Fennel: Contraindications, Benefits, Various Recipes And Recommended Dosage

In nature there are countless plants that have very good medicinal properties . There are some that are more important or well-known than others due to their popularity, or perhaps the effectiveness of their effects. Without a doubt, something that is not in doubt is that this medium is a very good alternative to achieve a natural cure to many diseases and conditions of the human body.

Fennel is a perennial plant belonging to the apiaceous family (plant with seed), it is very aromatic; it is the only plant of the genus Foeniculum

In ancient Greece, this plant was widely used in the medicinal area; Thanks to its composition, it has a great nutritional value, making it a very healthy product in the area of ​​gastronomy as well as for health and cosmetics.

So well, one of these medicinal plants that stand out for their potential and effectiveness is undoubtedly fennel . Fennel is a plant, or herb, that serves as a general anti-inflammatory treatment and also to improve the digestive process.

Fennel is considered the best method to lose weight and eliminate fat from the body, since it directly influences the digestion of the body, as well as the metabolic rate of the body.

The healing power of fennel is found in the essence contained in its leaves, it is in these that it has the spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. In the same way, these sheets can also be implemented outside the body, that is, they can be applied topically, since they can be a treatment to heal scars and wounds.

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Fennel history

Fennel has its use in Egyptian times, approximately 3000 years ago, where it was primarily used to treat digestive problems.

There is an ancient Indian legend that it was called the “pearl of aphrodisiacs”, because it was part of potions or elixirs that were exciting.

In Mediterranean Europe, the belief that fennel was an aphrodisiac was continued, however, it was combined with other species such as pepper, ginger, star anise, coriander, saffron, cardamom, among others, started to be used as food.

Likewise, in Roman times it was included in a list of substances that were smoked in a pipe.

Over the years, fennel became established as a plant that had magical properties and protected from witchcraft spells in the dark ages; so a bunch of fennel was placed on the doors of the houses and thus kept away evil spirits.

On the other hand, in Italy, the bodies of homosexuals were covered with fennel leaves and then burned; currently, the term “fennel” (finocchio) is used to refer to homosexuals.

From ancient times to modern times, this fennel plant has been used for medicinal purposes, as well as in the kitchen.

What other names does it receive?

Fennel is a plant that today can be found in almost any part of the world, however, its name tends to vary depending on the area where it is found, since the language or culture tends to baptize plants in different ways .

As well, fennel can be found under the name of: phenol, phonol, erbasanta, aneta, millu, mieloi and funcho .

Where does fennel originate from?

Fennel is native to the European continent , specifically to the south, in countries that are located with access to the Mediterranean Sea. Fennel originated in these areas due to the climatic conditions of the environment in these countries, since it is a wild plant.

The fennel plant, in general (trunk, leaves and flowers) forms an opening in the ground , from which a considerably strong and long light green stem protrudes. Branches emerge from the stem, which are pod-shaped and end up as sharp leaves with numerous branches.

The seeds (or fruits) of fennel have an elongated shape with a certain curvature, are small in size and have a strong and characteristic smell, similar to that of anise. The fennel plant, in its best state, can grow up to 1.5 meters high.

Nowadays, this plant can be found in areas with scarce soils , on roads, at the edges of a road, in fields without cultivation control and in places that are close to a coast.

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What are its components?

Fennel fruits are often confused with its seed, but this is not the case, since the seeds are those found inside the fruit. So well, in these fruits we can get the following components: phytosterols, sugars, coumarins and oils such as anethole, estragole, phencone, limonene and others . However, the essential oil of the plant is the one found in the seed and this is spread throughout the plant.

Specifically in the fennel leaves we can get large amounts of glucose, while in the bud of the plant mineral salts such as calcium, magnesium , potassium and phosphorus, fibers and vitamins such as A and B3 are obtained .

