Liver: Diseases, Bacteria, Detoxify, Cleanse, Donations And Main Functions

Would you believe us if we told you that the largest organ within the human body is the liver? – because the largest externally is the skin.

It belongs to vertebrates, its shape is irregular and flattened, it is large, its color is dark red and it weighs approximately 1.5 kg. In the upper part of the abdomen it can be located, towards its right side and under the diaphragm, it is covered by a fibrous pill and the functions it fulfills are very diverse and really essential for the proper functioning of the body.

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What are the functions of the liver?

It has a multiplicity of functions basically focused on regulating all the toxic substances that the body produces and that people consume on a daily basis. And its importance lies in the fact that it can be seen as a kind of filter through which all the blood that goes from the digestive system is transported and then carried directly to the heart and from here to the body.

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We are going to list the most important basic functions:

Digestion and bile

Thanks to its production of bile, the liver has a fundamental objective in terms of the digestion process. You can say that bile is the combination of water, “bile salts”, a pigment called bilirubin and cholesterol. This mixture is produced by hepatocytes and is stored in the gallbladder.

The nutrients that create cholesterol are transformed by the liver, as well as triglycerides, proteins and sugar. On the other hand, it is also responsible for the metabolism of fats that will eventually form various cell membranes and hormones.

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Stores nutrients

The amount of nutrients that you can save is infinite between vitamins and minerals that are obtained through the food consumed. That is why storing these sustenance will allow you to have a balance of glucose in the blood (also called homeostasis).

Detoxifies the body

Eliminate all those wastes, toxins and chemicals long before they can spread throughout the body . Some of these toxic elements can be found in alcoholic substances, drugs, pharmaceuticals or medications. It also regulates those hormones that come from the body itself in order to guarantee homeostasis.

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You produce blood proteins

It generates protein elements from blood plasma such as prothrombin, fibrinogen, and albumins. The first two participate in the formation of blood clots (which prevent bleeding). The latter ensure that in the presence of body fluids, all the cells that make up the body do not acquire or release water. In addition, the liver accumulates iron which in turn produces hemoglobin .

Keeps the blood clean

Thanks to the presence of cells called Kupffer, it is possible to clean the blood in large quantities and very quickly. In this way, these cells eliminate a variety of fungi, parasites, bacteria or cells that no longer function properly due to wear and tear.

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What system does it belong to? Where is it located?

The liver is one of the organs that make up the digestive system , it is located in the abdominal cavity and is accompanied by the gallbladder, stomach, large and small intestines. The common goal of all these elements is to ensure nutrition.

What is its anatomy and physiology?

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the liver is located in the upper right point of the abdominal space, just below the diaphragm and on the stomach.

There are two elements that give blood support:

  • Oxygenated blood circulates through the hepatic artery to the liver.
  • Nutrient-laden blood reaches the liver through the hepatic portal vein.

It has two primordial lobes that are separated by the falciform ligament, divided into eight segments (four on each side) and these have 1,000 lobes. Additionally they have: the vascular hilum, the gallbladder and the bile duct.

The liver and its pathological diseases

Liver diseases are those conditions that do not allow the proper functioning of the liver. These can be many and their causes are highly variable, but they are differentiated by the speed with which they decompose the liver and here we will tell you about the following:


It is a serious disease, which acts progressively and definitively, preventing the liver from fulfilling its normal functions, since normal liver tissue progressively dies and the liver also hardens.

Among the causes of this terrible disease is:

  • The excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is the most common reason around the world. This behavior also affects the functions of the organ if you have a disease of another origin.
  • Hepatitis C virus , which gives way to the existence of certain antibodies and viruses.
  • Hepatitis B virus, chronically infected thanks to this virus.
  • Autoimmune diseases , which cause the destruction of cells found in the liver because the body does not recognize them.
  • Obstruction of the bile ducts due to birth situations that can trigger cirrhosis in the early life of a baby.
  • Cystic fibrosis modifies the body’s glands and is a genetic disease that can lead to cirrhosis.
  • Hemochromatosis , destroys some tissues of the body due to a high absorption of iron and the liver is exposed to this disease.
  • Wilson’s disease , is that the body of the person is left with much more proportion of copper than it needs. This metal causes damage to the liver if it is deposited in it.


