All Autoimmune Diseases: Treatments, Types And Diagnoses

We understand that the human body has its own security and self-defense system (the immune system), but what happens when the body has no defenses? This is when we can start talking about autoimmune diseases. The immune system is responsible for the biological processes that occur within the body, these processes are responsible for preserving the vitality of the body through a process called homeostasis; This process maintains a balance and an active defense within the human body to combat any external agent (biological or chemical) that wishes to disturb the proper functioning of the body. As we can see, the immune system is the guardian of the human organism.

Understanding this we can say that autoimmune diseases are caused by a malfunction of the immune system , that is, the body itself is attacked. The defender cells that form the immune system instead of safeguarding the organism attack it and instead of the guardian it becomes the aggressor. It can be said that the body acts in an exaggerated way and attacks all kinds of biological and chemical agents without making a distinction if they are good or bad for the body.

Learn more about how to strengthen the immune system.


Causes and risk factors

Determining the causes of autoimmune diseases is an intricate path, currently one of the most accepted theories is that the immune system, when attacked, responds to an antigen, but responds with antibodies (proteins) very similar to those of its opponent.

These simple similarities can confuse the antibodies in our body, causing a self-attack to exist within our body. This theory is based on the studies carried out on patients affected by Guillain-Barré syndrome, as we know, before the syndrome was detected, these patients claim to have had diarrhea caused by the Campylobacter jejuni bacteria weeks before , in this case The immune system creates antibodies that are very similar to bacteria and, when faced with similarity, confusion begins in the body, that is, the Guillain-Barré syndrome is activated.

Despite the multiple studies carried out on autoimmune diseases, determining the exact causes and risk factors is a long way to go , despite the data obtained in clinical trials, various reasons that lead the patient to suffer can still be attributed these terrible diseases and then we will indicate them.

Emotional factors

All the thoughts that affect the body, the brain and the immune system are connected. If we see that a person is bitter and full of anger, it is very likely that we see him tired and fatigued and it would not be strange since negative thoughts greatly affect the mood and physical state of any human being. On the other hand, if we see a radiant person full of light and positive thoughts, it is very rare that we see him tired and fatigued, on the contrary, we will see a vigorous and healthy being .

Specifically, we can say that having a good mood will strengthen our immune system and, on the contrary, emotional imbalances and lack of communication will sooner or later end up damaging the immune system.

The negative attitudes that characterize spiritually unhealthy people and that you should avoid at all costs to stay healthy are the following:

  • Being a victimizer, always being the victim will make you resentful of life.
  • To be controlling , to be mortified by all the minimum or great details of the common day.
  • Feeling belittled , feeling that no one has loved or valued you in life.
  • Being very demanding, asking yourself and others for more than you need, or never agreeing with anything.
  • Not communicating your feelings, shutting up all thoughts of love or anger.

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Environmental factors

Environmental factors play a very important role in the creation of autoimmunity, on the one hand we find infectious agents such as parasites, viruses and bacteria, which when attacking the body can create chaos (cross-combat of bacteria) resulting in the destruction of the immune system.

On the other hand, it should be noted the triggering agents that can also create confusion in the immune system ( tobacco , drugs, radiation, pesticides) these elements in large quantities can trigger serious consequences in the body.

Genetic factors

Many of the autoimmune conditions are usually attributed to family history, there is a long list of autoimmune diseases (such as type 1 diabetes ) that have a high probability of being transmitted to future generations.

Medical evidence points genetic causes to HLA I-II DNA molecules. But it should be noted that genetic predisposition is not entirely valid for the acquisition of an autoimmune disease, the combination of more than two factors will always turn on the alarm signal to start any medical investigation.

Types of treatments for autoimmune diseases

It can be said that each case and each patient needs different and specific care , to say that there is only one type of treatment for so many conditions is incorrect.

The first thing a person who suspects that their immune system is failing should do is seek medical advice immediately. Starting from the medical symptoms that exist from that point where it can be measured what type of medical tests or exams the affected person will need.

Every day technological and medical advances advance and more in this wide field of autoimmune diseases; A well-known drug in this field is the corticosteroid and its derivatives, but as we have already mentioned, each case requires different surveillance.

Natural remedies for autoimmune diseases

The symptoms of autoimmune diseases are very diverse, everything depends on the case and the patient’s profile, but speaking of natural treatments, everything aims to improve the quality of life of the affected person , generally these diseases affect the normal level of life the person and that is why natural ties are used to activate the quality of life of those affected, below we will recommend some natural techniques that will help improve the quality of life.


