Sunflower Seeds: Contraindications, Benefits, Properties And Allergies

Sunflower seeds come from the plant of the same name, the sunflower, these are known in the scientific field as Helianthus annuus , whose roots come from the Greek meaning “flower that rotates with the sun.”

The meaning of this name is quite illustrative and we can clearly relate it to the function that these flowers have, it is known as “heliotropic”, which is nothing more than the ability of this plant to turn its leaves in search of sunlight. .

Like almost everything, the name of the sunflower plant varies according to the area where it is grown, that is, in each country or region it can be obtained with a different name, these can be the following: jáquima, calom, mirasol, maravilla, tile corn and tlapololote.

Origin of sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds, also called pipas or pepas – depending on the region in which they are found – originate from the sunflower plant, which in a remote time existed exclusively on the American continent, it is believed that the cultivation of this plant it dates back approximately 3,000 years or more. The studies that have been carried out around the history of plants and their origins prove and give a sign that the sunflower was used in Mexico 2600 years BC

However, today sunflowers are plants that are grown without any problem in all favorable regions in any part of the planet, that is, in the growing regions of almost every country in the world.

Sunflower seeds characteristics

In ancient times, sunflower seeds were used in a ground form for the preparation of cakes that resembled the shape of a bread. In the same way, with another type of processing they could prepare oil based on these seeds.

Sunflower seeds are a very versatile product and in ancient times, where people lived off nature, you can see how the various uses and characteristics that these seeds contain were used.

The people who inhabited the American territory before the conquest also used sunflower seeds to dye their bodies, as well as their fabrics and their hair.

In this way, the sunflower was considered a divine symbol, since for the Aztecs in Mexico and the Incas of Peru, this plant symbolized the sun god. On the other hand, in Europe, it was the Spanish who brought the plant to the old continent in the early sixteenth century and subsequently from there its cultivation spread to the rest of the world.

Benefits and Properties of sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds, in addition to being a versatile product for consumption and use, are also a food rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals and other nutrients. Therefore, its consumption can provide the body with many benefits that will help it maintain optimal health.

The most outstanding benefits of sunflower seeds are the following:

  • They are seeds with high levels of unsaturated fatty acids .
  • Its properties help lower the cholesterol level and also reduce triglycerides.
  • They contain a large amount of antioxidants , so their consumption helps in the prevention of cancer and also keeps the body stimulated so that aging does not have a sudden impact on our internal and external appearance.
  • Improves the digestive process, since the seeds contain a lot of fiber, which prevents constipation and gastrointestinal problems.
  • They can act as a natural cleanser in the body.
  • Their consumption causes the feeling of satiety, for this reason they are recommended in people who follow a diet to lose weight.

Among the most important properties that these types of seeds contain, one can undoubtedly highlight their high content of cholesterol-free fats, their large amount of proteins and the level of carbohydrates.

Here you can read 10 Ways to Reduce Carbohydrate Intake Quickly

When we talk about vitamins, these seeds also have a way to defend themselves, since in their composition vitamin E stands out in great quantity, which is present in 22 mg per 100 grams of seeds. On the other hand, speaking of minerals, sunflower seeds contain among their most prominent minerals potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.

Used to lose weight

You can come to think that sunflower seeds are a bad alternative in your diet when you want to lose weight, since as we have said these seeds contain fats, however, the fats that sunflower seeds contain are unsaturated fats, that is, It is good fat, which when consumed in the right way can provide us with a lot of help to lose weight.

Do you know what benefits this type of fat brings you? Learn it here: Omega-3, 6 and 9 Fatty Acids for Better Health

In addition to their unsaturated fats, sunflower seeds improve digestion and act as a cleanser, so we can cleanse our body, eliminate waste that is stored too much inside us, and in this way also lose a little weight, as well how to improve our health.

A recommended way to implement sunflower seeds to your diet, and thus take advantage of their full potential, can be one of the ones that we will point out below:

  • Use them roasted as a dressing in salads
  • Roast a few seeds and store them in a container along with a little sea salt, this can be eaten as a snack or as a side to other meals.
  • Use sunflower seeds in your desserts, such as breads and cakes
  • Mix the seeds with other nuts and you will have a healthy snack for a trip or an excursion

Nature gives us great gifts for health, we present to you:

Hair benefits

Sunflower seeds can be used in various beauty treatments, since due to their high content of vitamins and minerals , they can help improve our external image . In this way we can make our skin improve, in the same way as our hair.

