medical condition.
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There are different gastrointestinal symptoms of celiac disease and also non-celiac gluten sensitivity, manifested through cramps, diarrhea and even constipation. Other symptoms occur in various parts of the body such as bone or joint pain, fatigue, headache, among others. Wheat allergies can include itching, hives, or anaphylaxis; a reaction that can even lead to death.
It is recommended in the treatment of celiac disease to eliminate 100% of gluten from your intake. If we talk about the treatment for a person suffering from a wheat allergy, they should eliminate everything that has to do with wheat from their diet. People who suffer from CD, NCGS or wheat allergy should avoid food or foods that are not good for them, either gluten or wheat, in this way they will significantly improve their health.
Celiac disease and infertility
As we said, infertility is a risk that runs when we suffer from celiac disease, and the rate of infertility becomes higher, or at least that is what various studies indicate. The couple may even gestate, but they do not carry their pregnancy to term resulting in miscarriages.
Hypothyroidism and celiac disease
The thyroid was mentioned as a risk factor, but if we talk about the autoimmune thyroid, it is indicated as the most common cause of hypothyroidism, especially in adults. Destroying the thyroid tissue that generates antibodies in our immune system, celiac disease is particular because it attacks the intestine.
Hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disorder as we mentioned, and the most similar or most related disease is celiac disease, such a relationship is given according to experts in the field that both tests go hand in hand, ruling out one of the other.
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This disorder generates in our immune system a series of antibodies attacking the thyroid gland and causing its function to be significantly altered. In what way is it altered? Among the symptoms that can be generated as a result of it, are headaches, exhaustion and fatigue, hair loss, very dry skin.
Our metabolism slows down and calories are burned slowly, which generates weight gain, and the relationship between celiac disease and hypothyroidism is given by a protein that contains gluten called gliadin, this has a structure very similar to that of the protein of thyroid
Our immune system many times does not differentiate one from the other when a thyroid attack occurs, but by eating a gluten-free diet you can reduce the symptoms generated by hypothyroidism, in fact, there are people who have been able to reduce their dose of medications or you just don’t get to use them permanently.
Celiac disease and hyperthyroidism
We talk about Hypothyroidism now we explain that hyperthyroidism is damage to the thyroid gland, producing more thyroxine hormones, it occurs little in the general population and is more common in women, especially in the ages between 20 and 40, all due to a iodine deficiency.
This disease, on the contrary of hypothyroidism, accelerates the metabolism, and instead of gaining weight, there is a significant loss of it. In addition to this, they can also suffer from cardiac arrhythmia, rapid and variable heartbeats, sweating, irritability and nerves.
There are antithyroid drugs and there is radioactive iodine that decreases the production of thyroid hormones and basically that is the treatment for hyperthyroidism, however there are more options.
Biodecoding and celiac disease
According to Christian Fleche, biodecoding is the art of decoding the language of cells, effectively solving the emotional causes of the disease. This therapy has its bases or foundations that support said theory which indicate that:
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All diseases are rooted in an emotional conflict that generates it. There is also talk of tracking the emotion or the conflict that the disease has generated; It is mentioned that emotions are generally associated with a physical sensation and this is located in an area of the body.
Bishock is spoken of as the energy that causes this sensation and waits to be released to heal. There are different causes and interpretations of the disease according to this theory, which is classified as an option for self-knowledge, self-disclosure and self-discovery.
According to this theory, Celiac disease is undoubtedly related to bread. Bread, according to Western culture, symbolizes union, physical food, family and emotional. It in turn symbolizes religion, love, faith. The father brings his daily bread, which God himself guarantees.
At a much more spiritual level, bread is the symbol of food for the spirit and the soul, in the case of a celiac explaining it according to these beliefs, said person may have problems to differentiate which is the best way, or the best decision, as he says the phrases “Separate the chaff from the wheat.
The celiac in this case finds it difficult to connect with himself, with his own essence. It would be advisable to clean your channel of connection with the divine source, with God, with the Universe.
Is celiac disease hereditary?
At the beginning it was explained that there is a probability that celiac disease has a factor that causes it, the genetic factor, and that direct relatives such as children were more likely, this genetic predisposition shows that it is inherited from parents to children between a 5% and 10%, other non-first degree relatives may suffer from this disease.
Celiac disease and urticaria
Hives are nothing more than bumps on the skin that cause itching and occur thanks to an allergic reaction, during this allergy, the body releases a substance called histamine, which causes the skin to swell, dilating the small blood vessels of your skin.
