Best Car Seats For Babies

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Children’s safety comes first; although before bringing them to the world what you think about is their clothes to keep them warm, their bottle in case of not being able to breastfeed them for the first six months of their life; also in his crib, in his stroller, and of course in his diapers; But if you are a mommy who has a car, in that list of priorities you should include a car seat for your baby, because it is just as important as everything mentioned; Because this car seat will simply save your life in the event of an accident.

Many moms believe that this protective measure is not necessary; since according to their testimonies, they are very careful when driving, even these are the moms who don’t even use a seat belt; However, you should know that even if you are the most careful mother in the world, when driving with your baby, you cannot control the way others handle it, you are not the only one, the track is not just yours; You know that you are responsible, but you do not know how responsible others who are behind the wheel at the same time as you can be.

What I want to get to is that you should buy a baby car seat because it is something that could save their life, although you are the most responsible on the planet, other drivers are not; and you never know when an accident may occur from which you can prevent a fatality just by taking the safety measures that are above all an act of love when taking the baby on board wherever you want you to go because since it was born you will never return to be alone.

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When you travel by car with your baby, you are moving at the speed of the vehicle, you do not feel it because it is the vehicle that is moving you, but you and your baby go at the same speed in unison with it, and if you come to brake abrupt way, it means that everything that is not subject to stop together with the vehicle, will continue the trip at the same speed that it had; and what will stop it will be the windshield; Therefore, this type of accident is avoided only by holding your body to the vehicle with a seat belt and your baby, even more so, must be well attached to his car seat .

You may wonder why the baby cannot sit like an adult? Due to their height and also their bone structure, they cannot be protected with a seat belt. That answer I will deepen throughout this article because it is what I want to talk to you about; Since if an accident like this one that I just described occurs, the body that is propelled and could be thrown with such force that the impact can cause instant death or fatal injuries that later you will ask yourself, was it just a seat belt, only a seat for my baby, why didn’t I use it? That is why there is the saying “better safe than sorry”.

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The benefits of these baby seats are many, among them strictly speaking in case of “brakes” is that the force of the impact is distributed towards the rigid parts of the body such as the shoulders and the pelvis; They also manage to make the baby remain firmly in the chair even if the impact has been frontal, side, rear or even if you tip over ; The damage to your baby would be minor compared to the damage that could be caused by not being attached to anything, it could be thrown and die.

There are chairs that adjust to the growth of the baby, and hold it perfectly as it increases in size, since several years must pass before being able to use the belt as an adult uses it. It is necessary since this way they ensure protection and the best retention when the car is impacted; This is why they must incorporate straps, harness or belts that offer lateral protection and not only frontal protection .

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When your baby is about to be born and you realize that you must go in the back seat for your safety and that of your baby who is inside you, it is when you possibly realize that that security that you give before birth is still more important for when it is born; because you have to use your car to do most of the errands, and in your head you imagine all the possible scenarios of how to transport your newborn baby comfortably; and above all safely; it is nothing more and nothing less than buying a baby car seat.

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These are divided into groups of which I will talk to you later, they are classified so that you can choose the appropriate one for the weight of your baby, rather than for the age, since it may be one year old but weigh like a child of two, or vice versa; This is why you should always pay attention to weight or height, but we will talk about this later; What I want now to tell you about some tips that you should follow if it is the first time that you are going to buy a car seat for your baby regardless of his age as long as he is under 12 years old.

  • The first thing you should make sure is that the chair is adjustable since there are some that do not fit and it will only serve your baby for one stage, which means that when he grows a little you should buy another chair, so make sure you this, that you can adjust your chair in at least two groups, from birth to three years of age.
  • You must see if your car has an ISOFIX system (I will talk about this system later), so that you buy a chair that has this system or, if your car does not have it then the model of chair you buy must be the traditional one, which It is installed with the three-point seat belt.
  • For nothing in the world, do not buy a used car seat, because first you will not have the instructions, second they may be damaged and will not provide your baby with safety and protection because it may have already withstood an impact before, and a second impact may not have the same impact force absorption efficiency. For this reason, it is best that you acquire a completely new chair, so that you do not have to spend more than you can save by buying a used one, also in the market there are very good and inexpensive models, I will show you in this article.

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  • Once you acquire the seat before taking it with a closed eye trusting the seller , it is best to ask to have it tested on your car , check the harness and buckle yourself, if possible place your child and test it with he.
  • These chairs have an expiration date, do not use them after the expiration date; since its structure will not be strong as when it was new, so the support and safety decrease drastically, always check the bottom of the chair and make sure that this date is far from the years that your child can use it.
  • There are chairs that are withdrawn from the market because they have been tested and do not pass the impact tests performed on them; do not use these chairs that have been recalled because their reasons will have and believe me they are compelling reasons.
  • Make sure that the chair is specially designed for the age and weight of your baby , it is not only that it is adjustable as I recommended at the beginning, but that it is suitable because you cannot use a larger one if your baby is small, or a small one. if your baby is big and robust . Take care of the weight that is much more important than age when buying a chair.

That as a priority, then you can choose according to the colors of your preference; I also have more information to give you regarding these car seats for your baby, such as what was pending about the groups, also tell you about the ISOFIX system, about how to install the seat with and without that system; and finally on the regulations. After all this I want to present you the best chairs that are in the market, to make your choice a little easier by reducing it to this short list with models of chairs from each group.

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Is it mandatory to have a baby seat in my car?

The immediate answer is of course yes , since nowadays more and more measures are taken to ensure the safety of children is guaranteed, it is necessary to offer them maximum protection when it comes to traveling with them by car . Through tests carried out with dolls, the damage that children can suffer in the back seat of the car when they do not have an adequate weight or the height so that the seat belt can protect them against an impact has been determined.

These studies indicate that injuries caused by impacting head-on or receiving a side impact could cause death, among many things, and it is for this reason that car seats have been perfected to reduce injuries and death to children in accident case; Well, although the least you think is that you are going to crash when you go out in your car, it is like everything else, the least expected moment may pass and the results could be tragic but if you have a chair for your baby there are many sufferings that you leave to avoid.

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It is also a minimum investment that you will make, it is not only to protect it but it also gives your child comfort so that he travels at ease with you; You will make this investment a couple of times before he turns twelve or reaches the height and weight established in the rules that I will talk about later; Well, I tell you that it will only be a couple of times because you can find chairs that go from birth until the baby is four years old, and then there are those that are for when they reach that age and reach twelve years of age; It is not a dead investment, it is an investment that ensures maximum protection for your baby.

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You have to be a conscious and responsible mother and father, if you do not have these seats it is better that you leave your baby at home with his grandmother, with his mother, or if it is Mommy who should go out, it is better that the baby stay with the father, until they can buy this chair that not only prevents serious injuries in the event of impact or being impacted but also in the event of a sudden stop because a motorized vehicle was crossed, or a small animal.

It does not matter that the journey is short, and that you say that you will go at the lowest possible speed, simply do not take your child in the car but you have one of these seats; because if you knew when an accident is going to happen, you can simply leave everything behind and not even go out; because it would be the closest thing to what God is, because he is the only one who knows what will happen; But that person does not exist and will not exist, you only have to do what is necessary to prevent accidents and never try to have him complying with all the measures that do exist.

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ISOFIX system in baby car seats

In its acronym in English it is International Standards Organization FIX, it is an international standard that guarantees maximum safety in the installation of the baby seat in your car, through an anchoring system that allows the seat to be securely fixed in an easy way; to provide the best protection to the child in the event of a collision because it is not only about installing the chair, but about doing it in the correct way, and that is why this system facilitates such installation so that it is not installed improperly.

This ISOFIX system has been incorporated into factory vehicles as of 2006 ; Therefore, at present the vast majority of cars should be equipped with this system, which consists of three anchor points or rings also called hooks located on the inside of the seats and that are part of the car body and it is to these anchors where the baby’s chair is hooked through rigid bars that are pushed against the rings and when you hear the click, the chair will be installed correctly.

