Water: Contraindications, Benefits, Components and Ionized Alkaline Water

Most of the planet is made up of water, and your body is too, in fact, all living beings contain water and need it to live like oxygen, when you lack oxygen you know that your life may have a few more minutes and it will come to an end, the same thing happens with water; If you run out of water, your body will not deteriorate immediately, it will use the reserves until it has nothing else and the degree of dehydration will cause you to death .

They are just hydrogen and oxygen molecules, a simple inorganic compound, which gives you so many benefits. Water is essential for life; whether salty or sweet, drinkable or pure; It is the main source of life, from the animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, to the human being, which is the part that concerns us in this article; all the virtues that water grants to human beings.

If you want more information see this article Thermal water to treat the skin

Water and health

You must consume purified water for the body to function properly, since it is responsible for the tissues to reach their capacity to function effectively, but if you are dehydrated, the tissues lose that capacity and it will directly affect your health and well-being.

It acts as a solvent and also transports the nutrients and vitamins from food to the cells, without forgetting that water also helps eliminate toxins; regulates body temperature and helps metabolism.

Water equals health; not just what you consume; but with it we obtain more benefits not only internal but external for example growing, raising animals, washing food and even giving you your showers to keep you clean and healthy.

It is essential to be informed, we invite you to read about ALL Autoimmune Diseases: Treatments, Types and Diagnoses

What components does water have?

It is common to see the initials H2O and this is the chemical formula that describes the main components of water, hydrogen and oxygen , the first is a reactive and tasteless gaseous element, without color or odor; and the second, oxygen is the same gaseous but slightly magnetic, the same without color or odor.

However, water has other components that intervene during its circulation above the earth’s crust and make it react with minerals in the soil and stones; which are: calcium and magnesium oxides, sulfates, sodium bicarbonates, chlorides and potassium . Not to mention, they could also contain industrial and household waste.

On the other hand, shallow groundwater contains amounts of nitrogen and chlorides from animal and human wastes. Natural drinking water contains fluoride.

The water that reaches homes can be from surface waters such as rivers and reservoirs; or through groundwater such as wells and fountains. These are treated so that you consume them clean and they add coagulant substances that will make the contaminating particles go to the bottom, they also use disinfectants that eliminate bacteria and germs.

The underground does not require so much chemical treatment; In addition, there is also mineralized water that could be direct natural from a rising source or an aquifer; the artificial one is made with purified water that is added minerals of allowed use.

Here we show you what are the most important mineral salts for our health?

Is water a pure substance?

It is not exactly pure, because it has an incredible ability to dissolve substances in large quantities that alter its purity; for example: rain absorbs carbon dioxide and other gases from the atmosphere, also organic and inorganic material, snow also absorbs this and the water that circulates above the earth’s crust reacts to minerals as mentioned above; which means that it is not a pure substance without alterations.

Alkaline water and its healthy uses

This type of water is ionized and acts as a powerful antioxidant, it helps the body eliminate acidic wastes from digestion and, thanks to the production of hydroxide ions, it helps the production of oxygen which in turn fights free radicals and corrects the balance acid- alkaline of the body. This means that alkaline water is a natural antacid and prevents wrinkles.

To alkalize the water there are several ways, from buying tablets that do it by themselves, or machines that are placed in the taps, to homemade ways such as boiling it for five minutes, or emptying it from one container to another eight or ten times .

Using alkaline water is the healthiest option since bacteria and viruses are comfortable and spread in acidic environments; but if it is oxygenated they will not survive so if you drink alkaline water your body will be free of diseases.

Among the advantages and benefits of alkaline water are: it has no impurities or chemicals, has a pH of 8.5 and 9.5, contains high levels of antioxidants, neutralizes radicals, hydrates much faster, and penetrates more easily a large amount of cells.

In the following article we show you the 59 Uses of Sodium Bicarbonate for any Situation

How to ionize alkaline water at home

The simplest thing to do is to buy some of these items below, you will see that it is a very easy to use ionizer and with which you will quickly get what you need.