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urticaria usually disappear on its own, however medical treatment is sometimes required, especially if it lasts for a day, if it becomes frequent over a month or more or anaphylaxis accompanies it, which is an allergic response that even it can be deadly. Food allergies, including gluten intolerance, are probably the main causes of hives.
Refractory celiac disease
When you are a patient with celiac disease, it is common to hear refractory celiac disease mentioned, but not everyone knows this term, it is good to know what it refers to, as
What is it?
The persistence of malabsorption and atrophy in the intestinal villi even despite a correct gluten-free diet is called refractory celiac disease. It comprises a group of patients, generally adults, with minimal frequency. This frequency is below 5% of all patients with celiac disease.
Refractory celiac disease is the most serious form of this disease, occurring in approximately 2% of celiacs. This case is about people diagnosed with celiac disease who do not improve even with a strict gluten-free diet, developing other serious diseases. These cases can be recognized by doctors, by checking that, after a strict gluten diet for 1 year, the most basic symptoms of celiac disease do not dissipate.
What are your symptoms?
The most common symptoms is that if after one year the refractory celiac disease persists even with the gluten-free diet, intestinal damage and an abnormal population of white blood cells in the intestine occur.
Is celiac disease an autoimmune disease?
To begin with, it is important to know that autoimmune diseases try to make our immune system, which is responsible for protecting us from harmful agents, react negatively or abnormally to some cells in our body, so when this happens it damages our body instead to protect it.
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And In celiacs, the immune system reacts to gluten by damaging the small intestine, transforming it into major symptoms. That is why it is important that a celiac for nothing in the world stops complying with his diet.
Does celiac disease have a cure?
There has not really been a definitive treatment, so far celiac sufferers only have to maintain a diet free of foods such as wheat, barley, oats and rye ; in this way they will not present any bothersome symptoms of the disease.
Eliminating these foods not only comes down to avoiding flours and cereals, but you should also pay attention to processed foods that may have been in contact with foods that you have forbidden, and avoid them at all costs as well.
There is a pill that if you take it previously, it will mitigate the negative effects that gluten has on a person with celiac disease. Although it is not a cure as such, because the disease is not going to go away, it will still be there; it is simply an effective way to prevent danger when you are aware that you are not going to respect the diet.
Celiac disease, is it a disability?
The celiac disease is not just a food intolerance to gluten, this goes beyond, it is systemic but most importantly it is autoimmune chronic and can affect the body in many ways, not only to the small intestine, this is an alteration of the immune system since it is wrong to attack something good as if it were something bad for the body when its function is the opposite.
However, the question in question is: is celiac disease a disability? In reality, those who are only celiac cannot request a disability, because celiac disease today is not considered by itself a disability for the person who suffers from it.
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However, when celiac disease is accompanied by other autoimmune diseases associated with it, disability can be requested because it is considered that way, the body itself attacks itself and one will be constantly ill with one thing or another that ends up disabling the person .
Diet and prohibited foods for celiac disease patients
We have been talking about what a celiac person should not or cannot eat, that is, what they are totally prohibited from, and throughout the article it has been mentioned, but not listed, for this reason I leave you a list of these prohibited foods for women. celiac people below:
Gluten-containing foods (prohibited for celiacs)
Avoid foods that contain gluten altogether, such as:
- Soup pastes.
- Bread, wheat flour, barley, oats, and rye.
- Buns, cupcakes, cookies, muffins, in general you should avoid pastry.
- The wheat semolina suppress it.
- Italian pasta such as macaroni, noodles, and pizzas.
- Malted milk and any malted food.
- Manufactured products, you must review them and see if any of the flours are included in their composition, the manufacturer must specify on their label that they are “gluten-free” products.
- Chocolate, unless it is special for celiacs.
- Malt, barley water and also beer cannot be ingested, not in drinks or infusions.
Foods that may contain gluten (check)
You have to check that the foods that I will mention below are suitable for your celiac disease condition :
- Check the components of: mortadelas, ham, sausages, and ham or meat pies.
- Cheese that is not branded should be avoided at all costs or investigated in some way that does not contain gluten, the same for processed cheese and sheet cheese.
- Pate.
- Canned food, that is canned bean stew, cans of mussels, cockles and the like.
- Look at the sweets and candies that they give you to taste or that would cause you to eat.
- The marzipan and the nougat are also excellent.
- Instant tea and coffee is better to take precautions.
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Consequences of celiac disease
When the person suffering from celiac disease does not follow the gluten- free diet , it can present some serious consequences, which perhaps due to ignorance of these, does not follow their diet as it should be. Let’s see what consequences we talk about:
Poor absorption of nutrients
By not complying with the diet of gluten-free food , the intestinal cells will suffer damage, and this as a consequence leads to an adverse reaction that ends up becoming a malabsorption of nutrients , although it does not look serious, the consequence itself is the nutritional deficiency such as anemia.