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It is a system that reduces serious injuries since the third anchor point is to prevent the rotary movements of the chair and the other two hold it firmly so that in the event of an impact, it remains stable; among its main objectives is that of easy installation and that there are no errors; there are two types, the universal ; There are three anchors for chairs from group 1 onwards, the semi-universal one that has two anchors and a support leg (top tether) for group 0+; So if you don’t even know if your car has this system, you can consult the manual that shows you a list of cars that have this ISOFIX system.

Regarding the groups into which the car seats are divided, there are groups 0, 0+, 0/1, 1/2, 2/3, 1,2 and 3, each of which have an age range and specific weight so that the chair you choose is the right one for your baby.

Group 0 and 0+ are rear-facing chairs and are intended for newborn babies up to 13kg of body weight; the next group 1 is up to 18kg, but from 9kg; and groups 1, 2, 3 are chairs oriented in the direction of walking and range from 9 months to twelve years; while there are chairs that combine the groups because they are adjustable.

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How to install a baby car seat?

When the baby is newborn you must place it with its back to the march ; put the chair in the back seat, place it a little in the center because they should not go in front because of the air bags, nor near the doors because of the side bags; Then fix the seat belt firmly at the base of the baby seat to make sure that it is well adjusted, it should not move more than two centimeters when applying manual force. Recline the baby chair at the most convenient angle, that is, to prevent the baby’s head from moving forward; do not make it more than 45 °.

After your baby is ready with soft clothes, proceed to place him in the seat and place the shoulder strap in the lowest possible position; place the chest clip at the level of your armpit; then adjust the harness strap so that it is not loose but a little snug; And that’s it, if it is necessary to fill in the sides with blankets, do it but do not do it behind the chair.

In case your baby is of the age, height and weight to be oriented with the direction of travel, then place the base of the seat, that is, the seat in the back seat , and if you are going to place it in front make sure to deactivate the airbag earlier; Let’s continue with the installation in the rear seat; You must make sure that the base is flat and the backrest is straight against that of the car seat; and then adjust the headrest to the height of your child.

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Look for the belt path on the baby seat that is usually indicated on labels or stickers generally located on the back of the seat; Attach that strap to the car strap hitch and then adjust the harness very well so that your baby does not move around a lot and is securely attached to their seat in the event of a collision or sudden stop.

If you have a car that has the ISOFIX system and the baby seat also has this system, then you just have to look for two rings that are between the back seat and the back of it; After you have the rings located, then remove the connectors that are at the base of the chair that are yellow, then place the baby chair and you just have to push it against the back where you had located the rings to make the connectors fit with so just one click; some come with an indicator light so you can be sure that the installation was correct.

And if the chair is group 0+, the safest thing is that the Top Tether incorporates a support leg; that you must adjust to the correct height so that it holds the chair and remains stable against the ground, once you have done the step of locating the rings and fitting the connectors, after hooking in the third point then you must firmly tighten and always check the indicator so that you have no doubt that you did a correct installation.

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Regulations for car seats

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When I talk to you about these car seats for babies, and I talk to you about the groups that determine the use according to height and weight, lastly age; And when I mention to you about the ISOFIX system, all this is very specific information, and it is because there is a regulation that talks about all this and which you know without knowing about it, since each chair should be approved by certain organizations Europeans who carry out a test and an impact test with the special dolls. You should know a little about this regulation that has been updated and of which I will mention only the points that I consider most important.

First of all, I want to inform you that since April 2008 the chairs that were manufactured and approved with the ECE R44 / 01 standard and the 44/02 standard in 1995 can no longer be sold or less used; This warning is important because if you have one of these chairs or you see that they are selling you an approved one but with the ending / 01 or / 02, you must tell that person that these chairs have been banned for many years; and that the only ones that can be used legally are those that end in 03 / and 04, that is, the chairs distinguished by the norms of the European standard in orange color ECE R44 / 03 and ECE R 44/04.

These rules are created to guarantee the safety of the smallest and most vulnerable, since cars are designed to protect adults in the event of an accident; from seat belts, seats, and air bags; all thought about the height and weight of adults but not of children and less of babies. This is why baby seats have been a very important issue in which these standards have been created and updated, to approve seats that do withstand impacts and provide maximum protection to the baby and child.

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Even the Road Safety law sanctions and could even take your car away if you don’t have your child in one of these car seats; and not just a “car seat” but the appropriate car seat for your age, height and weight. Well, the I-Size regulation that came into force in 2013, stipulates it and not only that but if it is less than 15 months then it must go in the opposite direction to the march since your head and neck still cannot hold them for if alone.

And it is that this regulation focuses on improving the safety of these car seats for babies and children, and for this reason it classifies them according to the size and weight of your baby ; And to homologate the manufacturers’ seats, they must pass the lateral crash test that gives the baby and the child greater protection when this type of impact occurs. The I-Size regulation is the most current but it works together with the ECE R44; I-Size only made some changes such as taking into account the child’s height, placing it in the opposite direction at least until 15 months; This current regulation together with the new one will coexist together until 2018, which allows the manufacturer to obtain approval with one or the other until this date.

In the case of taxis, children who do not yet reach the height of 1.35 m can travel in the back seat without the seats but as long as they circulate within the city . If you must travel outside the city, the child’s safety will be the responsibility of the minor’s parents; This is why you should ask for a taxi with a car seat service if you must travel outside the city.

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The important thing about the regulations is that so that you can be sure that the chair will protect the child correctly, it must have the approval label , in which you must see and make sure that the last two figures end in the number 04, which is the latest version, or 03 ; because I mentioned to you since the 01 / and 02 are not legal. Labeling is of three types: universal, semi-universal and vehicle or specific approval.

The first is that the universal homologation indicates that it is suitable for the installation of any car that complies with the ECE R14 and R16 regulations, while the semi universal standard requirements and other safety devices are used that require additional tests and you should review in a list if the model of your car is found for which the installation of the chair is compatible; and finally, the specific homologation which is when the chair has been tested in additional dynamic shock but has been tested only in certain vehicles, so this car must be included in the manufacturer’s compatibility list because no feature can be installed in a vehicle that is not in that ready.

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If I talk to you about the groups, you should know that I mean that classification that is given to the chairs that are to be used in babies according to their size and weight regardless of their age; it is for telling you a shoe size; If it is a chubby foot, although most use a small size, your baby will have a larger one, it is the same with car seats that are divided into groups starting from group 0, 0+, to group I, II and III.

The first, that is, group 0 is suitable for newborns from 0 kilos to 9 kilograms of weight , which must be installed in the back seat of the vehicle in a transverse way, the position that favors the baby in his spine and the risk of apnea is reduced, you must place it with the three-point seat belts or with the ISOFIX system and against gear.

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Group 0 is normally used until nine and twelve months of age , although you should not be guided by age but by weight in this group, as with group 0+ which is for babies up to 13 kilos, this It can be used up to fifteen months of age if your baby does not reach that weight at that age. I will tell you about the best seats for baby carriages starting with group 0; I want to present its characteristics and benefits to make it easier for you to choose and you can purchase your seat without much hassle or worry.

In this group your baby travels lying down, in the opposite direction to the march, in the most comfortable and natural position possible, and generally the baby is only attached to his waist with the seat belt on his belly which will protect him but if it is a side impact will not be effective in holding you; It is advisable to always choose those with a “Y” -shaped harness or belt that provides a little more protection, including from side impact.

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Maxi-Cosi Cabrio fix car seat in blue

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Let’s start the list in group order, that is, I have for you the Maxi-CosiCabriofix group 0+ baby car seat, ideal for your baby from birth , so that you can transfer it from the clinic to your home in the safest way, and then for you to take him to meet the whole family comfortably and without risks in your car; because Maxi-CosiCabriofix is combined with the Maxi-Cosi EasyFix base to give your baby all the greater security and ease so that you can take it with you wherever you want to go with total confidence and comfort; it’s a matter of installing the chair on the base and that’s it.

The best of all is that when you want to go out for a walk with your baby but in his stroller, this Maxi-CosiCabriofix chair can be combined with the Baby Comfort and Quinny strollers or strollers, although you can also combine it with other similar ones on the market; since this chair together with the IsoFix Maxi-Cosi Easyfix base is considered the best, as it provides your baby with the best safety and comfort from birth, such is that it is the first chair in group 0+ to achieve 5 stars in the test safety, and the European consumer test for 2007 and 2008.