As we have already mentioned, sunflower seeds contain vitamins and minerals, which are very influential substances for hair health. So well, in detail, what you can get at the level of your hair with sunflower seeds is the following

Learn more about how to keep your hair healthy with the following articles:


Sunflower seeds contain a considerable amount of zinc , which stimulates hair growth. However, it should be consumed in a moderate way, since excess zinc can be counterproductive and cause hair loss.

Similarly, the vitamin E contained in the seeds also help hair grow faster, as well as improves and strengthens hair quality. But, the moderation of consumption must also be taken into account.

Don’t miss our article with the best tips for healthy hair growth


One of the essential components of sunflower seeds is vitamin B, which helps to reduce hair loss and even eliminate it completely. This happens because the oxygen that passes through the scalp is increased.

We invite you to visit the following article and the 65 Causes of Hair Loss for men and women


The fatty acids contained in sunflower seeds also serve to moisturize hair from root to tip, thus improving its appearance by almost one hundred percent.

Now, surely you do not have the slightest doubt regarding the benefits that these seeds can give you. So do not hesitate to start implementing this treatment and you will have really fabulous hair.

Learn with us How to have good hair hydration

Here we show you the benefits of Essential Vitamins for your Health

To increase the bust?

If there is one detail that women focus on a lot, it is undoubtedly the size of their breasts. Many women are born with their quite marked, voluminous and exuberant attributes, but there are others who do not have the same “luck” and have to accept the size that life gave them.

For this reason, there are thousands of women having surgery and resorting to the scalpel to increase the size of their breasts, which is not bad, everyone decides what they want to do with their body. However, there is a way to make breasts enlarge naturally with sunflower seeds.

Clearly we cannot make our breasts grow twice their size overnight, but we can make their size increase at least a little so that we feel more comfortable with our image.

So well, you have to know that there are certain components that help breast growth, one of these is estrogen. In our body, we can increase the production of estrogen by consuming foods rich in phytoestrogens, which will stimulate the production of estrogens and thus we can increase the size of our breasts.

Sunflower seeds are an excellent option to contribute in this regard, since they contain large amounts of phytoestrogens. You just have to eat a handful of these seeds daily and voila, you can start to notice a difference in a couple of weeks.

They are good for diabetics

It is no secret to anyone that people with diabetes must follow a nutritional routine and if they include sunflower seeds they can avoid excess glucose in their body and also have control over the substances in our body.

In this way, the consumption of sunflower seeds, in addition to being a healthy component, we can also be sure that they will only help us to a large extent to keep our body in good condition.

People who suffer from diabetes usually also suffer from a low production of chromium and zinc, which can be remedied with the consumption of some legumes, oysters and shellfish and also sunflower seeds.

We teach you all the necessary information about Diabetes: Complications, Causes, Types and how to Prevent it

Good for controlling cholesterol

Sunflower seeds provide very beneficial properties when it comes to controlling our blood chemistry. It has already been mentioned that these seeds are very rich in unsaturated fats, that is, in healthy fats.

Within sunflower seeds we can get beneficial properties that help us lower bad cholesterol naturally. These seeds can help us improve circulation, as well as act on it to eliminate harmful values.

Due to its high fibrous content, sunflower seeds can help remove and prevent harmful cholesterol from our body. In addition, the seeds can also act as an antioxidant and thus prevent atheroma plaque from adhering to the walls of the arteries.

Thus, by improving circulation and cholesterol level, you can avoid a host of additional diseases, among the most important: heart disease, such as failure of this organ as well as a heart attack.

Take care of your health with Hazelnuts: Contraindications, Benefits and Nutritional Information

Excellent during pregnancy

Pregnant women need to eat a sufficiently nutritious diet, since they not only need to stay healthy, but they are giving a fetus the tools for its optimal and healthy development.

As well, sunflower seeds can be a great option for this type of case. It is known that sunflower seeds are a very healthy food, we know that they contain nutrients, vitamins and minerals that our body needs for its proper functioning.

But do they really bring extra benefit when it comes to pregnancy? The answer is yes. When it comes to the nutrition of a pregnant woman, sunflower seeds have what is necessary and above all what is essential for the needs of a pregnant woman.

Vitamin E and zinc, compounds contained in large quantities in sunflower seeds, can be conducive to the growth of the placenta and also of the baby itself. A very important point to note is that these properties can help us keep the fetus free of any type of toxins.

As you can see, vitamin E is essential for our body, learn everything about it in this article: Vitamin E. Know its importance for health

In another sense, vitamin E also helps in supplying oxygen to the developing embryo, which is quite an important aspect and worth highlighting. In addition, the muscles of both the mother and the baby will remain healthy and strengthened thanks to the action of this type of substances, which is very beneficial.