Among the active chemical components that fennel has are:

Essential oil 2-6%, rich in trans and cis anethole (70%), estragole 10%, fenchona 7%, alphapinene, myrcene, camphene, phelandrene, limonene, coumarins (root), vitamin C, fats, fibers; Minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, cobalt; Amino acids: Alanine (promotes immune system defenses), arginine (tissue repair and muscle growth), histidine (vasodilator, stimulant of gastric juices, arthritis, anemia, ulcers), glutamic acid (tonic, antiulcer, promotes mental capacity) , aspartic acid (expulsion of ammonia).

Active ingredient of fennel

Among the most outstanding active principles of fennel are: from the root and the fruits it has within its composition, essential oils; among which is a high concentration of estragole and anethole; amino acids such as alanine, provides properties that promote the functioning of the immune system; Another amino acid present in the composition of fennel is arginine (protein).

More information in Essential Vitamins for your Health

Recommended daily dose

As the saying goes: “Everything in excess is bad” and this is applicable almost to any area of ​​our life. In this case, regarding the dose of fennel tea, we want to tell you that there is a limit.

It is recommended that you only drink up to three cups of fennel tea daily , since if you exceed this you can suffer side effects and harm your health. If you prepare more than the required amount of this tea, you can refrigerate the rest that you are not going to use during the day and consume it the next day.

Fennel properties and benefits

Fennel is a plant that looks similar to celery, however, the taste of fennel is much more similar to that of anise. This plant can grow to two meters high and can be consumed from its root to its seeds, that is , it is entirely edible .

Currently, fennel is a great complement to Mediterranean food, since its texture and properties are an excellent companion to salads and other meals. Fennel seeds are used mostly as a spice in many recipes , since they contain a strong aroma similar to that of anise.

Fennel also has many beneficial health properties , one of the most important is undoubtedly the anti-inflammatory power it contains, however, this is not the only one of them. These are the main properties of fennel:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Fennel can help you reduce a swollen belly, in the same way it also relaxes the digestive system and can serve as a cleanser and diuretic, which benefits the liver and metabolism.
  • Contains antioxidants: In the same way, fennel also contains large amounts of minerals such as calcium , iron, potassium, magnesium and manganese , and vitamins such as C and B3.
  • Reduces appetite and controls anxiety : In this way it can help you lose weight.
  • Energizing: Fennel can give you the energy you need to face your day to day life, it also helps you improve concentration.
  • Regulates menstruation and relieves colic: This can be achieved by fennel due to the content of phytoestrogen, which acts as a natural-type hormone in the female body.
  • Serves as an expectorant : Helps eliminate congestion that obstructs the airways.
  • Control pressure: Regular consumption of fennel tea can work as a regulator of blood pressure and prevent hypertension.

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Used for weight loss

The fennel tea reduces swelling , you can flatten a swollen belly and also gives the feeling of satiety and lightens the appetite, which is ideal when you want to lose weight.

Fennel during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Fennel is a very beneficial plant, however, it is not advisable to implement it during pregnancy or lactation, since it can cause complications in the mother’s health and in the same way in the development of the fetus. So well, the best thing you can do is completely avoid this plant, in any of its presentations, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Ideal items for you:

Relieves gas problems and improves gastritis

Fennel contains many medicinal properties , one of the most outstanding is undoubtedly its anti-inflammatory effect . Fennel can act directly on the mucosa with which it comes into contact when ingested.

In this way, fennel eliminates the discomfort caused by gastritis and in turn reduces inflammation in the area.

In general, fennel is used for both medicinal and culinary purposes , due to its strong power and its aniseed taste and smell. In this way, digestive problems can be treated directly and indirectly through the plant.

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What are the benefits for the skin?

The properties and benefits that fennel brings to the skin are very diverse, among which you can take advantage of:

In the case of fennel seeds, they provide antiseptic properties, as well as antioxidants, so they help prevent acne and cell damage, as well as maintain skin tone.

It favors the delay in the appearance of expression lines, spots, dark circles, eye bags and wrinkles.

Soothes irritated and inflamed skin.

It is a good option against the signs of aging.