As I told you, it is for the 0+ group, that is to say that it is the ideal for babies who are weighing between 0 and up to 13 kilograms ; As I have been recommending, it is always safest that you take into account the weight and height of the baby but not the age, although I will tell you the approximate age that babies usually have when they weigh that amount of kilograms, you should not get carried away by This first when choosing the seat, but first takes into account how much your baby is weighing at that moment, in the same way the appropriate age to use the Maxi-CosiCabriofix seat is from 0 to twelve months approximately since it grows with your baby.

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You can take your baby in your car with complete peace of mind, it is very easy to install since it is Click & Go Installation, with the three-point seat belt, and with Isofix (EasyFix Base or FamilyFix Base); and it goes in the opposite direction to the march ; Everything so that your real baby protected one hundred percent from any sudden stop or any impact that could cause a lot of damage, but with this chair this can be avoided because the safety of your baby comes first.

With this Maxi-CosiCabriofix chair, your baby will have lateral protection , because its belt is in a 5-point harness , that is, type Y, and its head will also be protected because its design is designed for the little ones who still do not hold their little heads firmly. It is also very light so that you can take your baby out of the car with his chair, and place it in his stroller so that the road remains just as comfortable.

The comfort that this chair offers your baby will make you enjoy the trip sleeping or simply looking around without discomfort, feeling as if you were in your bed since the seat of the Maxi-Cosi Cabrio fix car seat is extra padded , It will give the feeling of comfort so that during the way you feel happy, and you only have one reason to cry, which would be to eat, because the rest you will be so relaxed that you may take a nap during the short trip, remember that if it is a younger baby one-year-old cannot travel seated for more than half an hour, because the muscles of his back have not yet fully developed; If your baby doesn’t travel with you daily then you could take an occasional long trip but stopping every now and then.

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Group 0/1 is made up of the chairs that are used from birth until the baby weighs 18 kg but that can be placed in two different positions , before their weight is 13 kg they must be placed with their back to the march, and after 13kg it can be positioned in the direction of travel. These models are designed so that the baby can spend more time in his chair than in a baby carrier, where it would no longer fit if he reaches his weight of 13kg, generally the seats of this group have their safety harness and their reducing seat to adapt it to the baby. One of the best chairs in this group is the one that I will present to you below:

Cybex Sirona M2 i-Size car seat + base in Autumngold color

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If you are one of those who are looking for a car seat that will serve your baby for a long time, in view of the fact that the babies that you have cradled in your arms today giving them all your love and protection, and tomorrow they will be running around all the home, it’s a stretch that you almost don’t even realize, the truth is that I’m not exaggerating because a baby may not walk from one day to the next, but it does grow inch by inch very quickly; and therefore increasing weight month by month, the most practical thing is to be able to invest in a car seat that adjusts to your growth at least until the first three or four years.

Look no further, because CybexSirona M2 i-Size car seat + base in Autumngold color is the seat you are looking for, it complies with the I-Size regulations that I told you about in this article almost at the beginning; If you do not remember, go up a bit, check the regulations and then continue with these wonderful features present in CybexSirona M2 i-Size car seat + base in Autumngold color, because in addition to complying with these regulations, I tell you that it has the LSP system incorporated , that is, the Linear Protection in Lateral Impacts; This system absorbs impact forces early to protect the head and upper part of your body when a side impact occurs as it has side protection cushions and neck protectors.

CybexSirona M2 i-Size car seat + base in Autumngold color can be reclined with one hand, and the best thing about this is that when your baby is small and has not reached 13kg in weight you will use it as recommended, on the opposite side of the gear, while when it exceeds 13kg you can place it in the direction of the vehicle, not all car seats have this dual functionality , but the CybexSirona M2 i-Size car seat + base in Autumngold color does she has it since she grows up with your baby.

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It is a really comfortable chair; It has a quite padded seat reducer for when your baby is small, and when he grows up you just take it off and that’s it; The seat will get bigger, apart from its headrest is adjustable in height , because the CybexSirona M2 i-Size car seat + base in Autumngold color is ideal for babies from 0 to 18 kg , let’s say from newborn to four years approximately; a good time to get the most out of the investment, the best you have been able to do for your newborn, because many things are lost before the year, but with this chair it will not be like that, it is four years of use so that your baby always travel one hundred percent safe with you.

Color is also another advantage since it does not matter if you have a girl or a boy, since the gold and orange colors are unisex so you can buy CybexSirona M2 i-Size car seat + base in Autumngold color even before your baby is born with absolute certainty that it will serve you regardless of the sex of your baby, because sometimes it happens that the doctor tells you that it will be a girl and when it is born it turns out to be a boy, and everything you bought you must change it, all except his car seat.

The assembly of this baby car seat is with ISOFIX , it is easy to assemble it even if the car is small; ideal to avoid injuries from both frontal and side impact ; since the belt or harness is 5 points ; And it is in the shape of a Y, so that your baby is completely attached to his chair and you do not have to worry about anything, because transporting your baby could never be safer, from such a young age where his protection comes first, and you you can drive with full responsibility but confident that even if an accident or sudden braking occurs to avoid it, nothing will cause harm to your little one.

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Baby Comfort MiloFix car seat in blue

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Another wonderful chair that is in this group 0/1, is the Baby Comfort MiloFix car seat in blue, because I know that you want the best for your baby, but that it is also durable; In the sense that a minimal investment that you make for a car seat for your newborn baby can be extended for many years, otherwise the majority of clothes that you buy, you have to be buying as it grows, and now to If you are a certain age you will have lost count of everything you have had to invest, so it is better to buy a baby car seat that you do not have to discard when your baby is one year old, but that even after the year you can continue to use it, This is the case with MiloFix Comfort Baby.

It is a perfect car seat for your baby to use from the moment your baby is born, that is, for babies belonging to group 0 that reach up to 13 kilograms, up to 18 kilograms that belong to group 1 from 9 to 18 kg , because Baby Comfort MiloFix grows with your baby until he becomes a beautiful 4-year-old; All this time this chair will be your travel companion and the baby will not want to get out of the car because traveling by your side is surely what he will like to do the most.

When your baby is small, you should carry him on his back to the march as recommended in the regulations; at least until you exceed 13kg of body weight; This is when you can change its position (because it has a very easy position change system ) in the same direction as the car is moving; In other words, your baby has the right weight, and you can now adjust the MiloFix Baby Comfort chair according to what your baby is measuring because both its headrest and its harness are adjustable simultaneously to always provide maximum protection to the head and your baby’s neck as well as his body.

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Your baby will be super comfortable in the back seat, and you will go in front driving with such confidence and serenity because when it comes to the safety of your baby, you need a seat that guarantees this protection as Baby Confort MiloFix does, you can comfortably adjust in two different positions both sitting and reclined a little so the baby falls asleep and does not walk hitting his head or moving it through the air, it is best to lie down and enjoy the trip as he likes it most, taking his nap while he is confident for your mommy to take you safely to your destination.

On the other hand, you don’t have to worry about its installation, no complicated manual instructions; Well, Baby Comfort MiloFix is easy to install as it has the ISOFIX maximum security system, so you can install with just one click and not only that, it also has a Top Tether installation so that the seat does not rotate and you can do it. anchor and fasten to the chassis of your car, as it is a belt with a metal ring located at the back of the chair that can be lengthened or shrunk depending on the point where you are going to anchor it.

The Baby Comfort MiloFix safety harness has 5 points to perfectly hold your baby to the chair, it is also easy to put on and with indicators of correct installation ; in this way and with the Side Protection System your baby will have maximum protection against both lateral and frontal impacts , because this is the main thing that an exclusive seat for babies of group 0/1 should offer you, the optimal protection against any impact or brake surprising.

Another thing that MiloFix Baby Comfort offers your baby is great comfort; because its padding is extremely soft and provides your baby with the necessary comfort to enjoy the car trip with you, in addition its base is rotatable so that you can quickly and easily change the position with your back to the march and put it on front, and its cover is removable .