Folic acid is a substance that is not left behind, pregnant women must consume it directly so that their baby develops in the best possible way, however, it is also contained in the composition of the seeds, which is very useful in helping the development of red blood cells in both organisms.

If you want to always be healthy, this article will teach you the necessary tools Zinc: Contraindications, Benefits, Symptoms of excess and use in Children and Pregnant Women

Help with constipation

Many times we are victims of diseases due to our own eating habits. The digestive system is responsible for processing the food we eat, this process lasts a maximum of 24 hours, but when we do not eat in the best way we can extend this process up to three days and in the end we still have waste residues inside us .

Yes, these wastes begin to trigger a series of problems, not only obstructing and hindering, but they expel toxins, impair the function of many organs, can cause inflammation, cause abdominal pain and can be the cause of those extra pounds that we have. in our body.

When these gastrointestinal impediments begin to suffer, it is normal that one of the first symptoms, perhaps the most marked, is constipation. Since the digestion process is affected, which makes the person feel constipated due to the series of problems that cause poor digestion.

A solution? The consumption of fibers. Fiber greatly improves the digestive rhythm, since it speeds up the movement of waste through the large intestine. We can achieve this with sunflower seeds, which contain a large amount of fibers in their composition, can help us to eliminate constipation from our body.

To eliminate constipation you can choose to consume sunflower seeds in the following way:

  • Eat them shelled and unsalted, raw, daily.
  • Add a tablespoon or two of these seeds to your morning smoothie, this will provide the same effect.
  • Add them to your salad or yogurt daily.
  • Grind one or two tablespoons of seeds, add this to a cup of boiling water. Add honey to sweeten and drink a cup every morning on an empty stomach, and the constipation will disappear completely in no time.

Recommended for fertility

When it comes to procreating, work is not as simple as having relationships and that’s it, but there are women who find it a little more difficult for their body to be a fertile “ground” where something can be implanted for their development, case something as complex as a baby.

That is why women who know they have fertility problems, women who have been trying to get pregnant for a long time and cannot, tend to start trying methods that claim to increase their body’s fertility, including the consumption of sunflower seeds.

As well, it has been shown that certain vitamins, as well as minerals, can affect female fertility, in the same way as in male. One of the vitamins that is talked about a lot when it comes to fertility is vitamin B6, which is said to improve a woman’s fertility. As for the case of men, it is mentioned that vitamin B12 improves the quality of semen.

Another aspect to take into account when it comes to fertility, is undoubtedly vitamin E. Since it is thought that this considerably increases sperm. So if you are looking for a new baby, you can choose to start eating sunflower seeds, which are rich in each of the nutrients that we mentioned. In the same way, you can make your partner include these seeds in his daily diet.

If you adopt these good eating habits, keep in mind what we mentioned and put aside other practices such as alcohol and smoking, you will surely be able to conceive a baby more quickly.

Beneficial for people with anemia

Anemia is basically the drop in hemoglobin levels in the bloodstream. This condition is commonly caused by a deficiency of iron in the blood, although in some cases the anemia may be caused by another disease.

In this case, if it is anemia due to lack of iron, it can be effectively remedied with the consumption of foods rich in minerals. In this way, a fresh and balanced salad is the best option to provide our body with the iron it lacks.

The best thing that you can apply in this case is to implement a series of fresh vegetables along with a few sunflower seeds, you can also choose to use them ground, this will provide your body with the necessary properties to eliminate anemia.

For more information read our article on anemia

How many sunflower seeds can be eaten per day?

We have already mentioned all the benefits that sunflower seeds can have, this may make you regret that you should eat tons of seeds and thus you can take advantage of the good properties that they contain. Well, you are wrong, since as with almost anything: if we take them in excess they will have a negative effect.

As well, sunflower seeds are a great source of unsaturated fats, good fats, vitamins, and minerals. However, its excessive consumption can affect the production of lipoproteins that can cause cholesterol to skyrocket.

Therefore, it is only recommended that these seeds be consumed in a single daily serving of about 30 grams, thus we will control the level of fat and calories that we are providing to our body in a single serving.

Where can I buy organic / bio sunflower seeds or pipes

Today there are multiple healthy food stores that you can go to, but the price is still very high, to get directly to the producer it is better to try it from Amazon, where the producer can directly market them at a more competitive price without intermediaries in between.

We leave you some of the best brands:

  • Biojoy Premium Quality Peeled Sunflower Seeds (2.5 kg)
  • Organic Sunflower Seeds Naturcid 250 G.
  • Pipes with salt 1 kg. Roasted and salted sunflower seeds origin USA

Can sunflower seeds cause allergies?

