Almonds: Contraindications, Allergies, Benefits, Recipes And Varieties

Almonds are a dried fruit , in fact they are one of the most nutritious there is. The flavor of almonds is very pleasant and it also contains in its composition a series of properties that are extremely beneficial for the health of our body.

In general terms, almonds serve to strengthen our bone system and keep the skin and hair fully hydrated.

Origins and cultivation

The almond comes from a tree called almendrón, which is native to Central Asia. However, today the country that produces the most almonds is Spain, which accounts for fifteen percent of the world’s production, thus producing approximately twelve hundred tons.

The cultivation of almendrón began to occur in the warmest, even almost desert, area of ​​Central Asia. After there, it went to the European continent, specifically to Greece and Rome. And finally, it was the Romans who spread the tree throughout the rest of Europe and they brought it to the American continent.

The world production of almonds is approximately 1,268,000 tons and this quantity is distributed as follows: Africa 175 tons, Asia 327 tons, Europe 357 tons, North America 393 tons, Oceania 12 tons, South America 4 tons.

Most popular varieties

The two most common varieties of almonds are : the soft-shelled almond and the hard-shelled almond. The soft shell is obtained mostly in California crops, while the hard shell occurs more in Spain, especially almonds of the Marcona and Desmayo type.

Within the world of almonds, two types can also be distinguished , sweet almonds, which can be soft and hard, and bitter almonds, which are those that have a rather bitter taste, caused by an acid called amygdalin.

However, the main characterization of the almond is determined by the hardness of its shell. As well, in Spain you can get soft almonds such as “Mollar de Tarragona” and “Fitas”, which are originally from Ibiza.

On the other hand, the varieties of hard-shelled almonds are: Marcona, Llargueta, Rumbeta, Planeta, Desmayo and Doble Fina. In France, soft-shelled almonds are known as “princesses” or “fines”, those with a semi-soft shell can be called “amandes des dames” and those with a hard shell are “beraudes”. Thus, these same types of almonds can be obtained with different names around the world , especially in those that are large producers, since they are the ones who produce their different variables.

Countries with the highest consumption

In the world, it is estimated that the largest almond production is in California , where the estimate is a figure of 893,000 tons. While other countries like Australia produce only 50,000 tons.

With regard to the export of almonds, this has been affected and there has been a decrease in the figures with respect to a previous time , both for the almonds themselves, as well as for the almond flour, as well as the reduction of the value of it. This can be caused because there is already a greater regional production in each country.

Unlike almonds, hazelnuts have increased their export quantity, compared to last year the quantity and value of hazelnuts has increased, the percentage of increase has increased by around thirteen or fourteen percent. .

Benefits, uses and properties of almonds

To lose weight

Currently, people are looking for thousands of ways to lose weight, thus there are thousands of treatments and outlets that claim to help us burn fat , as well as fruits and foods that enhance this process.

In this way, the almond is a dried fruit that has taken over a large part of this territory, since research indicates that it has thousands of beneficial properties for our health and the most important of all: it can help eliminate excess weight.

In addition, using almonds in a treatment will not only make you lose weight, but it will also improve other aspects of your body due to the properties that almonds have, this fruit contains a large amount of minerals such as: zinc, iron, calcium , magnesium and potassium , in the same way, the almond has calories but healthy fats, so it does not affect cholesterol, improves circulation and prevents heart disease.

Another detail to take into account about almonds is that this dried fruit is a very good source of fiber, which helps you to improve digestive problems that your body may be suffering, as well as the almond can produce satiety this will help you to avoid having to eat a lot between main meals.

So, to lose weight using almonds you must consume a very small amount of almonds daily . Studies confirm that if you consume nuts for around three months you can make up to sixteen percent of the body fat in your body disappear.

Almonds, like other nuts, are an excellent snack to eat in the middle of the morning, this will help you satisfy the craving and you will not be providing your body with saturated fat . You can also opt for a smoothie with almonds on an empty stomach or add them to your breakfast, this way you will be full for a longer time.

Another way to use almonds to your advantage is to add them to your regular recipes , such as salads, juices, yogurts, and snack snacks. This fruit is very versatile, so starting to use it will not be a problem.

An ally for hair

Almonds, presented as oil, can be a great moisturizer and revitalizer for your hair, in this way due to the nutrients it contains and the vitamins (E, D, B2, B6, B1 and A) your hair can improve its appearance, it will be silkier and more manageable , and above all stronger.

