Peanuts: Pregnancy Problems, Benefits, Types And Easy Recipes

A rich alternative, so you can enjoy countless benefits, is the largest dried fruit known as peanut or peanut, very popular as an aperitif and to calm hunger if you are not at home, because you can get it raw, it is its shell, or toasted, plain and salty, and also caramelised in any store or trade.

If you want more information about the best Types of Nuts for our Health , don’t miss this article.

They are also used in confectionery products, where they make peanut butter and use it for these uses, and it is also obtained from this fruit flour, which when mixed with wheat flour makes delicious breads, cookies, and cakes, and not Accordingly, products such as water-based paints are also made, thanks to the oil obtained from it.

Its size is three to four centimeters long, it is covered by a shell easy to break to remove the seed , which is protected by a thin layer of reddish color that comes off very easily, inside it is yellowish, they are rounded, with a flavor between mild and bitter, which changes if it is fried or toasted. It is very nutritious and rich in protein, not to mention that for every 100 grams of natural peanut you will get almost 600 calories.

There are several types of peanuts that exist in the world and it all depends on the amount of seeds they contain, they are for human consumption and also intended to feed animals such as the elephant, they really love this fruit. For the month of September is when the best harvest is made because they reach the best quality as dried fruit, however they are marketed all year round.

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Origin of the Peanut

There are different theories of the origin of this dried fruit, however, it has finally been accepted that its origin is from Brazil, a tropical part of South America, it is said that it probably arrived in Guinea in the 16th century, thanks to slave traders, and Portuguese sailors.

Then the cultivation was introduced in Spain by means of the Archbishop of Valencia, Fabián de Tuero in the time of Carlos III, and these Spaniards once they cultivated the peanut they took it to Indonesia, and it began to be cultivated in China and India, where today by today it is the Asian countries that produce about two-thirds of the world’s harvest.

What other names do they receive?

It is known as groundnut, groundnut, ground cocoa, ground alfóncigo and by its scientific name: Arachis Hypogaea Leguminosae

Most important varieties

Among the most important varieties are the Runner, Virginia, Spanish, Valencia, Malagasy, and Kersting, each variety with a different flavor and size, intended for human consumption, while the Red Tennessee, is intended for animal feed ; Here is a bit more about these types of peanuts:


This variety of peanut is cultivated in the United States, since its introduction in 1970, most of the runners are used to make peanut butter , widely consumed in that country.


This fruit usually has two seeds. Used mainly for the production of oil and forage. Because of its large seeds, they are the favorites of people to eat it raw.


The main characteristic of this variety is that it is difficult to peel and it is not as popular as the others, since it is used mainly for cooking and roasting, and its seeds are small. Its advantage over the others is that when it is used to extract oil, it has a higher content than the others.


This has two or three seeds in each fruit, they have a sweet flavor, they are sold with the shell and the consumer decides whether to eat it natural or toasted ; it is mainly cultivated in New Mexico.


Also called ground pea, from this variety others are obtained depending on the size of the bush, and its seeds can be round, oval, hard or wrinkled; a fruit can have more than one seed. It occurs mostly in tropical Africa, and is currently found in Asia and Australia.


This variety, like Valencia, has one to three seeds in each fruit, usually two, it can be found in the savannas of West Africa, although there is a restricted growing area.

Tennessee Red

Like Virginia, from which the oil is extracted to make forage for animals, this variety is used for them, but with the difference, that it is exclusive for animals , it is not consumed by humans.

Countries with the highest consumption

China ranks first in production worldwide, followed by India, Nigeria and the United States, finally Mexico with a lower percentage than the other production countries. Therefore, these countries are the ones that consume more peanuts than the rest, however, South America is positioned in one of the countries with the highest consumption of confectionery, sweets, and recipes with this fruit.

How many can I eat per day?

Peanuts contain fat, a high caloric value, so its consumption in excess could contribute to you gain weight, do not forget that it is a food that gives you a lot of energy, I recommend that you consume 30 grams daily, but if you require more measure To obtain other benefits, balance the consumption of peanuts with the other foods of the day.

Nuts are a delight that is why you cannot miss: The Best Types of Nuts for our Health

Where can I buy ECO or BIO peanuts?

The vast majority of supermarkets sell this dried fruit, but if we want to make sure we buy a quality product it is better to try to get it directly from the producer who can sell it without intermediaries, such as from Amazon. Here are the best examples:

  • Raw peanut peanut 1kg
  • Roasted peanuts 200 g

There are also other forms like oil or cookies that you can find here:

  • Raw-Bite – Raw-bite peanuts
  • Organic Virgin Peanut Vegetable Oil 500 Ml. by Terpenic Evo
  • Oreo Cookies Filled with Peanut Butter – 154 gr
  • Prozis Sport Peanut Butter, Creamy Flavor – 1000 grams

Benefits and properties of peanuts

This fruit has fatty acids that benefit the constitution of cell membranes, particularly nerve cells, they are unsaturated fat, which favors cholesterol, reduces bad cholesterol levels in the blood, and is suitable for cardiovascular diseases.