Associated autoimmune diseases
When gluten is inconsiderately ingested, whether patients are symptomatic or asymptomatic, health is seriously damaged, by ingesting gluten continuously it will lead to associated autoimmune diseases such as: diabetes, liver diseases, and thyroid disorders.
It is worth mentioning that a celiac person is ten times more likely to suffer from these autoimmune diseases than the rest of the population, so they should take care of themselves ten times more to avoid them.
More fragile bones
The negative effects of eating wheat protein and other cereals are intestinal and bone injuries, because they can suffer from: osteoporosis, precisely because of what was commented before, due to poor absorption of nutrients , so the bones become brittle due to lack of calcium.
Skin complications
One of the complications of celiac disease is dermatitis herpetiformis, which appears in one in four people with celiac disease. The same happens with vitiligo, another of the diseases that affects the pigmentation of the skin, becoming lighter than normal, seen in many patients with this pathology.
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Infertility problems
We have mentioned that celiac disease is more frequent in women than in men, although for many the statistics is very rare since they are women who tend to take care of their diet much more, however, a recent study carried out by the University of Seville and Biomedal found that women of childbearing age are more at risk than men, and their fertility can be affected, and even when they conceive, spontaneous abortions can occur.
Malignant tumors in the digestive system
The risks of suffering from intestinal and extraintestinal cancer are considerably increased in people with celiac disease. If they consume gluten, even though it is the only thing that is prohibited, they can suffer from lymphomas.
Other health problems
Celiac disease is not games things, that is, it cannot be taken lightly and indulged in a “craving”, this pathology brings as many consequences, as all the aforementioned and milder symptoms such as: tiredness, fatigue, depression, irritability, and chronic constipation.
Celiac disease and associated diseases
One of the diseases that accompany celiac disease is aphthous stomatitis, also called “sores”, it is a common pathology that most celiacs have had, it can disappear in a few days, but it can also reappear.
The dermatitis herpetiformis manifests as blisters, they generate itching, usually they appear on the elbows, and knees; It is a disease that not all celiacs suffer from, but those who suffer from it will present hypersensitivity to gluten.
On the other hand, autoimmune thyroid disease , hypothyroidism, known as the one that makes you fat, and hyperthyroidism as the one that loses weight, is common in celiac patients since the immune system confuses gluten with the thyroid, because they are similar and ends up attacking it.
The thyroid that is being attacked stops developing its function correctly, it is damaged and in almost all cases the thyroid gradually recovers its normal function and even more so when the diet is carried out correctly, it rarely needs medication.
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Microscopic colitis is also an associated disease, its symptoms are initially identical, but with a good diagnosis it is possible to differentiate, for example, a person with celiac disease, when diarrhea does not stop despite having a strict gluten-free diet of sure you have to do a check to the colon.
And finally , Sjögren’s Syndrome, it is the one that dries the mouth, also the eyes, the teeth wear out and you are even hoarse, and with swallowing problems, it is a disease that produces exhaustion and is one of those that are considered a disease associated with celiac disease.
Recommended treatments for celiac disease
We have mentioned that there is no proper treatment that cures celiac disease, there is a medicine that prevents the manifestation of symptoms when you know that you are going to eat some food with gluten, but it is not to cure this disease, the only effective thing that does to disappear the symptoms, but not the sensitivity to gluten is to eliminate it completely from your diet (to gluten).
Be careful with industrialized products because most of them can have gluten, consult a list of foods and medications suitable for celiacs, and try to keep your diet gluten-free at all costs.
You can include meats, milk and fruits in your diet, because having celiac disease does not mean that you cannot eat almost anything, you can eat eggs, fish and vegetables as well, as well as legumes, vegetables and some gluten-free cereals respectively.
General recommendations for celiac disease
To summarize a little about everything said in this article, let’s look at the general recommendations:
- Eat foods that are gluten-free in their natural state.
- If there is celiac disease in your house, eliminate the flours and wheat breadcrumbs, it is best to use gluten-free flours and breadcrumbs.
- You can eat mashed potatoes, and recipes with greens, vegetables, meats, fish and eggs.
- Remember to carefully review all industrially made products before consuming them.
- Avoid using oil to fry your gluten-free foods that has previously been used to fry gluten-free foods. It is best to use new oil.
- The same recommendation above is for when you are going to cook your gluten-free food in water, make sure it is not in water previously used to cook gluten-free food.
Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.