The first thing the specialist doctor must do is verify that it is really cirrhosis and find the cause of it in the following ways:

  • By physical exam : The doctor should examine the patient to determine if he has a liver that is larger in size, hard and with an irregular border.
  • Blood test : to determine if there is anemia due to the decrease in platelets and red blood cells. Protein may also drop in levels. These tests help determine if there is a virus in the blood, the amount of iron in the body, excess copper, and the presence of antibodies.
  • X-ray: with an abdominal ultrasound to determine if there is an increase in the size of the liver or spleen and dilation of its veins. It is determined if it is cirrhosis by ruling out other diseases and the level of liver involvement. This study is easy and fast to carry out.
  • Gastroscopy: its instrument of use is a flexible tube that has a camera that is inserted through the mouth and records until it reaches the stomach and intestine.

Among the most common symptoms, the person feels weak, tired, lacks appetite, their weight decreases, they vomit, the skin may turn yellow, and the abdomen swells.

The procedure to treat this disease will revolve around radical lifestyle changes, not drinking alcohol, having a healthy diet reducing salt intake, getting vaccinated against hepatitis A and B and pneumonia. Ingest only those medicines that are indicated by your doctor. You can use diuretics that help with fluid retention. Consume vitamin K , an aid to the prevention of excessive bleeding, among others.


If it is discovered in time it is important to try to get rid of it through surgeries , thermal ablation or radiation therapy, also treating the subsequent symptoms that may occur after treatment.

In the event that this tumor is malignant, both you and your doctor will make the most pertinent decision about how to act and prevent its growth and expansion.


When a set of oval cells join abnormally on a tissue or organ it is called a nodule.

In the case of the liver, its existence usually does not present symptoms and a small ball develops inside it that measures less than 1 cm and can be easily discovered thanks to abdominal ultrasound. This will only determine the existence or not of the nodule, but to differentiate its degree of danger (benign or malignant), computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are applied. In extreme cases, a biopsy or removal of the entire nodule should be performed.


They have been called “liver cysts” if they are located in the liver . These are fluid filled, are usually benign and asymptomatic.


  • Simple: they vary in size, cause no symptoms, are benign, and tend to be small in size.
  • Large: larger than 5 cm and numerous, causing abdominal discomfort and a feeling of satiety.
  • Polycystic disease: this occurs if there are more than four cysts in the liver and this condition is hereditary.


To avoid reaching this stage of the disease, it is essential to go to the doctor immediately after presenting certain symptoms, in this way a study of the level of progress can be made and making a diagnosis in time could change your future.


Be very alert if you have any of these signs and symptoms:

You do not have any type of diet and still you lose weight , you lose the desire to eat, you feel very full even if you have eaten in small proportions, you have nausea or vomiting , the liver is swollen and the spleen is enlarged, you feel a swollen stomach, a strange itch and your skin turns yellow . These signs may be intensified if you are suffering from cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis.

These are the tests your doctor should perform if you suspect cancer:

  • Evaluate your medical and family history through the physical examination, thus establishing all possible causes and risks. In addition to defining what type of tests and procedures should be performed later.
  • X-rays make it possible to determine the existence of the disease or of spaces that could be suspected for its existence.
  • Ultrasound , we already told you about it before and it is possible that this is one of the first tests that the doctor performs to check the state of the liver and if there are tumors.
  • Computed tomography , help to accurately determine the size, shape and location of the cancerous tumor. They are also used to guide the needle if a biopsy is needed.

Other common tests are MRIs, angiography, bone scan, laparoscopy, biopsy, laboratory tests, tests for: blood, blood clotting, viral hepatitis, kidney function, and complete blood count.