The oil that is extracted is very useful for the kidneys, they are also very energetic in case you feel exhausted, and its content of vitamins B3, and E , prevents hemolysis, the phenomenon of the disintegration of red blood cells and red blood cells; It is also rich in minerals such as potassium and phosphorus necessary for nervous and muscular activity , and increases mental concentration and has an advantage or disadvantage, depending on how you see it, it is anaphrodisiac, that is, it lowers sexual desire.

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To lower cholesterol

Due to fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6, this fruit lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol, or as LDL and HDL are known, it cleanses the body thanks to its fiber content, which captures excess cholesterol and toxic substances. , eliminating them. I recommend you eat it toasted; you only need 50 grams a day.

For people with diabetes

Food control is essential for people who have diabetes, if they consume them rich in carbohydrates, you must combine them with proteins, unsaturated fats and fiber so that the absorption, digestion and release into the blood is slower. This is why the peanut is the indicated one, due to its great contribution in protein, high fiber content and vegetable fats, contributions that other foods that are difficult to digest could give you, which makes it more appropriate is due to its glycemic index that is very under.

Are you pregnant and want to know more about diabetes? This article is important enter and read it Gestational Diabetes: Complications, Diagnosis, Consequences and Treatments

To relieve gas

If you have a long list of foods that you should avoid because they cause you gas, peanuts will provide you with the calories and nutrients that you should deprive yourself of due to this annoying condition; Although it is normal to have gas because it is always in the digestive system, carbohydrates increase them, they are generated by involuntarily swallowing ambient air, it passes first to the small intestine, where it is mostly absorbed; but what is not absorbed passes into the large intestine and causes excess gas.

Insoluble fiber causes less gas, and peanuts are rich in fiber, and other properties that will help you better digestion and relieve gas.

Here you will find more tips to prevent gas: Chamomile / Chamomile: Benefits for the Skin and Health

To treat diarrhea

When you have diarrhea, the body loses a large amount of nutrients that tend to weaken you and also a significant amount of fluids that could dehydrate you, for this reason you will feel without energy and depressed.

For this reason, peanuts are recommended for their energy intake and proteins; They will make you cope with diarrhea with energy and will prevent you from becoming dehydrated. Peanut butter is recommended when you have diarrhea.

For people with hypertension

The property of L-arginine that peanuts contain; reduces blood pressure in hypertension that is sensitive to salt; this is genetic hypertension.

Help with heart problems

Peanuts support your heart health, they are rich in vitamin E and phenolic antioxidants and their monounsaturated fat, by reducing bad cholesterol benefits your heart, as does resveratrol, a phenolic component that is also found in peanuts, and contributes to decrease the risk of heart disease.

Its antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory and also anticancer properties, prevents platelet aggregation, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

It is important that you read the following article: Preeclampsia: Consequences for mother and baby, Treatments and Diagnosis

Beneficial for the prostate

This fruit contains phytosterols. It is a natural chemical that can protect you from different types of cancer such as colon cancer , the breast cancer and prostate cancer. It also inhibits the development of tumors.

While you know, the prostate is a male gland that produces the transporting fluid for sperm during ejaculation and this can be compromised by cancer, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, which generally affects men in their adult or mature age, the Peanut consumption can reduce symptoms and ease urinary flow.

It is recommended 30 grams of raw peanuts daily, but you can also obtain phytosterol from peanut oil, this contains more beta-sitosterol about 135 milligrams per hundred grams. On the other hand; peanut butter provides 135 milligrams of beta-sitosterol per 100 grams. A natural alternative that you should make the most of.

For people with thyroid problems

In the front part of the throat there are some small glands, that are the thyroid; the hormones known as T3 and T4 are responsible for the speed with which your body uses energy, that is, your metabolism to assimilate. You need vitamin E and fat- soluble antioxidants , properties that peanuts contain; to protect cells against damage from unstable molecules, or free radicals and to improve the functioning of hormones and the action of the thyroid.

Do you suffer from thyroid and are you underweight? Enter now: How to Get Fat and Gain Muscle Mass Healthily

Peanuts during pregnancy?

If you are not allergic to peanuts, you can eat them without thinking that your baby might have an allergic reaction; as it has not been proven that this fruit affects the fetus or causes it to be allergic at birth.

In fact, the opposite is true, as they may have a lower risk of allergies to nuts compared to the children of pregnant mothers who decided not to consume this fruit. On the other hand, you will be benefited with so many vitamin contributions that it can give you.

Are they safe during breastfeeding?

They are not safe , because peanuts have an allergen that could cause a reaction in your baby, although you will not be giving it directly, there are many nutrients that your baby will absorb from you and it could affect the baby if you eat peanuts, or not It could affect you at all but benefit you, because not all people are allergic to this fruit.