Fennel provides minerals such as zinc, calcium, iron, which favors the oxygen balance in the skin, giving it a healthier appearance.

Does it have properties for the hair?

Fennel is a very beneficial ingredient for hair, because it favors:

Prevents hair loss and breakage, gives it strength and life.

It works against dandruff and itching.

Due to its antibacterial action, it protects the scalp from any condition.

To increase the bust?

It is well known that one of the details that a woman emphasizes most about her body is the size of her breasts.

For a woman, voluminous breasts will always be more aesthetic than very small breasts. However, not all women are born with the gift of having large breasts, so certain measures are resorted to .

One of the most effective methods for breast augmentation is undoubtedly plastic surgery, but this is neither the healthiest nor the most accessible, so there are other alternatives. Naturally, it is possible to make the breasts increase their size a little, this due to the stimulation of substances that affect in this area.

Fennel is one of these foods that helps breast growth , this because it contains a large amount of flavonoids that promote the production of estrogens in the body. Thus, fennel acts in the breast area creating new cells, avoiding secondary damage and collateral effects.

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Does fennel tea increase the glutes?

Fennel tea has properties that are stimulating for hormones, especially affecting the production of estrogens, which in the same way that it helps with breast growth, can provide a greater benefit in the growth of the buttocks.

So, if you are one of those women who want to have a fuller butt and do not want to undergo complicated plastic surgeries, you can choose to use fennel tea and an exercise routine to make your buttocks grow and remain firm.

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The buttocks are a part of the body that many women, and some men, are responsible for enlarging, either through exercises or surgery. However, the size of our buttocks is influenced by our genes and the way we eat .

That is why there are people who have this area more voluminous than others, but if we eat a diet rich in protein, we can increase the size of our buttocks and also provide firmness.

In the same way , there are herbs that enhance this development, since they increase the production of certain hormones, such as estrogen, which influences the enlargement of the buttocks.

As well, fennel is one of these herbs that help to enlarge the buttocks naturally. You can achieve this by regularly taking infusions of this plant and following a favorable exercise routine.

If you want to prepare an infusion of fennel, all you have to do is: boil a tablespoon of fennel seeds for five minutes. Strain the mixture and let it steep for ten minutes, and finally drink one or two cups of this tea on a daily basis.

Contraindications and Side Effects of Fennel

When fennel is consumed correctly and in the recommended amount, no harm to the health of the person can occur. In the case of pregnant or lactating women, it is advisable to completely avoid this plant.

It can be said that it is generally a beneficial medicinal plant and of considerably safe use, it can be administered without problem to young and old to take advantage of its medicinal value. However, you have to take several details into account.

Fennel contains substances such as estragole and anethole, which if supplied in very high amounts are harmful, since they act as neurotoxic. When fennel oil is ingested in a higher dose than recommended, you can suffer from: drowsiness, tachycardia and even seizures.

As well , the consumption of this oil is not recommended by pregnant people or children under twelve years of age, as well as by people with irritable bowel, gastritis, Parkinson’s, among other diseases. In any case, it is better to ingest this oil diluted in water and if you have any questions, it is best to consult an expert or your trusted doctor.

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On the other hand, people who are allergic to celery or carrots have to be careful, since fennel is a plant belonging to the species of these other plants, that is, they have a direct relationship.

When we are on antibiotic treatment, it is also advisable to completely avoid the use of the fennel plant, as it could affect the effect of the treatment or cause an unfavorable alternate reaction.