Sunflower seeds contain in their composition a large amount of vitamins, nutrients and minerals, however, excessive consumption of these compounds can cause serious problems in the body, including strong and dangerous allergies.

To illustrate the case, five ounces of sunflower seeds contain about 1621 mg of phosphorus, which is more than 100 percent above the recommended intake for this compound. On the other hand, this same amount of seeds also provides 111 mg of selenium, it is 200% more than recommended to ingest daily.

So, consuming either of these two compounds excessively can lead to very serious reactions. Phosphorus is a compound that in excess can be very toxic, thereby causing tissues to weaken and also affect kidney function. On the other hand, selenium can weaken our nails and hair (if this is the case, see this article on how to strengthen nails) , it can cause allergic skin reactions, fatigue and irritability.

Sunflower Seeds Contraindications

Sunflower seeds are foods rich in healthy fats, fibers, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, but everything in this life should be taken in moderation, since excesses are always bad. The same happens with healthy foods , it does not mean that because they provide benefits, we should eat an exaggerated amount of them.

Excessive consumption of sunflower seeds can be a great trigger for non-beneficial situations, if we eat these seeds in a higher dose than the recommended one, we can suffer from weight gain and sodium intake , this triggers a series of problems from this, such as fluid retention, among other things. So, it is best not to consume more than one ounce of seeds daily, thus avoiding unwanted dangers.

Are they fattening or losing weight?

If we eat any type of food without any measure and excessively, it is evident that the result will be to gain weight. Since this process is basically the result of an intake of calories that are not used by the body, this causes these excess calories to be stored as fat in the body.

Look at this article, it will be very interesting: Fats are good for your health

So, to illustrate the case, about 30 grams of sunflower seeds have 175 calories, which covers 10% of the total calories that we should consume in a day . But if we consume this amount doubled one, two, three times or more, we can ingest up to 875 calories at a time, so in this way the weight gain will be evident.

Do you want to lose weight? We show you how you can do it with these 9 Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fast at Home or in the Gym

Sunflower Seeds or other Nuts, which is better?

It is very common that when we are in our daily routine we want to eat something between meals, in these cases we always think of a candy, something that can satisfy our cravings until it is time for lunch.

But, it is the options normally implemented by people on these occasions that make them gain weight without control, since they choose to eat a candy, a sweet, a soda and other foods high in saturated fat.

In these cases, it is best to look for healthier snacks, nuts and sunflower seeds will always be a good option. Both nuts and seeds are easy-to-move foods, you can easily take them anywhere, either in a small container or in a bag, they will not damage or go rancid quickly.

In addition to this, these nuts , in the same way as sunflower seeds, are healthy foods, so in the correct measure you will not be damaging your body, but quite the opposite. So, you do not have to choose between which is better, but each one has its own characteristics and benefits to provide you, you can choose to use a little of each and thus have a variety of nutrients.

Commercial uses of sunflower seeds

Sunflower seed oil

In ancient times the natives already used the oil from sunflower seeds, but in those times they did not give it the same use that we give it today. Today, sunflower oil is one of the most common in gastronomy, although its use is especially seen in fried foods, unlike olive oil, which is quite common for consumption as a raw product.

When compared to other oils, sunflower oil is considered less healthy than the others, however, they simply contain different benefits than an oil such as coconut oil or olive oil can contain .

The benefits that sunflower oil can provide to the body are the following:

  • It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, reduces cholesterol and also lowers the level of triglycerides.
  • It contains a large amount of vitamin E, this oil stands out among all for the large amount of vitamin E it contains in its composition, which is of great help due to the antioxidants it provides and thus protects us from free radicals and prevents diseases such cancer.

If you want more information see this article Why use oil on hair?

Here we leave you the best brands of organic and high quality sunflower oil:

  • BIO Sunflower – 100% Pure Cold Pressed Vegetable Oil – Certified Organic – 1Liter
  • Biospirit Bio Sunflower Oil 5 L
  • Sunflower Oil Bio 750 Ml from Biocop
  • Bio Sunflower Oil 500 Ml from Biopres
  • Gourmet – Refined sunflower oil – 5 l

Sunflower Seed Milk – How To Make It

Today there is a great variety of types of milk, since people do not only drink milk that is extracted from animals. There are cases where people choose a different option because they are lactose intolerant and cannot drink regular milk. As well as, there are cases where for simple nutritional reasons, people prefer a healthier type of milk.

For more information you can read this article on How to Improve Lactose Intolerance or Poor Digestion

Today if we go to a can market to get many types of milk, among the most common are the soy milk and almond milk also can be performed by way home, as well as milk sunflower seeds.

