Garlic And Onion – Perfect Combination For Your Health!

The investigations have shown that garlic and onions provide numerous health benefits , its main advantages is to reduce the formation of gallstones. A study with rodents confirms that the combination of garlic and onion increases the production of two enzymes responsible for lowering cholesterol levels and almost 80% of gallstones are formed by this type of fat. To reach this conclusion, the scientists compared two groups of guinea pigs, among the animals fed a greater amount of garlic and onion, a 30% reduction incidence in gallstones was observed.

And the benefits do not stop there, since a diet rich in garlic and onion is also an indispensable weapon in the fight against prostate cancer .

Benefits of garlic and onion according to scientific studies

Garlic and onion contain many nutrients

Onion and garlic are a great source of selenium , a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of tumors . They are also rich in vitamin C , another antioxidant that fights infections and increases our body’s defenses. In addition, they have good doses of B vitamins, important to combat stress and discouragement.

They help prevent cancer

The benefit is given through a substance called allicin , a sulfurous compound present in these foods, but only formed when they are crushed . This substance prevents the activation of nitrosamines, carcinogenic chemicals found mainly in processed meat, such as hot dogs.

They fight colds and colds

With them, the airways are kept open and without congestion. Garlic and onions are rich in anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiparasitic, antibacterial and antifungal substances , such as allicin, therefore, they are a great remedy to avoid colds, flu and infections in general. They also help thin the mucus in the lungs , being effective against persistent coughs and bronchitis.

It can be consumed with antibiotics and in addition, both contain vitamins A , C and E, nutrients that improve the immune system of our body.

Control diabetes

If you suffer from diabetes and high blood sugar levels, you can use this pair to control them. Onion contains a substance called glucokinin (as if it were insulin from plants) , which, if consumed, helps control diabetes.

For a better absorption of glucokinin, you must consume the crushed onion , in its natural juices, since this substance is released in this way. Onion can be added to other vegetable juice recipes , for example with orange, arugula and carrots, a rich blend of vitamins and nutrients.

Antioxidant power

It is not surprising that onion protects the body from diseases and premature aging since it is very rich in bioflavonoids and quercetins, which are antioxidant substances capable of eliminating free radicals from cells. These same components are found in the apple, but the power of absorption of quercetin by our body is 30% greater when ingesting onion.

Summary of the Benefits of garlic and onion

  • They help fight bacterial, viral and fungal infections
  • Increase longevity
  • Reduce the risk of heart attack
  • They help with the proper functioning of the immune system
  • Reduce blood glucose
  • Lower LDL (bad) cholesterol
  • Increase HDL (good) cholesterol
  • Fight bacteria and viruses
  • They prevent arteriosclerosis
  • They help in the prevention of cancer
  • They improve the quality of life

For the benefits to be visible, you should consume garlic and onion daily .

Garlic Properties

Continued consumption prevents cancer and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart. It also helps people with HIV, since they often have changes in cholesterol and triglycerides, food plays a key role in the daily diet.

Garlic is antiviral, antioxidant (prevents aging from exposure to sunlight and fights free radicals) and has antibiotic activity , especially against Helicobacter Pylori bacteria, which can cause gastritis and ulcers. In addition, it has argin , an amino acid whose main function is to stimulate the immune system.

How to consume garlic?

A garlic clove minced or crushed a day can be used to prepare other foods , but do not let it burn, because then it loses its properties. Also place a clove of garlic in the pot of white rice when it is cooking to give it a special flavor.

Another tip is to put a clove of garlic in the oil that you use every day in salads or for toast, they are incredible. Or you can crush a clove of garlic in a 200 ml glass of water, leave it for an hour and then drink the water, so you can get the benefits quickly and easily. It is a very healthy remedy!

Onion Properties

The onion is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, prevents the increase of cholesterol , reduces triglyceride levels and stimulates the immune system . Packed with various anticancer agents, it is specifically associated with inhibiting stomach cancer . It “refines” the blood, reduces bad cholesterol, increases good cholesterol, in addition to fighting asthma and chronic bronchitis .

How to consume onion?

When heated, the onion does not lose its properties – you just have to be careful not to burn it or overcook it.

Add it as a mandatory spice in your meals. Roast it in the oven or on the barbecue, it is a delight! As onion is rich in sulfur , people who tend to have gas should consume it in moderation.

Scientific studies on garlic and onion

The studies are in English, but they are quite enlightening, our information is based on them, enjoy them.

  1. The potential therapeutic effect of garlic
  2. Garlic and onion: Their preventive properties against cancer
  4. The effect of garlic on cardiovascular disorders
  5. The antidabetic effects of onion and garlic in experimental diabetic mice.
  6. Garlic and onion reduce the incidence of atherogenic diet-induced cholesterol gallstones in experimental mice
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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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