As a common saying goes, you are what you eat, believing in this premise, patients with autoimmune diseases must ensure that they have a healthy and balanced diet, we must put aside processed foods that contain preservatives, the best options will always be fresh foods and natural. It is important to avoid external contaminating agents that could activate the body’s autoimmunology. The diet should be oriented towards foods rich in vitamins and proteins and containing natural fats, the best thing you can do in these cases is to seek the advice of an expert to help you have a stable and healthy diet, with only food correct can contribute to the control and prevention of many diseases such as diabetes, lupus and arthritis.


Try as much as possible to have a good relationship with your stomach, do not fill it with junk food, respect the hours to eat and above all eat with patience and delicacy, only by improving the way you chew and swallow food will we be helping to feel better to our stomach. By adapting to healthy eating habits and routines, many autoimmune diseases such as ulcerative colitis and primary biliary cirrhosis can be improved and prevented.


Pollutants such as caffeine, pesticides and tobacco, strong detergents and others can seriously affect your health, it is recommended to stay as far away as possible from these pollutants as they can worsen your health. On the contrary, it is recommended to use all possible natural methods to cleanse and regenerate all the systems (renal, biliary, digestive ) of your body; The use of energy shakes and natural herbal teas are always a good option to cleanse the body (liver, kidneys). A very good recipe to cleanse the body is pineapple juice with spinach leaf, this smoothie in addition to being energizing has diuretic properties that help eliminate toxins from the body.

You will be surprised to see all these fruit juices for your health.


This Chinese technique consists of placing therapeutic needles at strategic points around the entire body, these needles touch specific areas of the body that help to relax various discomforts (ailments and inflammations), it goes without saying that this technique can only be performed by specialists on the subject. This ancient Chinese technique is a great ally for many autoimmune diseases.


It is important that you lead life in a calm way, sleep the necessary hours, and work only what is necessary. Don’t go overboard or ask too much of your body. Physical exhaustion is a great ally for autoimmune diseases.

Relax with these simple yoga techniques that we bring for you!


Like acupuncture, hydrotherapy is a great ally to alleviate ailments and inflammations caused by autoimmune diseases, this therapy is performed with hot water placed with slight pressure on the affected areas.


The sun is the best source of vitamin D, studies have shown that this vitamin is very beneficial for the body and is also preventive for autoimmune diseases, so do not stop heating the body but take the necessary precautions such as applying sunscreen and taking on the affected areas of the skin if you have them.

Find out what happens to your body if you have Vitamin D deficiency


Maca is an herb from South America, studies have been done that show that this herb stimulates the immune system making it more adaptable, unlike other herbs, maca helps with the production of many hormones in the body that help the immune system to work correctly, maca plays a very important role in the prevention and control of many autoimmune diseases.

Medical advances in the treatment of autoimmune diseases

A great advance for the treatment of autoimmune diseases is the discovery of protein 21, this protein acts as a regulator of T lymphocytes , helping them to decrease when necessary. As we already know, the immune system is the defender of our body and it is impossible to stop it when it works badly and attacks the body’s tissues, that is, when the immune system becomes our enemy, causing diseases such as lupus or arthritis, it is impossible to stop it. Since that would mean death (dying from various infections), the secret to cure or remedy this type of disease is to control the immune system and with p21 it seems to have found the winning prize.

The immune system has two responses: one of attack (when there is an infection) that is, it is temporary, the antigens temporarily attack the intruder (bacteria, virus, shoulder, among others) and another that is waiting for any intruder, in In this aspect, T lymphocytes play a very important role, they manage the response of the immune system. As we already know, autoimmune diseases begin when antigens are always in attack and by confusion attack the body’s tissues, that is where p21 comes into play since it will be in charge of regulating the response of the immune system.

This magnificent work has been studied by a team from the National Center for Biotechnology and is directed by Dimitrios Balomenos, the studies have been done so far only in mice but the results have been very favorable since the animals have reduced the manifestations of autoimmune diseases such as lupus. The advantages of p21 are slowly being proven and it is only a matter of time before it is tested in humans.

Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases

In the first instance they are very difficult to detect , first there is the fact that they are very little recognized and second there is the fact that the symptoms that the affected people present are always associated with multiple similar diseases, which happens in particular with the first symptoms What they are, fatigue, tiredness and weight loss is that they are associated with common diseases such as flu or lack of sleep or even stress. Finding the specific signal that detects the autoimmune disease is quite an odyssey, since each patient is different and therefore each affected person has different clinical pictures.

To avoid erroneous diagnoses, it is recommended to seek help from a trained internist, it is recommended to seek recognized doctors and with vast experience (verifiable), these diseases attack one or multiple organs of the body so you must be attentive and look at what is wrong? And what is not working well? Sometimes the simple details make the difference, a testimony of an American woman says that every morning she woke up with small bruises and together with her husband they made jokes saying that she stumbled on everything at night when she went to take care of the baby, but when A routine medical examination the doctor realized that the cause of her body bruising so easily was because she suffered from lupus, so her tiredness and fatigue went beyond being a busy mother like any other.