If you are diagnosed with liver cancer, do not lose your calm, inform your doctor appropriately and ask all the pertinent questions with the idea of ​​receiving concrete and honest answers from the specialist, such as: type of cancer, place of liver where it is located, stage and meaning, the organ works well or not, it is necessary to carry out other medical tests or consult with other specialists

Now, let’s say that it is time to make a decision about the treatment and action plan to carry out, you can ask your doctor the following: what types of treatments are there, what are their final objectives and what experience does he have in placing a specific one, the Surgery is an option to treat the disease, what subsequent consequences it entails, how to prepare prior to treatment, duration, etc.

Ready, after defining all these questions and applying the selected medication and process, it is important to know: how that will affect your daily life, there is a chance that the cancer will recur, what to do if the desired results are not obtained, among others.

This is only a guide to help you deal with this situation, however remember that you must ask all the questions that arise to make the path more bearable.


The liver may cause swelling or enlargement and is medically called “hepatomegaly.” It is very common that this condition does not produce symptoms and this is because the liver does not have nerve endings , on the other hand, if it begins to expand and invade spaces of other organs such as the stomach or pancreas, the probability of feeling some type of discomfort increases.

These types of symptoms are usually: muscle pain , discomfort, vomiting, intensity of pain, tension in the abdomen and heaviness , it is possible that the stool and urine change their normal color.

Like all diseases, the causes are always very broad and general, but if any of these occur, be very vigilant: excess alcohol, fatty liver, hepatitis (ABC), mononucleosis, cirrhosis, liver cancer, leukemia or sarcoidosis.

Why does the liver darken the skin?

Let us remember that the liver produces those proteins that collaborate in blood clotting, so if a person develops liver disease it is possible that he or she may produce “ecchymoses” which are spots on the skin due to lack of clotting .

On the other hand, a patient with cirrhosis decreases the number of platelets in his body and increases the difficulty for a correct clotting process to occur.

Perhaps you have heard about yellow skin , like eyes and nails. This occurs thanks to the accumulation and excess of the pigment found in the bile and is called bilirubin, which is not eliminated correctly by the liver due to its malfunction.

If the liver is not working properly, it is possible that it accumulates toxins that are not filtered and the skin reacts to this stimulus, generating itching and external discomfort.

Some of the names of these skin affections are called: Jaundice, Jaundice, “spider angiomas” and palmar erythema. Your doctor will determine if you suffer from any and if they are due to a failure of your liver.

Does the liver regenerate? How often?

Something as incredible and exceptional as the regeneration of an organ the liver makes it possible . How does it work? Liver tissue is made up of cells that have the functionality to increase in order to regenerate it in case a part of it has been eliminated.

These cells are called hepatocytes that act immediately after it is necessary to do so; They activate nearby cells to carry out the same multiplication process, thus achieving liver regeneration .

How does alcohol affect the liver?

We have already told you that this practice seriously affects your physical and psychological health, since the liver absorbs and processes only a limited amount of this substance and this does so in a certain time. This excess spreads throughout the rest of the body causing additional damage to other organs.

Among the number of negative effects that the intake of this element brings to you, it can cause hypertension, irritability in the digestive system, modifies the central nervous system, causes sexual insufficiency in both genders, anxiety and depression.

So think twice before consuming large amounts, remember that health and well-being must always come first.

Fatty liver

For what is this?

It is a benign disease where the liver accumulates in liver cells, fatty acids and triglycerides.

What does it produce in the body and organism?

Like other conditions that we have already talked about, you may not have symptoms, but if you do, they could be: fatigue, discomfort, heaviness after eating, pain just in the upper right part of the abdomen, fatigue and weight loss .

Causes and consequences

  • Alcohol consumption
  • Excessive weight.
  • Increased triglycerides.
  • Consumption of certain drugs.

Medical treatment

It can be based on eliminating the root cause that gives rise to this disorder . For example: ruling out taking medications or drugs that cause fatty liver, doing activities that help you lose weight and thus eliminate unnecessary fat, control diabetes and avoid alcoholic beverages.