One of the most important properties of almond oil for hair is the presence of vitamin E, since this is extremely important to condition the hair.

The power of almonds in the hair can be clearly seen in specialized hair products , since we can notice that there is clearly a presence of this nut in most of them, or at least in those that are based to hydrate and rebuild The hair.

The home remedies that you can apply to your hair using almonds are the following:


Use almond oil to rub your scalp for twenty to fifteen minutes, then let this act for forty-five minutes, or if you can, leave it overnight and rinse your head the next morning as you normally do.

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In a bowl, mix three tablespoons of almond oil, a handful of hibiscus flowers, and three tablespoons of castor oil. Work this mixture from root to tip, massage for about ten minutes, and then let it sit for an hour. Finally, wash your hair and repeat the process twice a week, in a couple of months your hair will have grown noticeably.

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Put two drops of oil in the palm of your hands and scrub your hair with this to add shine. This looks best if your hair is frizzy.


Massage the ends of your hair with almond oil and this problem will not continue to advance, you will notice that your hair will be repaired little by little.

Split ends repair: learn how to use it on curly and frizzy hair.


Mix water and henna in a container, until it forms a thick paste without lumps, let it rest overnight, the next day, add an egg and three tablespoons of almond oil to the mixture, mix this and let it rest for a few ten minutes.

If you want the mixture to smell more pleasant, you can add a few drops of essential oil . Apply this to your hair, let it work for half an hour and then wash with cold water.

Multiple uses for the skin

As we have already pointed out, the almond is a dried fruit that provides a large number of very good properties for our entire body . The high level of vitamin E that almond contains is very good for repairing and hydrating aspects of our body such as skin and hair.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that serves as a protector for the skin against the damaging effects that can develop from external factors (climate, temperature, sun, products, etc.), as well as internal factors.

As well, almonds implemented, whether in the form of oil, cream or any other product, will be of great effect to improve skin problems such as dryness, stretch marks, wrinkles and other problems.

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Almond oil for the treatment of dark circles

Almond oil is also a great treatment to eliminate dark circles from our face, since this skin seems to have suffered damage caused by bad habits, which can be irreparable, however, with the properties of almonds it can be remedied the damage caused.

Dark circles are those dark spots that develop in the lower part of our eyes, they can go from a faint violet to a dark purple, depending on our skin tone and this is a very serious aesthetic problem.

One of the best products that you can use for this problem is undoubtedly almond oil , its high content of vitamin E can make you regenerate this skin and make the stain disappear completely.

We invite you to read Tips to eliminate dark circles

To prepare your own natural treatment that will eliminate dark circles completely, you only need:

Ingredients: A few drops of sweet almond oil

Procedure: Place a few drops of almond oil on your ring finger, this finger is the one that exerts the least force, therefore it is the one that will cause the least pressure and damage against the skin. Rub the area of ​​the dark circles with this finger, giving small touches, do not do it with great force.

Do this every night before going to sleep and wash your face with plenty of water in the morning. When drying, do not rub your face vigorously. In a couple of weeks you will see the incredible results on your skin, there will no longer be dark circles that cause discomfort on your face.

Can they be consumed during pregnancy?

Almonds are an extremely beneficial dried fruit, which is why their consumption during pregnancy is not ruled out. Pregnant women need a very large intake of calcium and they can get it without problem with almonds.

So, if the woman does not have an allergy or an unfavorable reaction, she can consume almonds without any problem, especially if it is almond milk. This product is also a very good option when you have lactose intolerance, as it can replace normal milk and is much more beneficial.

For more information you can read this article on How to Improve Lactose Intolerance or Poor Digestion

Almonds are a very important source of protein, which is very necessary for the development and formation of muscles and other aspects of the fetus. In the same way, almonds are constituted by healthy fats, it helps the development of the nervous system to be more conducive to the baby.

The large amount of vitamins of group B, as well as folic acid, makes this fruit excellent to avoid suffering from diseases such as anemia , it is recurrent in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Likewise, magnesium helps women to better cope with mood swings and fatigue during the months of pregnancy. But well, how much is the recommended dose? As we know, everything that is consumed in excess is bad, so we must follow a regulated dose that helps us take advantage of the benefits without suffering alternate damage or counterproductive reactions.