Specifically to treat any autoimmune disease you have to be cautious and first have a medical opinion regarding the types of tests to detect the disease, most of them are blood tests, for example we have the blood test: Immunoglobulin A, this test It is done in cases of suspected lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and celiac disease, the profile to perform this test is that said person manages recurrent infections for no apparent reason in the kidneys and intestines, as well as recurrent allergies and asthma for no apparent reason.

General symptoms

In very generalized lines, autoimmune diseases have recurrent symptoms that are very difficult to detect, that is, they are symptoms that any general discomfort can generate (fatigue, weight loss, discouragement, among others). But it must be borne in mind that they are very specific and always tend to have very specific symptoms, but that depends on the case presented by each patient. For example, for lupus one of the main symptoms is excessive redness of the skin (particularly the face), but for diabetes the patient will never present this redness symptom, we therefore see two autoimmune diseases, each with specific somatologies.

In a particular way, it can be said that each person knows their body very well (how it works) and if we manage to notice that a fatigue goes beyond a laborious day or that a weight loss is not normal, it is time to activate the alarms and try to you are looking for an answer, medical tests and medical forecasts will never hurt.

Autoimmune diseases and their consequences

They can be very harmful in the afflicted, depending on the case the patient’s body is very affected and in the worst case scenario more than one organ will be damaged, each autoimmune disease attacks different points and therefore the consequences can be different; Everything varies depending on the clinical picture that the patient presents, but below we will point out some of the more generalized consequences:

  • As for the physical we have: weight loss, fatigue, general malaise, fever, drastic changes in the functioning of the body, drastic hormonal changes .
  • Regarding the internal organs of the body, we have: abnormal growth of an organ, malfunction of the organs, recurrent infections in the organs, destruction of body tissue and organs.

All these terrible consequences can be controlled, it is only a matter of putting yourself in the hands of an expert doctor to help those affected to control the terrible ills that afflict those affected.

Classification of autoimmune diseases

At present, more than 80 autoimmune diseases are known and according to studies carried out it is known that they attack 5% of the world population, despite the complexity of these diseases they have been divided into two large groups and we will mention them below.

  1. Systemic autoimmune diseases: this group is characterized in particular because it does not attack a single organ, on the contrary it attacks more than one organ at the same time.

To be more specific, the following signs : Systemic lupus erythematosus, Dermato / polymyositis, Systemic sclerosis, Systemic necrotizing vasculitis, Mixed connective tissue disease, Sjogrem’s syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis.

  1. Local autoimmune diseases: in this group, only one specific organ is affected. But all areas of the body are affected, that is, no system of the body is spared since the dermatological, endocrine and hematological areas are covered.

To be more specific, we will point out the groups below:

  • EYE: Autoimmune uveitis.
  • LIVER: Autoimmune hepatitis, Primary biliary cirrhosis.
  • SKIN: Pemphigo vulgaris, Pengigoid, Psoriasis.
  • NEUROMUSCULAR SYSTEM: Myasthenia gravis, Multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome
  • HEMATOPOYETIC SYSTEM: Pernicious anemia, AL hemolytic anemia, Thrombocytopenic purpura, Idiopathic neutropenia.
  • ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Autoimmune thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, Diabetes mellitus, Addison’s disease, Autoimmune hypoglycemia, Autoimmune menopause, Autoimmune orchitis.
  • DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease, Atrophic Gastritis, Pernicious Anemia, Ulcerative Colitis.

Organ-specific (local) autoimmune diseases

The modalities of this disease are very specific, the study to know the origin of each of them is very established, to delve into each sub-phase of the aforementioned classification of local autoimmune diseases (which only affect a specific organ) to We will be pointing out each case in more detail below.


In this case, the immune system attacks the adequate supply of hormones in the body, causing the organism to have various failures, below we will detail the types of these diseases in more depth.


Diabetes is a well-known disease throughout the population, it is known that it is responsible for attacking the pancreas, causing a deficiency of the hormone called insulin, as we know it is an autoimmune and metabolic disease that if not treated in time can be fatal. Insulin is responsible for moving sugar (glucose) in the blood, it is used by the body’s cells to obtain energy and if there is a deficiency or increase in it, the body will not function properly.

Symptoms: symptoms may vary depending on whether the sugar is low or high, but in general the following signs may be noted:

  • Weightloss.
  • Always be hungry and thirsty.
  • Always be tired.
  • Urinate too much
  • Excessive sweating
  • Tremors that cannot be controlled.

Diagnosis: regarding the diagnosis for diabetes we can say that it is very simple, only a saliva or blood sample is needed to verify blood sugar levels, such as fasting glucose or oral glucose tolerance test.