Diet and home remedies

Start with a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits . It is not recommended to consume food without first consulting a nutritionist who provides the right diet for each person depending on the case of the condition.

Is the liver involved in digestion?

Undoubtedly! The liver has the function of being the energy center of the body because it controls the storage of simple and complex sugar and when it is required it releases that sugar to supply more energy . In addition to this, it digests fats and produces others necessary for the other organs to function properly.

On the other hand, when eating food, it is digested by both the stomach and the small intestine and its waste goes directly to the liver, which is responsible for discarding it.

Cleanse the liver to lose weight

Cleaning this organ is positive, since its functioning is optimal if all those toxins and fats accumulated in the body are released. When you start your cleaning process, you may suffer from cramps, abdominal pain and continuous bowel movements.

The detox or green juices will help you achieve debug these unwanted substances , can try: watercress, dill, ground ginger, orange and spinach, kelp, green tea , flavonoids and beta carotene such as carrots and beets , avocados, eggplants, endive, olive oil and radishes. Avoid high-fat and processed foods, cold cuts, etc.

What does the liver store in the body?

In addition to the many functions that the liver has, it has the ability to store vitamins, sugars, minerals, vitamins A, E, D and K , it also accumulates additional blood that is released quickly if necessary and iron.

Learn all about the essential vitamins for the proper functioning of your liver:

The liver in hepatitis

When inflammation of the liver occurs, it can be defined as hepatitis that can spontaneously trigger fibrosis, cirrhosis or cancer and are caused by specific hepatitis viruses.

We will differentiate these viruses as follows:

  • Hepatitis A: transmitted by the consumption of contaminated food or water. Also extended by some sexual practices. You can get the vaccine to prevent this condition.
  • Hepatitis B: transmitted by body fluids that are infected. Ex: semen, blood, from a mother to her baby at the time of delivery, contaminated blood products (such as injection drugs). It also has an effective and safe vaccine.
  • Hepatitis C: transferred by contaminated blood (transfusions), during surgical interventions and to a small extent by sexual transmission. This virus, unlike the previous ones, does not have a vaccine.
  • Hepatitis D: occurs only if the person is infected with B. If both viruses are present at the same time, the results are worse.
  • Hepatitis E: It is also transmitted by contaminated food and is the cause of epidemic outbreaks in many countries.

Does the liver hurt or not? Why?

Certainly yes. When the liver is sick and malfunctioning due to many factors that you already know, it is very normal to feel discomfort, swelling and inflammation.

The liver can be donated

It is totally valid to perform a liver transplant that consists of replacing a liver that is not in good function, for another that is healthy. And the technique in which the donor organ is replaced in its original anatomical position is called orthotopic transplantation.

But there is what is called a “living donor liver transplant”, in which they surgically remove a piece of the liver in good condition and place it in the recipient after removing their diseased organ. Hence the importance of the fantastic quality that the liver has of regenerating itself after a few weeks.

But beware, this option is only always feasible for occasions when you really need it , when there are no cure solutions and the patient is at high risk. One of the most common cases is fulminant hepatitis, when the liver deteriorates progressively and rapidly. However, it is also performed when it comes to any liver disease that impairs the functions of the organ in question and compromises the life of the person.

Contraindications of liver transplantation

For this, there are absolute contraindications that do not allow this procedure to be carried out: metastatic extrahepatic cancer, the consumption of alcohol or drugs and serious infections. Regarding the relative contraindications, it is taken into account if the patient is elderly (over 65 years old), if he suffers from heart or lung diseases or any chronic condition that puts his life at risk.

Currently, this treatment is considered one of the most expensive in medicine and, according to each country and the health status of each person, a waiting list is made with certain conditions and characteristics that must be met in order to be transplanted. This is done as there are usually not enough organs from a deceased donor available to help those in need.