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Bébé Confort Iseos Neo + brown car seat

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Another group 0 + / 1 seat is the Bébé Confort Iseos Neo + car seat, which is a perfect seat for you to protect your baby while you take him for a walk with you; from birth , when they are super tiny babies that cover only one of your arms when you cradle it, to when they are of school age that you can’t even carry them, that is, when they are four years old; and they do not exceed 18kg of body weight.

Bébé Confort Iseos Neo + is a chair with a very elegant appearance since it is light brown , so that it is for both girls and boys since its tone is unisex ; And what makes it perfect for your newborn baby is that its reducer is ultra padded , it is of the most extraordinary comfort, the ideal to give your baby a cozy comfort because it is extremely soft and through this reducer your baby can go back to the march during its first months until it weighs the regulation 13kg so that it can go straight ahead as you go.

It can be adjusted according to the growth of the baby , as its weight increases month by month, and its height also, for this reason Bébé Confort Iseos Neo + is adjustable in height and also in width, from 40 to 55 cm, in this way when you see that your child needs a little more freedom of movement because he is no longer your little newborn baby, you can then adapt the chair. It also has a progressive recline of various positions so that you can go in a resting and sitting position.

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Bébé Confort Iseos Neo + complies with the ECE R44 / 04 universal standards , that is, it will give you maximum confidence and safety because it is approved and designed primarily for your baby to protect it against any frontal or side impact accident since its harness is 3 points , and its system is compatible with the ISOFIX SYSTEM, this means that you should not complicate your life with the installation since it is with just one click and that’s it.

In summary with this Bébé Confort Iseos Neo + you will have a very durable car seat for your baby because as your baby grows you can make it grow, it has its ultra-comfortable reducer for when it is very small, and after it exceeds 13kg it allows you to adjust it so much high and wide, it is very comfortable because the chair is padded and soft, and you can recline it in multiple positions for when the baby is awake, or when on the contrary he wants to take his nap; its protective wings offer protection to its head and neck against lateral impacts.

You can tighten the strap so that the installation is extra strong in both directions, because with this Bébé Confort Iseos Neo + you can even count on non-slip pads that retain the baby in the event of a frontal impact. Either way with this Bébé Confort Iseos Neo + your baby will be very safe and you will be calm, so that both of you enjoy the car ride with total confidence and go everywhere without any pretext not to take it with you in the car.

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So far I have brought you different brands of car seats belonging to two different groups, since the first one I told you about was group 0, remember that I mentioned that these seats in this group are for babies that do not exceed 10kg; while group 0/1 allows you to use it from birth until its body weight reaches 18kg. In this same order I want to talk to you about the chairs belonging to group 1, these are not like the last chairs that I told you about that served you from birth, but they are already for when your baby is approximately 9 months old, or that he is weighing between 9 and 18 kg and that your baby is already holding only his head.

Group 1 seats are practically for babies who are already 1 year old or a little less, until they are almost four years old, of course I have always told you that when it comes to these car seats it is better to take weight as a criterion key and not age. These group 1 seats are fastened to the vehicle with the seat belt but also in an easier and safer way with the new ISOFIX system, they are not usually placed with their back to the march, but there are some that are, for example in the Nordic countries; Either way, group 1 seats are safe because they hold the baby with the safety harness.

Next I want to talk to you about the car seats for babies in this group, it is my goal to guide you and reduce the long list of these seats so that you go straight to the point, just choose between the three best seats in the market of group 1 and I will facilitate your choice by presenting the characteristics of each one, with its name and model so that you can go directly for it, now that your baby is in his first year and weighing between 9 kilos or more, because his safety comes first.

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Bébé Confort Iseos car seat in brown with IsoFix system

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The first chair that I want to talk to you about is the Bébé Confort Iseos car seat in brown color group 1 specially designed for your baby who is already capable of supporting his head, that is to say that under no circumstances will you be able to carry a baby under the year, or perhaps less, but what is strictly mandatory is that you do not carry a baby who does not hold his head firmly and does not reach nine kilograms of body weight; The rules were made to be adhered to, if your baby weighs less than this, then consider a chair from the groups I already told you about earlier.

Having said that, which seems to me of utmost importance, let’s move on to the most relevant characteristics of this car seat for the spoiled of the house that you always want to take with you for a ride in your car; Bébé Confort Iseos is the most ideal since it offers exceptional safety against any impact that occurs in a car accident; simply without this chair the fatal tragedy would be inevitable.

It is a very easy chair to install , you don’t have to ask anyone for help; Since Bébé Confort Iseos has the installation that is compatible with the ISOFIX system today, all vehicles that are leaving and have left the factory must have this system according to the regulations I told you about at the beginning of this article; But if you don’t have a car model that has this system then don’t worry because it is also compatible with the three-point seat belt . It is a chair that, in addition to being installed in a few minutes, has a Top tether so that the chair is fixed and installed correctly without subsequently wobbling.

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The harness of this chair is five points to give your baby maximum safety and protection both front and side; Well, whatever the impact, the baby will be well attached to his chair and will not be thrown when braking; And if it is lateral the same happens, in addition it has its padded protective wings so that the head does not suffer any blow and it is for this and other characteristics that Bébé Confort Iseos is approved because it complies with the ECE R44 / 04 universal rules .

It does not matter what build your baby has, because not all have the same weight at the same age; It may well be a one-year-old baby, but your friend’s weighs 10 and a half, while yours weighs eleven or twelve kilograms; some babies are chubby, while others are tall and thin; This is why age is not an element that you should consider as essential when choosing a car seat.

I will tell you about your baby’s body complexion, whether it is big or small, with Bébé Confort Iseos you can adjust the width of the seat as your baby grows; and it also has multiple positions to recline it and make it feel comfortable when you want to sleep for a few minutes during the car trip, or to place it in a position so that you can sit watching the panorama.

It is an excellent car seat with a nice brown color for both girls and boys to use because these shades of brown are unisex . The excellence of Bébé Confort Iseos can be verified because it was awarded 4 stars in the safety tests by European organizations; Besides all this, it also has an indicator that alerts you or confirms when this chair has been correctly installed in the isofix system or in the 3-point seat belt.

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Baby Comfort Pearl Car Seat in Nomad Black

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The next chair that I want to present to you belongs to group 1 that has all the characteristics that gave it a place in this list of the best car seats for babies; It is about Bébé Confort Pearl car seat in Nomad Black, which has an elegant design that serves your baby, be it a girl or a boy since it is black with gray, which even combines with your car as they say by there ¨the black combines with everything¨.

If you want to travel with your baby, go out to present the landscape traveling long distances in your car with the security and confidence that your child is protected in the back seat; since with Bébé Confort Pearl it has a compact design that adapts to most cars , meaning that by purchasing this chair you can travel long distances without your baby feeling fatigued and wanting to get there; just sitting on the Bébé Confort Pearl will make you feel extremely comfortable.

It has a multi-reclined option so that your baby can lie down if he wants to take his nap, or if he wants to see where you see, the cars, the colors, the trees, and stimulate his cognitive development when he is sitting; This is why Bébé Confort Pearl is an ideal alternative where your baby can relax and learn from everything that his environment can teach him while you take him with you in your car.

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And the good thing is that Bébé Confort Pearl is compatible with the FamilyFix base which has the IsoFix system so that you can install it so easily that you only need a few minutes; so that Bébé Confort Pearl provides the most optimal protection to your little one until he is four years old, because from the moment he is born he will be your travel companion, your life partner until he becomes a man or woman who has his own car and have their own children and it’s up to him to take you in the back seat to protect you just as you do now, now that he needs you.

It has its 5-point harness to provide your baby with both frontal and lateral protection; whatever the impact, your child will be fixed in his seat; It is very easy to install this harness and, furthermore, its adjustment is simultaneous with the headrest, which can also be adjusted , because Bébé Confort Pearl grows together with the child, from the age of nine months or from the time it weighs 9 kilograms until it weighs 18 kilograms; you can regulate it in height; because your baby is gaining both weight and height month by month.