The adrenal glands are responsible for supplying three types of hormones to the body, first we will mention the glucocorticoid hormones, these are responsible for controlling the level of sugar in the blood and also help to keep the immune system stable, they also control the states of nervousness of the body. In second place we find the mineralocorticoid hormones, these regulate the body’s potassium and finally, we have the sex hormones androgens (man) and estrogens (woman) that regulate sexual development.

As we see, the adrenal glands are very important for the proper functioning of the body and when there is damage to them it is generally due to Addison’s disease , this disease does not damage the glands at all but it does affect them (it damages the cortex) making almost do not supply the body with the hormones mentioned above.

Symptoms : regarding the symptoms we will point out the following:

  • Extreme weakness (movements are slow and heavy).
  • Dizziness and paleness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weightloss.
  • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Injuries to the mouth.
  • Appetite for consuming a lot of salt.

Diagnosis: laboratory tests to rule out this disease include the laboratory test to measure the levels of potassium, cortisol, sex hormones and sodium in the blood


It is a condition that causes blood glucose to always be low, with values ​​below 50-60 mg / 100 ml. As we can see, like diabetes in this condition, insulin is compromised.

Symptoms: the clinical picture of this condition is as follows:

  • Confusion.
  • Headache.
  • Cold sweating
  • Tremors in the hands.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Very hungry.

Diagnosis: as in diabetes, tests should be carried out to measure the level of glucose in the blood.


As we know, menopause is a discomfort that occurs in older women due to the drop in sex hormones (estrogens), this condition causes a lot of discomfort in women and is normally seen as a natural life cycle for women, but if it occurs in women In youth we are talking about an immune problem ( early menopause ), so it is no longer a natural process but rather a failure by the ovaries that are not capable of excreting estrogens normally.

Symptoms: when estrogen levels are not adequate in women it can bring many health problems and we will mention them below:

  • Cardiovascular problems.
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Dry skin.
  • Depression.

Diagnosis: in terms of diagnosis, blood tests should be performed to verify estrogen levels in the female body.


Orchitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the testicles, the causes of this inflammation are unknown but in many cases it is due to infections, and in the case of autoimmune orchitis it is only known that the same organism attacks the tissues of the testicles, It could be due to a deficiency of the male hormone (testosterone).

Symptoms: the consequences of this condition are as follows:

  • Urethral discharge.
  • Urinate too much

Diagnosis: the main thing is to perform blood and urine tests to rule out possible infections, if the infections are very recurrent, it is necessary to deepen with a blood test to verify the levels of testosterone in the male body.

Autoimmune diseases of the nervous system

In this case, the immune system attacks the nervous system, causing the body to have various failures, as we know the nervous system is in charge of handling many vital functions of the body (walking, talking, thinking), then we will detail more deeply the types of said diseases.


Myasthenia gravis is a condition that atrophies the muscles, they lose the ability to receive organic products that make them strong and vital . In short we can say that the attack of the immune system blocks the receptors that travel through the nerve endings, causing severe muscle atrophies (loss of mobility).

Symptoms: regarding the main symptoms of this condition we find the following:

  • Drooping of the eyelids.
  • Weakness (it is hard for you to move your limbs).
  • He chews and breathes heavily.

Diagnosis: the main thing for the diagnosis of this disease is a physical examination, which rules out muscle atrophies, a visit to a neurosurgeon is recommended. On the other hand, CT scans, pulmonary function tests, among others, may also be needed.


This disease mainly damages the brain and spinal cord, causing the body to suffer from muscular atrophies (difficulty walking, breathing, speaking), it is characterized as a chronic neurological disease . Tremors and fatigue occur progressively and there is still no known cure.

Symptoms: among the main symptoms we can mention:

  • Lesions on the skin.
  • Coordination and balance problems.
  • Constipation.
  • Urination.

Diagnosis: finding the riddle of this disease is very complicated since its symptoms can lead the doctor down different paths (various diseases have very similar symptoms), the most recommended is to do an exhaustive clinical follow-up since the symptoms are usually intermittent (lapses years) Another key point is to write down all the family history since these can make a difference. Among the most common tests we can mention the MRI or lumbar puncture.


This condition is classified as serious, in which the immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system causing total or partial paralysis in those affected. Muscles move in response to stimuli (signals) sent by the nervous system. When there is a pathology, these signals are destroyed and therefore never reach the muscles.

Symptoms: among the main muscles we find the following:

  • Limb weakness.
  • Loss of reflexes.
  • Facial paralysis.
  • Double or blurred vision.
  • Cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Fever and diarrhea in the initial phase.
  • Muscle pain.

Diagnosis: determining this disease is very complicated, it is almost always referred to as many different conditions before giving the final diagnosis, the regular medical examination and the lumbar puncture test are the main tests to rule out the condition.