Despite the fact that fennel is a medicinal plant, several aspects must be taken into account to implement its use. Here we will tell you a list of aspects that you should take into account:

  • Avoid fennel if you are on hormonal treatment .
  • Antibiotics like ciprofloxacin don’t mix very well with fennel.
  • If you have a history of breast or uterine cancer , or have suffered from any of these diseases previously, it is advisable to avoid fennel at all costs.
  • The oil contained in fennel seeds can affect the effect of birth control pills.
  • If you are known to be allergic or sensitive to celery, parsley, or cumin, you should avoid consuming fennel.
  • Children should consume fennel only under the supervision of an expert.
  • You should not drink fennel tea for more than two continuous weeks, in children under 14 years it is recommended not to exceed seven days of continuous intake.
  • The excess of fennel in the body can be toxic, therefore it is not necessary to exceed the daily dose of this.
  • Taking fennel or fennel oil in excess can cause nausea and vomiting.
  • People suffering from hypothyroidism should avoid consuming fennel, as the plant contains large amounts of iodine, which increases the activity of the thyroid gland.

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Fennel, anise and cumin, which one is better?

If you want to know if it is better to implement fennel, anise or cumin , you should only focus on thinking about what benefits you want for your health , since these are excellent medicinal plants that can combat different conditions in a very effective way. That is why knowing what you want to attack is that you can decide which plant will be best for your body.

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In the same way, these three plants attack very effectively gastrointestinal and digestive system problems , since they have anti-inflammatory properties, serve as an antiflatulent, cleanse the colon, relieve pain and prevent constipation.

Fennel advantages and disadvantages

Like everything in life, fennel has certain advantages, as well as disadvantages . Here we will leave you a list of these characteristics of fennel:

  • Fennel is very beneficial for digestion, serves to solve indigestion, relieves heaviness, gas and spasms.
  • It is an appetite stimulant, provides satiety.
  • It can eliminate diarrhea if it is implemented in a treatment with other plants.
  • Eliminates gases, both flatulence and meteorisms. Avoid bad breath caused by halitosis.
  • It prevents fluid retention within the body, so it is good for a weight loss treatment.
  • It is a good treatment against hypertension, since it improves circulation and prevents the accumulation of fat in the arteries, which is why it also levels cholesterol and prevents heart conditions.
  • Regulates hormones in the female case, can control the menstrual cycle and relieve pain caused by premenstrual syndrome.
  • It can fight back pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It can also be used for a topical treatment such as eyelid inflammation.
  • Helps reduce inflammation of the gums and alleviate oropharyngeal conditions.
  • It can help heal and heal wounds such as scratches, incisions, scrapes, bites, among others.
  • The disadvantages of fennel are related to the impossibility of its use during pregnancy, lactation, its negative reaction when applied in conjunction with antibiotics and its toxicity when it is an excessive dose.

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Fennel in gastronomy

Fennel is considered an aromatic herb, the seeds are used as a species and the bulb is used as a vegetable thanks to its aniseed smell and taste.

The seeds when dried are used as an ingredient in recipes for breads, fish, cakes and cakes; In Spanish gastronomy, fennel is widely used in pickles, sauces and dressings.

In Morocco, the bulb is the vegetable used in the preparation of salads, lamb and veal.

Fennel leaves are used as a dressing in stews for meats, fish; the meat is wrapped in them and cooked like rolled in the oven.

Fennel recipes

According to the use of fennel in gastronomy, some basic recipes that include this ingredient are mentioned:

  • Salmon with fennel and white wine.
  • Vegetable soup with fennel and zucchini bulb.
  • Lamb stew with fennel.
  • Tomato salad, potatoes with fennel (stem and bulb in small pieces) and boiled egg.
  • Chocolate sponge cake with fennel seeds
  • Fennel and orange salad:

Ingredients: 2 fennel bulbs, 4 oranges, 20 black olives.

For the vinaigrette: 100 ml of olive oil, 1 natural orange juice, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon and salt.

Wash the onion, remove the stem and cut in half and then sliced. Clean the bulbs, cut them into fine pieces and reserve.

On the other hand, peel the oranges, separate the segments and save the juice that they release. Prepare the vinaigrette with the orange juice, oil, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar and salt. Arrange the orange segments on plates. And finally, add the fennel, onion and olives on top. Dress with the vinaigrette.