It is very comfortable because this chair is padded and its headrest is even more padded ; so that your baby feels comfortable and does not tire of sitting during the trip or can sleep comfortably without any discomfort although do not forget that if it is very small you must stop every so often, let it walk so that it stretches its legs, and then resume its journey and enjoy with your baby thanks to Bébé Confort Pearl.

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Innovations MS 822 baby car seat

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There is another chair that belongs to this group 1 that I want to talk to you about because I want you to have a variety so that you can make your comparisons and buy the one you like the most, because whatever it is is among the best on the market, because in this list only I included the best do not forget it; This chair is called Innovations MS 822, very elegant in black with gray to serve you whether you have a boy or a girl, its model is Penguin Innovation and it is a very good alternative for you to take your baby in the car in complete safety.

Is that Innovations MS 822 the baby car seat has a wonderful very comfortable reducing cushion , it gives your baby maximum comfort since it is really padded and also its upholstery is removable so you can wash it and keep it clean in case of that your baby spills something, or when you see that it requires a wash because just as you keep its toys, its clothes and its crib clean, it must also be washed and you must keep it clean.

Among its characteristics apart from its padded cushion, and its removable upholstery, I have to tell you that you do not have to worry about its installation since Innovaciones MS 822 has the ISOFIX system and also its harness is 5 points , to provide your baby the best protection against a side impact or a frontal impact as it is in the shape of a Y with a belt that surrounds your waist. You will not run any risk of being driven off by a sudden impact or stop.

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As for group 2/3, this group includes chairs that are for children from their 18 kg of body weight to 36 kg, it is a group that includes two groups in one, that is, group II and group III, these chairs must be adjustable to the growth of the child so that they sit in their safety seat and can be firmly held so that in the event of a car accident the child is held firmly and does not get thrown towards the windshield, they are attached to the car body using the ISOFIX system to the seat with the seat belt.

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Piku 6227 car seat for 3-12 years in blue and black

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So let’s start with the first one that I want to show you is from group 2/3 since it is suitable for these two groups that are unified in a single chair; when your baby is three years old and weighs 15 kg, until that baby becomes a pre-adolescent of 12 years and has a body weight of 36 kg; because once the baby gets used to going with you in the car, he will no longer want to stay at home; and for your safety it is necessary that you have a car seat to be prepared and avoid misfortunes because even though you may be the most responsible mommy driver on the planet, but you cannot control the rest of the world.

It has a headrest that is adjustable to 7 heights because Piku 6227 car seat is aware that your child is growing rapidly and if today it is less than one meter and tomorrow it can measure more than one meter; the sides are ergonomic , they adapt to this growth to provide you with security afterwards, provide you with comfort; This same comfort is offered by the excellent quality cushion and extra padding so that you feel in total comfort and enjoy your trip without discomfort.

The design is adapted to the seat belt guides so that the child does not slip under the hip belt when an impact occurs; In other words, this Piku 6227 car seat design will prevent your child from slipping, it will remain fixed and securely attached to their seat; regardless of the magnitude of the impact; what gives you the security and protection you need to trust that nothing will happen to your child because it is the only thing that matters.

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And since your baby is old enough, this Piku 6227 chair incorporates two practical cup holders so that you can place them there and enjoy the trip with a delicious drink; And do you know what is the best of all the benefits of this Piku 6227 car seat? is that its backrest is removable ; so that your child can use it as a booster using the seat belt; this is why it is two in one; a car seat and also a booster.

By the time your child reaches 36 months of age or weighs at least 15 kg; You can buy him this chair that will last him for a long time, he will be twelve years old and he will be using it even if he is already a pre-adolescent, because there is no age to keep them safe and protected; and the best way is for them to have their own seat at least until they are twelve years old or when they already have a weight of 36kg, that they begin to use the boosters so that the car belt holds them as it should be.

It is a unisex chair , its colors are black and blue to match even the upholstery of your car; and it doesn’t matter if you have a girl or a boy, these colors suit both; and the good thing is that since it covers a good age range; The Piku 6227 car seat offers a comfortable and safe trip to your child, with all this that I mentioned to you, that is, with its lateral headrest that is ergonomic, with its deluxe cushion and with such a padded backrest, the trip of your child it will be in total comfort.

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You will also enjoy this comfort because when you are not using the Piku 6227 chair you can disassemble it and store it in the trunk without it taking up a lot of space and likewise its covers can be removed so that you can wash them at about 30 ° and keep your car seat to your child without making a lot of effort in it.

So with the Piku 6227 car seat you will have a safe trip for your child, your movements will be done in complete safety, and this is confirmed by the European regulation ECE R 44-04 as this seat is approved, and you will enjoy it for a long time because They adapt to growth by adjusting the headrest at different heights, so that they provide the necessary support for both the head, the back and also the legs. Its harness is five points so that it correctly holds the child from three years of age.

CybexSolution X2-fix car seat in blue moon

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The next car seat that belongs to group 2/3 that I want to talk to you about is CybexSolution X2-fix, because it is one of the best alternatives there is for the safety of your child, and so that you can take it in your car to all parts you go; Because when you are a mother, responsibilities multiply, you have to go to the supermarket to do the shopping for the week, food, personal hygiene items, things that your child needs; You should also take the child to visit the grandmother, go to run errands, take him to the nursery or school; in short, too many tasks that merit the use of your car and with this a safety seat for your child.

This seat offers you guaranteed safety since CybexSolution X2-fix car seat in blue moon color was awarded with high scores in the safety test in European child restraint systems; Therefore, it complies with the established regulations so that you are one hundred percent sure that this product gives you what you expect, which is to protect your child from the age of 3 to the age of twelve ; But as I have been telling you, you do not have to look at the age but rather the weight allowed, because it is more reliable since there are children of ten who are robust; then you must remember that group 2/3 is a chair that is intended for children weighing between 15 kg and 36 kg.

CybexSolution X2-fix car seat in blue moon color has innovative safety devices that protect the child as it should be against strong frontal and lateral impacts; Since it has a key element to provide this lateral security, which is the reclining headrest , it prevents the head from moving forward when the baby falls asleep, because it balances it backwards for greater comfort because it will be in a resting position, and to stay within the protection zone; You can recline this headrest in three positions .

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Likewise, CybexSolution X2-fix car seat in blue moon color also has these padded side protectors that work like an airbag to absorb energy when the impact is lateral; This means that this chair has an LSP plus system , or what is the same as Linear Protection in Side Impacts that does nothing more than align the headrest and the shoulder protector so that this impact is absorbed and the force is instantly reduced.

For your three-year-old baby to feel comfortable, this chair can be adjusted to his size , and by the time he is eleven and twelve his backrest can also be adjusted up to 11 positions ; Because that’s what CybexSolution X2-fix blue moon car seat has that grows with your child thanks to this adjustable backrest; So comfort and safety is what this chair offers both you and the little one, because he will always want to go with you wherever you want you to go.

In view of the fact that currently factory cars already have the ISOFIX system, the question arises, is the CybexSolution X2-fix car seat in blue moon color compatible with this ISOFIX system? Or on the contrary, that is, if you already have a car that does not have this system, the question would be: Is the CybexSolution X2-fix car seat in blue moon compatible with cars without ISOFIX system? The answer to the first question is yes, and the answer to the second question is equally yes.

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It is wonderful that CybexSolution X2-fix blue moon car seat has an ISOFIX system so that the installation is Click and Go, that is, in just a few seconds you can install the car seat for your child because it offers stability, and in in case you don’t have this system something new ; You do not have to worry because you can also enjoy the same safety of this chair by closing the ISOFIX connectors that it brings and so you can attach it to your car without inconvenience and very easily.

And if you like to keep your child’s things always clean, as any mother does; then you don’t have to worry that you have to wash the chair and put it in the sun for two days to dry completely; Well, with CybexSolution X2-fix car seat in blue moon color, all you have to do is remove the cover and put it in the machine at 30 ° C; that easy. You can see then that it is an excellent alternative to give your baby the required security, because their protection comes first and although as a mother you do this out of love, the regulations also oblige you.