Autoimmune liver diseases

In this case, the immune system attacks the liver causing the body to have various metabolic failures, as we know the liver is in charge of managing many metabolic functions of the body (processing of toxic substances, production of enzymes and proteins, etc.) , then we will go into more detail about the types of these diseases.


It is an inflammation of the liver, caused by the attack on the organ tissue, said attack is given by the immune system itself.

Symptoms: among the main symptoms we have:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Malaise and fatigue
  • Dark urine
  • Pale yellow color
  • Nausea dizziness and vomiting
  • Yellow or pale stools

Diagnosis: one of the main tests is the liver function test and in very serious cases a liver biopsy.


Bile is a substance that helps the liver to digest food, it travels from the liver to the intestine through ducts (biliary tract) with this condition, the ducts become inflamed thanks to the attack of the nervous system and the passage of Bile to the intestines is blocked so the accumulation of bile damages the liver.

Symptoms: among the main symptoms we find:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Weightloss.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • General itching.
  • Yellow paleness
  • Yellow stools
  • Edema in the legs.

Diagnosis: the main test to rule out this condition is liver function, in addition, a blood albumin test and prothrombin time may be needed, only for severe cases a liver biopsy.

Autoimmune diseases of the blood

In this case, the immune system attacks the blood causing the body to have various circulatory failures, as we know the blood is responsible for handling a large number of vital functions of the body (transport of oxygen, plasma, platelets), below we will detail these in more depth diseases.


It is a disease that causes the blood not to have enough healthy red blood cells, this damage is due to the red blood cells being attacked by the immune system. The life of a red blood cell is 120 days but in this case it is destroyed before fulfilling its function (giving oxygen to the body’s organs)

Symptoms: with this disease the symptoms are mild or appear after a long time, of which we will mention the following:

  • Headache.
  • Feeling weak
  • Deconcentration.

Diagnosis: the main test to rule out this disease is the hemoglobin count in the blood or urine, depending on the case, a platelet count may be needed.


In this disease, the immune system destroys platelets, these are responsible for creating blood clotting when there are wounds, therefore if there is trauma, bleeding disorders will occur in the body.

Symptoms: among the main symptoms we can mention the following:

  • Bleeding into the skin without the need for rubbing or trauma.
  • Nose or mouth bleeding for no apparent reason.
  • Rules abundant in women.

Diagnosis : the main thing for the diagnosis of this condition is the platelet count test, in severe case a marrow aspiration should be performed.


In this condition, blood neutrophils decrease to a (ANC) lower than 1,500 / mm3, understanding that ANC is the leukocyte count and, as we know, leukocytes are responsible for protecting the body from any infection.

Symptoms: among the main symptoms we can mention the following:

  • Recurring infections.

Diagnosis: as for the diagnosis, the main thing is to have a clinical picture with various infections and a follow-up to them, on the other hand, depending on the type of infection, cultures should be performed. Another important test is the white blood cell count.

Autoimmune skin diseases

In this case, the immune system attacks the largest sensory organ of the body: the skin, causing the organism to have various damages to membranes and throughout the body’s tissue, below we will detail the types of these diseases in more depth.


With this condition the skin and mucous membranes fill with blisters and ulcers due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) to its tissues.

Symptoms: in terms of symptoms we have the formation of ulcers in the mouth or the whole body.

Diagnosis: as for the diagnosis, the main thing would be a medical evaluation to rule out the Nikolsky sign (the unaffected skin separates easily when rubbed), on the other hand a biopsy of the affected areas should be performed.


When this disease occurs, the skin fills with large blisters due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) to its tissues.

Symptoms: the symptoms go through the formation of large blisters all over the body, usually on the trunk and extremities.

Diagnosis: as for the diagnosis, the main thing would be to perform a biopsy of the affected areas.


Psoriasis is well known and widely studied, it causes the skin to fill with scaly lesions that itch and become inflamed due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) to its tissues.

Symptoms: in terms of symptoms, we have the formation of lesions throughout the body, generally on the trunk and extremities, but it can also attack the scalp. Also this disease is more common in men than in women.

Diagnosis: in the diagnosis, the main thing should be to have a medical examination that rules out more serious diseases such as pengigoid among others, since there are many similarities between them, an examination with a professional dermatologist should be enough to diagnose the case, but there are many similarities with more serious conditions, it would be best to perform a biopsy.

You can get perfect skin by following these simple tips

If you want more information about green tea it is great for healthy skin.

Autoimmune eye diseases

In this case, the immune system attacks the eye causing the body to have various sight failures , as we know the eyes are responsible for managing a very important sense of the body (vision), below we will detail the types of these diseases in more depth.


With this condition, the uvea (middle layer of the eyeball) becomes irritated and inflamed due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) to the tissues of the eye.

Symptoms: as for the symptoms we have the following:

  • Eye pain.
  • Sensation of flies flying in front of the eyes.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Redness of the eye.
  • Sensitivity to light.

