Gestational diabetes is called a specific type of diabetes that only attacks pregnant women, these women have never been diabetic and do not have a medical history that brings them closer to this condition. As we all know, diabetes is a disease that prevents the pancreas from generating the hormone called insulin so that the body manages itself well. Insulin is responsible for attacking or eating the glucose that circulates in the body’s blood and without it, that glucose runs free, saturating the blood of those affected.
There is nothing wrong with pregnant women, specifically in the pancreas, but it is believed that hormonal changes that women go through during pregnancy prevent the body from producing enough insulin. Another aspect that influences it is that the body demands more energy since it must feed another living being. This is not a serious disease and does not represent a serious danger (if all medical precautions are followed) for the future mother or the child, in most cases this condition disappears when the time of delivery arrives, without leaving major sequelae in both .
Signs and Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes
When pregnant women suffer from this pathology, they generally do not feel any specific discomfort, it is usually a disease that is discovered thanks to the routine examinations that are carried out to the woman during the prenatal control. However, there are some symptoms that are moderate but that must be taken into account, we will mention them below:
- Presence of sugar in the urine
- Vision problems (seeing blurred)
- Fatigue without the need for physical effort
- Frequent infections in the urine
- Urinate too much
- Have nausea, vomiting and dizziness
- Losing more than 1 to 2 kilos in a week, despite eating more
As we have already mentioned, these symptoms are moderate and they are also very recurrent in pregnant women, finding the warning signal before this disease is very complicated since the signs of the body are difficult to decipher, the healthiest thing for the pregnant mother is keep a check-up plan throughout the pregnancy to ensure the well-being of both.
Diagnosis of Gestational diabetes
All pregnant women, by custom, should undergo a test to measure glucose levels in the blood, as a general rule, it should be done early in pregnancy and if nothing arises throughout the gestation it is repeated at 28 weeks. This procedure is not complicated at all, it can be performed with a blood test in any laboratory or there are even oral tests that are offered in hospitals and they only need a little saliva from the mother.
If the diagnosis turns out to be positive, the patient should monitor the blood glucose levels at home, for this it is recommended to use a glucometer, this is a very easy-to-use device, you just have to prick the patient’s finger with a needle special that the small device brings with it and immediately the data will be thrown on the screen of the glucometer. As we can see, doing a test to verify the glucose levels in the blood of the pregnant woman is not complicated, you just have to be cautious and carry out routine checkups up to date .
Complications of gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes is not a serious disease so it rarely presents complications for pregnancy, but if it is not treated with due caution, it can cause terrible consequences, especially if the mother has not had adequate prenatal control. A positive point to put it in some way is that it attacks the woman and the baby after the 28th week of gestation (in most cases) and at this point the baby is already formed and the mother is closer to giving birth. light. When a pregnancy has not been treated with due care, gestational diabetes can have the following consequences:
Consequences of gestational diabetes for the mother
The mother’s body is not in serious danger with this condition, but there are some studies that indicate that a woman who has suffered from gestational diabetes may suffer from diabetes in adulthood. This condition is very controllable but below we will indicate the consequences that the mother with this condition could go through:
- Cesarean section: although it is well known, this is an operation that a woman undergoes so that she can bring a baby into the world, although this surgery does not present major complications but it always takes longer for the mother to recover after delivery. This decision to pass the woman through a cesarean section can only be made when doctors see that the baby will not be able to cross the vaginal canal due to weight or other factors such as poor position of the baby.
- Preeclampsia: it is a disease that causes high levels of blood pressure in pregnant women, bringing with it many bodily discomforts such as pain and swelling of the limbs, this condition is very serious for pregnant women, gestational diabetes is not always linked to pre- eclampsia but it is necessary to be cautious and to make an exhaustive routine follow-up to confuse this disease.
Check this article on Preeclampsia: Consequences for mother and baby, Treatments and Diagnosis
Consequences of gestational diabetes in the fetus
Gestational diabetes does not affect the fetus so seriously, this condition is not an impediment for the baby to be born healthy and strong, but if the disease is not treated, the serious consequences that a baby with this condition could go through are the following:
- Macrosomia: it is when a baby has a large body (more than 4 kilos), having a robust baby is always a good thing, but when a baby exceeds 4 kilos it can be something very negative since obesity is always linked to diabetes, in addition to the fact that at the time of vaginal delivery it will be impossible for you to pass through the duct, which could lead to suffocation or a shoulder fracture.