It is best for a pregnant woman to consume no more than 25 grams of almonds daily , or two glasses of almond milk throughout the day. This food, despite containing calories, does not pose a risk of uncontrolled weight gain, as long as it is consumed in the indicated dose.

This article is very important Chemical Pregnancy: Problems, Signs, Duration, Symptoms and Causes


Almond milk is a great option to replace ordinary milk , since it does not contain lactose, so it can be used by people who are intolerant to this substance. In addition, almond milk is very rich in antioxidants and a large amount of minerals that are essential to maintain our health in good condition, such as potassium, iron and calcium.

Almond milk is very low in cholesterol , since it does not contain saturated fats, but rather unsaturated fatty acids or better known as “good fats”, which are those that benefit us at the circulatory level, reduce blood cholesterol and prevent heart disease.

So well, this milk is the best option to change to cow’s milk , for all that it implies and for its benefits, it can even be implemented better than soy milk itself.

We suggest you read this article Osteoporosis: Prevention, Treatments, Symptoms and Tests to perform

Almond milk has certain specific properties which should be highlighted, these are the following:

  • It does not have gluten
  • It does not have lactose
  • It does not have cholesterol
  • It has the same consistency as cow’s milk, so it can be used in the same way
  • Has a large amount of vitamin E
  • Contains antioxidants
  • Prevents cancer
  • Delays aging
  • It also has vitamin A and D
  • Contains omega 6
  • Contains minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, and magnesium


Stretch marks originate when our skin stretches due to a significant gain or loss of weight , or of muscle mass. These can occur mostly during pregnancy or due to hormonal factors.

When looking for a solution for stretch marks or what you want is to prevent their appearance, you can choose to use an almond oil, since it, due to its large amount of vitamin E, can provide you with really good results.

Although stretch marks that are already made are almost impossible to repair completely, they can be made to decrease their size markedly, so that they are less visible to the public eye.

So, to eliminate stretch marks on your skin or prevent it, the first thing you should do is massage the affected area with almond oil on a daily basis. This will help prevent new stretch marks from appearing, as well as prevent existing ones from getting bigger and worse. In addition, you will not only change your skin, but you will also release tension through the massages you apply.

You may be interested in this article about Stretch Marks: Prevention, Treatments and Causes

If you want to prepare an even more effective remedy to combat stretch marks, what you should do is follow the following procedure:

  • Use almond oil, a glove, a brush, and vitamin E.
  • Put the oil on your hands and rub them with each other so that the oil gets hot
  • Now apply this in the area you are going to work on. The areas where stretch marks develop more easily are: the buttocks, legs, knees, hips, belly and breasts.
  • Massage the skin with your hands or use the brush gently
  • Do this until the skin absorbs the oil
  • It is recommended that the movements you make are small, in this way you will guarantee that all your skin will absorb the oil
  • If you use vitamin E separately, you can get better results.
  • Perform this procedure twice a day, it can be in the morning and at night before going to sleep.
  • Keep your skin hydrated, drink enough water and carry out the treatment, in this way you can have the best results guaranteed.

If you implement a daily beauty routine, you will be able to make your skin look better than ever, since there is nothing better than being constant with the treatments that generate benefits, only in constancy are the good fruits, since we cannot achieve a good result if we perform the procedure once a month.

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Experts point out that all nuts, especially almonds, are very good for the diet of people suffering from diabetes. Since these fruits are the center of dietary fiber, they contain unsaturated fatty acids, that is, beneficial fat for the body, they also contain vitamins and minerals, among many other properties.

For more information you can read Diabetes: Complications, Causes, Types and how to prevent it

Thus, the benefits that almonds bring to diabetics are the following:

  • Diabetics who integrate almonds into their diet have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, as well as when they do not have diabetes, it can be prevented from giving birth, thanks to the fiber and healthy fats it contains. this dried fruit.
  • The use of these fruits also directly influences the prevention of heart disease, since it improves circulation and contributes good cholesterol to the bloodstream.
  • Nuts make blood glucose levels level off, as they activate fat metabolism, thus preventing hypertension and also leveling the amount of triglycerides in the bloodstream.
  • They help combat manganese deficiency suffered by diabetic people, since almonds are rich in this and many more minerals.
  • They are a good treatment for pre-diabetic people, since it stimulates the body’s sensitivity to insulin.
  • In general, almonds reduce the lack of sugar control that can cause when eating a meal, be it a lunch, dinner or a snack, this fruit attacks the unevenness that may occur at that time.