Diagnosis: the main thing should be to have an ophthalmological medical examination with a prominent professional in the area.

Autoimmune kidney diseases

In this case, the immune system attacks the kidneys causing the body to have various detoxification failures, as we know the kidney is in charge of forming urine and detoxifying the body, then we will detail the types of these diseases in more depth.


This condition directly attacks the kidneys causing kidney failure (urine in the blood) and also attacks the lungs in the same way causing hemorrhagic secretions (hemorrhagic sputum), due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) to the tissues of the kidneys and the lungs.

Symptoms: as for the symptoms we have the following:

  • Coughing up blood
  • Urine with blood.
  • Burning when urinating.
  • Difficulty breathing.

Diagnosis: the main thing is to do a urine test to rule out the presence of red and white blood cells, only in some cases a kidney biopsy is necessary. It is also important blood tests to verify that it is clean (that there is no waste that is excreted in the urine)

Autoimmune thyroid diseases

In this case, the immune system attacks the thyroid causing the body to have various metabolic failures, as we know the thyroid is responsible for managing many metabolic functions of the body (hormone secretion), below we will detail the types of these diseases in more depth.


With this condition, the thyroid becomes irritated and inflamed due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) to the tissues of the gland, preventing the passage of thyroid hormones into the body.

Symptoms: as for the symptoms we have the following:

  • Lump in the neck called a goiter.
  • Breathing difficulty due to the enlargement of the gland.
  • Difficulty to swallow.
  • Constipation.

Diagnosis: it is essential to do an ultrasound to verify the size of the gland, in addition to doing blood tests to verify the levels of thyroid hormones in the body.


With this condition, the thyroid gland suffers from overactivity due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) to the tissues of the gland. By making the body receive more doses of thyroid hormones than necessary.

Symptoms: as for the symptoms we have the following:

  • Fatigue and muscle weakness.
  • Fall out of the hair.
  • Irregular rules in women.
  • Weight loss and increased appetite.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Eye pain.
  • Fuzzy or double mink.
  • Tachycardia or brachycardia.
  • Presence of goiter in some cases.

Diagnosis: An ultrasound should be done to check the size of the gland, in addition to blood tests to check the levels of thyroid hormones in the body.

Autoimmune diseases of the digestive system

In this case, the immune system attacks the digestive system causing the body to have various digestive failures , as we know the digestive system is in charge of processing food (acquiring proteins and vitamins), below we will detail the types of these diseases in more depth.


With this condition, people become intolerant to gluten, that is, they cannot consume any protein from barley, wheat or rye, this intolerance of the intestine towards gluten is due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) towards the intestines.

Symptoms: in terms of symptoms, it can be said that they are very imprecise since this disease does not present a unique clinical picture, each patient is different and there are some who do not even have symptoms or are not aware of them, among the most common are (diarrhea, malaise, depression irritability).

Diagnosis: basically a stool test (fecal fat) must be done to verify that the intestine is absorbing from the diet consumed by the patient, another test is the albumin test to verify if the liver processes fats derived from gluten.


It causes part of the digestive tract to become inflamed, this inflammation is due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) towards the intestines.

Symptoms: in terms of symptoms, it can be said that everything will depend on the part of the intestine that is affected, the failures can be mild, acute or severe or intermittent, the most common signs are:

  • Pain (cramps)
  • Weightloss.
  • Blood in the stool.
  • Skin or mouth ulcers.
  • Rectal bleeding

Diagnosis: in terms of diagnosis, we can mention the most common tests for the detection of intestinal failures (fissures, bulges or inflammations):

  • Endoscopy
  • Colon
  • Colonoscopy
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Abdominal tomography
  • Dull enema.


With this condition the mucous membrane that covers the stomach becomes inflamed or infected, these damages are due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) towards the stomach.

Symptoms: in terms of symptoms, it can be said that in most cases it is asymptomatic although there are signs such as abdominal pain and burning (upper part), in advanced cases the following symptoms can be witnessed:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Tongue pain
  • Weakness and weight loss
  • Nausea, vomiting, and belching (gas)

Diagnosis: we can mention endoscopy as the most common test for the detection of stomach failures (ulcers or inflammations)


With this condition, the intestines cannot properly absorb vitamin B12, causing a deficiency of red blood cells in the blood of those affected. This damage is due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) towards the stomach.

Symptoms: in terms of symptoms, it can be said that in most cases it is asymptomatic although there are some cases of specific signs such as:

  • Desire to eat inedible things
  • Pallor
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen tongue and gums

Diagnosis: in terms of diagnosis, we can mention the complete blood count (complete hematology) is the most common for the red and white blood cell count.


With this condition the large intestine (colon) becomes inflamed or ulcers fill, this damage is due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) towards the stomach.