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Bébé Confort Rodifix Air Protect car seat in color blackraven

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I present to you another 2/3 group seat just as wonderful as the previous ones, it is Bébé Confort Rodifix Air Protect car seat in blackraven color because you already realized that your baby grows very fast, until recently you had him cradled in your arms and already today in a little mischievous that flutters everywhere; and as he grows, the sense of protection and the need to take care of him and give him maximum security so that nothing ever happens to him; and much less when walking with you in your car. For this you have Bébé Confort Rodifix Air Protect car seat in blackraven color that will serve your child from 4 years to approximately twelve; that is, from having a weight of 15 kg to 36 kg .

It is almost a decade that you can use this chair since it is made with the best and most resistant materials, and to make it grow with your child, because obviously it will not have the same height and weight when it is eight years old, than when it was four; This is why Bébé Confort Rodifix Air Protect car seat in blackraven color adjusts simultaneously in its backrest both in height and width so that you can adapt it to the size of your child over time.

It also allows you to recline it from the front for when your child wants to take a nap during the trip; You will be able to adopt a more comfortable posture slightly inclined so that your head does not walk through the air while you are asleep; and you can also straighten it for when you want to stimulate your visual sense, observing everything in your environment while you drive; You can see through the window and enjoy the landscape, the colors of the cars, the trees with all the comfort possible.

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This complete comfort is offered to you in addition to everything that I mentioned to you, its patented Air Protect technology, which gives you maximum protection on the head; since its headrest has highly padded wings and will protect you against side impacts, this technology offers you even more protection than other chairs against these types of impacts; In fact, it has passed the most rigorous safety tests as it greatly reduces injuries caused by side collisions in the hips and lower back, as well as in the neck.

The chair offers excellent stability as it has an anchor point located on the headrest; Bébé Confort Rodifix Air Protect car seat in blackraven color is the safest and this security is certified by the ECE R44 / 04 standard , so that you are completely and absolutely confident of the protection that the seat provides to your child in case of a accident.

Another very good feature is that this chair is very light so you can get it out of the car very easily; in case you don’t have to take your child with you, and you need the vacant space for other people; It is not much effort that you must make to lower it, much less need to ask a gentleman for help.

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It is also a chair that can be installed with a three-point belt , or with a single click with that ISOFIX system , it always faces the march since it is a chair that is intended for children in group 2/3, the that they are already allowed to go in your same direction; and observe what you observe while you drive, but him from the back seat, mounted on his seat. It will only take you a minute or less to install the chair and in the same way adjust the belt safely because it has passage guides so you can fasten it quickly and without complications.

This Bébé Confort Rodifix Air Protect car seat in blackraven color is ultra padded , so that your child does not feel fatigued during the trip but feels so comfortable that you never want the trip to end; you will take your nap or enjoy the road and the different new things that you can observe without your back getting tired. And for your part you will enjoy the moment you have to wash it because it has a cover that you can remove easily.

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Safety 1st Road Safe car seat in blue

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Safety 1st Road Safe car seat in blue is a good alternative if you are looking for economy but at the same time quality; Although it does not have super phenomenal features like the ones I mentioned earlier, this chair fulfills the main function of protecting your child in the event of a crash, those accidents that can be prevented, because you will never know when the day will happen. However, by taking all the prevention measures, you can be confident that nothing will happen to your child because he is the one who really matters because your duty is to provide the necessary protection so that nothing ever happens to him; and if there are these car seats then you must purchase it.

This chair has two recline positions that ensure your child a really comfortable ride, in case he wants to go awake playing and developing his imagination, or if he wants to go to sleep; that also when he sleeps he learns; because Safety 1st Road Safe car seat in blue color leans a little and also stands upright.

Likewise Safety 1st Road Safe car seat in blue color belongs to this group since it grows with your baby because its headrest adjusts in six different positions; so that you can adapt it to the size of your child, from when he is four years old until he turns twelve; time that you should make the most of with your child because he is growing day by day, and the time will quickly come when he wants to drive your car and no longer needs your protection as he needs now that he is young.

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Safety 1st Road Safe car seat has a beautiful blue and black color, so that it combines with the upholstery of your car and also serves you both for the boy or for the girl as it is unisex ; It is also very comfortable because it is padded so that your child feels comfortable all the way; and you don’t want to go home when the tour just begins. Take him for a walk, go on a trip with him, he’s old enough to take a couple of hours of travel with his respective stops to eat, or to go to the bathroom; or simply to stretch your legs, I repeat that they do not stop growing and it is now that you should enjoy with him because when he becomes a man or a woman he must attend to his own priorities.

You must invest in a car seat since it is not only for its protection, it is so that you can share your trips with the person you love the most since childhood; This chair is approved by the ECE R44 / 04 regulation , however it is not the best for lateral protection; So if you have an accident with a side impact there will be some neck, back and hip injuries that you can avoid with other chairs but not with this one; its installation system is not with ISOFIX but the universal one, which is with a three-point seat belt.

This chair is ideal for you and your loved one since it protects it and gives you a magnificent ease when washing it since its cover is removable ; wash it in the machine and at about 30 ° with complete confidence and whenever it is necessary, so that you can do your errands, go on a pass, go on a trip, or simply visit relatives with confidence and tranquility because a cautious woman is worth two and although You never expect an accident to happen to you, you will never know when it might happen to you.

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Kinderkraft car seat in gray with Isofix system

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Another chair that belongs to group 2/3 is the Kinderkraft car seat in gray, it is excellent for your four-year-old and adapts perfectly to his growth; until they are twelve years old or until they reach a weight of 36 kilograms; It is a very good investment that you will make only once because it is a chair made with excellent materials, with thermal insulation, very durable so that it stays new over the years, since as it belongs to group 2/3 it must hold at least eight years of use.

Among its characteristics, the way to install it stands out because it is compatible for cars that do not have the built-in ISOFIX system , but it is also compatible with this system ; In other words, you can install it quickly and super easy with a single click; You just have to locate the rings that your ISOFIX-compatible car has and place the seat right there and push it so that it engages and voila, it will be the safest seat because the fixation is strong and stable; but if you don’t get these rings then your car doesn’t have this system, but don’t worry; since you can position the chair and fasten it with the three-point seat belt

It has seat belt guides so that its placement is correct, durable and safe; In addition, this chair has a special design to provide your child with complete protection from both frontal impacts, because with the ISOFIX system, and with its three-point belt, the child will be well secured and will not be shot on impact; likewise, the headrest pads protrude like wings in such a way as to protect the child’s head from side impacts.

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And to wash the chair you should not worry since its upholstery is removable so that you do not have so much difficulty in washing it, and if you do not have time to wash by hand, you just have to put it in the washing machine at 30 ° C and voila, let the machine do everything for you, dry it in the sun and put it back on the baby’s chair so that it continues to accompany you wherever you want to go, or take your child to school, or for a walk around town; Take your child to places they have not known, so that when they grow up they can repeat your teachings with their children.

It is a chair in a neutral color to match the upholstery of your car and also so that you can use it regardless of the sex of your child; If you have a girl or a boy, Kinderkraft car seat in gray with Isofix system will work for you; it is a unisex color . I also take the opportunity to tell you that this chair is approved, complies with the European Union regulations ECE R 44/04.

Among so many alternatives you can see that this chair also meets those characteristics that make it to be found on this list of the best car seats for babies on the market; it is very comfortable, because it is padded with thick foam , which also absorbs shock well; so Kinderkraft car seat in gray with Isofix system gives you comfort and safety.

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Cybex Solution X car seat from 3 to 12 years in color blue moon

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To finish the list of seats that belong to group 2/3, I want to tell you about Cybex Solution X car seat from 3 to 12 years in blue moon color, I include this seat because it is just as excellent as the previous ones and as my main objective is to make the decision easier for you, by showing you variety you can choose between any of these car seats and be sure that you made an excellent choice. By the time your baby leaves the chairs of the previous groups, you will have realized how big your baby is now and you should buy him a chair that fits his size and that is not only for a group but also serves him from his three years of life until he turns twelve.