In conclusion, taking into account all these benefits, it can be said that almonds are the most important nut when it comes to a treatment to avoid, manage and control diabetes . Similarly, if you do not have diabetes, you can also choose to integrate almonds into your diet, you can get the same benefits.


Almonds are a clear and direct influencer on blood pressure , so if we eat a healthy diet and consume almonds in it, we can help our pressure to remain at the most beneficial level for our health.

As well, almonds are the fruit that is recommended for the treatment of preventing and stopping stress problems. So well, it should be taken into account that it is advisable to eat four to five servings of almonds a week.

The unsaturated fatty acids that this fruit contains is what will improve blood circulation , it also provides good cholesterol, so heart disease is avoided and prevented. This prevents the arteries from becoming inflamed, which generally improves everything related to the function of the bloodstream.

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There are many studies that prove that almonds can lower blood cholesterol . This is due to the large amount of unsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that its composition has, as well as the beneficial cholesterol that it contributes to our body.

Studies show a clear improvement in the cholesterol level of patients who were given almonds, compared to those who did not ingest any fruit of this type. The improvement reaches up to ten percent, as for the other group of people studied.

So, the results teach us that it is only necessary to consume a specific amount of almonds , without making any other changes in the diet, to improve the level of cholesterol in the body. In the same way, it is recommended that if you suffer from a very strong cholesterol level, it is best to reduce those foods that are richer in bad cholesterol such as animal fats and others, in this way you can repair the damage very much faster.

So well, in order to achieve this improvement … How much should we consume? If we want to reduce the bad cholesterol in our blood by ten percent, what we must do is eat only 73 grams of almonds in a day , this is approximately half a cup of almonds, for which we would be ingesting just under 400 calories.

We must bear in mind that not by increasing the daily dose we will obtain better results, although there have been no studies that evaluate consuming a whole cup, it is better not to do so because due to the amount of calories that we would be providing to our body, this is not recommended .


Almonds contain analgesic properties , which are compared to those caused by any type of aspirin or other medicine of this style, that is why it can be used as a natural solution to avoid headaches of any kind, be it migraine or a running headache.

Almonds, like aspirin, are composed of a substance called salicylates, a chemical whose function is to reduce the inflammation that causes pain or the pain signals sent by our brain.

Apart from the analgesic effect, almonds can also produce benefits at the nervous level, thus relaxing this system, which can help us eliminate problems of accumulation of tension, as well as improve our circulation and muscle stiffness.


The unsaturated fatty acids that almonds contain make the blood cholesterol levels drop to a level where it is not a problem, that is, the appropriate level. In the same way, this action of almonds improves a series of functions, such as cardiovascular and renal, the latter in terms of preventing the tissues of these organs.

Another point to highlight in this regard is that almonds can also be a great source of iron for our body, thus increasing the production of red blood cells and preventing the development of a disease such as kidney anemia.

In the same way, this dried fruit is rich in dietary fibers, so it improves digestive function and stimulates the person’s appetite, which is very good when the person suffers from kidney failure.

However, when it comes to a patient with end-stage or chronic renal failure, they are unable to eliminate the extra phosphorus from their body, which obviously results in very high levels of phosphorus in the body. Which causes itchy skin, bone diseases and others.

That is why patients who are forced to carry out a diet low in phosphorus for this reason, cannot enjoy the benefits of almonds, since these fruits are very rich in this chemical compound.

It should also be taken into account that if the kidney problem is caused by diabetes or they have a lack of blood sugar control, they should avoid the consumption of almonds at all costs.

For digestive diseases

Almonds are fiber-rich fruits , so they are beneficial when it comes to gastrointestinal issues. However, if we consume them in excess we can cause an underlying digestive disease, since the fibrous content of the almonds can produce cramps in the stomach, however, they disappear in a couple of hours. If this happens to you, you should stop consuming almonds and go to an expert to give you an accurate diagnosis of the situation.

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Almonds are an excellent remedy for digestive problems, including constipation. This dried fruit can help us benefit in that regard, since they contain a large amount of fiber, which makes our digestion improve in terms of speed and can thus eliminate all the waste that obstructs our intestines.