Home remedies with fennel

Next we will tell you a series of home remedies that you can do using fennel, pay close attention to the list that we will expose in the following lines:

Remedy to eliminate flatulence and slow digestion

Crush two handfuls of fennel seeds, place them in a container with a cup of boiling water, let it sit for ten minutes. Have a cup of this tea after every meal, three times a day.

Remedy against heaviness from food or drink

Rub your abdominal area with fennel oil mixed with olive or sunflower oil. This can also serve as a mild laxative.

Colic remedy for children

Boil a quarter teaspoon of fennel seeds in milk for five minutes. Strain the mixture and have the child drink it at a warm temperature.

Kidney pain remedy for kidney stones or fluid retention

You will need 25 grams of celery, 25 grams of fennel root, and 25 grams of parsley root and celery. Grate all the ingredients and place in a container along with 600 ml of boiling water. Let the mixture sit for ten minutes. Strain and add a little lemon juice. This will stimulate kidney function and relax your muscles.

Migraine remedy

Make an infusion of fennel seeds, 50 grams, in a liter of water, cook for ten minutes after it begins to boil. Use the liquid to place on your temple and forehead.

Weight loss remedy

Use a liter of artichoke water, a fennel stalk and a tablespoon of mint leaves. Boil this for ten minutes. Strain the mixture and drink throughout the day when you need hydration.

Remedy against bad breath and sore throat

For this you will only have to chew a small handful of fennel seeds.

Cough remedy

Place 25 grams of fennel, 25 grams of lichen and 25 grams of marshmallow in a cup of boiling water. Let this sit for ten minutes and have the drink while it is warm, a couple of times a day.

Diarrhea remedy

Boil 25 grams of dried fennel root in a liter of water for twenty minutes. Strain this drink and drink three cups of this drink daily.

Flea remedy

Grind a handful of fennel seeds, if the animal is considerably large you must grind more. The result must be applied on the skin of the animal and you must also apply fennel oil in the water to wash your animal.

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Does fennel tea have caffeine or theine?

Although tea is considered an extremely healthy drink, for which many people decide to change instead of having a cup of coffee , the truth is that teas contain caffeine or rather theine , so you have to be attentive to the composition of the plant with which the tea is prepared.People who suffer from hypertension cannot consume caffeine or caffeine in large quantities, therefore they prefer drinks that are lighter. So it is relevant to know what type of tea contains caffeine and which does not.

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In the case of fennel, this tea is part of the group of teas without caffeine , so you can drink it without any problem.

How to make fennel tea?

The preparation of fennel tea is very simple , like any other type of tea. If you want to learn how to make fennel tea, you just have to follow the following recipe:


  • 2 teaspoons fennel seeds
  • 1 cup of water

Preparation and use

Grind the fennel seeds until they are powdered. Place the water in a pot to bring it to a boil. When the water is boiling you can proceed to remove the pot from the heat and add the crushed seeds, cover it and let the mixture rest for an estimated time of ten minutes. Finally, strain the mixture and drink.

It is recommended that you only have a cup of tea before each meal, preferably half an hour before the meal, three times a day.

Fennel Tea Recipe to lose weight

If you want to learn how to prepare an excellent fennel tea to enjoy these benefits, you just have to follow the following recipe:


  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • A teaspoon of coriander seeds


Place the water and seeds over medium heat in a pot. Cover the pot and bring to a boil, then immediately remove from the heat and let it sit for fifteen minutes. Lastly, strain the mixture and drink the liquid.


Drink only three cups of this tea a day, since if you exceed this amount, the tea can be counterproductive for your health.

Fennel, ginger and mint tea

If you want to cause a greater impact on your body , you can choose to mix fennel tea with other ingredients that can enhance the power of the drink . Two good options are ginger and mint, since they are ingredients that can make your body improve in many ways, mint and ginger will provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties to the drink.

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Fennel Nutrition Facts

Glycemic index

Fennel is characterized by having a very low glycemic index , which is why it is recommended and beneficial for people suffering from diabetes, since it will not greatly alter the person’s blood glucose level.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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