This chair is blue with black ; ideal for boys and girls, and to match the upholstery of your car, although the truth is that appearance is one of the last things you should take into account because the main thing is that whatever the seat is, and whether it is Whatever color, the main thing is that it really provides safety and optimally reduces the force of impact when an accident occurs that can be prevented but not avoided because for this you must know the exact date and time it will occur and this you will never know. .

It is better to be safe than sorry, since cars, as I told you at the beginning of the article, are designed to protect adults on board but not children because their height is less than 135 centimeters, and that is why you should buy a car seat. You are there since your baby is born, and by the time he is 3 or four years old, you can opt for CybexSolution X car seat from 3 to 12 years old in blue moon color because with this seat you will only make an investment, since it will last you at least eight years being useful.

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This chair has an adjustable protector that adapts to the child’s body, and the harness provides protection for the head, neck, shoulders and also internal organs that can be damaged by a strong impact if not retained in the chair correctly; but with Cybex Solution X car seat from 3 to 12 years in blue moon color they will be well protected.

Among its excellent features is a shield that is adjustable , it is very similar to a waffle airbag. This and the above provides maximum comfort to your child, because apart from safety, from the appearance that would be the last thing you take into account, there is comfort, this is very important because if your child does not feel comfortable the It is true that he will not want to accompany you anywhere in the car; you need to guarantee comfort.

This comfort is provided in addition to all that has been said, a reclining headrest, so that you can take your nap without having to nod, you can lie down and sleep pleasantly part of the way, or all the way if you wish; you just have to concentrate on enjoying seeing him there next to you while you drive because when he grows up you may not see him daily; Likewise, Cybex Solution X car seat from 3 to 12 years in blue moon color has LPS, the linear protection system so that it is protected from side impacts with this same headrest.

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This LPS system keeps the child’s head in a safe area, that is to say that when a side impact occurs, the protection will be optimal since the pads will absorb the energy of the impact force and the child will not suffer blows or leave the safe area. so that his head, neck, shoulders, or spine suffer any damage.

It is a chair that grows with your child, although for your eyes it will always be small, when you have to adjust the CybexSolution X car seat from 3 to 12 years old in blue moon color on the back, in the different positions which are eleven; You will realize that your naughty little darling is no longer small. The adjustment of the backrest in 11 different height positions is extremely useful because it is what those eight years assures you that you mentioned useful.

And finally, you should know that this chair is approved, it complies with the ECE R44 / 04 regulations still in force so that you finish convincing yourself that it is a good alternative, since as you should already know, in order for it to have this approval, it must pass a safety test and tests that guarantee that the chair complies with all that it must comply with, that is, to optimally protect your child in the event of car accidents both frontally and laterally.

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GROUP 1/2/3

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The chairs present in this group encompass the age and weight ranges of groups 1, 2, 3, that is, they are chairs that adjust to the growth of the child from the age of one year, or from the weight of 9 kilograms, until they have the twelve years or 36 kilograms of weight ; remember that group 2/3 is from 18kg, but group 1/2/3 is from 9 kilograms; This is why these chairs can be used from a nine-month-old baby in case they already have that weight, to a pre-adolescent without a size problem because they must adjust to this.

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Piku NI20.6136 car seat for 1-12 years in sky blue color

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The first of this group is Piku NI20.6136 car seat for 1-12 years in sky blue, a perfect seat to last your child’s entire childhood and you do not have to invest in two or more car seats; it is very practical; And as it will be part of your child’s life and yours, you should also become fond of it; and I know you will since it has excellent characteristics and benefits that will make you adore it, I will tell you about all these characteristics immediately.

It is important that you know that Piku NI20.6136 car seat for 1-12 years in sky blue color is a seat that has been tested and therefore approved, since it complies with the ECE R44 / 04 regulations of groups 1/2 / 3 ranging from the weight of 9 kilograms to 36 kilograms; I am giving you this information in the first place so that you can start to gain confidence, because by complying with the regulations it means that it guarantees safety and protection, what you are looking for in a car seat obviously.

When I tell you that you are going to love it as a mother, it is because washing it is not complicated, at all since its upholstery is removable; for when it corresponds to you to wash it, do it by hand, or if it is a lot of work then you can wash it in the machine at a temperature of 30 ° C; You wash it, dry it and that’s it, you use it for your son or daughter since it does not matter their gender since its color is unisex, it has a beautiful sky blue color that will like both her and him.

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This chair, as you must already suppose from the number of groups it covers, is adjustable; both its backrest and its headrest are adjusted in height so that it grows at the rate that your child does; and it is never a cause of discomfort, because you must adjust it manually when you see that your child can no longer support his head comfortably. You refuse to let it grow but it is inevitable.

It has the maximum safety that a chair of these can offer you, since it incorporates a 5-point harness so that it can hold your baby quite well when he is his first year and until he is older; Remember that this Y-shaped harness is the most recommended because it provides greater protection when it comes to a frontal and side impact.

The important thing that your child, in addition to traveling protected by your side, also travels comfortably; and that is why Piku NI20.6136 car seat for 1-12 years in sky blue color has its backrest and its head and the waist area are quite padded so that you feel in total comfort and also the impacts are absorbed with more efficiency without allowing the baby or child to be injured by a bad blow against the same chair And for this same purpose, it includes wide armrests in its díselo so that the comfort and protection are even more complete.

And you know that it is very easy to store because you can disassemble it and put it in the trunk with total ease because it takes up little space; In other words, you can store it when your child is not using it and you need that space for an adult; because your baby or your child will not always go with you in the car, there will be days when you need to go out with your friends and for this reason you should keep the Piku NI20.6136 car seat for 1-12 years in sky blue in the trunk without difficulty .

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Mycarsit Disney car seat 3 stars with side protections

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This car seat is somewhat different than all the ones that I have talked to you so far because its upholstery is very beautiful, and it is the only one that has thought of designs that fascinate the little ones, and that even if they grow up they continue to fascinate them; It is Mycarsit Disney car seat 3 stars with side protections; a chair that belongs to group 1/2/3 since it serves your child from 9kg until he weighs 36kg.

It is a chair that you can choose according to the design you like the most with Disney characters such as: Princess, Cars, Frozen, Mickey, Minnie, Planes, and Spiderman; Or rather, that day that you go to buy the chair for your spoiled little one you should take it with you so that he can choose the one he likes the most since it is something that he will use throughout his childhood.

This chair obtained three stars in the tcs test, and is approved because it complies with the ECE R 44/04 standard , its harness is three points, because it is designed for group 1/2/3, and offers you maximum protection against any car accidents you may have when traveling with your child. It is the last thing you want or expect but it is something that you do not know when it will happen, or where.

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Cybex Pallas-Fix car seat group from 9 months to 12 years with Isofix in Blue moon color

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Another alternative that I will present to you belonging to this group 1/2/3 is Cybex Pallas-Fix Car seat group from 9 months to 12 years with Isofix in Blue moon color since it is a seat that has everything, from the maximum and optimum safety and protection, even a dream comfort, or rather that will make your baby or child sleepy. By belonging to this group you should already know that this chair can be used from when your little one has only 9 kilograms, and until he has 36 kilograms.

With Cybex Pallas-Fix group car seat from 9 months to 12 years with Isofix in Blue moon color you can have two seats in one, this is what allows it, apart from other adjustments, to be suitable for babies of one year of age, and then when removing the safety cushion it serves the older children who are in group 2/3, likewise you can remove the base to fully adjust to the size of your child who does not stop growing in this wonderful stage.

This safety cushion adjusts to reduce the risk of neck injuries by distributing and neutralizing impact forces; And to ensure even more protection, this chair has an LPS system or what is known as linear protection against side impacts , which is more than obvious that this protects your child when the collision has been lateral. This is why it also has an ultra padded headrest; so that it absorbs the energy of the force of said impact.

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Likewise, the comfort that this chair provides to your child from when he is a baby until he is a pre-adolescent is unmatched, it has a reclining adjustment with one hand so that you accommodate your baby when you are driving and notice that he has fallen asleep ; wait for you to stop at a red light and quickly adjust it before its chair turns green so that it is not nodding off and can sleep peacefully on the long road that it will travel with you.