For occasional constipation, it is good to use sweet almond oil , this can be a very good solution. But, remember that you must make sure that the oil is good to ingest, that is, that it can be suitable for oral consumption.

Another way to take advantage of the properties of almonds in this sense is to consume four tablespoons of sweet almonds throughout the day, you can divide the doses into two or three servings, the first being before breakfast – on an empty stomach – and the last before about sleeping. If this treatment is to be given to the elderly or children, the amount should be reduced by half.


Almonds, at the level of the health of our intestines, these can have a prebiotic effect, which is a power to stimulate the development of bacteria that are beneficial in our body, these can improve our defenses and reinforce our health.

In this way, in case of suffering from diarrhea, this mechanism acts like a sponge that absorbs the liquids that are in excess in our body, and in this way an antidiarrheal function is produced, since the consistency is increased in a normal way to our feces, that is, they stop being liquid and start to solidify a little.

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Nuts, in their entirety, can help you create a feeling of fullness in your body, or they control your appetite so that you won’t be excessively hungry. Almonds can produce this effect.

So, if you are at work, in class or simply resting in the comfort of your home, you can choose to have a handful of almonds to relieve anxiety caused by stress or other factors. You will also be providing your body with a series of benefits that you do not get with any other type of snack.

In this way you will also improve the performance of bowel movements , in case you suffer from irritable bowel, this thanks to the fact that almonds can provide a good amount of potassium and magnesium, as well as many fibers that prevent constipation from occurring.


If almonds are consumed in the most appropriate way, many benefits can be provided at the gastrointestinal level . Since almonds contain a large amount of fibers and minerals that improve digestive function, prevent constipation and others. However, if we eat more than the recommended dose we can suffer from problems such as gastritis and gas caused by the excess of fibers and calories contained in almonds.

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Contraindications of its consumption

Nuts, including almonds, are not recommended for consumption by children under three years of age . In this way, they should be avoided under all circumstances if you have children under this age, as they could cause a premature allergy, as well as they could choke because they are hard and small foods, and normally children of this age are just learning to chew .

People allergic to a type of nut should avoid consuming almonds, as they could cause unfavorable reactions. When you are allergic to this type of fruit, symptoms appear almost immediately, just a few minutes after consumption, the most marked symptoms are: swelling, hives, itching, itching, breathing problems and even death.

In case of intolerance to nuts, the symptoms are milder , but they can also be annoying, although they manifest more slowly than the allergy. The symptoms in case of intolerance are the following: diarrhea, vomiting, depression, headache and migraine, among others.

How many can I consume per day?

Anything consumed in an excessive amount is counterproductive , so you have to be moderate in terms of the dose of what we eat daily. As for almonds, it is very important to take this aspect into account, since otherwise we could cause a very serious reaction in the body.

The most recommended is that you do not consume more than two handfuls of almonds daily, one in the day and one at night if you want. In total, we would be talking about about twenty almonds, this amount does not influence our weight, since it is not large enough to show such a reaction.

Why can they cause allergies?

Nut allergies are the most common worldwide . This is because the body reacts against the proteins that these types of fruits contain, such as almonds. The body’s reaction in this way is not common, however, it is not known why it does it this way. Allergies have always been a very murky terrain for the world of medicine, as there is no determinant that explains why the body reacts this way, there are simply people who react and there are others who do not.

People who are allergic to nuts, could be allergic to only one type or to all, however, there are studies that show that if you have an allergy to a type of nut, it is very likely that you will develop a problem of the same way with any other fruit. The dried fruit with the highest allergy index is the almond, followed by the peanut, the walnut, the hazelnut and finally the pine nut.

If you have an allergy to almonds, it is very likely that the reaction will show only a few minutes or an hour after you ingest the fruit or simply when you make contact with it. Skin reactions, even rashes, are the most common in this case. However, the reaction can extend to the eyes, showing redness and burning in them, as well as respiratory problems.