  • PH Charging Countertop Water Filtration System, High Strengthened PH Alkaline Ionizer Water Purifier Dispenser, 2.4 Gallon (9 Liters), Super Fast Filtration, Long Lasting Mineral Stone Ceramic Charcoal Filters, Improves PH and ORP, Adds Essential Minerals, Removes Heavy Metals, Flouride and Bacteria, Home and Office Use White
  • PH Restore Alkaline Water Ionizer Pitcher Water Jug, 2 Long Life Filters Includes Strengthened, 118oz, 3.5L, Alkaline Water Purifier Filtering Machine, High PH Natural Filtering System, Removes Toxins, Flouride, Improves Immunity and Optimizes Health ( Enhanced 4th Gen 2017 Model) White
  • synteam 400ml Alkaline Water Hydrogen Rich Ionizer Outdoor Portable Electric Water
  • PH Revive Ionizer Alkaline Water Bottle with Strengthened Water Carrying Case, Natural Water Purifier Bottle, Portable Filtering System, Long Life Alkalizer Filter, Increase pH, Remove Heavy Metals, Chlorine and Bacteria, BPA Free, 750 ml (25 G) 750 ml water
  • Affordable Under Sink Water Ionizer – Non-Electric Water Ionizer and Filter

Water and its health properties

The water that is already in our body has a vital function, but it does not mean that if we stop consuming it the body will manufacture more to maintain its reserve, if you stop supplying water to your body you will be like a car without gasoline , you will not be able to walk, But your body will not only stop walking but will also deteriorate little by little, one by one of your organs, everything will stop working until you die of dehydration.

To avoid this scene so dramatic but true; the best thing is that you drink a lot of water, but not in excess because you would also have consequences for that. You have to know its properties for your health, and thus by knowing how essential this colorless and tasteless but beneficial liquid is.

Water has metabolic functions such as transporting nutrients to cells and dissolving and draining toxic substances; Apart from the water you need it to secrete saliva, moisten the respiratory tract and even your eyes. As if that were not enough, by drinking water you will regulate your body temperature, your vital organs will be protected and will be able to cushion the movements of your body.

Among other benefits is the metabolization of food into energy; helps control blood pressure, provides minerals to your body, protects your heart preventing heart attacks , provides oxygen to the brain, and many other benefits for your health, do not forget that it is a fundamental right for human beings and you must do use it , take care of it and take care of yourself.

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Hydrates the body

Your body needs you to drink water because every fortnight it renews the water you already have, and every time you urinate or evacuate, cry and sweat, you lose water and minerals such as sodium, calcium, potassium and fluoride, so that your body compensates for this daily loss your body transfers internal water from the cells to the blood and everything continues to function normally; but if you do not already have reserved water, you are going to dehydrate.

Dehydration may be worse if you are sick with diarrhea, vomiting, or have a fever; for this reason in these cases it is essential to drink water. Perhaps the dehydration is solved with a sip of water and for this reason you do not give it much importance; however you have to know what is dehydration?

Dehydration occurs in three different ways; the isotonic; almost the same amount of water and electrolytes is lost; in hypertonic, more water is lost than electrolytes, and in hypotonic, more electrolytes are lost than water. To avoid this; your body will warn you through the sensation of thirst and you will need to drink water or some other liquid.

If you allow dehydration, the water level in the blood will drop, it will hinder circulation, the organs and muscles will receive less amount of nutrients and oxygen that will cause them to stop working well. If it is mild dehydration you will feel thirsty, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and fatigue.

If you have moderate dehydration your mouth will be dry, your pulse will increase, you will feel heavy, without volume in the urine and your skin will be like brittle, that is, it will lack elasticity; But if it is serious, apart from being a medical emergency that could be fatal, you will have an extreme feeling of thirst, a sore throat without being able to swallow, your breathing will be accelerated, you will not have enough urine, your skin will be cold, you will vomit and you will lose your sanity at times due to mental disturbance due to severe dehydration.

To hydrate yourself, drink water alone or with fruits, food also provides you with fluids. In case you continue with the feeling of thirst then in addition to water you can drink isotonic drinks and they will help you to replace the salts that have been lost through sweat. The amount you should eat depends on each person, age, diet and activities.

However there is a suggested amount for people in their twenties and seventies; which is two and a half liters of water daily.

If you want to know how to replace electrolytes, you also have the option of consuming Coconut Water: Contraindications, Benefits and Properties

Cleans the kidneys

To know the importance of water for your kidneys you must understand everything that this organ does for you, they process the blood to eliminate approximately two liters of waste and excess water through urine ; because that’s what the kidneys turn it into. This that must be eliminated is removed by a few tiny units called nephrons and each kidney has approximately one million nephrons that act as a strainer , which maintains normal proteins and cells in the bloodstream, and passes the waste that will be eliminated. .

When you are sick, these diseases attack the nephrons, also high blood pressure and diabetes cause damage. To avoid this it is necessary that you drink a lot of water so that the kidneys are cleaned and maintained properly and thus, they are able to function for the rest of your life, remember that a lot of water passes through this organ and if your body has it then you will prevent it from damage, you will prevent infections and kidney stones.