The headrest allows the same as it is also reclining in three different positions , in this way when an impact occurs the child’s head will remain in the safe area within the wings of the headrest; and as your baby grows daily, Cybex Pallas-Fix car seat group from 9 months to 12 years with Isofix in Blue moon color allows its backrest to be adapted to the size of your child, from when they are one year old or less, as long as weigh 9kg, until you are 12 years old or weigh your 36kg; This adjustment is in height of up to 11 positions.

And if you are wondering if it uses the ISOFIX system ? The answer is yes, to make the installation much easier for you, and you know that this system provides even greater security; You just have to install Cybex Pallas-Fix group car seat from 9 months to 12 years with Isofix in Blue moon color where the rings are and hook it until you hear the “click”. And if your car does not have this system, don’t worry as it is also compatible with vehicles that do not have ISOFIX.

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It is a very complete chair, it will really be useful for more than a decade; In itself, you will make a single investment that can save the life of your baby or child; And so that you trust a little more in everything that Cybex Pallas-Fixschair offers you for a group car from 9 months to 12 years with Isofix in Blue moon color I inform you that it has European approval since it complies with the ECE R44 / 04 regulation in addition It has been awarded by European consumers in the independent test institute, Stiftung Warentest (11/2011) and in the safety tests conducted by the German Automobile Club, ADAC.

You have to know in addition to all this that it does not have an ideal 5-point harness to protect the smallest children since it has in its place a unique adjustable protector ; This divinely adapts to the child’s body, offering him greater freedom of movement but protecting his entire body both in side and frontal impacts. This system is patent pending.

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Star Ibaby Travel car seat with Isofix system

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This chair is a very good option to take into consideration since it serves you from the moment your child is born until he weighs 36 kg ; It is designed for you to make a single investment in life, to make sure that even if an accident occurs you will have done your part to reduce the damage, and you will not have to regret anything because if you have the StarIbabyTravel car seat system Isofix I assure you that your baby will be very safe (that was an effortless verse).

The StarIbabyTravel car seat with Isofix system has the ISOFIX system so that you can install it yourself without anyone’s help with a single click; and in this way you can be confident that you did not make an improper installation; so safety will be optimal in addition to the LPS system offering you the lateral protection system , because you can be the one who hits another vehicle, and in that case the impact would be frontal, or you could receive an impact, which could be lateral.

It has a 5-point safety harness so that your baby is well attached and the protection is complete; It also has pads that are adjustable in height; The same with the headrest, this is so that you can adapt it to the growth of your child since he will start using it from a very young age and until he is something big.

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You can also recline the StarIbabyTravel car seat with Isofix system in four positions so that your child is comfortable, and can be in the position that he likes best; even napping quietly and in total confidence because her mom will be driving, and she knows that she can never be in better hands, the same will happen to you, not in sleeping while you drive but in you will be in total confidence because your son is very safe with this chair.

This same confidence is given to you by the fact that this chair has been homologated because it complies with the ECE R44 44/04 standard, which means that it has been tested and therefore has been approved. I no longer know what other feature to mention because this chair is very complete and if you see that it fits your needs then this is the option you have to choose.

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TecTake car seat for children in black / gray

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Within this group 1/2/3 is the TecTakes seat for children in black / gray color since it is a seat that complies with the ECE R 44/04 regulations and with this I already tell you everything that is to say that it was tested and by This is approved because it gives your child from an early age the protection he needs in your car when he travels with you wherever you go. You must purchase a car seat to protect your child, and this is more than an act of love; You must do it because the law stipulates it, since as you well know, cars are not designed for the protection of a minor, but of adults who are already more than 135 centimeters tall.

So if your baby already has 9 kilograms of body weight, you should buy this chair or one of the others that I have presented, since all are equally excellent; and as they belong to this wide group then it will not be an expense that you have to do every time or every year, with a single chair you have for more than ten years; In other words, you will not change your car or car seat for a very long time; What’s more, you will no longer have to buy another chair because when your child is 12 years old and if he still does not reach the regulatory height then you can use boosters, I will talk about these later.

This TecTake car seat for children in black / gray offers your child unbeatable comfort during all this time as it has additional padding for both the headrest and the seat; in this way he will be comfortable forever as long as he is your travel companion who must use this chair; so much comfort that your car seats will be rocks and you will not want to leave your seat even when you are already the recommended height.

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This same padding apart from extra comfort also gives you lateral protection because you never know what the collision will be like, whether frontal or lateral; In any case, you can protect your child with the TecTakes car seat for children in black / gray from any type of impact that even if you want to avoid them and hope that they will never happen to you, it is best to be prevented.

And since it is a long time that this chair will be useful, it cannot remain in one size for so many years, at some point you must adjust it because your child grows and grows and does not stop growing at least until he is more than 20 years old; meanwhile, the stretch that they give since they are one year old, or when they are 5 years old, and when they turn eleven years old, are quite remarkable stretches and that is why TecTakes car seat for children in black / gray color has its height-adjustable headrest .

The same with the backrest, it is also adjustable ; In this way, this chair grows at the pace of your child, because in addition to adjusting both the headrest and the backrest, when your child is small you can use the belt with a 5-point harness and then the seat belt when they are already preschool-age. that the harness holds the little ones better. And by the time your child is already a pre-adolescent then you can remove the back of the chair so that you can use the cushion as a booster and secure it with the belt just as you do.

This chair offers extraordinary comfort as I told you, it has armrests large enough and padded so that they also protect the child from the side; And even you yourself will feel comfortable, not because you are going to use the child’s chair, but because your duty is to wash it and this will not be a difficult task, but on the contrary; You just have to remove the cover and wash it without so much complication; It can be by hand, or in the machine as you prefer.

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TecTake child car seat in black / gray is a universal seat, that is to say that its installation is with the three-point belt; but it does not have the ISOFIX system; and its color is unisex in black and gray so that there are no problems if you have a girl or a boy; just buy it and put it in your car as it will even match your upholstery.


Once your child is more than twelve years old but is not yet 135 centimeters tall and is ashamed to use the car seats, then he can use boosters and thus reach the regulation height so that he uses the seat belt and can be protected as he should be ; These lifters allow you to gain those missing inches.

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Bubble Bum inflatable car booster for children

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Among the chairs that I presented to you are some whose backrest you can disassemble and simply leave it as a booster, and that is why I will only tell you about a model that is only a booster or booster without a backrest or harness, it is only a booster and its name is Bubble Bum inflatable car booster for children.

It is a seat that gives your child those centimeters he needs because he is already at an age in which he refuses to sit in a chair, they already have a thought in which they do not want to be treated like babies and that is why a booster it makes them feel great like you, they make them feel like an adult who can use the same seat belt that you use.

This booster is very safe, and it is also inflatable ; adequately sized and portable; many great features in a single booster seat; It only weighs 500 grams and when you deflate it you can store it anywhere because it doesn’t take up much space, you can always take it there with you without getting in the way; put it in the glove compartment, or carry it in your bag, or better yet, tell your son to keep it in his backpack because apart from making him feel like a man it will save his life.

The material with which it is made is very resistant and durable, to give you an idea it is a material similar to that of lifeguards, but this inside has a memory foam mattress that will give your child the maximum possible comfort; and if you don’t have where to store it or don’t want to leave it on the seat, you can store it in the included elastic bag.

And even if you think that these boosters do not require homologation, you are wrong, but luckily Bubble Bum inflatable infant car booster for children is approved since it complies with the ECE regulation of the United Nations, offers security for groups 2 and 3 and its design It is for the exclusive use of a standard adult three-point seat belt approved by ECE 15 regulations.

I have presented you with a long list of all the groups into which baby car seats are divided, in this list there are only seats that due to their characteristics are the best on the market, you must choose the one you like the most and of course the one you like the most. fits the size and weight of your baby or child; Well, as you have noticed, you have a lot of variety and do not be afraid to make a bad choice, because if you choose one of the ones I brought you here then the choice will be the correct one.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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