Symptoms: as for the symptoms, the following can be mentioned:

  • Diarrhea, in some cases with blood
  • Abdominal pain

Diagnosis: in terms of diagnosis we can mention colonoscopy is the most common for the detection of stomach failures (ulcers or inflammations)

Diseases systemic autoimmune

The modalities of this disease are very specific, the study to know the origin of each of them is very established, to deepen in each one of them we will mention them in more depth, as we already know, systemic autoimmune diseases are those that affect an organ specifically, below we will be pointing out each case in more detail.


With this condition, multiple organs of the body are simultaneously damaged (brain, skin, heart, lung, kidney, joints and blood vessels). This damage is due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) against the aforementioned organs.

Symptoms: as for the symptoms, the following can be mentioned:

  • Redness of the skin, especially the face.
  • Hair loss.
  • Pale or purple fingertips.
  • Swelling of the eyes and limbs.
  • Ulcers in the mouth
  • Ease of bruising.
  • Muscle weakness and pain

Diagnosis: finding the key to this disease is very difficult , what is most recommended in the face of the signs is to follow them and if no improvements are seen, then proceed with biopsies of affected areas or blood tests to know how the immune system is working of the affected.

In the complete hair guide you will learn how to keep your hair healthy here

65 Causes for Hair Loss


With this condition, the muscles are damaged (infected) creating multiple sores throughout the skin, the lesions create postulae that itch and become inflamed. This damage is due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) towards the largest organ in the whole body – the skin.

Symptoms: as for the symptoms, the following can be mentioned:

  • Purple chlorination in the areas of the face
  • Purple rash on the areas of the face
  • Muscle weakness and stiffness
  • Difficulty to swallow
  • Difficulty breathing

Diagnosis: in terms of diagnosis, we can mention that what is most recommended in the face of the signs is to follow up and if no improvements are seen, it would be necessary to move forward with biopsies of affected areas or blood tests to see how the immune system of the affected person is working. Since X-rays of the affected areas may be needed, another key point is to verify the levels of enzymes (creatine phosphokinase and aldolase) in the muscles with a blood test.


There is a hardening of the skin that damages its connective tissue; Internal organs, muscles, and blood vessels are also affected by this stiffness. This damage is due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) towards the largest organ in the whole body – the skin.

Symptoms: in terms of symptoms, it can be mentioned that each case is different and in many patients it may take years to appear, the first signs could be esophageal disorders and hardening of the skin of the hands and face , on the other hand there are signs very common such as fatigue and weakness.

Diagnosis: we can mention that finding the key to this disease is very difficult, what is recommended in the face of these signs is to follow them up and if no improvements are seen, proceed with biopsies of the affected areas or blood tests. The essential thing is to attend a doctor of category that only with a manual examination is able to find the faults if there is a good doctor involved in 90% of the cases a biopsy is not required.


With this condition, blood vessels are damaged along with veins and arteries (inflamed). This damage is due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) towards the vessels and arteries of the body.

Symptoms: as for the symptoms, the following can be mentioned:

  • Fever
  • Muscle pain
  • Weightloss
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Inflammation
  • Creation of bruises or purples
  • Injuries to the face

Diagnosis: in terms of diagnosis we can mention that finding the key to this disease is very difficult, most of the symptoms are attributed to various diseases, it is essential to attend a category doctor who only with a manual and physical examination is capable of find the faults.


With this condition, the appearance of Raynaud’s syndrome arises (emotions or cold weather cause vascular spasms), the activity of intracellular fibers is interfered with, causing serious damage to the body, this disease is linked to lupus and multiple sclerosis, that is, it attacks those affected with autoimmune diseases that present the anti-U1-ribonucleoprotein (U1-RNP) antibodies.

Symptoms: as for the symptoms, the following can be mentioned:

  • Fingers of blue color, in addition to the nose and ears, after the trigger, the natural tone gradually returns but before it is very red
  • Painful rashes on the fingertips
  • Facial injuries

The damage is not limited to the skin, there are also heart, lung, digestive and kidney failures, and even neuronal ones. In the worst case, it can also cause arthritis.

Diagnosis: first of all you must be a patient of a serious autoimmune disease, finding the key to this disease is very difficult, most of the symptoms are attributed to various diseases, it is essential to attend a category doctor who only with a manual examination and physical is capable of finding the specific faults of the organism.


With this condition there is a dryness in the body since the glands that secrete tears and saliva are destroyed. This damage is due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) against the glands of the body.

Symptoms: As for the symptoms, dry eyes and mouth can be mentioned, dry mouth brings with it problems chewing and speaking, as well as causing deterioration in the teeth and causing mouth ulcers.

Diagnosis: regarding the diagnosis we can mention the following:

  • Eye exam
  • Salivary gland biopsy
  • Check tear production through a Schirmer


It is characterized by an inflammation of the body’s joints, as we know the joints are responsible for the movement of the entire body. This damage is due to the attack of the immune system (antibodies) towards the tissues of the body’s joints.