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Does water make you fat or thin?

Water does not contain calories but if it could contribute to you gaining weight or losing weight too, it all depends on what we explain below:

If you drink water in between meals it will interrupt the digestive process, gastric juices will not break down fats and for this reason you could gain weight ; Also, if you drink excess water, it reduces potassium in the body and will make you retain fluids, so you will also feel or look fatter.

On the other hand, it helps you lose weight; because drinking water before eating decreases your appetite , helps metabolism and muscle development.

In the following article you will discover the Benefits of Fruit Juices for Weight Loss and how to prepare them

Makes hair grow

By hydrating your body and regulating the circulatory system, the hair follicle is benefited and stimulates hair growth, if you are hydrated your scalp will also prevent it from drying out and breaking and if it is hydrated the root of your hair will absorb water and it will provide moisture and will automatically grow.

Besides making it grow, it will also help you get rid of dandruff and hair loss.

We recommend you read these fabulous Tips for healthy hair growth

Water regulates body temperature

There are two sources of heat that alter your body temperature: internally generated heat and environmental heat.

The organs produce metabolic heat even though the body is at rest and when you are moving or exercising, the muscles produce three times the heat they produce when they are at rest and if a hot environment is added to that then your body will want to be in comfort thermal and will adjust its thermoregulation by dissipating heat by motor vessel control through the evaporation of sweat that is responsible for regulating body temperature ; that when evaporated has a cooling effect on your body.

And for this process to occur you need a liter and a half of sweat per hour, which means that you will lose the water you have if the hot environment does not change then, you must hydrate yourself because you are going to lose a lot of fluid through sweat. To regulate your body temperature, drink water especially if you are on the move, in the sun or in hot environments.

See our articles on Light Soft Drinks: Contraindications, Side Effects and Difference from Normals

Water speeds up the metabolism

Water at room temperature improves digestion, allowing the body to efficiently absorb all the nutrients and proteins from the food eaten.

While cold water accelerates the metabolism due to its thermal effect, it tends to work faster to raise the temperature of the water and balance it with that of the body.

Cold water tightens pores

Although it is true that when you do a treatment on your face, generally manual and homemade to eliminate those annoying pimples, your skin becomes inflamed and the pores will look larger; cold water relaxes the muscles and deflates so that by deflating the pores then they will look smaller but opening and closing would not be the correct term but rather stretch and shrink.

Warm water “opens the pores” because it cleanses sebum more easily and cold water “closes” them because it deflates and relaxes the muscles of the face.

Learn with us How to Take Care of Oily Skin and Large Pores

Does cold water relax muscles?

Cold water constricts blood flow and is good for relieving muscle aches because it produces vasoconstriction, reducing inflammation and pain; If you alternate cold water and warm water the effects will be more effective to relax the muscles.

Water lowers blood pressure

Thanks to water you can control blood pressure; If water helps the kidneys to cleanse the body, this favors blood pressure because through urine you eliminate toxins that raise pressure, for example , it decreases the salt that makes you retain fluids . A healthy and hydrated body will make you have a normal blood pressure. .

Contraindications of water consumption

The only contraindication for water is its consumption in excess or potomania, which is when a person drinks six or seven liters of water daily, which brings the following consequences or side effects of water:

  • Your heart may lose its rhythm due to the loss of potassium that occurs when you consume too much water.
  • The brain will also be affected because, like the loss of potassium, the magnesium essential for the proper functioning of the brain is also lost, especially in memory.
  • The kidneys, although it seems contradictory because it was previously said that they need water, the excess could cause damage since they have a limit and if it is exceeded there will be a collapse because the kidneys have to work at their own pace.
  • Inflammation of cells: when there is excess water the level of electrolytes in the blood falls to the level of electrolytes in the cells and to achieve balance, the water begins to drip into the cells leaving the blood behind and causing cellular inflammation.
  • Cancer or organ dysfunction: This is due to excess water, which in turn exceeds the chlorine with which they are treated and chlorine causes these diseases.

Is the water intoxicating?

In addition to the above, there is the risk of hyperhydration that occurs when the normal amount of salts in the body is unbalanced and intoxication occurs, it occurs when water is drunk quickly and is lost through sweat. Children and people who exercise a lot should be careful when they have diarrhea and vomiting.

This poisoning has nothing to do with poisoning from polluted water

Does water cause allergies?

Water can cause allergies in very few cases and is known as aquatic urticaria ; It is not by ingesting it but by having a slight contact with water; after bathing, swimming, or even walking in the rain. The reaction occurs as a dermatitis and the causes are still being studied.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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