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Advantages and disadvantages of its consumption

Almonds, like almost all food, have their pros and cons , in this case they are the following:

  • They are a very good source of calcium, vitamins, minerals. But this is only in its raw state, since if the almonds are toasted they can lose many of these properties.
  • Those who exaggerate with the implementation of nuts in their diet can show themselves under a slimmer figure, this is due to the nutrients that these nuts provide.
  • Almond milk prevents problems caused by lactose that is given to babies (formula).
  • In Central Europe the mother is instructed to give her baby almond milk when she cannot breastfeed for a greater cause.
  • It contains unsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, so they do not increase cholesterol.
  • Contains beneficial cholesterol.
  • It has vitamins of the complex.
  • The vitamin that contains the highest amount is E.
  • Contains iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
  • It has antioxidants that prevent aging.
  • Due to its fiber content it can prevent constipation.
  • Controls the accumulation of fat in the body.
  • Control cholesterol.
  • Decreases tension, improves circulation.
  • Prevents heart disease.
  • Prevents urinary tract infections.
  • Benefits the skin and hair.

We suggest the following articles:

Differences between bitter and sweet almonds

Sweet almonds are a type of almonds whose flavor, as its name indicates, is sweet, the plant that produces them has very beautiful flowers and its seed is edible. This type of almond is the one that provides the best oil and milk of this type.

The sweet almond comes from the Asian continent , but today it is mostly cultivated in California, southern Europe and in the warm places that face the Mediterranean coast. As well, this type of almond is rich in many nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial properties.

This type of almonds is very beneficial for the skin , hair and nails. When it is presented in oil, it does not have any contraindication, it can let the skin breathe without problem, delays aging and improves its elasticity. All these properties are what make this product highly used in the world of cosmetology, as it provides care and improvement in many ways.

On the other hand , bitter almonds are a type of almond whose composition is toxic and can be lethal for anyone . Its taste is bitter, as its name indicates, which alerts us to its toxicity, since we cannot ingest it with pleasure.

The repellent flavor that this type of almond contains is caused by a compound called benzaldehyde , if it were not for this flavor, many people could die when ingesting this type of almond, since they contain a considerable amount of hydrocyanic acid that can cause the intoxication to the point of becoming poisoning. It can become voluntary, but the most worrying case is ingesting one of these almonds without realizing it due to the ignorance of its existence. In this way, now that you know it, you can be alert – and alert – people to this serious problem.

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Where can I buy organic / bio almonds

Today there are multiple healthy food stores that you can go to, but the price is still very high, to get directly to the producer it is better to try it from Amazon, where the producer can directly market them at a more competitive price without intermediaries in between.

We leave you some of the best brands:

  • Ecomil Almond Bio 400 gr of Almond
  • Raw organic almonds (Marcona variety). Without salt. Extra Gourmet Category – 350 gr. Vacuum packed
  • Igmis Whole Raw Almonds – 750g – Directly From The Farm
  • Manual Almond Part Machine

Sweet and savory recipes with almonds

The use of almonds is not limited to just buying the fruit already processed, either the milk or the almond cream, there are several recipes that we can implement ourselves and we can prepare these totally homemade products. Here are a series of recipes that you can use at home to use almonds and take advantage of their properties, the recipes are as follows:

How to prepare homemade almond milk?

Almond milk is very easy to prepare , besides it can be very fast, the money you are going to invest is similar to what you would spend for organic milk, but this is much more beneficial. Well, all you are going to need is the following:


  • 1 cup of almonds
  • 3 cups of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick, if you like
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence, it is optional


  • Use a deep container, place the almonds inside, fill the container with water until all the almonds are covered.
  • Make sure there is enough water, as the almonds will tend to grow a bit.
  • Leave the almonds soaking overnight.
  • The next morning, rinse the almonds, dry them, and place them in the blender.
  • Add three cups of water to the blender and blend everything until you get a well-integrated mixture.
  • Finally, strain the mixture to remove the almond remains and store everything in a preferably glass jar.
  • If you add a cinnamon stick to the glass container, you can keep the milk for longer.
  • You can also add a little vanilla to the milk to make the flavor more pleasant to the taste

You should keep in mind that after a few minutes the mixture can settle and the almond mixture can separate from the water due to the different densities. In this case, what you should do is shake the bottle before consuming it so that both liquids are integrated again and that’s it.

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Chocolate with almonds

There is no better way to consume a beneficial product than by mixing it with our favorite dessert, in this way we can take advantage of the medicinal and delicious benefits of our favorite sweet. That is why here we have a recipe for a dessert that mixes the deliciousness of chocolate with the properties of almonds. Check out the recipe below:


  • A bar of dark chocolate to melt
  • A bar of milk chocolate to melt
  • 100 grams of almonds
  • Dried cranberries, optional
  • Sal maldon, it’s optional


The first thing you should do is melt the chocolate in a bain-marie in a sturdy container. When the chocolate is melted, add half of the almonds, you can do it in small pieces or whole, it is your decision.