Symptoms: as for the symptoms, the following can be mentioned:

  • Pain of rheumatic origin
  • Muscular atrophy
  • Rigidity
  • Nodules under the skin
  • On the other hand, there are cases where organs such as the lungs are affected (fibrosis)

Diagnosis: there are cases where patients do not present alterations in any physical or laboratory examination, finding the key to this disease is very difficult, most of the symptoms are attributed to various diseases, it is essential to attend a category doctor who only with a manual and physical examination he is able to find the specific faults of the organism. As for specific tests , CT scans can be performed to look for signs in the soft tissues and laboratory tests can also be done to look for antibodies (antipectides) characteristic of this disease.

Most common autoimmune diseases

Despite our innate power of survival, there are always external or internal agents that damage our body, when an ailment occurs, discomfort warns that something is not right in our body, there are diseases that are very common in society such as the well-known flu. It is impossible that a human being has not gone through this Thanks to technological advances, there are discomforts that can only be reduced with a pill, but there are others that are somewhat complicated.

Within the category of autoimmune diseases, some are more common than others, that is, they attack more number of people worldwide, although these are the most frequent, autoimmune diseases: multiple sclerosis, autoimmune thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis. Despite being chronic, the clinical pictures of these diseases can be controlled so that those affected can lead a long and healthy life.

Autoimmune diseases: a common evil in women

Speaking of autoimmune diseases, it can be said that there is a higher rate of attacks on women, some studies indicate that women have always developed a stronger and more active immune system than men and in that strength is the key that women are the more likely to have an over-activated (uncontrolled) immune system.

In the United States, more than 50 million inhabitants are affected by an autoimmune disease and more than 30 million of that total are women , autoimmune diseases are the ten cause of deaths in women throughout the country, in addition to autoimmune diseases. they represent the fourth cause of disability in women. As we can see, the figures never lie and not only in the United States can these rates be evidenced, in Latin America the incidence of autoimmune diseases is also higher in women.

On the other hand, it is known that women are always more affected by nerves (stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, lack of communication) than men and this hectic life that the woman of the 21st century leads that fulfills so many facets at the same time. it can influence the increase of these numbers, since autoimmune diseases are greatly affected by stress.

Relax and de-stress, read more in the following article

Are autoimmune diseases inherited?

Having a family member who suffers from an autoimmune disease is not a sentence for you, that is, it does not give 100% certainty that you suffer from the same disease , the multiple studies carried out on autoimmune diseases provide a lot of data and of course the family history has an importance when assessing any patient but that does not specify anything, as a general rule for a person to be at risk there must be more than one risk factor and not just one, such as being a relative of an affected person.

Can autoimmune diseases be caused by a virus?

Regarding autoimmune diseases, nothing is definitive, at present this thesis is still under debate but it is not a secret that there are cases where autoimmune diseases are caused by external agents such as (bacteria, fungi and viruses). There are cases where an infection can wreak havoc on the immune system and hence autoimmune diseases.

We are all prone to viruses and pollutants so there is no exaggeration on the subject, the only thing that can be recommended is to treat infections with the due respect they deserve and never self-medicate in many cases there are people who self-medicate with antibiotics to when it comes to suffering from any virus or infection and the only thing they manage to do is strengthen the virus and weaken your immune system.

Rare autoimmune diseases

Being sick is one of the biggest concerns of any person, when we do not know the reason for the failures of our body, it is most likely that we will panic, hearing unknown terms from the mouth of doctors in a very palpable fear for any patient.

We never want to be sick and much less with conditions that we have never heard of, as we know autoimmune diseases are terrible and numerous but there are some in particular that are not very popular and they are the following:

  • Sjogren’s syndrome,
  • systemic sclerosis or scleroderma,
  • systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Celiac Disease.

Ignorance is never good and even more so when we talk about our health, although the terms sound a bit creepy or intricate, the safest thing is that with a qualified expert you can clarify all your doubts. The world of medicine is always advancing and as confusing or unknown as a disease is, it is most likely that current science has an answer to calm your affliction.

Curable autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases do not have a specific cure, they can be classified as chronic or severe diseases, the only thing that can be done regarding these diseases is to reduce or control their symptoms, there is a wide variety of medications, including in the branch of natural medicine but of course everything will depend on the profile of the affected patient.

Although these diseases can change people’s lives radically, those affected can usually lead long and long lives, they just have to stay in control and change their habits and life routines, so that they learn to live with the disease and above all It is important to lead a calm and healthy life, all the difficulties that arise can be overcome, you just have to be strong and have the courage to face adversity with a positive mind.

If you liked this article, be sure to read this selection that we have especially for your health:

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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