Although it is a type of milk that is not widely discussed, sunflower seed milk is a very beneficial drink and can be easily prepared at home. If we talk about this date in terms of its benefits, we can say that it is rich in vitamin E, in minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Sunflower seed milk also provides about the same amount of protein and healthy fats as the seeds themselves. So if you don’t like to eat the seeds normally, you can choose to prepare this drink yourself and enjoy the same benefits.

Sunflower seed tea

Sunflower seeds can be consumed in thousands of ways, they can be a companion for breakfast, some meal, salad, dessert and also smoothie. But, a much more comfortable and healthy way to eat these seeds is through an infusion or tea.

When we ingest sunflower seeds prepared in the form of tea we can absorb – in addition to its main properties, such as vitamins and minerals, – benefits such as: relaxing effect, reduction of anxiety, feeling of satiety and more.

If you want to make your own sunflower seed tea, all you need is the following:


  • 15 sunflower seeds
  • 1 liter of water


All you have to do is place the two ingredients in a pot and boil the mixture for about fifteen minutes, then remove it from the heat and let it cool.


Drink two cups of this tea before each meal. In this way you can enjoy all its benefits and you can also start losing weight naturally.

For more information, see our articles on Types of Tea: Properties, Benefits and Side Effects

Gastronomic use of sunflower seeds

How to consume them?

The good thing about sunflower seeds is their versatility when consuming them, these can be implemented in different ways, so if a person does not like to eat seeds directly, they can choose the form that seems best to them. Next we will give you a series of options so that you consume these seeds in the best way, these are the following:

  • Eat them for your breakfast replacing cereals and cookies, add them to your diet as a side.
  • You can choose to consume the seeds through a tea or infusion.
  • Grind the seeds and sprinkle them over your salads.
  • Mix the seeds in your yogurt, this can be a pretty complete breakfast.
  • Add the seeds in the preparation of breads or cakes.

Always remember to consume these seeds in a moderate way, since if you eat them in excess you can cause your body unnecessary damage that can become very complicated.

How to make caramelised sunflower seeds?

A garrapiñada is a way of preparing dried fruits, where it is covered with sugar and remains in the final result as a kind of glaze on the outside of the fruit. In this case we will tell you how you can make this delicious snack, but using sunflower seeds, all you need is the following:


  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup sunflower seeds, peeled, unroasted or salted
  • 1 cup of water


  • Place the three ingredients in a pan
  • Bring the pan to a high heat and mix until a gritty paste forms.
  • Normally it will take around ten minutes to get this look
  • When the liquid evaporates and we have our mixture of sandy consistency ready, we will remove the pan from the heat
  • When doing this, we will continue mixing vigorously until the seeds are whitish.
  • When you do this you will notice that there is sugar that did not adhere, so you will put the pan on fire again
  • At this point that sugar will melt and make a new layer, this time brighter.
  • Keep stirring without letting the sugar burn and voila
  • Place the seeds on a tray and let them cool
  • When they have cooled you can keep them until you want to eat them
  • This preparation can last a long time without spoiling, since they do not absorb moisture from the environment.

Sunflower Seeds Nutrition Facts

Sunflower seeds when they are raw, that is, without having undergone any cooking process, either roasted or otherwise processed, contain a considerable amount of calories. However, this amount is not capable of affecting your diet in a very shocking way.

An ounce of unpeeled sunflower seeds without being processed in any way, contains about 164 calories, constitutes 8.5% of the estimated calories that a person should consume daily, which is not much.

These calories in sunflower seeds come directly from their content of fatty acids, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. This type of fatty acids directly influence blood cholesterol, thus reducing cholesterol that is considered harmful to health.

So, if you add sunflower seeds to your daily diet, you can also ingest proteins and carbohydrates that are no more than 6 grams, and approximately 3 grams of fiber.

As for the minerals that sunflower seeds contain, they are a great source of copper, manganese, and magnesium. These minerals are great influencers for metabolism, as well as being a great source of energy, they nourish the bones and benefit the nervous system.

Finally, the vitamins that these seeds contain are in large quantity of group B, as well as vitamin E. The vitamins of group B are responsible for helping to keep your metabolism in good condition, benefit the nervous system and maintain good circulation of the blood. As for vitamin E, it provides antioxidants that help fight free radicals, and thus prevent diseases that involve conditions at the cellular level, such as cancer.

If you want more information see this article Vitamin E: Know its importance for health

Glycemic index

When it comes to the glycemic index, sunflower seeds contain a considerably low index: 35, so its consumption can cause a feeling of satiety, which helps in the process of weight loss

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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