Then, this must be placed in a mold or tray, as you prefer, it must be covered with parchment paper. Later, add the dried cranberries and the other almonds that were left to be used. You should let it cool overnight.

When it is ready, you will have a chocolate and almond nougat that you can give as a gift or save for yourself and eat it as a rich and partly very healthy snack.

These articles talk about chocolate:

Almond cream

Due to the potential of almonds and their known beneficial properties, lately there has been a boom in the use of this fruit . As well, almond cream is one of the most popular.

Almond butter is readily available, as is peanut butter and that line of products. However, it is healthier to start making it ourselves at home , it is very simple and in this way we are guaranteed that we are not ingesting a quantity of additional preservative chemicals to the original product.

So, to prepare this simple cream we must follow the following procedure:

  • The first thing we must do is toast the almonds, in this way we will facilitate the natural oils of the fruit to come out when we are going to process them, which improves the smooth consistency that the cream should acquire.
  • Roasting the almonds also adds a better flavor to the final result.
  • The second thing we must do is let them cool after having toasted them.
  • When they are cold, they must be placed in the blender, it must be powerful so that it can completely crush the almonds.
  • When you start beating you will realize that in a moment they will begin to adhere to the walls of the mixer.
  • When they start to stick together, you have to help yourself with a trowel or a spatula to mix everything.
  • You will have to do this several times.
  • Keep beating the almonds and clean the edges so that everything is integrated into the same mixture.
  • The mixture will get oily and creamy the more you mix.
  • Keep mixing until the cream is lump-free, smooth, and shiny.
  • When you have the cream with this consistency, you can add a pinch of salt, a little honey or vanilla, you can also use coconut oil if you want it more creamy (all this should be done to your liking).

In this way you will have your cream ready and you can implement it in many foods such as breads, fruits, oats and you can even eat it alone. Make the recipe and enjoy this delicious product.

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Almond butter

Almond butter is very simple to make, it is also a good alternative to replace other types of butter that can affect your cholesterol and provide your body with a lot of fat. To prepare this you must have the following:


  • Three cups of almonds
  • A plate for cookies
  • Olive oil
  • A blender
  • A mortar


  • You must first decide if you want to toast the almonds or not.
  • If the answer is yes, you should place the seeds on a cookie sheet and bake them at 170 ° C for about fifteen minutes.
  • You should stir the almonds from time to time while you bake them.
  • Then, let them cool. Another method that you can apply is to boil the almonds to remove the skin more easily.
  • Use a mortar to grind the almonds, do it until they are as pulverized as possible.
  • Add two tablespoons of olive oil and mix with the almond powder until you get a creamy and homogeneous paste.
  • You can use a mixer for this mixture and there add a sweetener such as stevia, honey or sugar.
  • If in your case you prefer salted butter, use a little salt in that step.
  • Or, you can add no other ingredients to the butter.
  • Finally, place the butter in a container that can be hermetically closed and store it in the refrigerator until you are going to use it.

This recipe is extremely simple and the best of all is that it gives you an alternative with which you can enjoy the benefits of almonds in a different, fun and very tasty way. Try this method as soon as possible.

Nutritional information for almonds

Almonds, for every hundred grams, contain an energy value that is around the amount of 2423 calories, which are subdivided into carbohydrates, these are divided into sugars, saturated fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, proteins, fiber and water.

In the same way, almonds contain vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E A. which is of great benefit for the health of our body in general and specifically for our hair, skin, tissues. , digestive system and more.

However, it must be taken into account that this nut, like any other, contains highly allergenic substances , so it should be avoided completely if you have a suspected allergy to almonds, since the reactions are very fast and they can be fatal.

This article is also important go in and read it Hazelnuts: Contraindications, Benefits and Nutritional Information

Glycemic index

The glycemic index is a measure that calculates the effect that carbohydrates have on the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. When we eat a lot of food and have a high glycemic index, we can lose control of the function of leveling sugar levels. This problem, not controlling blood sugar, leads to a series of quite serious problems such as diabetes and metabolism problems. The good thing, in this case, is that we have to mention that almonds do not affect the sugar in our body.

As well, almonds have an index of zero , which shows that they have no influence on the sugar levels in the bloodstream.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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