- Hypoglycemia: it is when the baby is born with low glucose levels, if there are carelessness in this case it can lead to dehydration and in the worst case to death.
- Hyperbilirubinemia: it is when there is too much bilirubin concentration in the baby’s blood.
- Stillbirth: the embryo may not be properly in the womb, causing miscarriages.
Speaking of consequences in the future of babies who had this condition during their life in the womb , they are more likely to suffer from obesity in childhood, and there is a high probability that they will suffer from diabetes in adult life.
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Treatment for gestational diabetes
The treatment to eradicate gestational diabetes focuses on having low blood glucose levels, the best in these cases is to follow a balanced diet, using insulin will only be indicated in very specific cases, where the mother despite having a diet correct does not improve. In general, you should bet on a healthy and healthy life before taking any action. Here are some tips to lead a better quality of life:
- Do not eat more than 300 calories a day.
- Exercise, cardiovascular (running, dancing, walking)
- Avoid processed or fried foods.
Diets to control gestational diabetes
Eating a healthy diet is something that can be achieved with effort and a lot of dedication and of course also with the proper education and direction (nutritionists or dietitians), controlling temptations is hard work and every day. Going on the path of healthy life is only for the brave and there is nothing more courageous than a mother taking care of the well-being of her baby. Next, we will indicate which are the most suitable foods to have a proper diet if you are a patient with gestational diabetes.
- Pasta, rice and flours should be eaten in moderation as they are the best options (dry wheat, wild rice, buckwheat and whole wheat oats / rice / pasta / flour / barley / rye). It is important to avoid foods with high levels of gluten and most breads and cereals have them, that is why whole grain options are more recommended.
- Most vegetables have high levels of starch, so we recommend those that will give the highest nutritional value to your body (banana, corn, peas, pumpkin, zucchini)
- Grains such as beans, lentils and peas are a great source of protein, it is advisable to include them in the diet but without fat (refried).
- Fish is the best option since it is very healthy and a source of natural fat (omega 3) , on the other hand, chicken is also allowed but in stews or the oven.
- All leafy greens are allowed, they are fabulous foods with many calories (spinach, chard, lettuce and more)
- Fruits , all kinds of fruits are allowed, from red berries to citrus.
- Dairy products are allowed as long as they are low in fat (skimmed)
As a general rule, the foods that must be completely eliminated from the diet are processed foods or junk food, maintain a natural diet as much as possible , with fresh products that do not have preservatives, so that there is no doubt we will name you some prohibited foods:
- Soft drinks and artificial juices.
- Sweets and sweets.
- Flours, pasta and white breads.
- Sauces and mayonnaise.
- Sausages and canned foods.
- Dairy and fatty cheeses.
- Oils and fried foods.
- Red meat or pork with a lot of fat.
- Fast foods such as pizza, ice cream, or hamburgers.
- Vegetables and grains with a lot of starch (potato, cassava).
When we say that they are forbidden foods we mean that they are not good for the health condition they present (high levels of glucose in the blood), everything in excess is harmful. If you cannot completely put these foods aside, we advise you to reduce them as much as possible (reduce portions or doses).
It is always good to ask a nutritionist for help to orient yourself and look for a balance in good nutrition, the pregnant woman always seeks to indulge herself and more when the well-known cravings arrive, but you have to be reasonable and think about the well-being of the baby and of course of the mother.
Snacks are a very important part of the diet of a pregnant woman, eating between meals is something that pregnant women should do for the well-being and proper nutrition of the baby. If you are a patient with gestational diabetes, avoid cookies, breads or sweets for snacks, here are some healthy alternatives for snacking.
- Fruit salad.
- Popcorn.
- Skim milk or yogurt.
- Baked sweet potato.
- Sweet potato made with splenda.
- Sweets and fruit jams made with splenda.
Is gestational diabetes hereditary?
Gestational diabetes is not caused by a family history , it is only a condition that is generated by pregnancy but if you are a patient with gestational diabetes you should take into consideration the following:
- If you have already suffered from gestational diabetes, it is very likely that you will suffer from it in future pregnancies, so take the necessary measures to take care of yourself if you plan to have more children.
- It is estimated that women who have suffered from gestational diabetes at some point in their life are more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes in their mature years.
These considerations are not entirely specific (it does not happen in all cases) it can only be indicated that in the clinical trials carried out there is a higher incidence in the aforementioned cases. The best way to eliminate these possible consequences is to lead a healthy and quality life so that the consequences of this disease go unnoticed.
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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.