We mention the general requirements that you must have if you want to be a liver donor:

  • Be between 18 and 55 years old.
  • The liver must be large enough compared to that of the person receiving it.
  • You must not be pregnant.
  • You should not be overweight, not a smoker, or consume alcoholic beverages.
  • Not have a major medical or psychiatric illness.
  • You do not need to be a relative of the person who receives it.
  • You must be of the same blood group as the person receiving the donation.

Bacteria and white spots in the liver

The liver is capable of collecting pus and this is caused by some fungi , parasites, bacteria or amoebae. This occurs regularly after an infection in the abdomen such as stones or infection in the intestines and appendicitis.

These intra-hepatic stones are often difficult to be perceived through ultrasound or X-rays, if they can be observed , white areas will be seen as the examination is performed, therefore the possibility that the diagnosis is to have a large amount increases. of stones installed in the liver.

Parasites that affect the liver

A parasite can be produced by poor digestion or by eating contaminated products. In addition, it is important that you know that your pets can be a high source of contamination if you do not take the necessary hygiene measures for them.

To find out if you have parasites, the specialist doctor will perform a special examination and evaluate if you have any of these symptoms: hypochlorination and poor protein elimination (kidney).

It is solved by consuming drains that clean both the liver and the kidney, eliminating all toxic substances through the urine. Some drainers that can help you are artichoke, milk thistle and dandelion plants, and rosemary tea .

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Detoxify the liver naturally, how to do it?

There are countless foods that are beneficial to naturally purify your liver when it has excess toxins or when it works excessively due to the constant stress to which you expose it. To achieve its balance and not compromise your health you can consume :

  • Garlic : contains sulfur, which makes liver enzymes work. It also has allicin and selenium (like onion), nutrients that protect said organ.
  • Grapefruit: it has vitamin C and antioxidants . It has the power that the liver can burn certain fats, instead of saving them, thanks to the presence of a flavonoid called naringenin.
  • Green tea : it has vegetable antioxidants that eliminate accumulated fats in the liver and protect it from toxins.
  • Green leafy vegetables : arugula, dandelion, mustard greens and spinach have the function of stimulating the flow of bile and counteracting certain heavy metals.

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Home remedies

You can consume each morning , on an empty stomach, a tablespoon of lemon juice and one of olive oil. Then wait 30 minutes and have a glass of warm water before starting breakfast. Additionally, if you suffer from constipation this remedy will help you.

On the other hand, apples have a fiber that eliminates those toxins located in the digestive tract and prevents overwork of the liver. The recommendation is to consume a fresh organic apple in fruit or juice every morning.

The avocado has vitamins, minerals, nutrients and chemicals that reduce the damage that the liver can suffer. You can consume one per week, for two months. In addition, it is a very rich fruit that can be consumed in different ways.

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Juice therapy

We leave you several preparations that you can make to complement what we mentioned above and make sure you effectively cleanse your liver.

  • Juice 1: 2 beets (absorb the fat that the liver accumulates) and 2 lemons. Peel and chop the beets to place in the blender. Add the lemon juice and 2 cups of water. Ready to consume three times a day for a week!
  • Juice 2: for high billirruibuna, stones or hepatitis you can wash two cups of watercress, boil ½ liter of water and add it there. Let it rest for a few minutes and drink that infusion to take care of your liver.
  • Juice 3: you will only need grapes and sugar. Boil the grapes for 10 minutes, removing their stems and seeds. Add the sugar, remove from the stove, strain and consume cold if you wish.
  • Juice 4: ¼ cup of olive oil and orange juice, ½ tablespoon of ginger and garlic. Blend the ingredients and consume it before going to bed for days in a row.
  • Juice 5: you need 1 apple, 5 carrots, 2 pears and parsley. Remove the center of both the apple and the pear and cut all the ingredients into pieces without removing their peel. Blend with half a glass of water and drink every three days without straining it.

None of these juices can be consumed in excess and always remember to consult your specialist who will give you instructions on what to do throughout this process.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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