However when in doubt it is better to avoid it, until your baby stops breastfeeding, then you can eat them; to regain your weight and energy, but it is recommended that your baby not eat them until at least three years of age.

Stay healthy during your pregnancy, follow your pregnancy week by week.

Peanut allergy

Certainly there are many people who are concerned about this issue; since it is said that the peanut has an allergenic property and although the cases are reduced, the consequences could be fatal, mainly in children. It is not known exactly if the amount consumed has to do with the allergic reaction, if the more peanuts you eat, the more the allergy will be stimulated, since the effects are usually quick and if you are allergic, only a small amount will suffice.

Most of the incidents occur in recipes at home, or in restaurants that do not tell you if they have peanuts as an ingredient, it is not known exactly which allergen affects individuals; but if you have already had an allergic reaction you should take care of yourself; be careful when selecting your food, and avoid peanuts if you have had a minimal reaction that could get complicated.

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Gastronomic recipes and uses

Eating peanuts may be the best option for your health, however if you are already tired of eating them raw and toasted, we have prepared some simple recipes for you; so you can enjoy a delicious and varied way to obtain the benefits of this dried fruit.

How to make homemade peanut butter?

This cream is easy to prepare, you will need a mixer:

  • 200 grams of roasted peanuts,
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • a pinch of salt,

It is worth mentioning that there are many ways to make this cream, however we present the cheapest.

Peel the roasted peanuts and place them in the processor or blender, they will turn into powder but then a thick paste will form and later into a homogeneous and smooth mixture. Add the honey and the pinch of salt, beat again and voila, refrigerate it and prepare a rich toast with peanut butter.

If you don’t have time and you prefer to buy a very healthy peanut butter, try these varieties:

  • Organic Peanut Cream 250 Gr of Almendrina

Peanut and chocolate cake

For the cake you will need:

  • 8 eggs,
  • 450 grs. of dark chocolate,
  • 200 grams margarine
  • 100 grs. peanut butter,
  • self-rising flour.

For the coverage you will need:

  • 85 grams. of bitter chocolate cut into small pieces,
  • liquid milk,
  • 75 grams. peanut butter.

Heat the oven to 160 ° C while you prepare the cake mix ; you are going to put the eggs in a bowl and beat until they rise in volume, then melt the chocolate and peanut butter in the microwave or in a water bath, and add the melted chocolate mixture with the butter, in the beaten eggs, add flour little by little without letting the mixture harden, the ideal consistency is thick.

Pour the mixture into a mold that resists the heat of the oven and bake for half an hour, or until when you insert a toothpick, it comes out dry. Ready the cake, let it cool and proceed with the preparation of the topping.

Melt the chocolate, with the liquid milk, just as you did for the previous mixture. In a bain-marie or microwave for thirty seconds and melt the peanut butter on the other side and pour it into a piping bag.

Cover the cake with the chocolate that you just melted and decorate with the peanut butter that you have in the piping bag. Let it cool and that’s it.

Hollandaise peanut sauce

To make this sauce you must have:

  • 200 grams peanut butter,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 1/2 lemon,
  • a pinch of salt.

Proceed to melt the peanut butter in the microwave if you prefer and remove the foam that appears, when it is warm or lukewarm, add the previously beaten eggs and beat them together until it is a homogeneous mixture, finally, add lemon juice and a pinch of salt while beating. Your sauce will be ready when you see that all the ingredients are one.

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Nutritional information

Shelled peanuts have the following nutrients:

Contribution per serving of 100 grams
Energy [Kcal]563.00
Protein [g]25.23
Carbohydrates [g]7.91
Fiber [g]8.10
Total fat [g]46.00
AGS [g]8.66
AGM [g]22.03
AGP [g]13.15
AGP / AGS1.52
(AGP + AGM) / AGS4.06
Cholesterol [mg]0.00
Alcohol [g]0.00
Water [g]10.58
Calcium [mg]60.00
Iron [mg]2.50
Iodine [mg]13.00
Magnesium [mg]210.00
Zinc [mg]3.50
Selenium [µg]7.20
Sodium [mg]2.00
Potassium [mg]670.00
Phosphorus [mg]130.00
Vit. B1 Thiamine [mg]0.90
Vit. B2 Riboflavin [mg]0.16
Eq. niacin [mg]18.38
Vit. B6 Pyridoxine [mg]0.44
Ac. Folic [µg]110.00
Vit. B12 Cyanocobalamin [µg]0.00
Fit. 100 c. Ascorbic [mg]0.00
Retinol [µg]0.00
Carotenoids (Eq. Β carotenes) [µg]2.00
Vit. A Eq. Retincl [µg]0.33
Vit. D [µg]0.00

Peanut glycemic index

The glycemic index of peanuts is low, only 15.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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